• Title/Summary/Keyword: 안전성 평가지표

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A Study on the Traffic Accident Characteristics Analysis in Expressway Longitudinal Tunnel using a Logit Model (로짓모형을 이용한 고속도로 장대터널 교통사고 특성분석에 관한 연구)

  • Seo, Im-Ki;Park, Je-Jin;AhnNam, Byung-Ho;Lee, Jun-Young
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.32 no.6D
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    • pp.549-556
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    • 2012
  • Longitudinal tunnels are defined as tunnels with length of over 1km. Because of Korea's topographical conditions and as safety measures for linear design, many tunnels are inevitably being constructed in Korea. The number of longitudinal tunnels constructed on expressways amounted to 104 as of the end of 2010 with a total length of 192km. Given the increasing demand for tunnels and the increasing length of tunnels, a safety evaluation of longitudinal tunnels needs to be conducted. As such, this study selected design elements, transportation environment and delineation system as elements to check and tried to determine factors influencing road crashes. For this, tunnels have been classified based on history of crashes; ones with crashes and ones without crashes and statistically meaningful explanatory variables were selected. By using these variables, a logit model was development in order to better grasp the factors that directly and strongly influence crashes. The result, related to crashes as well as the analysis were utility tunnel interior materials of driving lane and passing lane, which are related to driver's visibility, lateral width widening to consolidate space in a tunnel, and annual average daily traffic (AADT) per lane. These results may be used in the future as analysis indicators when drawing up plans to prevent crashes in longitudinal tunnels.

Acute Oral Toxicity of Atractylodes macrocepala KOIDZ. (Atractylodes macrocepala KOIDZ.(백출) 추출물의 급성 경구투여 독성 연구)

  • Choi, Hye-Kyung;Roh, Hang-Sik;Jeong, Ja-Young;Ha, Hun-Yong
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.11-21
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    • 2014
  • Atractylodes macrocepala KOIDZ. (AmK) is a herbal medicine and resources of functional food which has been used for the treatment of indigestion, anorexia, diarrhea and digestive dysfunction. Recently AmK is frequently used as resources of functional food and whitening cosmetics. In this study was carried out to evaluate the acute oral toxicity of Amk in Sprague-Dawley(SD) rats. male and female rats were administered orally with Amk extract of 1,000 mg/kg (low dosage group), 2,000 mg/kg (middle dosage group) and 4,000 mg/kg (high dosage group). We daily observed number of deaths, clinical signs and gross findings for 7 days. No dead SD rats and no clinical signs were found during the experiment period. Also other specific changes were not found between control and treated groups in hematology and serum biochemistry. But we found out feeble histopathological changes in liver fat tissues. In addition no significant changes of gross bady and individual organs weight. These results suggest that water soluble extract of AmK has not acute oral toxicity and oral $LD_{50}$ value was over 4,000 mg/kg in SD rats.

A Dual Beaconing Scheme for Effective Context Awareness in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (차량 애드혹 네트워크에서 효과적인 상황 인지를 위한 이중 비콘 전송 기법)

  • Joo, Jhihoon;Lee, Heechang;Kim, Jungjoon;Han, Dong Seog
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.39B no.2
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    • pp.114-122
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    • 2014
  • Beacon transmission is one of the fundamental mechanisms in vehicular ad hoc networks. Variety services including context awareness can be embodied by exchanging beacons in each vehicle. In this paper, we propose dual beacon transmission instead of traditional single beacon transmission for beaconing mechanism. dual beacon transmission divides beacon into two functions and operates two beaconing process independently. We verified the superiority of dual beacon transmission by comparing beacon packet delivery ratio with single beacon transmission. In conclusion, dual beacon transmission can reduce channel load and have both wider communication range and effective context awareness. In addition, implementing dual beacon transmission has less complexity and appliable with conventional adaptive beaconing schemes.

Development of Reliability Estimation Method for Storm Sewer Networks (우수관망 신뢰도 산정방법의 개발)

  • Lee, Jung-Ho;Song, Yang-Ho;Ryu, Seung-Hyun
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2012.05a
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    • pp.470-470
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    • 2012
  • 우수관거 시스템에서의 신뢰도 분석에 대한 기존 연구들은 시스템의 설계상에서의 각종 매개변수들에 대한 불확실성 분석에 기초하여 왔다. 그러나 본 연구에서는 동일한 설계빈도하에 설계된 우수관망이라 하더라도 관망의 노선 선정에 따라서 유출구에서의 첨두유출량 및 초과강우사상에 따른 침수 발생량이 달라질 수 있다는 점에 주목하였다. 그러므로 신뢰도 높은 우수관망을 설계하기 위해서는 이러한 침수 발생 확률을 줄일 수 있도록 하여야 하며, 이를 위해서는 관망 구성에 따라 달라지는 신뢰도를 하나의 정량화된 수치로 나타야 한다. 본 연구에서는 설계빈도를 초과하는 강우사상들에 대하여 해당 우수관망의 월류 발생 정도를 정량적으로 평가함으로써 상대적인 신뢰도를 하나의 지표로서 나타내고자 하였다. 이때 고려되는 것은 초과강우사상 발생 시 해당 관망에서의 월류 발생량 및 월류 발생 지점 개수이다. 또한 이때 고려 대상이 되는 월류량 및 월류 발생지점 수는 서로 다른 척도를 갖는 항목이므로 이에 대한 종합적인 고려를 위하여 본 연구에서는 다기준의사결정기법 중 하나인 DMM(Distance Measure Method)을 이용하였다. 본 연구에서 개발한 우수관망 신뢰도의 산정 절차는 다음과 같다. step 1) 초과빈도별 월류 발생량 및 월류 발생 지점 수 산정 step 2) 빈도별 월류발생량 비율( ) 및 월류발생지점 비율($N_i$) 산정 $$V_i$$ $$V_o/V/R$$ $$N_i=N_o/N_T/R$$ 여기서, $V_i$는 적용된 강우량당 유역의 전체 유출량 대비 월류발생량을 나타내며, $N_i$는 적용된 강우량당 해당 관망의 전체 지점 수 대비 월류 발생지점 수를 나타낸다. step 3) 중심점(central point)에 대하여 DMM을 이용한 치수안전성 산정 $$Reliability\;of\;Sewer\;Networks=1-\;{(1-N_i)^2+(1-V_i)^2\atop2}$$.

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A Study on the Management of Micropollutants in Water System Considering Climate Change and other Potential Effects (기후변화 등 잠재적 영향을 고려한 수중 미량오염물질의 관리방향 연구)

  • Kim, Hojeong;Hong, Yongsuk;Ahn, Jong Ho
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.51 no.6
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    • pp.645-654
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    • 2013
  • In this study, the management polices of micropollutants (MPs) were reviewed and the future management strategy was discussed considering climate change and etc. In Korea, the investigation of drinking water has been actively carried out for the priority contaminants as well as MPs. Recently river and lake waters have been also examined for MPs. However, the coverage and depth of the investigation is limited. Moreover, climate change is likely to increase air & water temperature and it will affect the hydrological cycle. Such changes may increase the residual concentrations of MPs in water system. As water reuse increases, the residual MPs of the recycled water may create public concerns. Thus, in a viewpoint of the precautionary principle, more stringent management of MPs is recommended for the drinking water and the body-contact water use. For the surface water, more studies are necessary to understand the ecological risk by MPs.

신선농산물 생산에서의 농약오염과 농약폭로-흡수 -일본을 중심으로-

  • 최진옥
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Postharvest Science and Technology of Agricultural Products Conference
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    • 2000.04a
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    • pp.14-15
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    • 2000
  • 현재의 농업에서 농약의 사용은 불가결한 것이다. DDT의 등장으로 농약만능시대의 막이 열린 이래 세계에서 10만종 이사의 농약이 탄생했다. 현재 전세계의 생산량은 매년 1천만 톤을 넘어섰고 일본의 경우 등록되어 있는 농약수는 원체(화합물종류)로서 367종, 상품명으로서는 약 5800 종류가 판매되고 있다. 년간 일본의 농약생산량은 약 60만 톤으로 농약의 수출량과 수입량이 거의 같기 때문에 생산량이 사용량에 상당하는 것으로 본다. 농약의 식품오염의 측면에서 보면, 단위 면적당 세계 제 1위의 농약 사용국인 일본은 시장에 유통되고 있는 농작물에도 상당한 양의 농약이 잔류하는 것으로 본다. 물론 식품위생법에 26종의 농약에 대해 53작물을 대상으로 하는 잔류농약기준이 있지만, 농약성분이 400종 이상이며 산포 대상이 되는 작물은 53작물보다 훨씬 많다. 또한 한 두 종류의 작물밖에 대상이 되지 않는 농약도 많아서 잔류농약기준은 식품의 안전성 확보면에서는 부족한 것이 많아. 따라서 농산물 생산자 스스로가 농약사용기준을 정확하게 지켜주기를 바랄 뿐이다. 한편으로는, 이러한 현실에 비추어서 농약사용이 일상화된 농업자에게 있어 농약으로 인한 건강상의 문제 또한 적지 않다. 농업자의 건강관리 대책의 일환으로 실시하는 건강진단 및 조사에 따르면, 만성적인 질환뿐만 아니라 농약산포작업후에 나타나는 증세(기침, 피부이상, 불쾌감, 두통, 인후염, 구토)를 경험한 작업자는 예방의학적인 견지에서 농업자의 농약폭로실태파악 및 교육을 해오고 있으나 그다지 설득력을 얻지 못하여 보다 확실한 인체내 흡수량을 측정하는 방법을 생각하게 되었다. 즉 뇨중 농약 대사물을 폭로지표로 하는 생물학적 모니터링(biological monitoring)을 시도, 농업현장에 있어서의 그 실증과 유용성에 대한 검토를 하고자 하였다. 농작업 가운데서 가장 위험하다고 보는 농약산포작업 (수동식 분무기를 이용한 하우스작물 및 동력분무기를 사용한 노지작물)을 대상으로 생물학적모니터링을 실시한 결과 업자의 뇨로부터 농약의 체내흡수를 반영하는 농략의 뇨 분비성 대사물을 측정할 수 있었다. 즉 뇨나 혈액등의 생체시료를 이용한 생물학적모니터링의 농약에의 응용은 서구와는 달리 대부분이 규제가 없는 소규모 자가영농으로 정해진 농약사용지침보다 많은 농약을 사용한다거나, 또는 개인의 습관이나 작업환경에 따라 폭로조건이 달라서 실질적인 폭로-흡수의 정도가 불분명한 경우등에도 충분히 대응할 수 있어 농약사용자 개개인의 농약 폭로-흡수의 정도를 분명하게 밝힐 수 있다. 게다가 평가의 결과를 농약사용의 일선에 있는 농업자에게 피드백 하여 주므로서 농약에 대한 인식을 새롭게 하고 농약취급시의 건강장해예방행동을 촉구하는 등의 효과도 높은 것으로 예방의학적인 유용성이 크다고 볼 수 있다.

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A Study on the Eco-Toxicity of Silicone-Based Antifoaming Agents Discharging into Marine Environments (해양으로 배출되는 실리콘계 소포제의 생태독성 연구)

  • Kim, Tae Won;Kim, Young Ryun;Park, MiOk;Jeon, MiHae;Son, Min Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.81-88
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    • 2019
  • In order to understand the effects of the main components of antifoaming agents on the marine benthic ecosystem when silicone-based antifoaming agents are discharged into marine environments, eco-toxicity testing was performed on silicone and alcohol-based antifoaming agent by using benthic amphipod (Monocorophium acherusicum) and luminescent bacteria (Vibrio fischeri). The toxic effects of Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) as a main component of silicone-based antifoaming agents on aquatic organisms were also researched. In the results of the eco-toxicity test, luminescent bacteria showed a maximum of 9 times more toxic effects than benthic amphipod for alcohol-based antifoaming agents, and silicone-based antifoaming agents showed a maximum of 400 times more toxic effects than alcohol-based. The $LC_{50}$ and $EC_{50}$ values of PDMS ranged from 10 to $44,500{\mu}g/L$ in phytoplankton, invertebrate, and fish. In the results of applying PBT (P: persistency, B: bioaccumulation, T: toxicity) characteristics as an index showing the qualitative characteristics of PDMS, persistency (P) and bioaccumulation (B) were confirmed. Thus, when PDMS is discharged to marine environments, it could accumulate in the upper trophic level through bioaccumulation and the food chain, which could have negative effects on benthic organisms. The results of this study may be used for objective and scientific risk assessment, considering the major components of antifoaming agents when investigating the effects of various discharged antifoaming agents in marine ecosystem.

Development of a Machine Learning-Based Model for the Prediction of Chloride Diffusion Coefficient Using Concrete Bridge Data Exposed to Marine Environments (기계학습 기반 해양 노출 환경의 콘크리트 교량 데이터를 활용한 염화물 확산계수 예측모델 개발)

  • Woo-Suk Nam;Hong-Jae Yim
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.20-29
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    • 2024
  • The chloride diffusion coefficient is a critical indicator for assessing the durability of concrete marine substructures. This study develops a prediction model for the chloride diffusion coefficient using data from concrete bridges located in marine exposure zones (atmospheric, splash, tidal), an aspect that has not been considered in previous studies. Chloride profile data obtained from these bridge substructures were utilized. After data preprocessing, machine learning models, including Random Forest (RF), Gradient Boosting Machine (GBM), and K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), were optimized through hyperparameter tuning. The performance of these models was developed and compared under three different variable sets. The first model uses six variables: water-to-binder (W/B) ratio, cement type, coarse aggregate volume ratio, service life, strength, and exposure environment. The second model excludes the exposure environment, using only the remaining five variables. The third model relies on just three variables: service life, strength, and exposure environment factors that can be obtained from precision safety diagnostics. The results indicate that including the exposure environment significantly enhances model performance for predicting the chloride diffusion coefficient in concrete bridges in marine environments. Additionally, the three variable model demonstrates that effective predictions can be made using only data from precision safety diagnostics.

Preliminary Inspection Prediction Model to select the on-Site Inspected Foreign Food Facility using Multiple Correspondence Analysis (차원축소를 활용한 해외제조업체 대상 사전점검 예측 모형에 관한 연구)

  • Hae Jin Park;Jae Suk Choi;Sang Goo Cho
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.121-142
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    • 2023
  • As the number and weight of imported food are steadily increasing, safety management of imported food to prevent food safety accidents is becoming more important. The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety conducts on-site inspections of foreign food facilities before customs clearance as well as import inspection at the customs clearance stage. However, a data-based safety management plan for imported food is needed due to time, cost, and limited resources. In this study, we tried to increase the efficiency of the on-site inspection by preparing a machine learning prediction model that pre-selects the companies that are expected to fail before the on-site inspection. Basic information of 303,272 foreign food facilities and processing businesses collected in the Integrated Food Safety Information Network and 1,689 cases of on-site inspection information data collected from 2019 to April 2022 were collected. After preprocessing the data of foreign food facilities, only the data subject to on-site inspection were extracted using the foreign food facility_code. As a result, it consisted of a total of 1,689 data and 103 variables. For 103 variables, variables that were '0' were removed based on the Theil-U index, and after reducing by applying Multiple Correspondence Analysis, 49 characteristic variables were finally derived. We build eight different models and perform hyperparameter tuning through 5-fold cross validation. Then, the performance of the generated models are evaluated. The research purpose of selecting companies subject to on-site inspection is to maximize the recall, which is the probability of judging nonconforming companies as nonconforming. As a result of applying various algorithms of machine learning, the Random Forest model with the highest Recall_macro, AUROC, Average PR, F1-score, and Balanced Accuracy was evaluated as the best model. Finally, we apply Kernal SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanations) to present the selection reason for nonconforming facilities of individual instances, and discuss applicability to the on-site inspection facility selection system. Based on the results of this study, it is expected that it will contribute to the efficient operation of limited resources such as manpower and budget by establishing an imported food management system through a data-based scientific risk management model.

Investigation of the Level of Microbial Contamination in the Environment for Juice Production (생딸기 주스 제조 환경에서의 미생물학적 오염도 조사)

  • Kim, Se-Ri;Shim, Won-Bo;Park, Seon-Ja;Ha, Kwang-Soo;Yoon, Hae-Suk;Ha, Sang-Do;Kim, Keun-Sung;Lee, Kyu-Ho;Kim, Min-Gon;Kim, Kwang-Yup;Kim, Cheol-Ho;Chung, Duck-Hwa
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.287-293
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    • 2005
  • Microbial contamination levels in commercial strawberry juices were examined for sanitary indication bacteria, such as aerobic plate count (APC), coliforms, and Escherchia coli, and pathogenic bacteria such as E. coli O157:H7, Salmonella spp., Staphylococcus aureus, and Listeria monocytogenes. APC and coliform count ranged 0-5.2 and $0-2.8\;log_{10}\;CFU/(mL,\;g,\;100cm^{2},\;hand)$, respectively, and 80% strawberry juices were contaminated with E. coli and S. aureus, detected at 19%, was found in employee's hands, strawberries, and strawberry juices, whereas E. coli O157:H7, Salmonella spp, and L. monocytogenes were not detected. These results will provide microbiological information for introduction of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) system in juice shops.