• Title/Summary/Keyword: 연직 혼합

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Variations of Surface Ozone Concentration by Vertical Downward Mixing of Ozone in the Residual Layer of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer at the Busan Coastal Area (부산연안역의 대기경계층내 잔류 오존의 연직하향혼합에 의한 지표 오존농도의 변화 특성)

  • 전병일
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.417-422
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    • 2001
  • The vertical structure of atmosphere was observed In investigate the variation of surface ozone concentration by vertical downward mixing of residual ozone in the atmospheric boundary layer at the Busan coastal area. Airsonde and pilot balloon measurements were made at Gamcheondong and the Kimhae airport for April 26~27, 1996. The vertical potential of potential temperature showed a residual layer between 510m and 1800m from 2100LST April 26 to 0900LST April 27. The downward mixing of ozone in the residual layer of the atmospheric boundary layer was confirmed from vertical profile of mixing ratio near 600m in the morning. The thickness of the sea breeze layer was 900m at 1500LST April 26. Thereafter, it become to be lowered with time A low level jet was measured near 900m at 0300LST on April 27 from a pibal measurement. Early morning sharp increase of surface ozone concentration at the Busan coastal area was caused by vertical downward mixing of ozone concentration rather than by photochemical reaction In the atmospheric boundary layer.

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The Compatibility of Slurry Wall Materials with Leachate for Cut -off of Contaminated Sites (오염지역 차폐용 슬러리월 재료와 침출수의 반응 특성)

  • 이용수;정하익
    • Geotechnical Engineering
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 1997
  • Cut-off methods of controlling leachate migration from waste landfills and contaminated sites are studied. Permeability and chemical compatibility tests are prrforlned on slurry wall materials including soil-bentonite, cement-bentonite, cement / fly ash-bentonite, plastic concrete. Hydraulic conductivity of soil-bentonite mixture is the lowest of these four bacuill materials. The leachate from municipal solid waste has little influence on the permeability of the backfill materials. The bentonite slurry becomes flocculated and aggregated when exposed to the leachate. The results of the permeability test showed that the hydraulic conductivities of the backfill materials are in the order soil-beiltonite, Plastic concrete, cement-bentonite. And the result c: the compatibility test showed increase in permeability due to the effects of leachate. Thus, in designing the slurry wall it is essential to check the behaviour of the bentonite slurry and backfill materials on the compatibility with the contaminants.

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Effect of Vertical Mixing Scheme on Upper Ocean Simulation of the East Sea (연직혼합모수화가 동해 상층 모사에 미치는 영향)

  • Jang, Chan-Joo;Lim, Se-Han
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.1034-1042
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    • 2010
  • This study investigates effects of three different parameterizations of vertical mixing scheme on upper ocean simulation of the East Sea, focusing on the seasonal variations of the sea surface temperature(SST) and the mixed layer depth(MLD) using an ocean general circulation model(GFDL MOM1.1). The considered vertical mixing schemes are the Laplacian scheme(L scheme) that use a constant eddy coefficient, the Mellor-Yamada scheme(MY scheme), and a new scheme(Noh scheme). The Noh scheme, a second-order turbulence closure, was developed considering recent observational evidences such as the enhancement of turbulent kinetic energy near the sea surface. During summer L scheme underestimates the SST, while MY scheme overestimates the SST, compared to climatological SST. Noh scheme produces the SST in better agreement with climatological one. During winter all schemes overestimate the SST up to $4^{\circ}C$ compared to climatological SST. Vertical profiles of the basin-mean temperature show that L scheme produces higher temperature below the thermocline than those of other schemes. The winter MLD simulated from L scheme is rather large compared to that from other schemes, but the differences in MLD during summer are not significant.

A Feasibility Study on Mid-watershed Representative Station of Suyeong-river based on Field Measurement (현장 계측 기반 수영강 중권역 대표지점 선정에 대한 타당성 분석 연구)

  • Lee, Ho Soo;Lee, Jae Kwang;Tak, Yong Hun;Kim, Yong Do
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2018.05a
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    • pp.128-128
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    • 2018
  • 하구는 강이 흘러 바다로 유입되는 지역으로 강의 담수와 바다의 염수가 만나는 강의 하류에 형성되며 지형, 담수의 유입, 해수의 조석 등에 의해 염분분포가 변화 하는 특성을 가진다. 또한 하구에 형성되는 하구역은 조수 간만의 차로 인한 상하운동이 일어남으로 인해 염분 농도는 0.5~30 ‰로 매우 광범위하게 나타난다. 하구는 해수가 미치는 최대 경계인 감조역과 해수와 담수가 혼합되는 기수역이 나타나며, 하구에서의 염분의 변화는 동 식물의 생존 및 분포, 수자원 확보 및 관리, 구조물 설치 등 공학적 분야에서도 매우 중요하다. 또한, 염수쐐기와 조석의 영향으로 하구의 수층에서는 담수 및 염분분포가 지점에 따라 다르게 형성이 되기 때문에 하천 수질측정 시 염수에 의해 대표성이 결여될 수 있다. 본 연구는 바다로 유입되는 수영강을 대상으로 염분분포의 특성을 고려하여 중권역 대표지점으로서의 적합성을 판단하고자 하였다. 수영강은 부산 용천산에서 발원하여 회동수원지를 거쳐 온천천과 합류하여 남해로 유입된다. 수영강에 위치한 좌수영교와 수영교에서 조석 간만의 차가 뚜렷하게 나타날 수 있는 대조기와 소조기에 연직 염분분포를 분석하여 하천수질 측정지점의 대표성을 판단하고자 하였다. 만조에서 간조로 수위가 변화 할 때 표층의 담수층이 옅어지는 현상을 보이며 소조기 보다 대조기에서의 담수층 변화 폭이 커지며 수질측정 시 고려하여야 할 것으로 판단된다.

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A Study on Sea Water and Ocean Current in the Sea Adjacent to Korea Peninsula - Expansion of Coastal Waters and Its Effect on Temperature Variations in The South Sea of Korea - (한반도 근해의 해류와 해수 특성 -남해연안수 확장과 수온변화-)

  • NA Jung-Yul;HAN Sang-Kyu;CHO Kyu-Dae
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.267-279
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    • 1990
  • The temporal and spatial distribution of the coastal cold waters which was formed due to winter colling in the South Sea of Korea was analyzed by IR images from satellite and in situ data from shipboard observations. The coastal waters are known to be consisted of the Yellow Sea Coastal Waters(YSCW) and the South Korean Coastal Waters(SKCW). The former is driven around the Chuja-do and drifted into the Cheju Strait by residual currents, while the latter expands toward offsea by southward wind forcing. The expansion patterns of the SKCW were observed as sinking expansion or drifting expansion such that both were strongly dependent on the surface heat flux conditions. Under the condition of positive heat flux(warmer sea surface) or when the sea surface heat is lost to the atmosphere, the surface water started sinking and eventually expanded toward the open sea causing the cooling of the water column. For the negative heat flux the surface water was just drifted horizontally and expanded seaward and in this case only the surface layer of water was cooled.

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A Feasibility Study on the Deep Soil Mixing Barrier to Control Contaminated Groundwater (오염지하수의 확산방지를 위한 대체 혼합차수재의 적용에 관한 연구)

  • 김윤희;임동희;이재영
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.53-59
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    • 2001
  • There is a lot of method to manage the insanitary landfill but vertical cutoff walls have been widespreadly used and were installed into the subsurface to act as a barrier to horizontal groundwater flow, The stabilized material such as specialized cement or mixed soil with additives has been generally applied for the materials of the deep soil mixing barrier in korea. The amount of the stabilized material is dependent on the field conditions, because the mixing ratio of the material and the field soil should achieve a requirement in the coefficient of permeability, lower than 1.0$\times$$10^{7}$cm/sec. This study determined the quantity and optimized function ratio of the stabilized material in the formation process of the mixed barrier that was added with stabilized material on the field soil classified into SW-SC under USCS (Unified Soil Classification System). After that the fly ash and lime were selected as an additives an that could improve the function of the stabilized material and then the method to improve the functional progress in the usage of putting into the stabilized material as an appropriate ratio was studied and reviewed. The author used the flexible-wall permeameter for measuring the permeability and unconfined compressive strength tester for compressive strength, and in the view of environmental engineering the absorption test of heavy metals and leaching test regulated by Korean Waste Management Act were performed. As the results, the suitable mixing ratio of the stabilized material in the deep soil mixing barrier was determined as 13 percent. To make workability easy, the ratio of stabilized material and water was proven to be 1 : 1.5. With the results, the range of the portion of the additives(fly ash : lime= 70 : 30) was proven to be 20-40% for improving the function of the stabilized material, lowering of permeability. In heavy metal absorption assessment of the mixing barrier system with the additives, the result of heavy metal absorption was proved to be almost same with the case of the original stabilized material; high removal efficiency of heavy metals. In addition, the leaching concentration of heavy metals from the leaching test for the environmental hazard assessment showed lower than the regulated criteria.

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The Physiochemical Characteristics of Seawater and Sediment of Marine Shellfish Farm in Jindong Bay (진동만 패류양식해역의 환경특성)

  • Jeong, Woo-Geon;Cho, Sang-Man
    • The Korean Journal of Malacology
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.161-169
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    • 2003
  • Seawater and sediment quality analysed was calculated to examinate the present environmental characteristics and pollution load was also calculated to evaluate the effect of farming area on the coastal environment. The measurements for seawater quality demonstrate the coastal environment has relatively eutrophicated with significantly decreased DO (0.2-8.5 mg/l) and elevated COD (9.6-31.2 mg/l) in summer. It was also evident that the water quality in Jindong Bay has been influenced by residues tide from Masan Bay with high metal concentration in August of 2002. Annual total pollution load (land and farm-driven) was estimated at 37,316 ton (SS) /yr: 9,809 ton/yr (26.3%) of land-driven load, 23,576 ton/yr (63.2%) of coastal sedimentation and 3,932 ton/yr (10.5%) of feces of cultural organisms. When all ark shell seedling farms are permitted species conversion to ascidian farm, the pollution load would increase by 196%, which may be another source for accelerating the eutrophication of the environment in Jindong Bay.

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Seasonal Variation of Watermass in the Central Coast of the Southern Sea of Korea (한국 남해 중부 연안 어장에서 수괴의 계절 변화)

  • 김동수
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.105-116
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    • 2000
  • In order to investigate the seasonal variation of watermass in the central coast of the southern sea of korea, oceanographic observation on the fishing grounds were carried out by the trainingship of Yosu University on May, Aug. and Nov. in 1998 and Feb. in 1999. The resultes obtained are summerized as follows : 1). The watermass in the fishing ground were divided into the coastal water(30.0~31.6$\textperthousand$ ), mixing water(31.7~33.4$\textperthousand$) and the offshore water(33.5~35.0$\textperthousand$) according to the distribution of salinity from T-S diagram plotted all salinity data observed on May, Aug. and Nov. in 1998 and Feb. in 1999. 2) The ranges of temperature and salinity were from 14.1$^{\circ}C$ to 18.8$^{\circ}C$ and from 32.2$\textperthousand$ to 34.9$\textperthousand$ in spring(May), from 14.2$^{\circ}C$ to 27.7$^{\circ}C$ and from 29.0$\textperthousand$ to 34.7$\textperthousand$ in summer(August), from 13.4$^{\circ}C$ to 21.3$^{\circ}C$ and from 31.45$\textperthousand$ to 34.5$\textperthousand$ in autumn(November) and from 8.2$^{\circ}C$ to 14.8$^{\circ}C$ and from 33.9$\textperthousand$ to 34.6$\textperthousand$ in winter(February), respectively. 3) The distribution of watermass in the fishing ground varied largely each seasons, but a general tendency on the distribution was obtained. That is, in spring and autumm the offshore water was distributed most widely and in summer the coastal and mixing water occupied the fishing ground but in winter the offshore water prevailed. 4) Variation of temperature and salinity were appeared between the surface and 30m in the coastal region and between the surface and 50m in the open ocaen region. Therefore, in the summer the thermocline and halocline were made between surface and 30m layer with vertical gradients of 10.5$^{\circ}C$/30m and 4.0$\textperthousand$/30m in the coastal region and in the open ocean region the thermocline and halocline were made between surface and 50m layer with vertical gradients of 13.$0^{\circ}C$/50m and 3.8$\textperthousand$/50m.

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Vertical Buoyant Jet in Tidal Water -Crossflowing Environment- (흐름 수역(水域)에서 연직상향부력(鉛直上向浮力)?)

  • Yoon, Tae Hoon;Cha, Young Kee;Kim, Chang Wan
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.11-22
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    • 1987
  • A plane buoyant jet discharged vertically upward into a crossflow is analyzed by numerical solution of the governing equations of continuity, momentum and constituent transport. The turbulent transport is modelled by the Prandtl's mixing length theory. In the numerical solution procedure, the governing equations are transformed by stream function and vorticity transport, non-dimensionalyzed by discharge velocity, slot width, and parameters representing flow characteristics, and solved by Gauss-Seidel iteration method with successive underrelaxation. The numerical experiments were performed for the region of established flow of buoyant jet in the range of discharge densimetric Froude number of 4 to 32 and in the range of velocity ratio of 8 to 15, which is the ratio of discharge velocity to crossflow velocity. Variations of velocities and temperatures, flow patterns and vorticity patterns of receiving water due to buoyant jet were investigated. Also investigated are the effects of velocity ratio and discharge densimetric Froude number on the trajectories of buoyant jet. Computed are velocities, temperatures and local densimetric Froude numbers along the trajectory of the buoyant jet. Spreading rate and dispersion ratio were analyzed in terms of discharge densimetric Froude number, local densimetric Froude number and distance from the source along the jet trajectory. It was noted that the similarity law holds in both the profiles of velocity and temperatures across the jet trajectory and the integral type analysis of Gaussian distribution is applicable.

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Temperature and Salinity Distribution in Deukryang Bay in Summer of 1992-93 (1992-93년 하계 득량만의 수온과 염분의 분포)

  • KIM Sang-Woo;CHO Kyu-Dae;RHO Hong-Kil;LEE Jae Chul;KIM Sang-Hyun;SHIN Sang-Il
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.7-14
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    • 1995
  • As a part of the multidisciplinary oceanographic study for the productivity enhancement in Deukryang Bay, temperature and salinity were observed from 1992 through 1993. From the results, only the data in summer of two years are compared. Owing to the contrary meteorolgical conditions in both summers both of temperature and salinity had the patterns of horizontal distributions quite different from each other. In 1992 with low precipitation, there was a tendency of temperature increase and salinity decrease from the bay mouth towards the bay head. In 1993 when the air temperature was abnormally low, isotherms and isotherms tended to be parallel to the local u3s of the bay where the warmer and less saline water distributed along the western coast. Reduced solar radiation and increase in the relative importance of the distribution of properties along the current that was parallel to the axis of the bay could be responsible for this result. Vertical structures of both temperature and salinity were dependent on the stirring effect of tidal current. Stratification was destroyed during the spring tide while it was formed during the neap tide.

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