• Title/Summary/Keyword: 얼굴 합성

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A Hardware Design of Feature Detector for Realtime Processing of SIFT(Scale Invariant Feature Transform) Algorithm in Embedded Systems (임베디드 환경에서 SIFT 알고리즘의 실시간 처리를 위한 특징점 검출기의 하드웨어 구현)

  • Park, Chan-Il;Lee, Su-Hyun;Jeong, Yong-Jin
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.86-95
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    • 2009
  • SIFT is an algorithm to extract vectors at pixels around keypoints, in which the pixel colors are very different from neighbors, such as vertices and edges of an object. The SIFT algorithm is being actively researched for various image processing applications including 3D image reconstructions and intelligent vision system for robots. In this paper, we implement a hardware to sift feature detection algorithm for real time processing in embedded systems. We estimate that the hardware implementation give a performance 25ms of $1,280{\times}960$ image and 5ms of $640{\times}480$ image at 100MHz. And the implemented hardware consumes 45,792 LUTs(85%) with Synplify 8.li synthesis tool.

Applying Caricature Concept for Face Recognizable Humanoid Creature Design (인물인식을 위한 휴머노이드 크리처 디자인의 캐리커처 컨셉 적용)

  • Suk, Hae-Jung;Lee, Yun-Jin
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.11 no.12
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    • pp.19-27
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    • 2011
  • The humanoid creatures like Na'Vi in 'Avatar' remind the audience of a few actors' faces in the movie, enhance realism in film through combining CG and Live action which are related to the story. The design of face-recognizable humanoid creature is expected to be used in many ways; not only in film, but also in newest media. This research proposes to apply the main concept of Caricature which is 'exaggeration' of distinctive face elements from their prototypes for 'likeness' with the subjects. Also, it provides the idea of extracting the distinctive features of a face and combining the exaggerated subject as those features with an imaginary creature-other species, alien, etc. Finally, it proves the effectiveness of the design process with some experiments.

Analysis and Syntheris of Facial Images for Age Change (나이변화를 위한 얼굴영상의 분석과 합성)

  • 박철하;최창석;최갑석
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics B
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    • v.31B no.9
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    • pp.101-111
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    • 1994
  • The human face can provide a great deal of information in regard to his/her race, age, sex, personality, feeling, psychology, mental state, health condition and ect. If we pay a close attention to the aging process, we are able to find out that there are recognizable phenomena such as eyelid drooping, cheek drooping, forehead furrowing, hair falling-out, the hair becomes gray and etc. This paper proposes that the method to estimate the age by analyzing these feature components for the facial image. Ang we also introduce the method of facial image synthesis in accordance with the cange of age. The feature components according to the change of age can be obtainec by dividing the facial image into the 3-dimensional shape of a face and the texture of a face and then analyzing the principle component respectively using 3-dimensional model. We assume the age of the facial image by comparing the extracted feature component to the facial image and synthesize the resulted image by adding or subtracting the feature component to/from the facial image. As a resurt of this simulation, we have obtained the age changed ficial image of high quality.

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Development of Combined Architecture of Multiple Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Improving Video Face Identification (비디오 얼굴 식별 성능개선을 위한 다중 심층합성곱신경망 결합 구조 개발)

  • Kim, Kyeong Tae;Choi, Jae Young
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.655-664
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    • 2019
  • In this paper, we propose a novel way of combining multiple deep convolutional neural network (DCNN) architectures which work well for accurate video face identification by adopting a serial combination of 3D and 2D DCNNs. The proposed method first divides an input video sequence (to be recognized) into a number of sub-video sequences. The resulting sub-video sequences are used as input to the 3D DCNN so as to obtain the class-confidence scores for a given input video sequence by considering both temporal and spatial face feature characteristics of input video sequence. The class-confidence scores obtained from corresponding sub-video sequences is combined by forming our proposed class-confidence matrix. The resulting class-confidence matrix is then used as an input for learning 2D DCNN learning which is serially linked to 3D DCNN. Finally, fine-tuned, serially combined DCNN framework is applied for recognizing the identity present in a given test video sequence. To verify the effectiveness of our proposed method, extensive and comparative experiments have been conducted to evaluate our method on COX face databases with their standard face identification protocols. Experimental results showed that our method can achieve better or comparable identification rate compared to other state-of-the-art video FR methods.

코로나 19 시대의 화장품분야 천연소재 개발방향

  • 정의수
    • Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2021.04a
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    • pp.4-4
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    • 2021
  • 전 세계는 covid 19의 pandemic 상황이 장기화되면서 화장품 분야의 trend 변화가 일어나고 있다. covid 19의 예방으로 마스크는 생활필수품이 되었고, 행정적으로도 사무공간에서도 마스크를 착용하지 않으면 과태료를 부과하는 상황에 이르렀다. 이로 인하여 장시간 마스크 착용은 필수 불가결한 상황이며, 이로 인하여 얼굴 피부의 장벽기능(barrier function)의 와해로 인하여 피부가 예민해지고 크고 작은 피부의 trouble이 많이 발생하고 있다. 이에 따라 소비자들은 화장품의 선택에 있어 피부 진정과 피부에 자극완화(anti-irritation) 및 안전성(safety)에 대한 것으로 점차적으로 변화하고 있다. Covid 19 이전의 화장품 소재 및 제품 개발의 트렌드는 국내의 기능성화장품 범주에 있는 미백 관련, 주름관련, 자외선 차단관련, 염모관련, 육모 탈모 관련, 여드름관련, 피부장벽관련, 튼살 관련 기능성 소재 및 제품 개발과 화장품 용도외의 고기능성 부여를 위한 코스메슈티컬(cosmeceutical)용 제품의 개발이 중요한 시기였다. 코스메슈티컬(cosmeceutical)은 화장품(cosmetic)과 의약품(pharmaceutical)의 합성어이다. 그러나 최근 Covid 19의 상황에 따라 화장품 업계는 포스트 코로나의 트렌드로 피부 장벽기능 강화, 피부노화 억제, 식물성, 자극완화, 비건, 안전성 확보에 대한 다양한 천연 소재의 연구와 제품을 개발 출시하고 있다. 따라서, 2020년 Covid 19의 상황에 따른 화장품 분야의 천연 신소재 및 화장품 개발 방향에 대하여 자원 식물의 활용성 및 개발 동향에 대하여 논의 하고자한다.

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A Sunglasses Design to Prevent Snow Blindness at High Altitude (설맹 방지를 위한 고소등반용 선글라스 디자인)

  • Choi, Byung-Jin;Jang, Joon-Young
    • Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.19-22
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    • 2007
  • Recently, the population of people exploring High Mountain trekking or expedition is increasing as an increase in the backpackers. Many accidents occurring at High Mountain above 6,000 m are the results of snow blindness. The damage of cornea and/or retina is direct cause of snow blindness. The UV intensity increases on the hand, along with the altitude caused by decrease in the atmospheric pressure, on the other hand the reflections by bright snow at high mountain area. And it increases approximately 3 times and 4 times higher than the ground level at altitude of 4,000 m and 8,000 m, respectively. The use of sunglasses is more favorable than goggles for the protection of snow blindness at High Mountains. The eye frames that have high mechanical strength and the plastic lenses which can protect UV 100% are recommended. The attachable shielding pads are needed to prevent the incident UV light reflected or scattered from the gap between glasses frame and face. The sunglasses must have flexible and long temples to wind the ears adequately for the prevention of detachment during climbing and it is recommended that the metal frame to be coated with plastics to prevent the eye surroundings from frostbite.

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A Driver's Condition Warning System using Eye Aspect Ratio (눈 영상비를 이용한 운전자 상태 경고 시스템)

  • Shin, Moon-Chang;Lee, Won-Young
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.349-356
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    • 2020
  • This paper introduces the implementation of a driver's condition warning system using eye aspect ratio to prevent a car accident. The proposed driver's condition warning system using eye aspect ratio consists of a camera, that is required to detect eyes, the Raspberrypie that processes information on eyes from the camera, buzzer and vibrator, that are required to warn the driver. In order to detect and recognize driver's eyes, the histogram of oriented gradients and face landmark estimation based on deep-learning are used. Initially the system calculates the eye aspect ratio of the driver from 6 coordinates around the eye and then gets each eye aspect ratio values when the eyes are opened and closed. These two different eye aspect ratio values are used to calculate the threshold value that is necessary to determine the eye state. Because the threshold value is adaptively determined according to the driver's eye aspect ratio, the system can use the optimal threshold value to determine the driver's condition. In addition, the system synthesizes an input image from the gray-scaled and LAB model images to operate in low lighting conditions.

Emotion fusion video communication services for real-time avatar matching technology (영상통신 감성융합 서비스를 위한 실시간 아바타 정합기술)

  • Oh, Dong Sik;Kang, Jun Ku;Sin, Min Ho
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.10 no.10
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    • pp.283-288
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    • 2012
  • 3D is the one of the current world in the spotlight as part of the future earnings of the business sector. Existing flat 2D and stereoscopic 3D to change the 3D shape and texture make walking along the dimension of the real world and the virtual reality world by making it feel contemporary reality of coexistence good show. 3D for the interest of the people has been spreading throughout the movie which is based on a 3D Avata. 3D TV market of the current conglomerate of changes in the market pioneer in the 3D market, further leap into the era of the upgrade was. At the same time, however, the modern man of the world, if becoming a necessity in the smartphone craze new innovation in the IT market mobile phone market and also has made. A small computer called a smartphone enough, the ripple velocity and the aftermath of the innovation of the telephone, the Internet as much as to leave many issues. Smartphone smart phone is a mobile phone that can be several functions. The current iPhone, Android. In addition to a large number of Windows Phone smartphones are released. Above the overall prospects of the future and a business service model for 3D facial expression as input avatar virtual 3D character on camera on your smartphone camera to recognize a user's emotional expressions on the face of the person is able to synthetic synthesized avatars in real-time to other mobile phone users matching, transmission, and be able to communicate in real-time sensibility fused video communication services to the development of applications.

A Study of Skin Biophysical Parameters and Biomarkers related to the Anatomical Site and Age in Korean Women (한국 여성의 피부 부위 및 연령에 따른 피부 측정 인자와 생물 인자 연구)

  • Cho, Seok-Cheol;Nam, Gaewon
    • Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.413-420
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    • 2015
  • The skin is one of the largest organs in our body and participates in many of the human organism's physiological and pathological events. Skin function were known for self-maintenance and self-repair, mechanical and chemical stress protection, protection against UV and environmental pathogenic micro-organisms, production of vitamin D, and social and psychological function through the physical aspect. The aim of this study was to evaluate the variation of biophysical parameters and to find relation with skin biomarkers in different anatomical site and age in Korean women. About 70 healthy volunteers in age range 20 to 49 were participated in this test. Test areas were the forearms and the cheek. Investigation to determine biophysical parameters on human skin, was carried out using various non-invasive methods. For analysis to skin biomarkers, we studied to examine various biomarkers for the quantitative determination of cortisol, fibronectin, keratin-1, 10, and 11, involucrin, and keratin-6 in human face and forearm. And we measured to skin biophysical parameters for skin anatomical site and age difference with non-invasive methods. As results of measuring site, some parameters were have following significant difference, stratum corneum hydration, trans epidermal water loss and skin color (L and a value). As results of age difference, skin colors were had only significant difference with age. For cortisol, keratin-6, fibronectin, keratin-1, 10, 11 contents, there were no significant difference in age and site. However, involucrin level in the cheeks were the highest for age group 30 ~ 39 compared to other age groups. These results suggest that in individual skin condition may explain detailed skin state variation.

Influence of the angles and number of scans on the accuracy of 3D laser scanning (3 차원 레이저 스캔영상 채득 시 스캔각도와 횟수에 따른 정확도)

  • Lee, Kyung-Min;Song, Hyo-Young;Lee, Ki-Heon;Hwang, Hyeon-Shik
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.76-86
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    • 2011
  • Objective: To investigate whether the accuracy of 3D laser scanning is influenced by the angles and number of scans. Methods: Using a 3D laser scanner, 10 manikins with facial markers were scanned at 7 horizontal angles (front view and at $20^{\circ}$, $45^{\circ}$, and $60^{\circ}$ angles on the right and left sides). Three-dimensional facial images were reconstructed by 6 methods differing in the number and angles of scans, and measurements of these images were compared to the physical measurements from the manikins. Results: The laser scan images were magnified by 0.14 - 0.26%. For images reconstructed by merging 2 scans, excluding the front view; and by merging 3 scans, including the front view and scans obtained at $20^{\circ}$ on both sides; several measurements were significantly different than the physical measurements. However, for images reconstructed by merging 3 scans, including the front view; and 5 scans, including the front view and scans obtained at $20^{\circ}$ and $60^{\circ}$ on both sides; only 1 measurement was significantly different. Conclusions: These results suggest that the number and angle of scans influence the accuracy of 3D laser scanning. A minimum of 3 scans, including the front view and scans obtained at more than $45^{\circ}$ on both sides, should be integrated to obtain accurate 3D facial images.