• Title/Summary/Keyword: 안전 운항

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The Legal Study of Prohibited Items on Aeroplane for the Aircraft Safety and Security (항공안전보장.질서유지를 위한 항공기반입금지 물품 관리.감독에 관한 입법적 개선방안)

  • Chang, In-Ho
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.33-66
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    • 2014
  • While the numbers of overseas travelers has been increased rapidly each year, the numbers of passengers in the aircraft also has continued to be increased gradually. In the mist of these increasing numbers, such accidents as threatening an aircraft safety like riot, aircraft hijacking and terrorism have happened constantly. In these circumstances, South Korean government has prescribed "Aviation on Security Act" in accordance with the Convention on International Civil Aviation and other international agreements. This act aims to prevent illegal activities and illegal items on the aircraft to ensure the safety and security of civil aviation. However, this act is not sufficiently regulating all the illegal crimes and illegal items on the flight. For the worse, there is a lack of effective supervisory capacity. Likewise, the inherent problems of the current laws relating to the prevention of the illegal items on the aircraft are appearing on the surface continually. Above all, illegal items on the aircraft are directly connected to the issue of aviation safety and security as well as a safe utilization of the flight service. Thus, when there occurs a serious accident on board, it surely would be led to a huge economic loss not mentioning the loss of lives following the accident. Therefore safety of the flight passengers cannot be guaranteed without ensuring the safety of aircraft facilities and good supervisory mechanism of illegal items on the aircraft. Accordingly, establishing a safe operation order tends to influence economy and tourism of a country in no small measure. Therefore, it is an urgent issue to settle down a reasonable and adequate supervisory regulations regarding the prevention of the illegal items on the aircraft. Consequently, in this article, I studied on a reasonal and effective mechanism to control the prevention of the illegal items and illegal acts on the aircraft in order to ensure a safety and security of civil aircraft.

An study on guide to oil spill response in snow and ice condition in seas (유빙유입에 따른 해양오염사고 대응방안 마련 연구)

  • Lim, Ji Young;Lee, Seung Hwan;Hyun, Chung Guk;Park, Chan Hyun
    • Proceedings of KOSOMES biannual meeting
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    • 2018.06a
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    • pp.16-16
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    • 2018
  • 2017년 겨울, 기록적인 한파로 인해 바다가 얼면서 인천 앞바다로 유빙이 유입되었다. 2013년 해상에서 유빙이 발견된 이후 약 5년만에 다시 유빙이 등장한 것이다. 중부청 소속 항공단 순찰결과에 따르면, 2018년 1월 12일 인천대교 인근 해상에서 최초로 발견된 이후 강화 연안, 영종도 북단 등 해상에서 광범위하고 불규칙한 형태로 유빙이 분포되어 있는 것으로 나타났다. 유빙의 문제점은 해상에서 선박의 안전운항을 저해하고 경비함정의 안전에 지장을 초래하며 기름 유출 시, 유출유의 거동 특성이 달라져 일반적인 방제방법의 적용이 곤란한 점이다. 이에 따라 해상에서의 해양오염사고 대응방안 마련을 위해 저온 및 유빙 유입 해상에서 유출유의 거동 특성을 알아보았다. 구분인자를 극한의 추위(Extreme Cold), 유빙(Pack Ice), 정착빙(Fast Ice) 3가지로 분류하여 기름의 성상변화 및 시사점을 살펴보고, 유출된 기름의 효율적 방제를 크게 3가지로 분류(기계적 봉쇄 및 회수, 화학적 분산제의 사용, 현장소각)하였다. 일반적인 방제장비를 저온 및 얼음분포 해상에서 사용 시 슬러시화 된 얼음으로 인해 유출유 회수가 어렵고, 동결온도에서 장비가 오작동할 우려가 있다. 이미 북유럽 국가에서는 극한의 추위와 얼음분포 해상에 특화된 방제장비를 도입하여 해양오염대비 대응을 하고 있다. 2003년 3월 발틱해에서 불법적으로 유출한 선저폐수를 특화 장비는 brush bucket 유회수기 이용 방제조치한 사례가 있으며, 2006년 5월 같은 장소에서 선박 침몰로 인한 기름 유출이 발생했을때도 brush bucket 유회수기 이용 방제조치를 하였다. 국내에도 이상 기후로 인해 기록적인 한파가 지속되면서 북극에서나 볼 법한 유빙들이 발견되고, 해양오염사고는 언제 어디서나 발생할 수 있으므로, 해양오염방제의 임무를 맡고 있는 국가기관으로써 특수한 환경까지도 고려하여 대응방안을 마련할 필요가 있다. 해양오염이 재난으로 인식되고 있는 상황에서, 그리고 지구온난화로 인한 이상기후변화가 지속되는 상황에서 겨울철 유빙 유입은 점점 더 많아질 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 자료나 방제경험이 부족하므로 일찌감치 북극항로 개발로 앞선 방제기술과 경험을 가지고 있는 북극이사회를 벤치마킹하여 관할 해역 특성에 맞는 대응방안을 고찰해 본다.

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A Study on the Improvement of Survival Rate of the Passengers and Crews according to FDS Analysis (FDS 분석을 통한 승객 및 선원 생존율 향상에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Won Ouk;Kim, Jong Su;Park, Woe Chul
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.312-317
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    • 2015
  • Seafarers can confront to evacuate from the ship with many reasons such as collision, grounding and fire accident. It believes that evacuation time from ship is very important element in order to increase survival rate in the contingency circumstance, however narrow and complex structure of ship is one of obstacle element against prompt evacuation. Taking into consideration the unique structure of ship compared to the structure of other facilities, speed of fire propagation on board ship is faster than the same size of other type facilities. Therefore, measures to prompt evacuation are required. But it comes with the behavioral constraints of the crews and passengers of the nature of operating in a complex structure with narrow vessels. Therefore, in this study, we propose a formula to be analyzed by theoretical approach and simulation methods to improve the survival rate for the crew and passenger of the ship through the ship's structural modification. We analyzed the temperature rise and visibility which are the most influential effects on the life safety in the event of fire by using a three-dimensional analysis of sight-only program Fire Dynamic Simulator (FDS) as analytical tools.

Empirical Study on the Performance Analysis and Function of Jindo Coastal Vessel Traffic Service (진도 연안VTS의 성과 분석 및 기능에 관한 실증적 연구)

  • Jeong, Jae-Yong;Jung, Cho-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.308-315
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    • 2012
  • Hebei Spirit Oil Spill that happened in 2007 had prompted the need of revisiting the coastal safety. In response to this, Korea had made an effort to implement VTS in every coastline in the country. There are a lot of theoretical studies on VTS function nowadays, but coastal VTS are less frequently studied. In this paper, performance analysis results and accident prevention activities of Jindo Coastal VTS center were summarized and the Coastal VTS function are investigated. Jindo Coastal VTS covers relatively wide area and various places with various maritime traffic characteristics are the major navigation vessels, which means that it is important to control these vessels. Since the probability of accidents due to human error is relatively high in coastal area due to negligence tendency of crews during coastal area navigation, coastal VTS has to provide sufficient assistance to navigating vessels. Like most harbour VTS, Coastal VTS provides not only main information service, navigational assistance and traffic organization services but also various services related with advanced search-and-rescue assistance, marine national security, maritime crime prevention, oil spill response, traffic services for non-service vessel, and safety supervision for water leisure boats.

A Study on the Risk Control Measures of Ship's Collision (선박충돌사고 위험성 제어방안에 관한 연구)

  • 양원재;금종수;전승환
    • Proceedings of KOSOMES biannual meeting
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.59-67
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    • 2003
  • The prevention of marine accidents has been a major topic in marine society for long time and various safety policies and Countermeasures have been developed and applied to prevent those accidents. In spite of these efforts, however significant marine accidents have taken place intermittently. Ship is being operated under a highly dynamic environments and many factors are related with ship's collision and those factors are interacting. So, the analysis on ship's collision causes are very important to prepare countermeasures which will ensure the safe navigation. This study analysed the ship's collision data over the past 10 years(1991-2000), which is compiled by Korea Marine Accidents Inquiry Agency. The analysis confirmed that ‘ship's collision’ is occurred most frequently and the cause is closely related with human factor. The main purpose of this study is to propose risk control countermeasures of ship's collision. For this, the structure of human factor is analysed by the questionnaire methodology. Marine experts were surveyed based on major elements that were extracted from the human factor affecting to ship's collision. FSM has been widely adopted in modeling a dynamic system which is composed of human factors. Then, the structure analysis on the causes of ship's collision using FSM are performed. This structure model could be used in understanding and verifying the procedure of real ship's collision. Furthermore it could be used as the model to prevent ship's collision and reduce marine accidents.

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A Study on the Risk Control Measures of Ship′s Collision (선박충돌사고 위험성 제어방안에 관한 연구)

  • 양원재;금종수
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.51-56
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    • 2003
  • The prevention of marine accidents has been a major topic in marine society for long time and various safety policies and Countermeasures have been developed and applied to prevent those accidents. In spite of these efforts, however significant marine accidents have taken place intermittently. Ship is being operated under a highly dynamic environments and many factors are related with ship's collision and those factors are interacting. So, the analysis on ship's collision rouses are very important to prepare countermeasures which will ensure the safe navigation. This study analysed the ship's collision data over the past 10 years(1991-2000), which is compiled by Korea Marine Accidents Inquiry Agency. The analysis confirmed that ‘ship's collision’ is occurred most frequently and the cause is closely related with human factor. The main purpose if this study is to propose risk control countermeasures of ship's collision. For this, the structure of human factor is analysed by the questionnaire methodology. Marine experts were surveyed based on major elements that were extracted from the human factor affecting to ship's collision FSM has been widely adopted in modeling a dynamic system which is composed of human factors. Then, the structure analysis on the rouses of ship's collision using FSM are performed. This structure model could be used in understanding and verifying the procedure of real ship's collision. Furthermore it could be used as the model to prevent ship's collision and to reduce marine accidents.

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A Study on the Traffic Improvement at an Approach Area of Busan Harbor (부산항 제1항로 진입 해역의 통항 개선에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Yun-Sok;Jung, Min;Song, Chae-Uk;Park, Jin-Soo;Park, Young-Soo;Cho, Ik-Soon
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.31 no.5 s.121
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    • pp.345-351
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    • 2007
  • In approaching sea area of Busan harbour, there are many traffic vessels and external forces such as strong seasonal wind and lateral flow are existed. Since the area caused the risk of navigation and ship operators feel hard to enter/depart on Busan port, we carried our the evaluation of traffic risk and propriety at Busan no.1 fairway. In order to assess the safety in the fairway, we analyzed ship's traffic stream based on the marine traffic survey and evaluated the traffic safety of present Traffic Separation Schemes(TSS) and suggest TSS in the research using full mission ship-handling simulators. As a result, the suggested TSS has an effect on improving the traffic safety. In addition, this paper was to suggest the dredging area of depth of water, the passage of towing vessels and control of warships for preventing of maritime accidents in the Busan no.1 fairway.

A Study on the Feasibility of Installing Solar Auxiliary Power for Small Fishing Boats (태양광 보조전원을 설치한 소형선박의 타당성 연구)

  • Yoon, Kyoungkuk;Jeon, Hyeonmin;Hwang, Junyoung;Kim, Jongsu
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.883-889
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    • 2021
  • The South Korean fishing industry is experiencing a rapid growth owing to an increase in its leisure-fishing population. Consequently, fishing boats weighing 9-10 [ton] have also been increasing. Current fishing boats operate their essential equipment by switching their engines with batteries to reduce the cost of gas and engine noise. However, stranding incidents have been increasingly recorded annually, in which boats fail to start owing to discharged batteries, and these incidents can lead to serious casualties. This study proposes the installation of a solar auxiliary power system to safeguard fishing boats, particularly those weighing between 9-10 [ton]. The feasibility of securing space for the solar auxiliary power of boats under consideration was verified. To examine the application of solar power, this study calculates the load necessary to operate it for fishing and models such a system using an electricity analysis program The modeled system, which applies the monthly horizontal solar insolation, validated the adoption of a solar auxiliary power in fishing boats.

A Study on the Design of Data Model for Route Information based on S-100 (S-100 기반의 항로정보 데이터 모델 설계에 관한 연구)

  • PARK, Byung-Moon;KIM, Jae-Myeong;CHOI, Yun-Soo;OH, Se-Woong;JUNG, Min
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.50-64
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    • 2019
  • According to the Maritime Safety Act, there are all 34 routes including 5 traffic safety zones, 3 traffic separation schemes, 26 routes designated by regional maritime affairs departments in the Republic of Korea. In the SOLAS convention, the route information should be is effectively used for the safe navigation. However, the route information is complicatedly composed of the location of the route, the navigation rule by each route, the restriction of the navigation, and the anchorages. Moreover, the present method of providing information using the navigational chart and other publications is not effective for users to grasp the navigational information. Therefore, it was conducted to study the design of the S-100 based routing information data model developed by the International Hydrographic Organization to find ways to more effectively provide route information. To do this, the analysis of route requirement, selection of items, encoding test and users' review were carried out. Through expert user review, it was evaluated that the study on the design of the route information data model can be utilized as a good basic data for the route information integration service. Future research on the development of route information data models is expected to provide integrated route information services.

A Study on Construction of Collision Prevention Algorithm for Small Vessel Using WAVE Communication System (WAVE 통신을 활용한 소형선박의 충돌예방 알고리즘 구축에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Myoung-ki;Park, Young-Soo;Kang, Won-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2019
  • In December 2017, many collision accidents of small vessels, such as those between oil refineries and fishing boats, occurred near Yeonghung-do in Incheon. In order to prevent marine casualties from small vessels, the government is striving to improve the safety capabilities of ship operators by strengthening education and improving the working environment. They are providing education and refining training regulations for fishermen operating vessels under 5 tons. However, the situation includes certain vulnerabilities. In this study, we propose a collision prevention algorithm for small vessels using the Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE) communication system, which is a new communication technique to prevent collisions with small ships. The collision avoidance algorithm used is based on DCPA/TCPA. Research analyses, simulation experiments and questionnaires have been conducted to define the criteria of DCPA/TCPA. As a result, the standard for DCPA was $8(L_a+L_b)$ and for TCPA was 2.5 min. Three different accident cases were selected, and this algorithm was applied to confirm alarm responses at certain times. This algorithm can provide information to the operators of small ships in advance to help them recognize potential collision situations.