• Title/Summary/Keyword: 역사영

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Rural Amenity Contents in the Textbooks of Agricultural High School (농업계고등학교 교과서를 통해 살펴본 농촌어메니티 교과내용)

  • Kim, Eun-Ja;Ryu, Cheong-San;Kang, Bang-Hun;Yoon, Soon-Duck;Kim, Sang-Bum;Hwang, Jeong-Im;Rhee, Sang-Young
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Community Living Science Conference
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    • 2009.09a
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    • pp.93-93
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    • 2009
  • 본 연구는 농업 농촌의 미래세대 주역으로 활동하게 될 농업계 고등학교 학생들에게 교과서를 통한 학습기회 제공이 무엇보다 중요함에 따라, 그들이 배우고 있는 농업계고등학교 교과서를 대상으로 농촌어메니티 교과내용을 분석함으로써 농촌어메니티 및 녹색가치 구현에 대한 인식 중대를 도모하고 올바른 농업 농촌의 가치관을 형성시키는데 기여하고자 한다. 분석 교과서는 원예, 축산, 농기계, 식품가공 등 총 39종의 농업계 교과서를 대상으로, 농촌어메니티자원 37종을 활용한 어메니티 관점으로 내용분석이 이루어졌다. 그 결과 환경자원과 자연자원을 포함한 자연적 자원의 경우(대기질, 수질, 비옥한 토양, 미기후, 지형 등) 141개로 17.6%를 차지하고 있는 것으로 나타났으며, 역사자원, 경관자원을 포함한 문화적 자원(문화재, 전통건조물, 신앙공간 등)의 경우 219개로 27.4%를 나타내었다. 또한 시설자원, 경제활동자원, 공동체활동자원을 포함하는 사회적 자원(공동생활시설, 기반시설, 도농교류활동, 생활공동체활동 등)인 경우 440개, 55%인 것으로 나타나 전체 39종의 교과서를 대상으로 어메니티 관점으로 하여 교과내용을 분석한 결과 총 800개가 수록되어 있는 것으로 분석되었다. 내용분석은 제시유형(문장, 사진, 삽화, 그래프, 표), 교육적 성격(준비학습, 내용이해, 기능습득, 실습활동, 문제해결, 태도형성, 기타)을 기준으로 분석하여 해당 내용이 농촌어메니티를 적절하게 표현하였는지에 따라 판정 여부를 제시하였다. 또한 교과서를 유형별로 구분하여 분석해 본 결과 A유형의 교과서는 9권으로 351개의 내용분석이 이루어졌고, B유형의 교과서는 16권으로 322개의 내용분석이 이루어졌으며, C유형의 경우 14권으로 127개의 내용분석이 이루어졌다. A와 B유형 교과서는 농촌어메니티를 나타낼 수 있는 교과서 내용 요소가 많은 유형이고, C유형은 주로 기술 및 관리 기법 등과 관련된 내용의 교과서였다. 제시유형별 교과내용을 분석한 결과 A유형의 교과서에는 사진 185, 문장 125, 삽화 24 순으로 나타났으며, B유형에는 사진 144, 문장 136, 삽화 37개, C유형에는 사진 57, 문장 55, 삽화 11개의 순으로 나타났다. 교육적 성격별 분석결과 A유형, B유형, C유형 두 내용이해,에 대한 교과내용이 절대적으로 우선순위를 나타냈으며, B유형의 경우 기능습득에 대한 교육적 성격도 다소 높은 것으로 분석되었다.

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Survey of the current status of beverages sold from vending machines in subway stations in the Seoul metropolitan area, and their sugar content (서울지역 지하철역사 내 자판기 판매 음료현황 및 당류 함량 조사)

  • Kim, Donggyu;Lee, Mokyoung;Kim, Yeosook;Choi, Sujeong;Shin, Jaemin;Hwang, Youngsuk;Yun, Eunsun;Jo, Namsook;Kim, Junghun;Oh, Younghee;Jung, Kweon;Kwak, Jiyoung;Kim, Dahyun;Kim, Eunji;Park, Somi;Yang, Silbee;Cho, Hyelim;Ahn, Ryoungme
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.249-254
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    • 2016
  • Looking at the current status of beverages sold from vending machines in subway stations in Seoul, it was found that carbonated beverages accounted for the highest percentage of beverages on sale in vending machines, representing 36 % of all beverages sold. Survey respondents purchased carbonated drinks or sports drinks containing high levels of sugar to quench their thirst. Investigation of the sugar content of beverages frequently sold in vending machines showed that a serving of carbonated beverage contained an average of 30.4 g of sugar, or as much as 50.1 g of sugar (equivalent 10 to 17 cubes; 1 cube = 3 g of sugar). This amount corresponded, on average, with 60 % of the WHO recommended daily sugar intake (50 g). Surprisingly, with certain carbonated beverages, drinking a single can is equivalent to consuming the total recommended daily sugar intake of 50 g.


  • Lee, Moon-Young;Kim, Jae-Moon;Park, Soo-Jin;Jeong, Tae-Sung;Kim, Shin
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.300-305
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    • 2005
  • As the current level of birth rate of Korea has dramatically declined, it is obvious that pediatric dentistry will also be affected by this change. This study was performed for the purpose of understanding on the current fertility levels of Korea. The formal data on the number of live births(NLB), crude birth rate(CBR), and total fertility rate(TFR) published annually from the National Statistical Office of Korea from 1992 to 2000 were used as materials for this study. The TFR values from 1990 to 2002 of Korea were compared with those of some western countries with similar history of decreased birth and the CBR values of the metropolitan cities and the capital city Seoul in 2003 were compared domestically, yielding to results as follows. 1. Recent birth rate of Korea was decreased continuously. NLB was about 490,000 CBR was 10.2 and TFR was 1.19. 2. TFR of Korea in 2002 was 1.17, the lowest in the world. 3. There was a large difference in the NLB and CBR between local prefectures and towns of Seoul domestically. Additional population studies and medico-economical studies to exactly predict the demands of pediatric dentistry and proper supplies of manpower in the future was thought urgently required.

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A Study on Constructive Methods of the Cultural Information System using GIS (GIS를 이용한 문화정보시스템 구축방안에 관한 연구)

  • Moon, Byung-Chae;Park, Hyun-Wook;Jung, Tae-Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.43-60
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study is to seek the methods of constructing a cultural information system based on GIS. It is impossible for regional culture to be formed apart from its surrounding space, so a study of culture should be based on realizing the features of its space. It is important to note that the elements composing a culture complicatedly interact with each other in their function and continuously change. Also they are interrelated in space and plentiful in their amount. Nevertheless, those studies practised so far in relation to culture and constructing cultural database are too limited in establishing cultural area or community life area required to recognize the regional identity. So it is now essential that we should study the methods of cultural expression surpassing objective historical and cultural site maps instead of simple maps depicting historical remains or sites. From this viewpoint, this study tries to find various cultural phenomena in relation to their space through seeking the methods of constructing the cultural database model using XML. In addition, this study tries to construct a base for increasing the utilization of information in making the cultural contents.

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A by-pass rainwater penetration sewer system for urban flooding mitigation (도시침수 저감을 위한 by-pass 빗물침투성 우수관거)

  • Lee, Bum-Sub;Ko, Keon-Ho;Kang, Ho-Yeong;Moon, Young-Il
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.49 no.9
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    • pp.799-807
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    • 2016
  • The aim of this study is to determine and propose the by-pass rainwater sewer system in order to reduce the urban floodplain from the locality heavy rain every year during the dry season and the sinkholes in the city as well as the shortage of groundwaters due to extreme hot weather condition and urban heat island phenomenon. Heavy rain occurs more than the years of heavy rainfall probability, comparison between the place where uses the existing pipes and connect the sewer system with by-pass rain permeability and without expanding sewer pipe replacement at intersection of Gangnam station 3.07 ha at Gangnam-gu, Seoul Metropolitan area, it indicates that average of 27 million KRW (44%) maintenance cost savings and maintain existing sewer system without any other countermeasures. For the city flooded reduction, by-pass rainwater permeable rainwater pipe multiplying the probability the number of years during summer season and increase the water flow capacity during spring and fall when a small amount of rain that, it also contribute to the total amount of underground water secured through the by-pass penetration.

The Locational Characteristics of Cultural Sites Found in South Korea (남한에 분포하는 유적의 분포 특성)

  • Lee, Jin-Young;Hong, Sei-Sun;Yang, Dong-Yoon;Kim, Ju-Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.14-27
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    • 2011
  • Cultural remains distribution maps have been published in 172 volumes of books, and the information about the remains in South Korea is also disclosed via the Internet to those who are interested in conducting archeological examinations or to those who are planning the national land use for various purposes. The purpose of this study is to statistically review the locational characteristics of the sites appearing in cultural sites map, and to determine the locational characteristics of these remains or sites. The location of sites was statistically analyzed based on the point density function of geographic information system of 87,859 sites found in cultural site maps. The results of this study show that the sites found in South Korea are mainly distributed around historical cities and the distributions are closely related to their proximity to rivers. Given that the period of time and type is very important to archeological studies, the results of this study indicate that detailed period of time and type may be necessary for further analysis. This study has highlighted that the research into the spatial analysis and interpretation of cultural heritage sites can contribute to the field of archeological studies.

The North Korean Nuclear problem and disarmament of Outer Space (북한 핵문제와 우주군축)

  • Noh, Dong-Young
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.219-246
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    • 2017
  • Nuclear issue is a good example showing globalization of the international regime. The history showed nuclear weapons may cause the extinction of human races when the first nuclear bombs fell down to Japan in August, 1945 and people became increasingly eager to achieve peace. Military buildup for national security is a matter of existence in the international society. However, disarmament or arms control to secure international peace and safety which is also the purpose of the Charter of the United Nations may be the most important task for us to realize peace of the mankind. Today, disarmament, together with amicable settlement of international conflicts and collective security system, is an important means to maintain and promote international peace and safety. It might be our permanent task to realize complete disarmament but, as the Preamble of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) expressed general and complete disarmament, the international society has clarified its effort for complete disarmament. Thus, taking a look into the international regime on the nuclear issue and progress related to the nuclear issue in North Korea, the study was intended to introduce the globalization of the nuclear issue, review the international effort for nuclear disarmament based on the concept of the 'common heritage of the mankind' and with respect to the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) and controls over nuclear weapons, and then evaluate the North Korean nuclear issue, which is in direct relation with South Korea and international laws, in terms of the space law and disarmament acts. The collective security system along with policies to prevent dissemination of nuclear weapons should also be emphasized and implemented to cope with the North Korean nuclear issue.

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An investigation of cultural identity of taekwondo as a Korean traditional martial art (한국 전통무예로서 태권도의 문화적 정체성 탐색)

  • Ahan, Jeung-Dek;Song, Kang-Young
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2008.05a
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    • pp.262-269
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    • 2008
  • This research, to find the cultural identity of taekwondo, presents the historical origin of taekwondo in lights of Choi-centric theory, kwan-centric theory, karate inflow theory, and successive traditional martial arts theory. Then it investigates taekwondo's inner identity as a Korean traditional martial art according to presence, popularity, and independence, three factors of identity suggested by Tak, S. S.(2000).As a result, it reached these conclusions: First, taekwondo was formed after going through fusion of Hong Hi Choi, karate income in period of cultural severance during Japanese occupation, the first kwan leaders and Korean traditional martial arts, process of disorder and cultural reproduction. Second, taekwondo has essentially inherited and developed Korean barehanded martial arts' movements that lay stress on foot skills, and this distinguishes it from hand-skill-based Japan's karate and China's Wushu Furthermore, trunk/groin protectors and headgears are blended remarkably with taeguk patterns and traditional Colors of Five Directions. All terms rendered into pure Korean words shows the essence of Korean localization. It is therefore concluded that Koreans should, along with trying to overcome exclusive nationalism as a country of origin, build a new paradigm of establishing an identity as a global martial art sport.

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Remixed Sense of Place in Deoksugung(Kyungungung) - Since After the Daehan Empire Era' - (덕수궁(경운궁)의 혼재된 장소성에 관한 연구 - 대한제국시기 이후를 중심으로 -)

  • Han, So-Young;Zoh, Kyung-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.45-56
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    • 2010
  • This study is dealing with Deoksugung around the founding of the Daehan Empire Era. It will looks closely into how locational contexts and sense of place have been changed according to the subject's view point and the interpretation of text community until Deoksugung is changed into citizen-oriented public place vested with the meaning of public park. In conclusion, Deoksugung was a place for suffering and sorrows, but also it was a place for ceaseless attempt to pursue of the recovery of past without loosing hope. As in the case of uprising war like Japanese invasion of Korea (Imjin Yeran) or Cheong Japan War, Deoksugung was an importantly historical place where autocrat temporarily stayed to stand up for the war and moreover, it was an imperial palace where the ambivalent sensibility between suffering and hope are intermingled in the very first Korean Empire in history. Unlike Kyeongbokgung and Changdeokgung, the current Deoksugung has changed its boundary from time to time since Japanese invasion of Korea up to the present. Deoksugung has evolved the present situation as endlessly changing its boundary by interacting with the neighbor of Kyungungung. The more complicated sense of place is coexisted in the features of the Deoksugung. Therefore, current hot topics concerning restoration project of Deoksugung is much more difficult than of other palaces. This issues should be carefully dealt with beyond the political interests.

Strategies to Increase Competitiveness of Local Experience Space: A Study of the 4Es in the Experience Space of Sam-Rae Arts Village in Wanju-gun, Jeollabukdo (체험경제이론(4Es)에 따른 지역 체험전시관의 경쟁력 강화방안 : 전북 삼례문화예술촌 체험전시관을 중심으로)

  • Ha, Ji-Young;Lee, Seung-Hyun;Kim, Deok-Hyeon
    • Review of Culture and Economy
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.161-184
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    • 2014
  • The dramatic rise of experience space using cultural heritage in modern architecture has been generally acknowledged in recent literature. The present study aims to investigate effective ways to enhance competitiveness in local experience space, with an emphasis on the use of cultural heritage in modern architecture. Using the case of the Sam-Rae Arts Village in Wanju-gun, Jeollabuk, this study analyzes the characteristics of the 4Es in experience economy theory. In order to arrive at findings that represent the variety of perspectives found in this context, qualitative interviews were conducted with three groups: public officials, maintenance staff in the experience center, and field experts. The results of this study revealed that the Visual Media Art Museum and Book Wooks were used for entertainment, the Corpentry Shop for education, the Book Museum for escapism, and the Design Museum Culture $Caf{\acute{e}}$ The O's for aestheticism. Additionally, depending on the commercial potential of the respective experience space, the Corpentry Shop, Book Wooks, and the Culture $Caf{\acute{e}}$ The O's were used for profit purposes while the Design Museum and the Visual Media Art Museum for non-profit. Based on the findings of the present study, effective ways to enhance competitiveness in the local experience space are suggested. First, the public nature of cultural enjoyment may be realized in a field that bears non-profit characteristics. In exhibiting works, the experience space could suggest the extra demonstration. Second, in the for-profit experience hall, the securing of tourists may help to maximize profit. In so doing, a variety of experience programs and activity spaces could be provided internally, while advertisement marketing through mobile and SNS could be reinforced externally.