• Title/Summary/Keyword: 업무 갈등

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The Effects of Emerging Infectious Disease Knowledge and Clinical Practice Stress on Nursing Students' Coping with Stress (신종감염병지식과 임상실습스트레스가 간호대학생의 스트레스대처방식에 미치는 영향)

  • So Young Lee;Hey Kyoung Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.507-520
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to inquire into the effect on the coping with stress by the knowledge of Emerging infectious disease, clinical practice stress. A research was held to the nursing students living in Seoul and Chungbuk from September 10 to October 10, 2022, 259copies of the data were used for the final analysis, Pearson's correlation coefficient and Multiple linear regressions was used. As a result of the study, there was a positive correlation between clinical practice stress due to burden of work, practice education environment stress, and active coping with stress. Clinical practice stress due to interpersonal conflicts, conflicts with patients, burden of work, and undesirable role models was positively correlated with passive coping with stress. Satisfaction of clinical practice, practical educational environment stress and gender accounted for 15.0% of the total variance in the active stress coping, and burden of work accounted for 7% of the total variance in the passive stress coping. Consequently, this study could be suggested as a basis for counseling and developing practical education program for active coping with stress.

A study on communication process with team members perceived by team leader in corporation (기업 팀장이 인식하는 팀원과의 의사소통 과정 연구)

  • Baek, Eun Jung;Shin, Hyo Jung
    • The Korean Journal of Coaching Psychology
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.25-51
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to deeply explore the communication process with team members perceived by team leader. To this end, in-depth interviews were conducted with 10 team leaders, and analyzed according to the grounded theory research method procedure suggested by Strauss and Corbin. As a results, a total of 51 concepts, 17 subcategories, and 8 categories were derived. As a causal condition, the concept of 'contemplating and reinterpreting communication necessary for the organization' was derived, and the central phenomenon was 'intentional effort made in parallel with work and private conversations'. The contextual condition was 'recognizing the need to cope with environmental changes', and the mediating condition was 'self-reflection and self-coaching time' was derived. The action/interaction strategy was conceptualized as a communication process with task-oriented coping, conflict resolution coping, and relationship promotion coping, and was confirmed as 'recognizing virtuous cycle communication within the organization' as a result of interaction with the central phenomenon. As a result of analysis of the team leader's communication process, the effort stage, approach stage, coping stage, and cycle stage were shown. As a result of the type analysis, task-oriented coping was a facilitator, conflict resolution coping was a supporter, and relationship promotion coping was a considerate. This study is an empirical study on how the corporate team leader perceives and expresses communication in the relationship with the team members.

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제조업체와 물류업체간의 물류 아웃소싱 갈등관리 전략 -UPS와 삼성전기의 4PL사례-

  • Heo, Won-Mu;Lee, Seung-Chang;Seo, Eung-Gyo
    • Proceedings of the Korean DIstribution Association Conference
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.63-84
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    • 2005
  • 최근 제조업체들은 비핵심업무인 물류관련 업무를 전문 업체에 위탁하는 물류 아웃소싱을 하고 있다. 이를 통해 기업들은 제품개발과 마케팅에 기업의 핵심역량을 집중하고, 물류 관련 비용을 절감하고 고객 서비스 수준을 제고할 수 있게 되었다. 최근에는 물류 아웃소싱이 파트너쉽을 바탕으로 한 공동소싱으로 발전되어가는 추세에 있다. 물류아웃소싱에 대한 사례연구는 향후 제조업체들이 물류아웃소싱을 하기 위한 전략을 수립하는데 있어서 좋은 가이드라인을 제시할 것으로 생각한다. 본 연구는 글로벌 물류기업인 UPS와 삼성전기 간의 4자물류 아웃소싱(4PL) 사례를 통해 4PL을 이해하고, 이와 관련된 주요 이슈를 파악하여 기업들이 물류아웃소싱을 하기 위한 협력 전략을 수립하는데 가이드라인을 제시하는데 목적이 있다. 사례의 내용은 먼저 삼성전기와 UPS간의 물류 아웃소싱 추진배경과 진행과정을 살펴보았다. 그리고 물류 아웃소싱 과정에서 발생한 문제들을 조직차원의 문제, 경영진의 단기적인 안목, 양사의 문화적 차이, 정보시스템의 통합, 그리고 성과에 대한 인식 차이 등 5가지 차원에서 살펴보았다. 본 연구에서 파악한 주요이슈들 측면에서 살펴본다면 물류 전문업체와 아웃소싱을 하고자 하는 제조기업들에게 많은 시사점을 제공할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.

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Moderating and Mediating Effects of Resilience in the Relationship between Work Intensity, Interpersonal Conflict and Burnout among Nurses (간호사의 업무 강도, 대인관계 갈등과 소진의 관계에서 회복탄력성의 조절 및 매개 효과)

  • Baek, Yun Mi;Kim, Souk Young
    • Journal of Korean Clinical Nursing Research
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.275-284
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: For this study the moderating and mediating effects of resilience on the relationships between work intensity, conflicts in interpersonal relationship and nurses' burnout were investigated. Methods: In this descriptive research 227 nurses who consented to participate in the study were surveyed. The tool included nurses' objective work intensity, subjective work intensity, conflicts in interpersonal relationships, resilience, and burnout. Data were collected from nurses in general hospitals in D city from July to August 2017. Collected data were analyzed using SPSS 23.0 program. Results: Participants' burnout showed a statistically significant difference according to age, marital status, total clinical experience, position, work pattern, frequency of night shifts, work department, and salary. Participants' burnout was significantly positively correlated with subjective work intensity and conflicts in interpersonal relationships, and significantly negatively correlated with resilience. Resilience moderated the relationship between participants' subjective work intensity and burnout, and mediated the relationship between conflicts in interpersonal relationships and burnout. Conclusion: Resilience had a moderating effect on the relationship between subjective work intensity and burnout, and a mediating effect on the relationship between conflicts in interpersonal relationships and burnout. Therefore, further efforts and diverse intervention measures are required to enhance resilience and reduce work intensity and conflicts in interpersonal relationships in order to prevent burnout in nurses.

Issues and Challenges of Dental Hygienist Workforce Policy in Korea (우리나라 치과위생사 인력정책 현황 및 과제)

  • Lee, Hyo-Jin;Shin, Sun-Jung;Bae, Soo-Myoung;Shin, Bo-Mi
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.409-423
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    • 2019
  • The purposes of this study was to confirm the current issues of workforce policy of dental auxiliary personnel in Korea. The literature review and data collection were conducted in terms of the auxiliary personnel supply, regional distribution, legal works, working environment. Despite the rapid increase in the number of dental hygienists, the number of active dental hygienists is less than half of the total, and the dental clinics still experience the shortage. Considering the dental hygienist's work, the available dental auxiliary personnel for the dental assistance is limited. The proportion of dental hygienists is concentrated in large cities, and the ratio of dental clinics composed of only dental hygienists is high. Thus, it is essential to look for a plan to solve the disparity. The criterion for judging the legality of the works is ambiguous because a large portion of dental hygienist's work is not specified in the Medical Technicians Act. The job life is also shortened, and occupational profession and satisfaction are lowered. Thus, job burnout is accelerating. The difference between the legal works and the practiced works of dental hygienist and the conflict between the personnel might be due to the lack of utilization plans for the dental personnel at the government level. Therefore, the government should establish the roles of dental hygienist in accordance with the demands of the dental health service, institutionalize the necessary policies accordingly, and make efforts to establish plans to improve the relevant laws and utilize the manpower appropriately.

Commercial Models' Turnover Intention: With a Focus on the Moderating Effects of Self-belief, Attractiveness, and Ethical Environment (광고모델의 이직의도 -신뢰성과 매력성, 그리고 윤리적 환경의 조절효과를 중심으로-)

  • Seo, Young-Hee;Lee, Cheol-Gyu
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.151-167
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    • 2016
  • Despite the seeming glamour and popularity of commercial modeling, the industry has a darker side. Many models fail to adapt to the profession, and there are frequent cases of models quitting after a relatively short period of time. For commercial modeling agencies, this high turnover rate causes considerable disruption to their business, negatively impacting credibility and leading to decreased sales. As such, this study aimed to investigate the turnover intention of commercial models in relation to professional identity, emotional labor, and role conflict, and to propose remedies for their high turnover intention. Towards this, the relationship between commercial models' turnover intention and the factors of professional identity, emotional labor, and role conflict, and further analyzed the moderating effect of self-belief, attractiveness, and ethical environment. The analysis found that the factors having the greatest effect on commercial models' turnover intention were, in order, role conflict, emotional labor, and professional identity. When hierarchical multiple regression analysis was used to analyze the moderating effect of self-belief, attractiveness, and ethical environment on the relationship between these independent variables and their effect on turnover intention, it was found that the negative impact of emotional labor on turnover intention is moderated by self-belief, and the negative impact of low professional identity on turnover intention is moderated by ethical environment. These findings underscore the importance of self-belief in commercial models, as emotional laborers, and suggest that commercial models are not born but are rather made, namely in a desirable work environment that is professional and well-organized.

Implementation of Microbial Identification Query System for Laboratory Medicine (진단검사의학을 위한 세균동정 쿼리시스템의 구현)

  • Koo Bong Oh;Shin Yong Won
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.10 no.1 s.33
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    • pp.113-124
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    • 2005
  • The work of investigation in the laboratory medicine includes various kinds of investigations and microbes and it is too complicated to draw needed results in time. So, we aim to improve work performance of the laboratory medicine. For this study, we implemented the scheduling system in microbe investigation using agent environment and the workflow management system to manage the schedule of investigation, and the query system to check the schedule. And preliminary report and final report of microbe investigation can be announced automatically using agent. The scheduling system implemented could identify the lack or waste of resources and thus enable efficient management and distribution of resources. The query system could check the schedule and retrieve the Processing status in short time, enabled the automated report, and reduced possible interrupts and the delay of work that can be occurred in confirming process. It also enables users to access from local and remote sites. Also, this system can reduce the conflicts among People that may occur in unexpected situations because it enables doctors to confirm those situations such as the malfunction of instrument and the lack of agar or reagent, and the efficiency of work process can be expected.

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The Effect of Empathy on the Job Stress among Nurses (간호사의 공감이 직무스트레스 미치는 영향)

  • Jeong, Hye-Sun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.3911-3918
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    • 2015
  • This study was conducted to identify the effect of nurses' empathy on their job stress. The subjects of this study were 192 nurses working at 5 general hospitals. The empathy and job stress were surveyed by using structured questionnaire from June 1 to August 31, 2014. The nurses' overall job stress was 3.86 out of 5 and among the domains of job stress, stress of relationship with patients and their carer was 4.22, stress of relationship with medical doctors was 4.21, and stress related to nursing tasks was 4.01. Factors influencing job stress were gender, pay satisfaction, perceived amount of workload, and fantasy from empathy. These findings suggest that in order to improve clinical nurses' job stress, there should be organizational efforts to regulate the pay level and workload and to develop programs for lowering perceived job stress among nurses by managing fantasy from empathy.

An exploration of the meaning of work through job crafting by Learning Village Activists (학습마을활동가의 잡 크래프팅을 통한 일의 의미 탐색)

  • Song, Seong-Suk
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.51-60
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    • 2021
  • This study aims to do in-depth exploration of the meaning of learning village activists' work, focusing on job crafting. A qualitative case study was conducted through participant observation and in-depth interview from March 23, 2020 to March 05, 2021. As a result of the analysis, a task crafting showed 'task performance using one's own strengths and resources', 'executing additional tasks other than the specified tasks', and 'changes in work methods for efficient task performance'. In a cognitive crafting, 'recognition of the importance of work and sense of vocation', 'recognition of happiness and pleasure in work', and 'recognition of roles to expand work expertise' appeared. In a relation crafting, 'building a community of practical learning with colleagues', 'a mediator of the growth and change of village residents', and 'coexistence of conflict and cooperation with business associates' were shown. In conclusion, learning village activists were actively changing their work through the job crafting and this can be used as basic data to improve the satisfaction with their work. A follow-up study was proposed for activists in learning villages in other regions.

Current Status of Work Performance and Support Plan for Public Health Doctors in the COVID-19 Quarantine (코로나19(COVID-19) 방역상황에서 공중보건의사의 업무 수행 현황과 지원방안)

  • Kim, Jin-Suk;Oh, Su-Hyun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.367-376
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the current status of work performance of public health doctors(PHDs) involved in quarantine of COVID-19, and to suggest a plan to support PHDs for effective national epidemic prevention and control in the future. As a result of the study, it was found that PHDs mainly performed sample collection, interview, and treatment. 39% of PHDs worked in places without negative pressure facilities, and personal protective equipment and welfare support were poor. In addition, it was investigated that they experienced high-risk infectious diseases, mental distress, exclusion from the decision-making process, conflicts with officials, problems with work guidelines, and lack of prior education. For effective infectious disease management, it is necessary to assign appropriate ranks and to participate in the decision-making process for quarantine, to specify appropriate compensation and regulations, to education, and to support mental health.