• Title/Summary/Keyword: 심지

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Manufacturing Techniques of Bronze Medium Mortars(Jungwangu, 中碗口) in Joseon Dynasty (조선시대 중완구의 제작 기술)

  • Huh, Ilkwon;Kim, Haesol
    • Conservation Science in Museum
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    • v.26
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    • pp.161-182
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    • 2021
  • A jungwangu, a type of medium-sized mortar, is a firearm with a barrel and a bowl-shaped projectileloading component. A bigyeokjincheonroe (bombshell) or a danseok (stone ball) could be used as a projectile. According to the Hwaposik eonhae (Korean Translation of the Method of Production and Use of Artillery, 1635) by Yi Seo, mortars were classified into four types according to its size: large, medium, small, or extra-small. A total of three mortars from the Joseon period have survived, including one large mortar (Treasure No. 857) and two medium versions (Treasure Nos. 858 and 859). In this study, the production method for medium mortars was investigated based on scientific analysis of the two extant medium mortars, respectively housed in the Jinju National Museum (Treasure No. 858) and the Korea Naval Academy Museum (Treasure No. 859). Since only two medium mortars remain in Korea, detailed specifications were compared between them based on precise 3D scanning information of the items, and the measurements were compared with the figures in relevant records from the period. According to the investigation, the two mortars showed only a minute difference in overall size but their weight differed by 5,507 grams. In particular, the location of the wick hole and the length of the handle were distinct. The extant medium mortars are highly similar to the specifications listed in the Hwaposik eonhae. The composition of the medium mortars was analyzed and compared with other bronze gunpowder weapons. The surface composition analysis showed that the medium mortars were made of a ternary alloy of Cu-Sn-Pb with average respective proportions of (wt%) 85.24, 10.16, and 2.98. The material composition of the medium mortars was very similar to the average composition of the small gun from the Joseon period analyzed in previous research. It also showed a similarity with that of bronze gun-metal from medieval Europe. The casting technique was investigated based on a casting defect on the surface and the CT image. Judging by the mold line on the side, it appears that they were made in a piece-mold wherein the mold was halved and using a vertical design with molten metal poured through the end of the chamber and the muzzle was at the bottom. Chaplets, an auxiliary device that fixed the mold and the core to the barrel wall, were identified, which may have been applied to maintain the uniformity of the barrel wall. While the two medium mortars (Treasure Nos. 858 and 859) are highly similar to each other in appearance, considering the difference in the arrangement of the chaplets between the two items it is likely that a different mold design was used for each item.

An Analysis of Ginseng Advertisements in 1920-1930s Newspapers During Japanese Colonial Period (일제강점기 중 1920-1930년대 신문에 실린 인삼 광고 분석)

  • Oh, Hoon-Il
    • Journal of Ginseng Culture
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    • v.4
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    • pp.103-127
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    • 2022
  • The influx of modern culture in the early 20th century in Korea led to numerous changes in the country's ginseng industry. With the development of ginseng cultivation technology and commerce, the production and consumption of ginseng increased, and various ginseng products were developed using modern manufacturing technology. Consequently, competition for the sales of these products became fierce. At that time, newspaper advertisements showed detailed trends in the development and sales competition of ginseng products. Before 1920, however, there were few advertisements of ginseng in newspapers. This is thought to be because newspapers had not yet been generalized, and the ginseng industry had not developed that much. Ginseng advertisements started to revitalize in the early 1920s after the launch of the Korean daily newspapers Dong-A Ilbo and Chosun Ilbo. Such advertisements in this period focused on emphasizing the traditional efficacy of Oriental medicine and the mysterious effects of ginseng. There were many advertisements for products that prescribed the combination of ginseng and deer antler, indicating the great popularity of this prescription at the time. Furthermore, advertisements showed many personal experience stories about taking such products. Mail order and telemarketing sales were already widely used in the 1920s . In 1925, there were advertisements that ginseng products were delivered every day. The advertisements revealed that ginseng roots were classified more elaborately than they are now according to size and quality. Ginseng products in the 1920s did not deviate significantly from the scope of traditional Oriental medicine formulations such as liquid medicine, pill, and concentrated extract. In the 1930s, ginseng advertisements became more active. At this time, experts such as university professors and doctors in medicine or in pharmacy appeared in the advertisements. They recommended ginseng products or explained the ingredients and medicinal effects of the products. Even their experimental notes based on scientific research results appeared in the advertisements to enhance the reliability of the ginseng products. In 1931, modern tablet advertisements appeared. Ginseng products supplemented with vitamins and other specific ingredients as well as ginseng thin rice gruel for the sick appeared at this time. In 1938, ginseng advertisements became more popular, and advertisements using talents as models, such as dancer Choi Seunghee or famous movie stars, models appeared. Ginseng advertisements in the 1920s and 1930s clearly show a side of our rapidly changing society at the time.

Reliability and validity of Korean version of the OHIP for edentulous subjects: A pilot study (무치악 환자들을 위한 한국어 버전의 구강건강영향지수 신뢰도와 타당성 평가를 위한 모의연구)

  • Shin, Jae Seob;Bae, So Young;Park, Jin Hong;Shim, Ji Suk;Lee, Jeong Yol
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.59 no.3
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    • pp.305-313
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    • 2021
  • Purpose. The purpose of this pilot study is to evaluate the reliability and validity of the Korean version of the oral health impact profile (OHIP-EDENT K) for edentulous patients. Materials and methods. The study was conducted on 12 patients who fabricated overdenture in the Department of Prosthodontics, Korea University, Guro Hospital. All subjects completed the Korean version of Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP K) questionnaire. Shorten version of the OHIP called OHIP-14 K and OHIP-EDENT K were derived from the datasets. Cronbach's alpha was used to measure internal consistency of the summary scores for OHIP-EDENT K. The Spearman's correlation coefficient between the summary scores for OHIP-EDENT K and OHIP K was calculated to evaluate concurrent validity. Results. The reliability of the summary scores for OHIP-EDENT K was acceptable (α=.736). The Spearman's correlation coefficient of the summary scores for OHIP-EDENT K and OHIP K was 0.966, which was statistically significant (P<.001). OHIP-EDENT K exhibited less susceptibility to floor effects than OHIP-14 K and appeared to measure change as effectively as OHIP K. In order to prove the reliability, responsiveness and validity of OHIP-EDENT K, further studies with more samples are needed. Conclusion. The OHIP-EDENT K, a questionnaire on oral health-related QOL comprising 19 items, has measurement properties comparable with the full 49-item version. This modified shortened version can be an alternative questionnaire to full version of OHIP K and OHIP-14 K in edentulous patients.

Studies on the Flowering and Maturity in Sesame 1. Flowering Habit by Different Plant Types (참깨 개화, 등숙에 관한 연구 -제 1 보 참깨 초형에 따른 개화특성에 관한 연구-)

  • Lee, J.I.;Kang, C.W.;Lee, S.T.;Son, E.R.
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.76-83
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    • 1984
  • This experiment was performed to investigate the flowering habit of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.). Sesame varieties tested could be classified into 8 different plant types by their morphological traits such as capsule shape, capsule setting habit and branching types among sesame gene pool of Crop Experiment Station, ORD. The first flower was appeared at the lowest node on main stem. Flowers were appeared progressively toward the tip of the main stem and also toward the tips of branches. The interval of flowering for a node was about one day, but 3 to 8 days for the flowers on the tips. Side flowers started at 4 to 5 nodes lower than those of center flower at the same day. Flowers were beared 2 by 1 node on the middle part of flower setting node (7-9) in mono capsule setting habit in spite of its normal is 1 by 1 node on the other nodes. Flowers were beared opposite direction on each node of stem and flowering toward the tip of main stem composed of cross shape between nodes and spiral, reverse of clockwise direction. We called this habit as cross spiral flowering order and cross spiral phyllotaxis. The first flower on branches was appeared when center flower on the 5th node of main stem began to flower. The branches produced at higher nodes on main stem showed larger flowering periods and more number of flowers than that at lower parts. BTB (Branch, Tricapsule, Bicarpels, 4 Loculi) type showed three capsule setting habits and same flowering period both on main stem and branches while BTQ (Branch, Tricapsule, Quadricarpels, 8 Loculi) type showed three capsule setting habit on main stem and mono-capsule setting habit on branches. In BTQ type, the period of flowering was much shorter on branches than on main stem. Branching type was considered more promising than non branching type for the breeding of early maturing high yielding variety because branching type has the advantage of bearing a lot of flowers in comparatively short flowering period.

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K-DEV: A Borehole Deviation Logging Probe Applicable to Steel-cased Holes (철재 케이싱이 설치된 시추공에서도 적용가능한 공곡검층기 K-DEV)

  • Yoonho, Song;Yeonguk, Jo;Seungdo, Kim;Tae Jong, Lee;Myungsun, Kim;In-Hwa, Park;Heuisoon, Lee
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.167-176
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    • 2022
  • We designed a borehole deviation survey tool applicable for steel-cased holes, K-DEV, and developed a prototype for a depth of 500 m aiming to development of own equipment required to secure deep subsurface characterization technologies. K-DEV is equipped with sensors that provide digital output with verified high performance; moreover, it is also compatible with logging winch systems used in Korea. The K-DEV prototype has a nonmagnetic stainless steel housing with an outer diameter of 48.3 mm, which has been tested in the laboratory for water resistance up to 20 MPa and for durability by running into a 1-km deep borehole. We confirmed the operational stability and data repeatability of the prototype by constantly logging up and down to the depth of 600 m. A high-precision micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS) gyroscope was used for the K-DEV prototype as the gyro sensor, which is crucial for azimuth determination in cased holes. Additionally, we devised an accurate trajectory survey algorithm by employing Unscented Kalman filtering and data fusion for optimization. The borehole test with K-DEV and a commercial logging tool produced sufficiently similar results. Furthermore, the issue of error accumulation due to drift over time of the MEMS gyro was successfully overcome by compensating with stationary measurements for the same attitude at the wellhead before and after logging, as demonstrated by the nearly identical result to the open hole. We believe that the methodology of K-DEV development and operational stability, as well as the data reliability of the prototype, were confirmed through these test applications.

An Analysis of Fun Distance of Visually Impaired School Physical Education Program (시각장애학교 체육프로그램의 재미거리 분석)

  • Shim, Ji-Hoon;Lee, Seung-Chan;Her, Mun-Young
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.181-192
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to look at the fun that high school students from blind schools feel in sports programs. A questionnaire was used to collect data from 10 out of 12 blind schools nationwide, including 122 male and 102 female students. Research tools are open questionnaires and questions are as follows. - Questionnaire: "Write down three of the most interesting things about sports programs." The data analysis was done with frequency analysis and the following conclusions were drawn. First, male high school students at blind schools are able to build up their physical strength in the area of competent factors (control-self) (23, 21.5%), in the area of competent factors (7, 77.8%) and in the area of motion-related factors (competition) (24, 15.1%), and in the area of non-execution factors (26, 37.7%), Second, high school girls with visual impairments did not respond in the areas of proficiency (control-self) because of stress release (25, 26.6%), in the areas of control-tain), in the areas of movement (competition) because they were able to do various exercises (22, 15.7%), and in the areas of non-watering (environmental) (18, 37.5%). Third, in the sports program comparative analysis of high school students between genders of blind schools, boys are interested in health and physical fitness in the field of competent factors (control-self) and girls are considered to be a means of relieving stress. In the field of competent factors (control-others), boys and girls can react to a variety of sports opportunities. In the future, by studying the fun of students in the physical education program through research to find out more fun in the school physical education program, we will explore practical ways to maximize student participation and increase motivation level The educational aspect of the process, that is, the educational value provided by the physical education, should be composed of content that can change the thinking and behavior of the teacher and the student so that the program contents and operation method.

Geochemical Modeling on Behaviors of Radionuclides (U, Pu, Pd) in Deep Groundwater Environments of South Korea (한국 심부 지하수 환경에서의 방사성 핵종(우라늄, 플루토늄, 팔라듐)의 지화학적 거동 모델링)

  • Jaehoon Choi;SunJu Park;Hyunsoo Seo;Hyun Tai Ahn;Jeong-Hwan Lee;Junghoon Park;Seong-Taek Yun
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.56 no.6
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    • pp.847-870
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    • 2023
  • The safe disposal of high-level radioactive waste requires accurate predictions of the long-term geochemical behavior of radionuclides. To achieve this, the present study was conducted to model geochemical behaviors of uranium (U), plutonium (Pu), and palladium (Pd) under different hydrogeochemical conditions that represent deep groundwater in Korea. Geochemical modeling was performed for five types of South Korean deep groundwater environment: high-TDS saline groundwater (G1), low-pH CO2-rich groundwater (G2), high-pH alkaline groundwater (G3), sulfate-rich groundwater (G4), and dilute (fresh) groundwater (G5). Under the pH and Eh (redox potential) ranges of 3 to 12 and ±0.2 V, respectively, the solubility and speciation of U, Pu, and Pd in deep groundwater were predicted. The result reveals that U(IV) exhibits high solubility within the neutral to alkaline pH range, even in reducing environment with Eh down to -0.2 V. Such high solubility of U is primarily attributed to the formation of Ca-U-CO3 complexes, which is important in both G2 located along fault zones and G3 occurring in granitic bedrocks. On the other hand, the solubility of Pu is found to be highly dependent on pH, with the lowest solubility in neutral to alkaline conditions. The predominant species are Pu(IV) and Pu(III) and their removal is predicted to occur by sorption. Considering the migration by colloids, however, the role of colloid formation and migration are expected to promote the Pu mobility, especially in deep groundwater of G3 and G5 which have low ionic strengths. Palladium (Pd) exhibits the low solubility due to the precipitation as sulfides in reducing conditions. In oxidizing condition, anionic complexes such as Pd(OH)3-, PdCl3(OH)2-, PdCl42-, and Pd(CO3)22- would be removed by sorption onto metal (hydro)oxides. This study will improve the understanding of the fate and transport of radionuclides in deep groundwater conditions of South Korea and therefore contributes to develop strategies for safe high-level radioactive waste disposal.

Re-examination of the Latest Dates of the Brick Chamber Tombs in the Western Region of North Korea: A Focus on Dated Inscribed Bricks (서북한 지역 전축분(塼築墳) 연대의 하한 재검토 -기년명전(紀年銘塼)을 중심으로)

  • Jang Byungjin
    • Bangmulgwan gwa yeongu (The National Museum of Korea Journal)
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    • v.1
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    • pp.96-119
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    • 2024
  • Some inscribed bricks excavated from the western region of North Korea have been found bearing an era name used after 314 when the Nangnang and Daebang Commanderies had been completely ousted from the region. Others have been found with an era name used in the early fifth century. This indicates that the tradition of constructing brick chamber tombs was sustained for a century after the disappearance of the two commanderies. However, brick chamber tombs were never adopted as a burial system for the ruling class of the Goguryeo Kingdom. The Tomb of Jang Mui built in 348 and the Tomb of Dongni built in 353 both departed from the typical brick chamber tomb style of the region, and elements associated with stone chamber tombs were added to them. The Tomb of Dongsu (Anak Tomb No. 3), which is similar to the other two tombs in that its occupant is of Chinese descent, was constructed in 357 not as a brick chamber tomb, but as an earthen mound tomb with a stone chamber. Still, the continuation of brick chamber tomb tradition in the next half century has been somewhat puzzling. Although dated inscribed bricks have served as important evidence for understanding the continuation of the brick chamber tomb tradition, there has been a problem of continually repeating previous studies. It has also been pointed out that there was an error in the interpretation of era names in some of the dated inscribed bricks that had been believed to have been produced in or after 357. For example, "second year of Taean" (Taian in Chinese), which had been understood to correspond to 386 (during the Former Qin Dynasty), in fact refers to 303 (during the reign of Emperor Hui of the Western Jin Dynasty). In the case of "first year of Geonsi" (Jianshi in Chinese), which had been believed to indicate 407 (during the Later Yan Dynasty), it actually refers to 301. "Geonsi" is the era name used during the period when Sima Yun ousted Emperor Hui of the Western Jin Dynasty and briefly occupied imperial throne. Outside these two cases, the remaining dated inscribed bricks thought to have been produced in or after 357 are those dated to the "third year of Wonheung" (Yuanxing in Chinese). However, a reexamination of these bricks reveals that what is really "Yeongheung" (Yongxing in Chinese) has been misread as "Wonheung." The third year of Yeongheung corresponds to either 306 during the Western Jin Dynasty or 352 during the Later Zhao Dynasty, but it is highly probable that it refers to 306. This means that there is no conclusive evidence to support the hypothesis that brick chamber tombs were built in the area until the late fourth century and even into the early fifth. Accordingly, the Tombs of Jang Mui and Dongni should be viewed as the latest known brick chamber tombs to be constructed in the western region of North Korea. Moreover, brick chamber tombs appear to have been no longer built in the area around the time when the Tomb of Dongsu was constructed. These speculations accord with the historical circumstances of the time.

A Study on the Present Situation, Management Analysis, and Future Prospect of the Ornamental Tree Cultivation with respect to Environmental Improvement (환경개선(環境改善)을 위한 녹화수목재배(綠化樹木裁培)의 현황(現況) 및 경영분석(經營分析)과 전망(展望))

  • Park, Tai Sik;Kim, Tae Wook
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.31-46
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    • 1977
  • The study was made to give some helpful information for policy-making on ornamental tree cultivation by doing a survey on general situations, management analysis, and future prospects of the ornamental tree growing. The study was carried out through literature studies related to the subject, questionaire surveys, and on-the-spot investigation. The questionaire surveys could be divided into two parts: pre-questionaire survey and main-questionaire survey. In the pre-questionaire survey, the researchers intended to identify the total number of ornamental tree growers, cultivation areas in size and their locations. The questionaires were sent to each town and county administration authorities, forest cooperatives, and related organizations through-out the nation. The main-questionaires were prepared for detailed study and the questionaires were sent to 200 tree growers selected by option by taking considerations of the number of tree growers and the size of cultivating areas in regions. The main findings and some information obtained in the survey were as follows: 1. The total land for ornamental tree growing was amounted to 1,873.02 hectares and the number of cultivators was totaled to 2,717. 2. The main occupations of the ornamental tree growers were found in horticulture (41.9%), agronomy (25.9%), officialdom (11.3%), animal husbandry (6.5%), business circle(4.8%), and forestry (3.2%) in sequence. 3. The ornamental trees were cultivated mostly upperland (54.8), forest land (19.4%), rice paddy (11.3%) and others. 4. The educational training of the tree growers seemed quite high. The results of the survey indicated that a large number of tree growers was occupied by college graduates (38.7%), and then high school graduates (34.7%), middle school graduates (12.9%) in order. 5. The tree farming was undertaken as a side-job (41.9%) rather than main-job (23.4%), but a few of respondents rated as subsidiary-job (18.6%). 6. The management status classified by the rate of hired labors used was likely to belong to three categories: independant enterprise management (41.9%); half independant management (31.5%); and self-management (32.4%). 7. The majority of the tree growers sold their products to the consumers through middle-man channel (48.4%), or directly to the house-holder and detailers (13.7%), but a few of the respondents answered that they disposed of their products by bidding (11.2%) or by direct selling to the contractors (4.8%). 8. The channel cf marketing seemed somewhat complicated. The results of the survey were as: (1) producers ${\rightarrow}$consumers (22.6%) (2) producers ${\rightarrow}$field middle-men${\rightarrow}$consumers (33.1%) (3) producers ${\rightarrow}$field middle-men${\rightarrow}$first stage brokers${\rightarrow}$consumers (15.3%) (4) producers ${\rightarrow}$field middle-men${\rightarrow}$second stage middle-men${\rightarrow}$brokers${\rightarrow}$consumers (5.7%) (5) producers${\rightarrow}$field middle-men${\rightarrow}$third stage middle-men${\rightarrow}$second stage middlemen${\rightarrow}$brokers${\rightarrow}$consumers (4.8%) 9. It was responded that the margin for each stage of middle-men or brokers was assumed to be 30-50%(33.1%), 20-30%(32.3%), 50-100%(9.7%), and 100-200%(2.4%) in sequence. 10. The difference between the delivery price of consumers and field selling price of the producers seemed quite large. Majority of producers responded that they received half a price compared to the consumer's prices. 11. About two thirds of the respondents opposed to the measure of "Law on Preservation and Utilization of Agricultural Land" in which says that all the ornamental trees grown on flat agricultural lands less than 8 degrees in slope must be transplanted within three years to other places more than 8 degrees in slope. 12. The tree growers said that they have paid rather high land taxes than they ought to pay (38.7%), but come responded that land tax seemed to be appropriate (15.3%), and half of the respondents answered "not known". 13. The measures for the standardization of ornamental trees by size were backed up by a large number of respondents (57.3%), but one third of the respondents showed negative answer (29.8%). 14. About half of the respondents favored the systematic marketing through organization such as forest cooperatives (54%), but quite a few respondents opposed to organizing the systematic marketing channel (36.3%). 15. The necessary measures for permission in ornamental tree cultivation was rejected by a large number of respondents (49.2%) than those of favored (43.6%).

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Anatomical Variations in the Communicating Rami of the Upper Thoracic Sympathetic Ganglia Related to the Essential Palmar Hyperhidrosis (본태성 수부 다한증에 관련된 상부 흉부교감신경절 교통가지의 해부학적 변이)

  • Cho, Hyun-Min;Kim, Kil-Dong;Lee, Sak;Chung, Kyung-Young
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.182-188
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    • 2003
  • Background: Although ramicotomy (division of the rami communicantes of the thoracic sympathetic ganglia) is a selective and physiological surgical method for essential hyperhidrosis, it has some problems such as higher recurrence rates and the different surgical results among the patients and between left and right sides in the same individual. As one of the factors that are related to the differences in surgical result and recurrences, we investigated the anatomical variations of the rami communicantes. The purpose of this study is to help develop new surgical methods to decrease surgical differences among the patients or between the left and right sides of the same individual and recurrence rates in the clinical application of ramicotomy. Material and Method: We dissected 118 thoracic sympathetic chains in 59 adult Korean cadavers (male: 33, female: 26) to examine the anatomical variations of the rami communicantes from the second to the fourth thoracic sympathetic ganglia that have major components innervating to the hands. After the dissection of bilateral thoracic sympathetic chains, we compared the anatomy of left and right sides and examined the anatomical variations of rami communicantes. Result: The number and variation of communicating rami connecting the spinal nerves and the second sympathetic thoracic ganglion were much larger than lower levels. There was considerably less variability in the anatomy of the rami communicantes at successive levels. Among the 59 cadavers dissected, only 14.3% (9/59) had similar anatomy of thoracic sympathetic chains at both sides. As the components related to the essential palmar hyperhidrosis, intrathoracic nerve of Kuntz from the second thoracic sympathetic ganglion to the first intercostal nerve or brachial plexus were observed in 55.9% (66/118). The incidence of descending rami communicates from the second thoracic sympathetic ganglion to the third intercostal nerve and from the third thoracic sympathetic ganglion to the fourth intercostal nerve were 49.2% (58/118) and 28.0% (33/118). And the incidence of ascending rami communicates from the third thoracic sympathetic ganglion to the second intercostal nerve and from the fourth thoracic sympathetic ganglion to the third intercostal nerve were 6.8% (8/118) and 3.4% (4/118), respectively. Conclusion: Based on the various anatomical evidences of the rami communicantes from this study, only the ramicotomy at the third sympathetic ganglion level is insufficient for the treatment of the essential palmar hyperhidrosis to decrease the difference of surgical results and recurrences. When one is planning to perform the ramicotomy for the essential palmar hyperhidrosis, it is advantageous to divide the intrathoracic nerve of Kuntz on the second rib and the descending or ascending rami communicantes on the third and the fourth ribs as well as all the communicating rami from the third sympathetic ganglion.