• Title/Summary/Keyword: 왜도

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Reconceptualizing the Dynamic Evolution of the Firm : On Learning and Restructuring in Adaptation (기업의 동태적 진화 및 적응 이론에 대한 비판적 고찰 : 적응에 있어 조직학습과 재구조화 관점을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Jong-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.623-638
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    • 2007
  • This paper debates on two different theoretical positions in explaining corporate adaptation. Until the 1980s, a restructuring perspective had dominated in explaining corporate success and adaptation. However, this perspective pays little attention to how firms adapt to environmental change and why some firms adapt successfully, while some others fail to adapt. Thus a restructuring perspective does not give insights into a context-specific explanation of corporate learning and adaptation. More recently, especially since the 1990s, academic focus on corporate adaptation and evolution has shifted towards exploring the nature of learning that leads to the dynamic competitiveness. A learning perspective emphasizes the influence of knowledge, learning and competence on corporate evolution. However, it reveals that this view is also less appropriate for explaining corporate adaptation in radical shifts in environment. In this context, the evolutionary theories of the firm need to seek to maintain a balance between two theoretical positions in order to understand more effectively the dynamic evolution and adaptation of the firm. This paper shows that the dynamics of corporate adaptation and evolution are an outcome of the mixture of perpetual processes of restructuring and learning, both continuous and discontinuous.

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The Political Fandom of Korean and the Acceptance of the Film : ,(2013) vs.,(2014) (한국인의 정치적 팬덤 정서와 영화의 수용 : <변호인>,(2013)과 <국제시장>,(2014)을 중심으로)

  • Choi, Bae Suk
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.289-304
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    • 2018
  • The fandom phenomenon of political emotion originated from ideological conflicts between the conservative and the progressive amplifies social conflicts in South Korea in interpreting and accepting films as culture media. The purpose of this paper is to examine why the structure of political consciousness in South Korea is fandomized, what is the acceptance of cinema at the center of the controversy of political ideology, and what is the desirable attitude of film reception. I conducted a discourse analysis that closely examined the debates and articles on the internet regarding ,(2013) and ,(2014) which were controversial in terms of conservatism and progressivism. As a result, First, while Korean society has not constituted a consensus on modern and contemporary history, it has easily led the acceptance of cinema to the controversy surrounding the political ideology. Second, the failure of constructing consensual memories of modern and contemporary history has made the conservative and the progressive not acknowledge the other's achievements. Third, film interpretation and meaning production are ultimately the roles of the audience, and on interpretation, diversity should be respected but conformity would be rejected. Film acceptance and interpretation should focus on rational awareness of social reality and would reflect on the social ideal objectively.

A Christian Answer to the Problem of Suicide in Korean Society (한국 사회의 자살 문제에 대한 기독교적 답변)

  • Je, Haejong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.552-566
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    • 2015
  • This paper deals with suicide that has become a serious problem in our society as well as in the world today from a Christian perspective. Historical position regarding suicide is divided into two; some see it as a brave and honorable act and give approval to it, the others view it as act of giving up the life that is given by God and are opposed to it. Though suicides in the Bible are mostly committed to maintain honor, because of Augustin's position it became negative in Christianity, leading to a thought that one who committed suicide goes to hell. Why then people commit suicide? The views of scholars on the cause of suicide are divided into three; biological, psychological, sociological. My position is that though each or all of them contribute to suicide, yet the decisive factor is on how a person reacts to them. Major factor of suicide is how humans as interpretive beings accept the present despair. On the basis of this understanding of suicide and humans, I conclude this paper with three new recognitions as an essential answer to suicide. First, humans are made in God's image and belong to Him, thus their life is precious. Second, Christianity views humans as ones look for the hope in the future as the eternal life. Third, suicide is a violation of the commandment 'do not kill' yet it is not an act of sin but a disease that needs to be cured. To achieve this Christianity must not only spread the idea of respect for life and also run suicide prevention center every city.

Sedimentological and Hydromechanical Characteristics of Bed Deposits for the Cultivation of Manila clam, Ruditapes philippinarum in Gomso Tidal Flat (곰소만 조간대 바지락 양식장 저질의 퇴적학적 및 수리역학적 특성)

  • CHO Tae-Chin;LEE Sang-Bae;KIM Suck-Yun
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.245-253
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    • 2001
  • To investigate the effects of hydromechanical and textural characteristics of sediment deposits on the cultivation of Manila clam, Ruditapes philippinarum surface and sub-surface core sediments were collected seasonally in Gomso tidal flat. Grain size distribution were analyzed to investigate the annual variation of sediment texture. In winter unimodal distribution of grain size with the peak at $5\phi$ is dominant However, during the summer sediment texture become a little bit coarser and grain size distribution shows the peaks at $4\~5 \phi$. Optimum sediment texture for the cultivation of manila clam, R. philippinarum was found to be sandy silt in which mean Brain size was between 4 and $5 \phi$ with the sand content less than $50\%$ and clay content of $5\~10\%$. Mechanical and hydrological characteristics of sediment deposits were also studied in the laboratory and the results were applied to the numerical simulation for the behavior of surface sediment subjected to the cyclic loading from sea-water level change. Results of numerical simulation illustrate that the permeability of sediment had to be maintained in the range of $10^{-11}\sim10^{-12}m^2$ to ensure the proper sedimentological environment for the cultivation of manila clam, R. philippinarum. The deposits of virtually impermeable mud layer, with the threshold thickness of 4 cm, would be very hazardous to clam habitat.

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Floristic study of Sobaeksan National Park in Korea (소백산 국립공원의 관속식물상)

  • Jang, Chang-Seok;Yang, Sun-Gyu;Park, Min-Su;Kim, Ki-Hong;Seo, Sang-Won;Oh, Byoung-Un
    • Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.398-414
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    • 2011
  • The flora in the region of Mt. Sobaeksan National Park ($N36^{\circ}50^{\prime}-37^{\circ}50^{\prime}$, $E128^{\circ}20^{\prime}-128^{\circ}43^{\prime}$) was surveyed from April of 2005 to October of 2011. The vascular plants from 27 field surveys were revealed to total 869 taxa, comprising 112 families, 429 genera, 756 species, four subspecies, 91 varieties and 18 forms. Sixty-eight taxa were the first records from this region. This field study discovered significant plants in various categories. Korean endemic plants numbered 25 taxa, and 18 taxa designated by the Korean Forest Service as rare plants were investigated in this region. The taxa in category II of rare and endangered plants and higher than the third degree among the floristic regional indicator plants designated by the Korean Ministry of the Environment were three taxa and 75 taxa, respectively. From a geographical perspective, limited distribution of Saxifraga octopetala, Corydalis grandicalyx, Aegopodium alpestre, and Polygonatum acuminatifolium at a latitude higher than that of Sobaeksan National Park suggest that Sobaeksan National Park might be the limit line of the distribution of the taxa. Stewartia koreana demonstrate a reversed pattern from the taxa above, occurring at a latitude lower than that of Sobaeksan National Park. In addition, naturalized plants of 53 taxa were recorded.

Poverty in Korea, Why It Remains High?: Analysis of the Trend in Poverty since the 1990s (한국의 빈곤, 왜 감소하지 않는가? - 1990년대 이후 빈곤 추이의 분석 -)

  • Ku, In-Hoe
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.56 no.4
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    • pp.57-78
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    • 2004
  • The economic crisis in $1997{\sim}1998$ caused massive unemployment and unprecedentedly increased the number of the poor in Korea. As many unemployed families fell into poverty, the poverty rate skyrocketed to higher than 10 percent. Not later than 2000, unemployment late got back to normal and real average income among urban households approached to the income level prior to the economic crisis. Although the economic crisis has been passed through, poverty was not decreased to the low level prior to the crisis by 2000. Why does it remain high? This study attempts to provide an answer to this question by analysing the poverty trend over the 1990s. Data come from the National Survey of Household Income and Expenditures 1991, 1996, and 20001. Results show that poverty was rapidly reduced in the first half period of the 1990s. This reduction in poverty is largely explained by steady and rapid economic growth. Modest improvement in income inequality also contributed. In contrast, the poverty rate considerably increased in the latter half of the 1990s. Average income was not fully recovered to its prior level, which reflected the economic crisis and the subsequent economic stagnation. Worsened income inequality led to higher poverty rate too. In addition, demographic changes increased the share of economically vulnerable types of families, such as families headed by single parents and the elderly. The most significant factor in explaining the higher poverty rate was extended income differential among non-elderly adults, while the next was the increased number of the elderly families. Yet, findings a little differ depending on which concepts of poverty to adopt. In the analyses based on the concept of absolute poverty, economic growth the most significantly affected the poverty trends in the 1999s. Changes in income inequality played the most important role in explaining the trend in relative poverty. Adopting the concepts of quasi-absolute poverty, which is preferred in this study, results show that rapid economic growth significantly reduced poverty in the first half of the 1990s and both worsened income inequality and stagnated economic growth increased poverty in the latter 1990s.

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Development and Effects on a Program for Decreasing Violent Behaviors of the Spouse Abusers with Drinking Problems - Applying Motivational Enhancement Therapy - (음주문제를 가진 가정폭력가해자 폭력행동감소 프로그램의 개발과 효과 - 동기증진치료의 활용을 중심으로 -)

  • Jang, Soo-Mi
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.56 no.1
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    • pp.103-126
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    • 2004
  • The court-mandated spouse abusers with drinking problems not only resist and complain about taking the court-mandate but also have the low motivation to change their problem drinking and violent behaviors. Therefore, in this study the program is developed to decrease violent behaviors of spouse abusers with drinking problems. Also, the usefulness of this program is examined by quantitative and qualitative methods. The results are as follows: The experimental group's pre-to-post variation is decreased by significant level statistically more than the comparison group's variation in drinking problems. Regarding violent behaviors among groups, the experimental group's pre-to-post and pre-to-followup variation are decreased significantly. It is assumed that Motivation Enhancement Therapy(MET) influences the differences of motivation to change violent behaviors in both groups. The reason is that MET is considered to have influences on the group's dynamics and interaction. Also, it is helpful to change the negative emotions to the positive emotions and to stimulate the group interaction and the participation. This study will be contributed to promote the speciality on providing services for family in a domestic violence in Korea. Through this study, I suggested future implications in research, practice, and political side on spouse abusers with drinking problems.

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Analysis of China's Aid to North Korea: Focusing on The Two-level game theory (중국의 대북지원 결정요인에 관한 연구: 양면게임이론을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Hyun-Jung;Park, Sunhwa
    • Korea and Global Affairs
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.113-136
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to start from the recognition of the problem of why the sanctions of the international community could not indicate a great effect. In order to find answers to this question, this study focuses on China's aid to North Korea and analyzes the determinants of support for North Korea. Despite a tough international community's sanctions against North Korea, China has taken a dual stance on sanctions and support for North Korea. As for this dual attitude of China, this study approaches the internal and external situation of the support to the North with the rationale for the Two-level game theory. China's sanction against North Korea could be divided into two categories: external factors and domestic factors. These factors include strengthening supremacy in China, checking the US, playing a responsible role in China, securing resources in North Korea, sustaining stable growth in China, maintaining the legitimacy of China's socialist political system, and spreading the Beijing consensus. Based on the analysis of these factors, it could be expected that China's aid for North Korea will be official, informal, or continuous, and it will be difficult for the North to stop supporting North Korea or deteriorating North Korea- China relations.

A Study on Motivation Factor of Knowledge Sharing Behavior in Online Community (온라인 커뮤니티에서의 지식공유행동의 동기요인에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Yu-Kyung
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.271-305
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    • 2012
  • Due to the growing activity of online communities recently, its influence is gradually growing. Furthermore, it also has a huge effect on corporations in establishing their marketing strategy. One important aspect that occurs is that there is a high possibility that the interest of online community members, which was first organized because of a common interest, will be similar. Thus, there is a growing desire to share information and knowledge that would be mutually useful among them. Therefore, this study aims at revealing the motivation factors on why such knowledge sharing behavior occurs among online community members that are voluntarily organized. The detailed objectives of this survey is to first conduct qualitative research on online community members, and then to examine what are the motivation factors that cause knowledge sharing behavior among online community members. Second, by developing questionnaires according to the analyzed contents of the qualitative research results, the reliability and feasibility of such questions are to be verified. As a result, new motivation factor of knowledge sharing which was not suggested in the existing studies because of characteristics of online community was revealed. If the results of existing related studies and those of this study are compared, the six factors such as desire of showing off, awareness, perceived benefits, pleasure, challenge and sense of belonging except for motivator such as sense of achievement and compensation, trust are newly discovered motivators of knowledge sharing behavior.

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Exploring the Relationships Among Teacher Questions, Turn-Taking Patterns, and Student Talks in Mathematics Classrooms (수학 교실에서 교사 질문, 말하기 차례 규칙, 학생 발화 사이의 관계 분석)

  • Hwang, Sunghwan
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.439-460
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    • 2019
  • In this study, we examined classroom interaction to explore the relationships among teacher questions, turn-taking patterns, and student talks in mathematics classrooms. We analyzed lessons given by three elementary teachers (two first-grade teachers and one second-grade teacher) who worked in the same school using a conversation-analytic approach. We observed individual classrooms three times in a year. The results revealed that when teachers provided open-ended questions, such as "why and how" questions and "agree and disagree" questions, and used a non-IRE pattern (teacher initiation-student response-teacher feedback; Mehan, 1979), students more actively engaged in classroom discourse by justifying their ideas and refuting others' thinking. Conversely, when teachers provided closed-ended questions, such as "what" questions, and used an IRE pattern, students tended to give short answers focusing on only one point. The findings suggested teachers should use open-ended questions and non-IRE turn-taking patterns to create an effective math-talk learning community. In addition, school administrators and mathematics educators should support teachers to acquire practical knowledge regarding this approach.