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Inhomogeneity correction in on-line dosimetry using transmission dose (투과선량을 이용한 온라인 선량측정에서 불균질조직에 대한 선량 보정)

  • Wu, Hong-Gyun;Huh, Soon-Nyung;Lee, Hyoung-Koo;Ha, Sung-Whan
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.139-147
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    • 1998
  • Purpose: Tissue inhomogeneity such as lung affects tumor dose as well as transmission dose in new concept of on-line dosimetry which estimates tumor dose from transmission dose using the new algorithm. This study was carried out to confirm accuracy of correction by tissue density in tumor dose estimation utilizing transmission dose. Methods: Cork phantom (CP, density 0.202gm/cm30.202gm/cm3) having similar density with lung parenchyme and polystyrene phantom (PP, density 1.040gm/cm31.040gm/cm3) having similar density with soft tissue were used. Dose measurement was carried out under condition simulating human chest. On simulating AP-PA irradiation, PPs with 3 cm thickness were placed above and below CP, which had thickness of 5, 10, and 20 cm. On simulating lateral irradiation, 6 cm thickness of PP was placed between two 10 cm thickness CPs additional 3 cm thick PP was placed to both lateral sides. 4, 6, and 10 MV x-ray were used. Field size was in the range of 3×33×3 cm through 20×2020×20 cm, and phantom-chamber distance (PCD) was 10 to 50 cm. Above result was compared with another sets of data with equivalent thickness of PP which was corrected by density. Result: When transmission dose of PP was compared with equivalent thickness of CP which was corrected with density, the average error was 0.18 (±0.27±0.27) % for 4 MV, 0.10 (±0.43±0.43) % for 6 MV, and 0.33 (±0.30±0.30) % for 10 MV with CP having thickness of 5 cm. When CP was 10 cm thick, the error was 0.23 (±0.73±0.73) %, 0.05 (±0.57±0.57) %, and 0.04 (±0.40±0.40) %, while for 20 cm, error was 0.55 (±0.36±0.36) %, 0.34 (±0.27±0.27) %, and 0.34 (±0.18±0.18) % for corresponding energy. With lateral irradiation model, difference was 1.15 (±1.86±1.86) %, 0.90 (±1.43±1.43) %, and 0.86 (±1.01±1.01) % for corresponding energy. Relatively large difference was found in case of PCD having value of 10 cm. Omitting PCD with 10 cm, the difference was reduced to 0.47 (±±1.17) %, 0.42 (±±0.96) %, and 0.55 (±±0.77) % for corresponding energy. Conclusion When tissue inhomogeneity such as lung is in tract of x-ray beam, tumor dose could be calculated from transmission dose after correction utilizing tissue density.

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Breathing Reserve Index at Anaerobic Threshold of Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (만성폐쇄성 폐질환의 운동부하 심폐기능검사에서 무산소역치 예비호흡지수의 의의)

  • Lee, Byoung-Hoon;Kang, Soon-Bock;Park, Sung-Jin;Jee, Hyun-Suk;Choi, Jae-Chol;Park, Yong-Bum;Ahn, Chang-Hyuk;Kim, Jae-Yeol;Park, In-Won;Choi, Byung-Whui;Hue, Sung-Ho
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.46 no.6
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    • pp.795-802
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    • 1999
  • Objective : Cardiopulmonary exercise test is a useful tool to evaluate the operative risk and to plan exercise treatment for the patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD). In cardiopulmonary exercise test, most of the measured parameters are recorded at the time of peak exercise, which are hard to attain in COPD patients. So we evaluated the usefulness of the parameter, breathing reserve index(BRI=minute ventilation [VEVE]/maximal voluntary ventilation[MVV]) at the time of anaerobic threshold(BRIATBRIAT) for the differentiation of COPD patients with normal controls. Methods : Thirty-six COPD patients and forty-two healthy subjects underwent progressive, incremental exercise test with bicycle ergometer upto possible maximal exercise. All the parameters was measured by breath by breath method. Results : The maximal oxygen uptake in COPD patients (mean±±SE) was 1061.2±65.6ml/min1061.2±65.6ml/min which was significantly lower than 2137.6±91.4ml/min2137.6±91.4ml/min of normal subjects(p<0.01). Percent predicted maximal oxygen uptake was 54.3% in COPD patients and 86.0% in normal subjects(p<0.01). Maximal exercise(respiratory quotient; VCO2/VO21.09VCO2/VO21.09) was accomplished in 7 of 36 COPD patients(19.4%) and in 18 of 42 normal subjects(42.9%). The BRIATBRIAT of COPD patients was higher(0.50±0.030.50±0.03) than that of control subject(028±0.02028±0.02, p<0.01), reflecting early hyperventilation in COPD patient during exercise. The correlation between BRIATBRIAT and BRI at maximal exercise in COPD patients was good(r=0.9687, p<0.01). Conclusion : The BRIATBRIAT could be a useful parameter for the differentiation of COPD patients with normal controls in the submaximal cardiopulmonary exercise test.

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Oxidative Inactivation of Peroxiredoxin Isoforms by H2O2 in Pulmonary Epithelial, Macrophage, and other Cell Lines with their Subsequent Regeneration (폐포상피세포, 대식세포를 비롯한 각종 세포주에서 H2O2에 의한 Peroxiredoxin 동위효소들의 산화에 따른 불활성화와 재생)

  • Oh, Yoon Jung;Kim, Young Sun;Choi, Young In;Shin, Seung Soo;Park, Joo Hun;Choi, Young Hwa;Park, Kwang Joo;Park, Rae Woong;Hwang, Sung Chul
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.58 no.1
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    • pp.31-42
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    • 2005
  • Background : Peroxiredoxins (Prxs) are a relatively newly recognized, novel family of peroxidases that reduce H2O2H2O2 and alkylhydroperoxide into water and alcohol, respectively. There are 6 known isoforms of Prxs present in human cells. Normally, Prxs exist in a head-to-tail homodimeric state in a reduced form. However, in the presence of excess H2O2H2O2, it can be oxidized on its catalytically active cysteine site into inactive oxidized forms. This study surveyed the types of the Prx isoforms present in the pulmonary epithelial, macrophage, endothelial, and other cell lines and observed their response to oxidative stress. Methods : This study examined the effect of exogenous, excess H2O2H2O2 on the Prxs of established cell lines originating from the pulmonary epithelium, macrophages, and other cell lines, which are known to be exposed to high oxygen partial pressures or are believed to be subject to frequent oxidative stress, using non-reducing SDS polyacrylamide electrophoresis (PAGE) and 2 dimensional electrophoresis. Result : The addition of excess H2O2H2O2 to the culture media of the various cell-lines caused the immediate inactivation of Prxs, as evidenced by their inability to form dimers by a disulfide cross linkage. This was detected as a subsequent shift to its monomeric forms on the non-reducing SDS PAGE. These findings were further confirmed by 2 dimensional electrophoresis and immunoblot analysis by a shift toward a more acidic isoelectric point (pI). However, the subsequent reappearance of the dimeric Prxs with a comparable, corresponding decrease in the monomeric bands was noted on the non-reducing SDS PAGE as early as 30 minutes after the H2O2H2O2 treatment suggesting regeneration after oxidation. The regenerated dimers can again be converted to the inactivated form by a repeated H2O2H2O2 treatment, indicating that the protein is still catalytically active. The recovery of Prxs to the original dimeric state was not inhibited by a pre-treatment with cycloheximide, nor by a pretreatment with inhibitors of protein synthesis, which suggests that the reappearance of dimers occurs via a regeneration process rather than via the de novo synthesis of the active protein. Conclusion : The cells, in general, appeared to be equipped with an established system for regenerating inactivated Prxs, and this system may function as a molecular "on-off switch" in various oxidative signal transduction processes. The same mechanisms might applicable other proteins associated with signal transduction where the active catalytic site cysteines exist.

The Results of Curative Radiotherapy for the Uterine Cervical Cancer (자궁경부암의 근치적 방사선치료 성적)

  • Kim, Hyoung-Jin;Kim, Jung-Soo;Kwon, Hyoung-Cheol;Kim, Jin-Kee;Oh, Byung-Chan
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.191-199
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    • 1996
  • Purpose : To evaluate 5-year survival rate, patterns of failure and complications of cervical cancer treatment, fifty nine patients treated by curative radiotherapy for the uterine cervical cancer were analyzed retrospectively. Materials and Methods : From March 1986 to May 1990, fifty nine patients with histologically proven uterine cervical cancer were analyzed. According to FIGO stage, there were 2 patients (3.4%3.4%) in stage Ib, 2 patients (3.4%3.4%) in stage IIa, 31 patients (52.5%52.5%) in stage IIb, 15 patients (25.4%25.4%) in stage IIIb, 9 patients (15.3%15.3%) in stage IV. External RT was per formed by 6 MVLINAC with daily 1.8 Gy, 5 times per week and followed by ICR. A point dose of ICR was calculated to 30-43.66 Gy (median: 34.6 Gy). These techniques delivered total A Point dose of 80.4 to 109.8 Gy (median: 85 Gy). Patients had been followed up from 2 to 110 months (median: 61 months) Results : The overall 5-year survival rate & disease free survival rate were 55.9%55.9% and 55.0%55.0% respectively. According to FIGO stage, the 5-year survival rate for less than IIa, IIb, IIIb, IV were 75.0%75.0%, 74.8%74.8%, 26.7%26.7%, 33.3%33.3%, respectively. In univariate analysis, the 5-year survival rate for stage IIb and below versus stage IIIa and above revealed 74.8%74.8%, 29.2%29.2% respectively (P<0.005). According to the hemoglobin level during RT, the 5-rear survival rate of was 73.3%73.3% for patients with Hg 10 gm/dL or higher, in contrast to 0%0% for those with lower than 10 gm/dL (p<0.005). In 18 patients with nonbulky tumor (<5cm), the 5-year survival rates were 71.8%71.8%. The 5-rear survival rates for 18 patients with 5 cm or greater in tumor diameter were 22.2%22.2% (p<0.005). The 5-year survival rate for Patient age of above 50 years and below were 65.3%65.3% 34.2%34.2% respectively (p<0.05). ECOG performance status. pathologic finding, total dose, total treatment time were not statistically significant factors. The significant prognostic factors affecting overall 5-year survival rate by multivariate analysis showed the hemoglobin level during RT (P=0.0001), tumor size (p=0.0390), FIGO stage (p=0.0468). Total recurrence rate was 23.7%23.7% local failure 15.2% (9/59), distant metastasis 6.8% (4/59), local and distant metastasis 1.7% (1/59). According to the RTOG/EORTC Soma Scales, the late complication rate was 23.8% (14/59) The late complication rate of colorectum and genitourinary tract were 15.3% (9/59), 8.5% (5/59), respectively: 10 patients (17.0%) were grade 2, 3 Patients (5.1%) were grade 3 and one patient (1.7%) was grade 4. The late complications were radiation proctitis, rectal bleeding, radiation colitis, diarrhea and radiation cystitis in decreasing order. Conclusion : For improvement of therapeutic results, prospective randomized trials are recomended to discover new prognostic factors and more aggressive radiation therapeutic methods are needed for poor prognostic patients. The adjuvant chemotherapy or radiation-sensitizing agents must be considered to inhibit regional and distant metastasis.

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Comparison of Naphthalene Degradation Efficiency and OH Radical Production by the Change of Frequency and Reaction Conditions of Ultrasound (초음파 주파수 및 반응조건 변화에 따른 나프탈렌 분해효율과 OH 라디칼의 발생량 비교)

  • Park, Jong-Sung;Park, So-Young;Oh, Je-Ill;Jeong, Sang-Jo;Lee, Min-Ju;Her, Nam-Guk
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.79-89
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    • 2009
  • Naphthalene is a volatile, hydrophobic, and possibly carcinogenic compound that is known to have a severe detrimental effect to aquatic ecosystem. Our research examined the effects of various operating conditions (temperature, pH, initial concentration, and frequency and type of ultrasound) on the sonochemical degradation of naphthalene and OH radical production. The MDL (Method detection limit) determined by LC/FLD (1200 series, Agilient) using C-18 reversed column is measured up to 0.01 ppm. Naphthalene vapor produced from ultrasound irradiation was detected under 0.05 ppm. Comparison of naphthalene sonodegradion efficiency tested under open and closed reactor cover fell within less than 1% of difference. Increasing the reaction temperature from 15C to 40C resulted in reduction of naphthalene degradation efficiency (15C: 95% 40C: 85%), and altering pH from 12 to 3 increased the effect (pH 12: 84% pH 3: 95.6%). Pseudo first-order constants (k1) of sonodegradation of naphthalene decreased as initial concentration of naphthalene increased (2.5 ppm: 27.3×103min3 10 ppm : 19.3×103min3). Degradation efficiency of 2.5 ppm of naphthalene subjected to 28 kHz of ultrasonic irradiation was found to be 1.46 times as much as when exposed under 132 kHz (132 kHz: 56%, 28 kHz: 82.7%). Additionally, its k1 constant was increased by 2.3 times (132 kHz: 2.4×103min1, 28 kHz: 5.0×103min1). H2O2 concentration measured 10 minutes after the exposure to 132 kHz of ultrasound, when compared with the measurement under frequency of 28 kHz, was 7.2 times as much. The concentration measured after 90 minutes, however, showed the difference of only 10%. (concentration of H2O2 under 28 kHz being 1.1 times greater than that under 132 kHz.) The H2O2 concentration resulting from 2.5 ppm naphthalene after 90 minutes of sonication at 24 kHz and 132 kHz were lower by 0.05 and 0.1 ppm, respectively, than the concentration measured from the irradiated M.Q. water (no naphthalene added.) Degradation efficiency of horn type (24 kHz) and bath type (28 kHz) ultrasound was found to be 87% and 82.7%, respectively, and k1 was calculated into 22.8×103min1 and 18.7×103min1 respectively. Using the multi- frequency and mixed type of ultrasound system (28 kHz bath type + 24 kHz horn type) simultaneously resulted in combined efficiency of 88.1%, while H2O2 concentration increased 3.5 times (28 kHz + 24 kHz: 2.37 ppm, 24 kHz: 0.7 ppm.) Therefore, the multi-frequency and mixed type of ultrasound system procedure might be most effectively used for removing the substances that are easily oxidized by the OH radical.

A Study on Improvement on National Legislation for Sustainable Progress of Space Development Project (우주개발사업의 지속발전을 위한 국내입법의 개선방향에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Kang-Bin
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.97-158
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this paper is to research on the contents and improvement of national legislations relating to space development in Korea to make the sustainable progress of space development project in Korea. Korea has launched its first satellite KITST-1 in 1992. The National Space Committee has established "The Space Development Promotion Basic Plan" in 2007. The plan addressed the development of total 13 satellites by 2010 and the space launch vehicle by 2020, and the launch of moon exploration spaceship by 2021. Korea has built the space center at Oinarodo, Goheng Province in June 2009. In Korea the first small launch vehicle KSLV-1 was launched at the Naro Space Center in August 2009, and its second launch was made in June 2010. The United Nations has adopted five treaties relating to the development of outer space as follows : The Outer Space Treaty of 1967, the Rescue and Return Agreement of 1968, the Liability Convention of 1972, the Registration Convention of 1974, and the Moon Treaty of 1979. All five treaties has come into force. Korea has ratified the Outer Space Treaty, the Rescue and Return Agreement, the Liability Convention and the Registration Convention excepting the Moon Treaty. Most of development countries have enacted the national legislation relating to the development of our space as follows : The National Aeronautic and Space Act of 1958 and the Commercial Space Act of 1998 in the United States, Outer Space Act of 1986 in England, Establishment Act of National Space Center of 1961 in France, Canadian Space Agency Act of 1990 in Canada, Space Basic Act of 2008 in Japan, and Law on Space Activity of 1993 in Russia. There are currently three national legislations relating to space development in Korea as follows : Aerospace Industry Development Promotion Act of 1987, Outer Space Development Promotion Act of 2005, Outer Space Damage Compensation Act of 2008. The Ministry of Knowledge Economy of Korea has announced the Full Amendment Draft of Aerospace Industry Development Promotion Act in December 2009, and it's main contents are as follows : (1) Changing the title of Act into Aerospace Industry Promotion Act, (2) Newly regulating the definition of air flight test place, etc., (3) Establishment of aerospace industry basic plan, establishment of aerospace industry committee, (4) Project for promoting aerospace industry, (5) Exploration development, international joint development, (6) Cooperative research development, (7) Mutual benefit project, (8) Project for furthering basis of aerospace industry, (9) Activating cluster of aerospace industry, (10) Designation of air flight test place, etc., (11) Abolishing the designation and assistance of specific enterprise, (12) Abolishing the inspection of performance and quality. The Outer Space Development Promotion Act should be revised with regard to the following matters : (1) Overlapping problem in legal system between the Outer Space Development Promotion Act and the Aerospace industry Development promotion Act, (2) Distribution and adjustment problem of the national research development budget for space development between National Space Committee and National Science Technology Committee, (3) Consideration and preservation of environment in space development, (4) Taking the legal action and maintaining the legal system for policy and regulation relating to space development. The Outer Space Damage Compensation Act should be revised with regard to the following matters : (1) Definition of space damage and indirect damage, (2) Currency unit of limit of compensation liability, (3) Joint liability and compensation claim right of launching person of space object, (4) Establishment of Space Damage Compensation Council. In Korea, it will be possible to make a space tourism in 2013, and it is planned to introduce and operate a manned spaceship in 2013. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the policy relating to the promotion of commercial space transportation industry. Also it is necessary to make the proper maintenance of the current Aviation Law and space development-related laws and regulations for the promotion of space transportation industry in Korea.

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An Intelligent Decision Support System for Selecting Promising Technologies for R&D based on Time-series Patent Analysis (R&D 기술 선정을 위한 시계열 특허 분석 기반 지능형 의사결정지원시스템)

  • Lee, Choongseok;Lee, Suk Joo;Choi, Byounggu
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.79-96
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    • 2012
  • As the pace of competition dramatically accelerates and the complexity of change grows, a variety of research have been conducted to improve firms' short-term performance and to enhance firms' long-term survival. In particular, researchers and practitioners have paid their attention to identify promising technologies that lead competitive advantage to a firm. Discovery of promising technology depends on how a firm evaluates the value of technologies, thus many evaluating methods have been proposed. Experts' opinion based approaches have been widely accepted to predict the value of technologies. Whereas this approach provides in-depth analysis and ensures validity of analysis results, it is usually cost-and time-ineffective and is limited to qualitative evaluation. Considerable studies attempt to forecast the value of technology by using patent information to overcome the limitation of experts' opinion based approach. Patent based technology evaluation has served as a valuable assessment approach of the technological forecasting because it contains a full and practical description of technology with uniform structure. Furthermore, it provides information that is not divulged in any other sources. Although patent information based approach has contributed to our understanding of prediction of promising technologies, it has some limitations because prediction has been made based on the past patent information, and the interpretations of patent analyses are not consistent. In order to fill this gap, this study proposes a technology forecasting methodology by integrating patent information approach and artificial intelligence method. The methodology consists of three modules : evaluation of technologies promising, implementation of technologies value prediction model, and recommendation of promising technologies. In the first module, technologies promising is evaluated from three different and complementary dimensions; impact, fusion, and diffusion perspectives. The impact of technologies refers to their influence on future technologies development and improvement, and is also clearly associated with their monetary value. The fusion of technologies denotes the extent to which a technology fuses different technologies, and represents the breadth of search underlying the technology. The fusion of technologies can be calculated based on technology or patent, thus this study measures two types of fusion index; fusion index per technology and fusion index per patent. Finally, the diffusion of technologies denotes their degree of applicability across scientific and technological fields. In the same vein, diffusion index per technology and diffusion index per patent are considered respectively. In the second module, technologies value prediction model is implemented using artificial intelligence method. This studies use the values of five indexes (i.e., impact index, fusion index per technology, fusion index per patent, diffusion index per technology and diffusion index per patent) at different time (e.g., t-n, t-n-1, t-n-2, ) as input variables. The out variables are values of five indexes at time t, which is used for learning. The learning method adopted in this study is backpropagation algorithm. In the third module, this study recommends final promising technologies based on analytic hierarchy process. AHP provides relative importance of each index, leading to final promising index for technology. Applicability of the proposed methodology is tested by using U.S. patents in international patent class G06F (i.e., electronic digital data processing) from 2000 to 2008. The results show that mean absolute error value for prediction produced by the proposed methodology is lower than the value produced by multiple regression analysis in cases of fusion indexes. However, mean absolute error value of the proposed methodology is slightly higher than the value of multiple regression analysis. These unexpected results may be explained, in part, by small number of patents. Since this study only uses patent data in class G06F, number of sample patent data is relatively small, leading to incomplete learning to satisfy complex artificial intelligence structure. In addition, fusion index per technology and impact index are found to be important criteria to predict promising technology. This study attempts to extend the existing knowledge by proposing a new methodology for prediction technology value by integrating patent information analysis and artificial intelligence network. It helps managers who want to technology develop planning and policy maker who want to implement technology policy by providing quantitative prediction methodology. In addition, this study could help other researchers by proving a deeper understanding of the complex technological forecasting field.

A Study on Industries's Leading at the Stock Market in Korea - Gradual Diffusion of Information and Cross-Asset Return Predictability- (산업의 주식시장 선행성에 관한 실증분석 - 자산간 수익률 예측 가능성 -)

  • Kim Jong-Kwon
    • Proceedings of the Safety Management and Science Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.355-380
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    • 2004
  • I test the hypothesis that the gradual diffusion of information across asset markets leads to cross-asset return predictability in Korea. Using thirty-six industry portfolios and the broad market index as our test assets, I establish several key results. First, a number of industries such as semiconductor, electronics, metal, and petroleum lead the stock market by up to one month. In contrast, the market, which is widely followed, only leads a few industries. Importantly, an industry's ability to lead the market is correlated with its propensity to forecast various indicators of economic activity such as industrial production growth. Consistent with our hypothesis, these findings indicate that the market reacts with a delay to information in industry returns about its fundamentals because information diffuses only gradually across asset markets. Traditional theories of asset pricing assume that investors have unlimited information-processing capacity. However, this assumption does not hold for many traders, even the most sophisticated ones. Many economists recognize that investors are better characterized as being only boundedly rational(see Shiller(2000), Sims(2201)). Even from casual observation, few traders can pay attention to all sources of information much less understand their impact on the prices of assets that they trade. Indeed, a large literature in psychology documents the extent to which even attention is a precious cognitive resource(see, eg., Kahneman(1973), Nisbett and Ross(1980), Fiske and Taylor(1991)). A number of papers have explored the implications of limited information- processing capacity for asset prices. I will review this literature in Section II. For instance, Merton(1987) develops a static model of multiple stocks in which investors only have information about a limited number of stocks and only trade those that they have information about. Related models of limited market participation include brennan(1975) and Allen and Gale(1994). As a result, stocks that are less recognized by investors have a smaller investor base(neglected stocks) and trade at a greater discount because of limited risk sharing. More recently, Hong and Stein(1999) develop a dynamic model of a single asset in which information gradually diffuses across the investment public and investors are unable to perform the rational expectations trick of extracting information from prices. Hong and Stein(1999). My hypothesis is that the gradual diffusion of information across asset markets leads to cross-asset return predictability. This hypothesis relies on two key assumptions. The first is that valuable information that originates in one asset reaches investors in other markets only with a lag, i.e. news travels slowly across markets. The second assumption is that because of limited information-processing capacity, many (though not necessarily all) investors may not pay attention or be able to extract the information from the asset prices of markets that they do not participate in. These two assumptions taken together leads to cross-asset return predictability. My hypothesis would appear to be a very plausible one for a few reasons. To begin with, as pointed out by Merton(1987) and the subsequent literature on segmented markets and limited market participation, few investors trade all assets. Put another way, limited participation is a pervasive feature of financial markets. Indeed, even among equity money managers, there is specialization along industries such as sector or market timing funds. Some reasons for this limited market participation include tax, regulatory or liquidity constraints. More plausibly, investors have to specialize because they have their hands full trying to understand the markets that they do participate in

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A Study on Legal and Institutional Improvement Measures for the Effective Implementation of SMS -Focusing on Aircraft Accident Investigation-

  • Yoo, Kyung-In
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.101-127
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    • 2017
  • Even with the most advanced aviation technology benefits, aircraft accidents are constantly occurring while air passenger transportation volume is expected to double in the next 15 years. Since it is not possible to secure aviation safety only by the post aircraft accident safety action of accident investigations, it has been recognized and consensus has been formed that proactive and predictive prevention measures are necessary. In this sense, the aviation safety management system (SMS) was introduced in 2008 and has been carried out in earnest since 2011. SMS is a proactive and predictive aircraft accident preventive measure, which is a mechanism to eliminate the fundamental risk factors by approaching organizational factors beyond technological factors and human factors related to aviation safety. The methodology is to collect hazards in all the sites required for aircraft operations, to build a database, to analyze the risks, and through managing risks, to keep the risks acceptable or below. Therefore, the improper implementation of SMS indicates that the aircraft accident prevention is insufficient and it is to be directly connected with the aircraft accident. Reports of duty performance related hazards including their own errors are essential and most important in SMS. Under the policy of just culture for voluntary reporting, the guarantee of information providers' anonymity, non-punishment and non-blame should be basically secured, but to this end, under-reporting is stagnant due to lack of trust in their own organizations. It is necessary for the accountable executive(CEO) and senior management to take a leading role to foster the safety culture initiating from just culture with the safety consciousness, balancing between safety and profit for the organization. Though a Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport's order, "Guidance on SMS Implementation" states the training required for the accountable executive(CEO) and senior management, it is not legally binding. Thus it is suggested that the SMS training completion certificates of accountable executive(CEO) and senior management be included in SMS approval application form that is legally required by "Korea Aviation Safety Program" in addition to other required documents such as a copy of SMS manual. Also, SMS related items are missing in the aircraft accident investigation, so that organizational factors in association with safety culture and risk management are not being investigated. This hinders from preventing future accidents, as the root cause cannot be identified. The Aircraft Accident Investigation Manuals issued by ICAO contain the SMS investigation wheres it is not included in the final report form of Annex 13 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation. In addition, the US National Transportation Safety Board(NTSB) that has been a substantial example of the aircraft accident investigation for the other accident investigation agencies worldwide does not appear to expand the scope of investigation activities further to SMS. For these reasons, it is believed that investigation agencies conducting their investigations under Annex 13 do not include SMS in the investigation items, and the aircraft accident investigators are hardly exposed to SMS investigation methods or techniques. In this respect, it is necessary to include the SMS investigation in the organization and management information of the final report format of Annex 13. In Korea as well, in the same manner, SMS item should be added to the final report format of the Operating Regulation of the Aircraft and Railway Accident Investigation Board. If such legal and institutional improvement methods are complemented, SMS will serve the purpose of aircraft accident prevention effectively and contribute to the improvement of aviation safety in the future.

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Tuberculin Skin Test and Plasma Prostaglandin E2 In Patients of New and Intractable Pulmonary Tuberculosis (초치료 및 난치 폐결핵 환자의 투베르쿨린 피부검사와 혈장 Prostaglandin E2)

  • Kim, Ji-Hong;Choi, In-Hwan;Kim, Mee-Ae;Shin, Chul-Shik;Song, Sun-Dae
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.42 no.5
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    • pp.669-676
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    • 1995
  • Background: The cell-mediated immunity is needed for eradicating the tubercle bacilli. Prostaglandin(PG), especially PG E2, is involved in cellular immunosuppression. It is known that the PG E2 is suppressed by indomethacin. For using indomethacin as a immunomodulator of intractable pulmonary tuberculosis(Tbc) patients, we measured the tuberculin skin test(TST) and the plasma PG E2 levels. Method: The forty-eight inpatients with sputum positive acid-fast stain bacilli were classified into 6 groups according to antiTbc chemotherapy history(new and intractable cases), plain chest roetgenogram(minimal and far advanced cases), and TST reaction(nagative and positive cases). Except for one group(n=2; new, minimal, and negative cases of TST reaction) of the 6 groups, all subjects(n=46) were measured for the plasma PG E2, levels with radioimmunoassay. Results: 1) There was no significant difference in the plasma PG E2 levels among A group(far advanced and positive TST reaction cases, n=10, 11.22±2.86pg/ml), B group(minimal and negative TST reaction cases, n=9, 11.35±2.20) and C group(far advanced and positive TST reaction cases, n=7, 11.11±2.30) in the new cases(p>0.05). 2) There was no significant difference in the plasma PG E2 levels between positive(n=10, 9.25±2.21) and negative(n=10, 8.25±1.13) groups by TST in the intractable cases(p>0.05). 3) Comparing the plasma PG E2 levels between new(n=26, 11.35±2.41) and intractable(n=20, 8.75±1.78) groups, the intractable group had significi- andy lower plasma PG E2 levels(p<0.05). 4) There was no significant difference in the plasma PG E2 levels between negative(n=19, 9.88±2.43) and positive(n=27, 10.46±2.56) groups by TST(p>0.05). 5) There was no significant difference in the plasma PG E2 levels between male(n=32, 10.07±2.44) and female(n=14, 10.56±2.70)(p>0.05). 6) There was no significant difference in the plasma PG E2 levels among 2nd(n=5, 10.21±2.86), 3rd(n=9, 9.97±2.47), 4th(n=13, 11.35±2.33) and 5th(n=19, 9.57±2.48) decades(p>0.05). 7) There was no significant correlation between the induration sizes of the TST and the plasma PG E2 levels(r=0.054, p>0.05). Conclusion: From the above results, the plasma PG E2 levels of intractable group are not higher as the authors had expected. There was no significant difference in the plasma PG E2 levels by the lesion sizes of plain chest roentgenogram and the induration sizes of TST, so more study will be needed to use the indomethacin as a immunomodulator for intractable pulmonary tuberculosis patients.

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