• Title/Summary/Keyword: 양육 참여도

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Parenting Stress among Dual- and Single-Earner Families : The Interaction Effect of Marital Relationship and Father's Child-Rearing Involvement on the Parenting Stress (맞벌이 가구와 남성홀벌이 가구 부모의 양육스트레스 연구 : 부부관계와 아버지 양육참여의 상호작용 효과 분석)

  • Kim, Yuna;Park, Aely
    • Journal of Family Relations
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.51-76
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    • 2016
  • Objectives: This study aims to investigate the effect of marital relationship on parenting stress among dual- and single-earner families. In particular, this study focuses on the interaction effect of marital relationship and father's child-rearing involvement on the parenting stress. To access factors associated with parenting stress, we included marital satisfaction and marital conflict as the dimensions of marital relationship in this study. Method: We employed data from the 5th wave of the Panel Study of Korean Children(PSKC) data. Our analysis sample consisted of 1,515 parents having at least one child aged under 4 years. Also, this study conducted descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis. Results: First of all, marital satisfaction and marital conflict were significantly related to parenting stress for both mother and father in dual-earner families. While both indicators were significantly related to parenting stress for father, marital conflict only was a significant predictor for mother in single-earner families. Second, father involvement was a significant predictor for parenting stress for father in both dual- and single-earner families. Third, interaction effects were found between father involvement and marital conflict in the dual-earner families and between father involvement and marital satisfaction in the single-earner families. Conclusions: Based on the results, we recommended programs designed to enhance father's child-rearing involvement such as parenting education and community-based campaign. In addition, we recommended that policy and practice need to identify marital relationship dynamics to promote father's involvement and to reduce marital conflict in both dual- and single-earner families accordingly.

Factors Affecting Depression in Mothers of Children with Disabilities (장애아동 어머니의 우울에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Cho, In Sook;Ryu, Hyun Sook
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.46-54
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors affecting depression in mothers of children with disabilities and to identify the relationships between the depression, parenting-stress and self-esteem. Methods: The participants were 100 mothers of children with disabilities lving in G city. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA and Pearson Correlation Coefficients with SPSS/PC+ 21.0. Results: There was a significant relationship between depression and parenting stress (p<.001). Depression was negatively correlated with self-esteem (p<.001). Variables affecting depression were parenting-stress, self-esteem and family income. The three factors accounted for 38.7% of the depression. Conclusion: The results of the study show that parenting-stress and selfe-steem are the most significant factors affecting depression. There is an urgent need to develop nursing interventions to reduce levels of depression in mothers of children with disabilities and to help them lead a healthier life.

Effect on Parenting Stress of Children's Characteristics, Emotionality and Mother's Self-efficacy (아동의 발달 특성과 정서성 및 어머니의 자기효능감이 어머니의 양육스트레스에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Hera;Kim, Jin Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.53-67
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    • 2012
  • This study was to focus on the effect on parenting stress of children's developmental characteristics, emotionality and mother's self-efficacy, thus to set the structure equation model. Analysis data was collected from 2078 newborns to be involved Korea Children's Panel 1st year. The valuables were all measured by mothers. The main results of this study were as follows. First, children's developmental characteristics and emotionality had an effect on parenting stress directly. A lower level of children's developmental characteristics and a higher level of children's emotionality indicated a higher maternal parenting stress level. Second, mother's self-efficacy also had an effect on parenting stress level. A lower level of maternal self-efficacy demonstrated a higher level of maternal parenting stress level. Third, children's developmental characteristics and emotionality had an effect on parenting stress indirectly through mother's self-efficacy. Mother's self-efficacy which was affected by children's developmental characteristics and emotionality aggravated mother's parenting stress. The implication of these findings are also discussed.

The Main and Interaction Effects of Day-care Experiences and Maternal Parenting Behavior on Preschoolers' Problem Behaviors (보육경험과 어머니의 양육행동이 유아의 문제행동에 미치는 주효과와 상호작용 효과)

  • Choi, Mi Na;Shin, Nana
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.283-310
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the main and interaction effects of day-care experiences and maternal parenting behavior on preschoolers' externalizing and internalizing problem behaviors. A total of 248 preschoolers(112 boys and 136 girls) and their mothers participated in this study. Mothers provided information about their children's day-care experiences(i.e., age of entry, hours per week, days per week, and number of day care centers attended by the preschoolers), their parenting behavior, and their children's problem behavior. Data were analyzed using correlations, multiple and hierarchical regressions, and post-hoc analysis suggested by Aiken and West(1991). First, preschoolers who frequently changed day-care centers showed higher levels of aggression. Second, maternal logical explanation, coercive and neglecting parenting behavior significantly influenced preschoolers' externalizing and internalizing problem behavior. Finally, interactions of day-care experiences and maternal parenting behavior were significant in predicting preschoolers' problem behavior. These findings suggest that day-care experiences need to be considered with other family variables in predicting preschoolers' developmental outcomes.

The Phenomenological Study of the Parental Experience of the Fathers for their Children with Brain Lesions (중증뇌병변장애인 자녀를 둔 아버지의 양육경험에 대한 현상학적 연구)

  • Kang, Sun Kyung;Choi, Yoon
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.69 no.1
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    • pp.199-222
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    • 2017
  • This study examined the parental experiences of the fathers who reared their children with brain lesions. Since a brain lesion is considered a lifelong disability, children with brain lesions need the medical and social management through their entire life. Due to the lack of specialized caring services and organizations in Korea for such children, their families are forced to take care of them. For this reason, it is necessary to study about the fathers who are rearing the children with brain lesions. For this purpose, four fathers had participated in this study and data were collected through one to one in-depth interviews. Using Giorgi(2004)'s phenomenological research method, the study results were as follows. The substantial themes were "charred heart", "surviving the hardships", "the ruins of life", "attitude against reality", "the unique composition of family life", "children as fate", "father's love." Based on the these analysis results, the implications were suggested to cure the psychological and institutional difficulties and to provide supportive services for the fathers and families who care the children with brain lesions.

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The relations of toddlers' temperament, mother's rearing attitude, and teacher interaction to Toddlers' Language Ability (영아 기질, 어머니 양육행동, 교사 상호작용과 영아 언어능력의 관계)

  • Kim, Hyeon
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.67-93
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of the present study was to examine how 25~36-month-old toddlers' temperament, mother's rearing attitude, teacher interaction relates to their language abilities and to analyze the predictive power of these variables in predicting language ability. The subjects were 206 toddlers, 206 mothers and 38 class teachers at child care center in G metropolitan city. The collected data were analyzed using Pearson's correlation analysis and stepwise multiple regression analysis on SPSS program. The results of this study were as follow. First, there was a significant relationship between mother's rearing attitude, teacher interaction and toddlers language abilities. However, toddlers' temperament showed no significant correlations with toddlers language abilities. Second, teacher's positive attitude was the best predictor of toddlers language abilities. Toddlers' reactivity and mother's rational guidance were also predictors of toddlers' language abilities.

Poor Custodial Grandparents' Life Story and Care-giving Experiences of Their Grandchildren (저소득층 조손가족 조부모의 인생이야기와 손자녀 양육경험)

  • Oh, Kyung Seuk
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.65-84
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    • 2010
  • This study examined poor custodial grandparents' life story and care-giving experiences of their grandchildren. 8 grandparents were selected and in-depth interview and participant observation method were used. They showed a miserable life from the birth and discriminative experience of the deprivation of educational opportunities as childhood nadir experiences. They showed the regret for their inability as youth/midlife low point and financial difficulty as old life nadir experiences. In terms of care-giving experiences of their grandchildren, they showed non-voluntary care-giving, anxiety for the generational continuation of hardship, and lack of familial assistance. Poor custodial grandparents also used family-centered value, community-based social assistance, and self-assurance through their sacrifice as their adjustment strategy. Several research themes such as the importance of basic trust in childhood, the experience of financial difficulties, the importance of community-based social assistance, and self-assurance through their sacrifice were suggested for further research.

Parenting Efficacy and Happiness of Mothers of Elementary School Students with Disabilities (초등학교 장애학생 어머니의 양육효능감과 행복감)

  • 박은진;박재국;김은라
    • The Journal of Special Children Education
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.125-153
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the level of perception on parental efficacy and happiness and correlation between parental efficacy and happiness of mothers of elementary school students with disabilities. Method: To this end, 218 mothers of elementary school students were asked to complete two questionnaires on parenting efficacy and happiness. Results: First, the mothers of elementary school students with disabilities showed a positive level of parenting efficacy. As well, there were significant differences according to sociodemographic variables such as child's gender, type of career, parent's education participation frequency, and school life satisfaction. Second, the level of happiness of mothers of elementary school students with disabilities was normal. As well, there were significant differences according to child's gender, mother's age, type of career, and school life satisfaction. Third, there were significant correlation between parenting efficacy and happiness. Conclusion: Based on these results, it was necessary to develop the various parent education programs to support the understanding of mother's parenting efficacy and perception of happiness, and to support the family raising children with disabilities to improve mother's parenting efficacy and happiness do.

The Experience in Deciding for Childcare of Unmarried Lone Mother : Phenomenological Research (미혼 양육모의 양육 결정 체험 : 현상학적 연구)

  • Kim, Hye-Seon;Kim, Eun-Ha
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.58 no.1
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    • pp.373-393
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    • 2006
  • This study aimed at understanding the experience in deciding for childcare of unmarried lone mother and searching for intervention methods through in-depth examination of the essence of the experience. To achieve this, the Colazzi analysis of phenomenological research was applied. The subjects of study were 7 unmarried lone mothers in early age of the twenties and thirties, who resided in an institution for unmarried lone mothers. An in-depth interview was held individually with them with question of "What is the experience in deciding for childcare as a unmarried lone mother" twice on the average from Nov. 2003 to Feb. 2005. The results found that a unmarried lone mothers' experience in childcare meant 'resurrection' through analyzing 22 themes and 7 theme clusters(confusion due to pregnancy, harsh feeling for reality suffering alone, feeling of love for a baby, mental conflict about childcare, decision toward childcare, firm in decision, hope for resurrection). Although the results of this study have the limitation of generalization due to phenomenological study, it will contribute to accepting and understanding mother-and-child families as one type of family rather than regarding them as being difficult or alienated in family and society, to recognizing the need of taking back their rights, and to suggesting intervention methods for unmarried lone mothers.

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Fathers' Interest and Involvement in their Child's Education as related to Demographic Variables, Fathers' Parenting Behavior, and Participation in the Daily Life of their Children (사회인구학적 변인, 아버지의 양육행동 및 일상생활 참여가 아버지의 자녀교육 관심 및 참여에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Jee-Sun;Park, Seong-Yeon;Jun, Chun-Ae
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.167-181
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is (1) to explore fathers' interest and involvement concerning their child's education as related to demographic variables of family, fathers' parenting behavior, and participation in the daily life of their children. A total of 220 fathers of children in elementary to high school participated in this study and responded to a questionnaire. T-test, oneway ANOVA, correlation analysis, and regression analysis were used for data analysis. The findings are as follows: 1) The level of fathers' interest and involvement in their child's education was relatively high. 2) Fathers' interest and involvement in their child's education were significantly different according to the father's educational level and socioeconomic status, but not to the child's gender and age. The better a child's school achievement was, the higher the father's interest and involvement in their child's education was. 3) Fathers' affectionate parenting behavior and participation in the daily life of their children affected the fathers' interest and involvement in their children's education. The importance of fathers' interest and participation concerning their child's education was discussed.