• Title/Summary/Keyword: 오메가 3 지방산

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Investigation on Media Composition for Cultivation of a Newly Isolated Freshwater Microalga Parachlorella sp. to Enhance Fatty Acid Productivity (신규 분리된 담수미세조류 Parachlorella sp.의 지방산 생산성 향상을 위한 배지 조성 연구)

  • Park, Hanwool;Yim, Kyung June;Min, Ji-Ho;Kang, Sung-Mo;Han, Chan-woo;Lee, Chang-Soo;Jung, Ji Young;Hong, Seong-Joo;Lee, Choul-Gyun;Kim, Z-Hun
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.328-336
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    • 2020
  • Parachlorella sp. is an efficient fatty acid producer that can be used in the production of biofuels, feeds, and fertilizers. Microalgae show varying responses to culture conditions, even those within the same species. In this study, growth and fatty acid composition of a newly isolated Parachlorella sp. from the Nakdong river of Korea in different culture media were investigated. The microalga was cultivated in 400 ml bubble column photobioreactors using BG-11, BBM, TAP, and modified TAP (MTAP) media. It was shown that using BBM led to greater fatty acid accumulation (34%), while using TAP medium led to greater biomass productivity (0.34 g/l/day). Composition of the TAP medium was modified to have the N:P ratio of BBM while also varying concentrations of N and P to improve fatty acid productivity. One of the modified TAP media, MTAP-1 (104.8 mgN/l, 135.2 mgP/l, N:P ratio = 0.77), showed the highest fatty acid concentration of 0.69 ± 0.04 g/l, while those from TAP and BBM were 0.48 ± 0.06 g/l and 0.40 ± 0.02 g/l, respectively. The results showed that microalgal fatty acid productivity could be enhanced by changing the N:P ratio and concentrations.

Effects of Omega-3 on Lipid and Liver Function Tests (Omega-3가 지질과 간기능검사에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Woo-Soon
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science
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    • v.50 no.2
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    • pp.183-189
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    • 2018
  • Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, including eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), are found in fish and fish oil. Recent studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids are effective in cancer, cardiovascular disease, immune system, cirrhosis, and nervous system disorders. In particular, omega-3 was also reported to help improve hyperlipidemia and liver function tests. On the other hand, there are few cases in Korea. This study examined whether omega-3 is effective in improving hyperlipemia and liver function by taking 1 gm/day for 2 weeks. As a result, AST was decreased in the liver function test, and GGT related to alcoholic hepatitis and fatty liver showed significant results. Omega-3 has been shown to help improve the liver function. The triglyceride, total cholesterol, and low density cholesterol associated with cardiovascular disease decreased after omega-3 ingestion, particularly high density cholesterol. Omega-3 has also been shown to improve the hyperlipidemia. Comparisons between males and females before and after the ingestion of omega-3 showed significant results in AST (P<0.01) from the male group and in GGT (P<0.01) and high density cholesterol (P<0.01) from the female group. As a result, omega-3 intake can help control and improve liver function and hyperlipidemia.

"Globalization of Omega-3 Perilla Oil" as a new green growth plant (신녹색 성장식물 "오메가-3 들깨기름 세계화")

  • Chung, Hoon-Baek
    • Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2012.05a
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    • pp.5-5
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    • 2012
  • 들깨는 아직 식물학적으로 분류는 되어 잇지 않으나 일반 식물분류학상 꿀풀과(진형과(唇形科); Labiatae)에 속하는 1년생 초본으로 동부 아시아지역이 원산지로 한국, 일본, 중국 동북부 등의 저위도 지역에서 광지역성 작물로 생육온도가 $10{\sim}15^{\circ}C$ 사이에서는 광합성 속도가 거의 변화가 없고 $20^{\circ}C$에서 최대에 이르며 $25^{\circ}C$ 이상의 온도에서는 급격히 떨어지는 것으로 보고되어 있다. 들깨의 생육 적온은 $20^{\circ}C$ 전후로 벼, 옥수수 등 다른 여름작물에 비해 낮으며, 온도에 대한 반응은 매우 둔감한 반면, 광량에는 아주 민감하게 반응하는 기름작물이다. 우리나라의 농서에는 이조시대인 1429년 정초(鄭招)의 농사직설(農事直說)에서 들깨를 유마(油麻), 수임자(水荏子)로 기록한 이래 여러 문헌에 임(荏), 임자(荏子), 수임(水荏), 수소마(水蘇麻), 유마(油麻), 지마(脂麻) 등으로 불리워져 왔다. 예로부터 들깨는 쓰임새도 다양하여 식용기름, 등화용 이외에도 잎에서 나는 독특한 냄새를 가축들이 싫어하여 농작물을 보호하기 위한 목적으로 밭 둘레에 심거나 기상재해로 소득 작물 재배가 어려울 때 대파작물(代播作物)로 이용되어 왔다. 세계적으로 한국인만 식용으로 즐겨 사용하는 들깨가 근래에는 경제성장으로 국민 소비형태가 다양화되는 추세로 들깨를 종실뿐 아니라 신선 잎채소로 이용하는 양이 크게 증가하고 있으며 들깨기름에 들어있는 ${\alpha}$-리놀렌산이 오메가-3 지방산으로서 고혈압 등의 성인병 예방과 학습능력향상에 효과적이라는 사실이 밝혀짐에 따라 들깨를 이용한 오메가3 계란, 오메가3 두유 등 다양하게 건강식품으로 응용되고 최근 동물성 어류에서 추출하던 오메가-3 해양 오염. 프랑크톤의 먹이사슬 등의 환경문제로 들깨기름의 식물성 오메가-3로 대체하는 영향이 세계적으로 인식되기 시작하여 우리 한국 들깨의 우수성을 세계인들에게 널리 알리는데 노력하여야 하고 국내에서 농촌에 들깨 심기을 보다 확대하여 소득작물로 육성하여야 한다고 본다. 들깨는 식물 유지류 작물중 오메가-3가 가장 많은 60%이상의 함유량으로 기능성 건강 보조식품의 원료 및 사료로 이용되는 등 새로운 소득 작물로 자리 잡아가고 있다.

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Characterization of Hempseed Protein in Cheungsam from Korea (한국산 청삼 헴프단백질의 특성 분석)

  • Kim, Jum-Ji;Lee, Mi-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.1763-1769
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    • 2011
  • The neutrichemical analysis of hempseed from Cheungsam was performed in order to apply hempseed to food industry. Cheungsam hempseed was mainly composed of crude fat (30.52%) and protein (30.02%). The hempseed fat contained about 88% of polyunsaturated fatty acids, and the omega-6 to omega-3 ratio was determined to be approximately 3:1. Hempseed from Cheungsam was rich in essential amino acids. Moreover, hempseed protein from Cheungsam, extracted by acid-base precipitation method, showed free radical scavenging activity. The results suggest that Cheungsam hempseed protein could be utilized as a superior source of protein nutrition.

Varietal Difference of Oil Content and Omega Fatty Acid omposi tion in Korea Local Perilla (들깨 지방수집종의 기름함량 및 오메가 지방산 조성 차이)

  • Ryu, Su-Noh;Lee, Jung-Il;Lee, Hyo-Sung;Park, Chung-Berm;Sung, Byung-Ryeol
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    • v.38 no.6
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    • pp.560-565
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    • 1993
  • This study was conducted to obtain basic information for breeding materials on the oil quality improvement of perilla seeds. Oil contents and omega(${\omega}$)fatty acid compositions of seeds were investigated to 317 varieties of domestic perillas. Oil contents of 317 perilla varieties ranged from 35.6 to 55.3 with 44.5% of varietal mean. The major omega fatty acids contained in the oil were oleic acid(${\omega}$-9) 15.2%, linoleic acid(${\omega}$-36) 13.9% and linolenic acid(${\omega}$-3) 63.1% in the mean value. Varietal variation of $\omega$-9, 6 and 3 fatty acids ranged of 9.5~21.4%, 9.1~20.4% and 50.6~70.5% respectively. Unsaturated fatty acid were averaged 92.2% of seed oil in fatty acid composition. The ratios of ${\omega}$-6 to ${\omega}$-3 ranged of 0.13~0.34%(0.22% in mean value). The highest linolenic acid variety was Yecheonjong being 70.5%. The lowest variety in rations of ${\omega}$-6 to ${\omega}$-3 was Goseongjong being 0.13%. Oil content showed positive correlation with stearic acid and linolenic acid, while the negative correlation with oil content and linoleic acid. On the other hand, A significant negative correlation were showed between lionolenic acid and the ratios ${\omega}$-6 / ${\omega}$-3 fatty acid, saturated fatty acid. Saturated fatty acid was highly correlated with unsaturated fatty acid negatively being r=-0.723$^{**}$

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The effect of high omega-3, -6 fatty acid feeding on the free fatty acid profile and meat quality traits of pork loin (오메가-3, -6 지방산 고 함유 급이가 돼지 등심의 지방산조성과 품질특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Seol, Kuk-Hwan;Kim, Ki Hyun;Joo, Bum Jin;Kim, Jo Eun;Kim, Kwang-Sik;Kim, Young Hwa;Park, Jun Cheol;Lee, Mooha
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.213-220
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    • 2014
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of high n-3 or n-6 diet on free fatty acid profile and meat quality traits of pork loin. The 20 heads of commercial $Landrace{\times}Yorkshire{\times}Duroc(LYD)$ crossbreed pigs ($90.9{\pm}2.4BWkg$) were divided into four groups by added fat and oils, such as 5% tallow (Control), 5% linseed oil (T1), 5% safflower oil (T2), and mixture of linseed oil (2.5%) + safflower oil (2.5%) (T3), then reared 4 weeks. Pork loins were taken after slaughter, then sliced in 2 cm thickness and put in low-density polyethylene (LDPE) bag for analysis. T1 showed significantly high concentration of linolenic acid ($2.35{\pm}0.21%$) (p<0.05). The total amount of saturated fatty acids (SFA), mono-unsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) and poly-unsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) was significantly high in T1 ($36.05{\pm}1.18%$), C ($22.60{\pm}2.11%$) and T2 ($47.80{\pm}1.29%$), respectively (p<0.05). However, the ratio of n-6:n-3 was significantly low in T1 ($11.57{\pm}0.90$) than that of T2 ($37.56{\pm}12.51$) (p<0.05). There was no signigicant difference in lightness, redness, pH, water holding capacity and cooking loss between treatments (p>0.05). However, the yellowness of T2 was significantly higher than others (p<0.05). From those results, it was considered that feeding high n-3 and n-6 fatty acid diet to pig enables modify fatty acid profile of pork without any side effect on meat quality.