• Title/Summary/Keyword: 와이브로

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Variable Conversion Gain Mixer for Dual Mode Receiver (이중 모우드 수신기용 가변 변환이득 믹서)

  • Park, Hyun-Woo;Koo, Kyung-Heon
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.138-144
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, dual mode FET mixer for WiBro and wireless LAN(WLAN) applications has been designed in the form of dual gate FET mixer by using the cascode structure of two single gate pHEMTs. The designed dual gate mixer has been optimized to have variable conversion gain for WiBro and WLAN applications in order to save dc power consumption. The LO to RF isolation of the designed mixer is more than 20dB from 2.3GHz to 2.5GHz band. With the LO power of 0dBm and RF power of -50dBm, the mixer shows 15dB conversion gain. When RF power increases from -50dBm to -20dBm, the conversion gain decreases to -2dB from 15dB with bias change. The variable conversion gain has several advantages. It can reduce the high dynamic range requirement of AGC burden at IF stage. Also, it can save the dc power dissipation of mixer up to 90%.

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Raptor FEC Based Channel-Adaptive Video Transmission Scheme over WiBro Network (와이브로 환경에서 랩터 FEC 기반의 채널 적응형 비디오 전송 기법)

  • Kim, Hye-Soo;Jeong, Jae-Yun;Byun, Keun-Yung;Nam, Hyeong-Min;Ko, Sung-Jea
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.29-36
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    • 2009
  • The packet loss and the disconnection during handoff are the most critical problems which degrade the video quality in wireless video streaming. To cope with these problems, we propose an efficient video streaming method in this paper, which does not only dynamically adjust the video transmission rate based on the raptor forward error correction (FEC) level, but also minimize the error propagation during handoff. Firstly, the channel bandwidth of the wireless broadband internet, called WiBro, is estimated by analyzing channel parameters including the carrier to interference and noise ratio (CINR) and the handoff. Secondly, the streaming server adjusts the next transmission rate according to the estimated channel bandwidth and the raptor FEC level to avoid packet error. Also, the encoder performs the intra refresh method that inserts an intra frame (I-frame) right after handoff to reduce the error propagation effectively. Experimental results indicate that the proposed method can improve the performance of the video streaming over WiBro network.

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Implementation of High-Power PM Diode Switch Modules and High-Speed Switch Driver Circuits for Wibro Base Stations (와이브로 기지국 시스템을 위한 고전력 PIN 다이오드 스위치 모듈과 고속 스위치 구동회로의 구현)

  • Kim, Dong-Wook;Kim, Kyeong-Hak;Kim, Bo-Bae
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.18 no.4 s.119
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    • pp.364-371
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    • 2007
  • In this paper, the design and implementation of high-power PIN diode switch modules and high-speed switch driver circuits are presented for Wibro base stations. To prevent isolation degradation due to parasitic inductances of conventional packaged PIN diodes and to improve power handling capabilities of the switch modules, bare diode chips are used and carefully placed in a PCB layout, which makes bonding wire inductances to be absorbed in the impedance of a transmission line. The switch module is designed and implemented to have a maximum performance while using a minimum number of the diodes. It shows an insertion loss of ${\sim}0.84\;dB$ and isolation of 80 dB or more at 2.35 GHz. The switch driver circuit is also fabricated and measured to have a switching speed of ${\sim}200\;nsec$. The power handling capability test demonstrates that the module operates normally even under a digitally modulated 70 W RF signal stress.

Performance Characteristic of satellite Wibro system in the high-speed Railroad Channel Environment

  • Song, Seung-Won;Cho, Hyun-Myung;Lee, Byung-Seub;Shin, Min-Su;Ryu, Joon-Gyu;Chang, Dae-Ig
    • Journal of Satellite, Information and Communications
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2007
  • In this paper, we describe the performance degradation of satellite Wibro system and compensation method in the high-speed railroad channel environment. High-speed railroad channel environment is divided into LOS channel and tunnel. In the LOS channel, signal blocking caused by railroad power feeder structures can be a critical problem which is can be solved with antenna diversity. On the other hand, multi path interference phenomenon, representable by propagation model of Optic Fiber, occurred in the tunnel may be another obstacle. These satellite Wibro system performance degradations in railroad channel environment are addressed and adequate compensation methods are proposed and verified through computer simulation. In addition, the ICI caused by Doppler shift in OFDM system is analyzed with its compensation method.

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An Enhanced Fast Handover Scheme for Real-Time Traffic in IPv6 Based WiBro Network (IPv6기반 와이브로 시스템에서 실시간 트래픽을 위한 개선된 빠른 핸드오버 방안)

  • Jeong, Seok-Jong;Lee, Sung-Kuen;Park, Jin-Woo
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.33 no.4A
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    • pp.377-386
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, a new handover management scheme has been proposed to reduce handover latency and to support fast handover without packet losses, so that it may be applicable to the wireless mobile Internet system such as IPv6-based WiBro system. To minimize the handover latency in processing of movement detection, we propose the handover management scheme which simplifies the handover message exchanging procedure between mobile subscriber station (MSS) and network by integrating layer 2 and layer 3 handovers efficiently based on the layer2 information. To reduce the processing delay from new care-of-address (NCoA) configuration during handover, we propose that NCoA is created, distributed and managed by new access control router (NACR). In addition, in order to minimize the packet transmission delay and eliminate the packet losses, the proposed scheme employs a crossover router (CR) which is upper network located over PACR and NACR and employs the packet buffering for MSS. The simulation study shows that the proposed scheme achieves loss-free packet delivery and low latency in the environment of narrow overlapped cell area or high velocity of the MSS, comparing the performance with the conventional schemes.

Analysis of CISPR Interference Model and the Emission Limits for ISM Equipment (ISM 기기의 전파간섭 모형 및 방사 기준치 분석)

  • Park, J.A.;Park, S.K.
    • Electronics and Telecommunications Trends
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.133-143
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    • 2009
  • 본 논문에서는 WRC-12 의제 8.1.1과 관련하여 ISM 기기로부터 전파통신 서비스의 영향을 파악할 목적으로 CISPR 통계적인 전파혼신 모형과 CISPR 11의 방사 기준치를 수신전력 관점에서 분석하였고, 산업공단에 설치된 열처리용 ISM 기기와 병원의 MRI로부터 복사되는 전파세기의 필드 측정치를 제시하였다. 본 논문의 분석결과에 따르면, 2.3GHz 주파수 대역에 적용되는 CISPR 11의 방사 첨두치 $110dB{\mu}V/m@3m$와 가중치 $60dB{\mu}V/m@3m$는 와이브로 보호를 위하여 재검토할 필요가 있다.

Implementation and Evaluation of the Wibro-based Location Identification System for Air Base Protection Force (Wibro 기반 비행기지 방어전력 위치식별체계 구축 및 실험)

  • Pyo, Sang-Ho;Koo, Jung;Ko, Young-Bae;Kim, Ki-Hyung
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.306-314
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    • 2012
  • This paper proposes a new system to maximize efficiency of Air Base Protection Operations through the development of location identification software. The Wibro-based location identification system for Air Base Protection Force offers Blue Ground Force digitalized character message which is not exposed to enemy. Also, it is possible to automatically provide the location of Blue Ground Force to Air Base Ground Operations Center. The test result proves that this system is very helpful when Air Base Protection Force executes Air Base Protection Operations.

IPTV+BcN 컨버전스 표준화

  • Choe, Jun-Gyun;Ham, Jin-Ho
    • TTA Journal
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    • s.107
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    • pp.24-29
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    • 2006
  • 차세대 인프라인 광대역통합망(BcN)은 이미 음성과 데이터 통합, 통신과 방송 융합, 유무선 통합이 가능한 AII-IP 망을 구축함으로써 컨버전스를 완성하는 비전을 제시하고 있다. 음성과 데이터 통합은 통합서비스나 네트워크 구축 측면에서 활발하게 진행되고 유무선 통합도 와이브로와 3세대 이동통신(WCDMA) 등 올 IP기반 무선망이 등장하면서 관심이 높아지고 있다. 이 가운데 가장 주목을 받는 것이 IPTV(인터넷 방송)이다. IPTV의 잠재력은 2012년까지 국내 생산유발 효과가 12조9천억원으로 고용창출 효과도 7만여 명에 달하며(출처 : ETRI) 세계 IPTV 서비스 가입자 수는 2013년 5천 300만 명에 다다를 것(출처 : Dittberner Associates)이라고 한다. 이번 호에는 BcN + IPTV 컨버전스 표준화 특집과 연동하여 TTA 표준화위원회 전문가와의 인터뷰를 통해 향후 기술전망과 함께 국제표준화 대응전략에 대하여 들어본다.

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A Study on IPv6 Deployment over WiBro (와이브로에서의 IPv6에 대한 연구)

  • Ahn, Jin-Sub;Sohn, Ju-Hang;Lee, Hyo-Jun;Kim, Min-Taig
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2007.06d
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    • pp.310-314
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    • 2007
  • WiBro는 IEEE 802.16에 이동성을 추가한 것으로서 현재 IPv4만을 지원하는데, IPv6를 적용할 경우 발생할 수 있는 문제점들은 최근에 이르러서야 이슈가 되고 있다. WiBro MAC은 IP 프로토콜 설계시 기본이 되는 이더넷과 많은 차이점이 존재한다. 망 구성요소들의 점대다(point-to-multipoint) 연결 형태와 상향링크 멀티캐스트 불가능으로 인해 정상적인 IP 멀티캐스팅/브로드캐스팅 동작이 어렵기 때문이다. 또한 이더넷과 같이 48비트 MAC 주소를 사용하는 것이 아니라 16비트 CID를 사용하기 때문에 IPv6를 적용할 경우 IPv6 Address Auto-Configuration, Neighbor Discovery, Duplicate Address Detection, Multicast Listener Discovery 등에서 정상적인 동작이 불가능하다. 이에 본 논문은 WiBro의 IPv6에서 MLD 프로토콜 적용방안과 무선자원을 효과적으로 사용하는 방법을 제시한다.

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WiFi Access User Authentication in Broadband Wireless Access Network (광대역 무선 엑세스 망에서 WiFi 액세스 사용자 인증)

  • Lee, Yong;Lee, Goo-Yeon
    • Journal of Industrial Technology
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    • v.28 no.B
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    • pp.33-37
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    • 2008
  • Recently, there have been intensive researches on the wireless Internet access through WiFi WLAN using WiRro network as backhaul link in the Internet service providing business area. However, in the wireless Internet access method, we need to solve the compatibility problem for different user authentications between licensed WiBro network and unlicensed WiFi network for billing and user management. In this paper, we propose an authentication method for WiFi users by BWAN operators through WiNNERs which is RS connecting the two networks, and discuss the effectiveness of the method.

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