• Title/Summary/Keyword: 실제활용

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Origin and Source Appointment of Sedimentary Organic Matter in Marine Fish Cage Farms Using Carbon and Nitrogen Stable Isotopes (탄소 및 질소 안정동위원소를 활용한 어류 가두리 양식장 내 퇴적 유기물의 기원 및 기여도 평가)

  • Young-Shin Go;Dae-In Lee;Chung Sook Kim;Bo-Ram Sim;Hyung Chul Kim;Won-Chan Lee;Dong-Hun Lee
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.55 no.2
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    • pp.99-110
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    • 2022
  • We investigated physicochemical properties and isotopic compositions of organic matter (δ13CTOC and δ 15NTN) in the old fish farming (OFF) site after the cessation of aquaculture farming. Based on this approach, our objective is to determine the organic matter origin and their relative contributions preserved at sediments of fish farming. Temporal and spatial distribution of particulate and sinking organic matter(OFF sites: 2.0 to 3.3 mg L-1 for particulate matter concentration, 18.8 to 246.6 g m-2 day-1 for sinking organic matter rate, control sites: 2.0 to 3.5 mg L-1 for particulate matter concentration, 25.5 to 129.4 g m-2 day-1 for sinking organic matter rate) between both sites showed significant difference along seasonal precipitations. In contrast to variations of δ13CTOC and δ15NTN values at water columns, these isotopic compositions (OFF sites: -21.5‰ to -20.4‰ for δ13 CTOC, 6.0‰ to 7.6‰ for δ15NTN, control sites: -21.6‰ to -21.0‰ for δ13CTOC, 6.6‰ to 8.0‰ for δ15NTN) investigated at sediments have distinctive isotopic patterns(p<0.05) for seawater-derived nitrogen sources, indicating the increased input of aquaculture-derived sources (e.g., fish fecal). With respect to past fish farming activities, representative sources(e.g., fish fecal and algae) between both sites showed significant difference (p<0.05), confirming predominant contribution (55.9±4.6%) of fish fecal within OFF sites. Thus, our results may determine specific controlling factor for sustainable use of fish farming sites by estimating the discriminative contributions of organic matter between both sites.

A Study on Perception Survey of Elementary Preservice Teachers on Teaching Methods in Astronomy (초등예비교사들의 천문영역 교수방법에 대한 인식 조사 연구)

  • Yong-seob Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.143-152
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    • 2023
  • This study was conducted on 115 students from 4 classes of 2nd year intensive courses at B University of Education. Elementary preservice teachers were surveyed on what teaching methods they were aware of regarding the subject of elementary science astronomy. Recognition data of 80 people from whom the questionnaire was collected were analyzed. For this study, a 5-day survey was conducted. Elementary preservice teachers complained of difficulties in teaching methods in the astronomy area among various areas of the science department. The purpose of this study was to find out what difficulties elementary preservice teachers have in teaching elementary science astronomy topics, and to find more efficient teaching methods for teaching astronomy topics. The topic of the survey was set by discussing with the preparatory elementary teachers about what kind of survey to use in teaching the subject of elementary science astronomy. There are many topics for elementary science astronomy, but two questionnaires were prepared focusing on the unit on the earth and the moon. 'What does the earth look like?' in Unit 4 (1/10) of the 3rd year, 1st semester In Unit 2 (1/11) of the 1st semester of the 6th grade, it was set as 'What does the moon look like?'. Candidly describe how to teach the subject of astronomy to elementary school students by mobilizing all the background knowledge of preparatory elementary teachers. The results of these surveys were visualized and displayed using Netminer as a language analysis method, and the contents of the responses to the actual surveys by pre-service elementary school teachers were described and interpreted. Based on these results, preparatory elementary teachers tried to suggest a more efficient teaching method for the subject of elementary science astronomy. In addition, basic procedures and methods for lecturing on the subject of elementary science astronomy were presented. A more efficient teaching method for teaching elementary science astronomy subjects to pre-service elementary teachers was suggested.

Analysis of research trends in mushroom science in North Korean journals (1978-2023) (북한 학술지에 게재된 버섯과학 연구동향 분석(1978~2023))

  • Woo-Sik Jo
    • Journal of Mushroom
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.93-100
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    • 2023
  • In this study, research trends in mushroom science were examined using North Korean journal articles published in 1978-2023. Researchers in each field reviewed 450 papers and finally selected 429 papers, excluding 21 papers classified in different fields. The number of researchers was 872, and the number of authors per paper was 2.03. Kim Cheol-Hak published the most academic papers in the field of mushroom science in North Korea, with 12 papers. The number of research articles increased annually, from 7 in 1985, 12 in 1998, 11 in 2008, and 27 in 2020, and has especially increased rapidly since the mid-2010s. The study by mushroom type was as follows: 42 pine mushrooms (17.8 %), 25 oyster mushrooms (10.6 %), 23 Ganoderma sp. (9.8 %), 19 shiitake mushrooms (8.1 %), 17 button mushrooms (7.2 %), and 16 manna lichens (6.8 %). This study is considered meaningful in reviewing the research status and technology level in North Korea through analyzing North Korean academic journals in the field of mushroom science for the first time.

Development of System for Real-Time Object Recognition and Matching using Deep Learning at Simulated Lunar Surface Environment (딥러닝 기반 달 표면 모사 환경 실시간 객체 인식 및 매칭 시스템 개발)

  • Jong-Ho Na;Jun-Ho Gong;Su-Deuk Lee;Hyu-Soung Shin
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.281-298
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    • 2023
  • Continuous research efforts are being devoted to unmanned mobile platforms for lunar exploration. There is an ongoing demand for real-time information processing to accurately determine the positioning and mapping of areas of interest on the lunar surface. To apply deep learning processing and analysis techniques to practical rovers, research on software integration and optimization is imperative. In this study, a foundational investigation has been conducted on real-time analysis of virtual lunar base construction site images, aimed at automatically quantifying spatial information of key objects. This study involved transitioning from an existing region-based object recognition algorithm to a boundary box-based algorithm, thus enhancing object recognition accuracy and inference speed. To facilitate extensive data-based object matching training, the Batch Hard Triplet Mining technique was introduced, and research was conducted to optimize both training and inference processes. Furthermore, an improved software system for object recognition and identical object matching was integrated, accompanied by the development of visualization software for the automatic matching of identical objects within input images. Leveraging satellite simulative captured video data for training objects and moving object-captured video data for inference, training and inference for identical object matching were successfully executed. The outcomes of this research suggest the feasibility of implementing 3D spatial information based on continuous-capture video data of mobile platforms and utilizing it for positioning objects within regions of interest. As a result, these findings are expected to contribute to the integration of an automated on-site system for video-based construction monitoring and control of significant target objects within future lunar base construction sites.

A Study on the Current State of Pediatric Dentists and the Adequacy of Supply and Demand Based on Covered Services (소아치과 전문의 인력 현황 및 공급 적정성에 관한 연구 - 급여 진료 항목을 기준으로)

  • Yeo Won Lim;Yong Kwon Chae;Ko Eun Lee;Ok Hyung Nam;Hyoseol Lee;Sung Chul Choi;Mi Sun Kim
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.50 no.3
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    • pp.360-372
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    • 2023
  • The aim of this study was to identify the current state of pediatric dentists, evaluate the adequacy of pediatric dentist supply and demand, and find out the perception of all pediatric dentists on the current state of pediatric dentists and policy establishment. An Online survey was conducted among pediatric dentists. The questionnaire was subdivided into 'general characteristics', 'number of dental treatments and working days per year', 'proportion of covered services', 'perceptions of supply and demand of pediatric dentists'. Through the Korean Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Services, the National Health Insurance Service (NHIS), and the Korean Statistical Information Service, the current state of pediatric dentists, the number of claims for covered services, and the decrease in births per year were investigated. Dental clinics claiming to be pediatric dentistry reached half of all medical institutions, but only 3.78% of pediatric dentists actually worked. 61.36% of all pediatric dentists were concentrated in the metropolitan area, showing a national imbalance. Although the population of children and adolescents have continuously decreased over the past 20 years, the number of NHIS-covered services has shown a continuous increase. Over the past 10 years, the optimal supply of pediatric dentists has been maintained at around 4,000. According to the analysis, 92.15% of pediatric dentists thought that it was necessary to prepare policies and support measures at the government level. This study is expected to be used as basic data for establishing a demand estimation method for pediatric dentistry specialists in the future.

Developing Content System for Home Economics Curriculum in Connection with Education for Sustainable Development(ESD): Focusing on the 'Life Environment and Sustainable Choice' Area (지속가능발전교육(ESD)을 연계한 가정과 교육과정의 내용체계 개발: '생활환경과 지속가능한 선택' 영역)

  • Yoon, So Hee;Sohn, Sang-Hee;Lee, Soo-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.145-161
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a content system for the home economics curriculum that integrates Education for Sustainable Development(ESD) and provides basic material for ESD implementation in schools. In view of this, the content elements of the revised home economics curriculum for 2022 were analyzed, and a content system for the home economics curriculum, linked to ESD, was proposed based on the implications drawn from the analysis. The results are as follows. First, the three components of competencies, namely knowledge, values, and skills, were organized equally as a whole. However, the association between the content elements and key competencies in sustainability was found to be insufficient. Consequently, it is proposed that key competencies in sustainability should be cultivated integrally. Second, no content element was identified that can promote social participation. Therefore, it is proposed that solutions should be dealt with at the level of social participation. Third, the connection with Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) was observed in only six of the 28 content elements. Wherever relevant, it is proposed to incorporate key issues related to SDGs. Fourth, the analysis confirmed that only the environmental dimension of sustainable development was considered. Therefore, it is proposed to pursue coexistence based on temporal and spatial relationship and consider the dimensions of environment, society, and economy in an integrated manner.

A Comparative Study on Spiritual Humanism in Daesoon Thought (대순사상의 영성인본주의 비교연구)

  • Kim Yong-hwan
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.44
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    • pp.141-175
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    • 2023
  • This comparative study combines the methodologies of comparative research and literature review to examine Daesoon Thought. Comparative religious analysis in the social sciences, does not presuppose an a priori framework of the essence of religion because it targets various aspects of religion which are revealed within a historical field. However, it does not decompose and return to psychological or social phenomena like social sciences. In addition, with the emergence of religious pluralism, the climate of focusing on similarities between religions has already been accomplished to some degree. Furthermore, it is worth noting that many spiritual movements in modern spirituality reveal mixed or amorphous characteristics without being restricted by specific religious membership. It is time to overcome instrumentation and restore the transcendence of its original appearance even in secular humanist reasoning. It can be said that this reveals the perception that the ills and crises of modern civilization should be overcome in connection with the opening of the acquired world of Daesoon Thought. It could further be said that the main culprit of evil behavior is instrumental reason or degenerated reason rather than spirituality. Religion is the intellectual crystalline body of humankind and aims at human perfection and salvation. However, extremists in previous times amplified conflicts between religions and formed ideas suitable for their specific regions through different experiences. This generated mental rifts that proved greatly influential. At the time of initial inception, each religion confronted and fought other ideologies, but when the era of religious pluralism began, the necessity for inter-spiritual communication became urgent. It could be said that happiness is the realization of human spirituality by exploring the vision of humanism. In that case, the combined methodologies of comparative research and literature review reveal that the spirituality of Daesoon Thought would enable a humanism based on human dignity. This would be a path for seeking spirituality through human life and living as a true human being. Spiritual humanism as discussed through this study aims to share the problems of modern civilization and provide a critical view of modern civilization that shows the roots of prevailing thought are stuck in a Cartesian dualistic view of humanity and the world. The type of spiritual humanism to examined here focuses on a cosmotheandric vision by considering the spiritual return to Daoism via Daesoon Thought. This would treat human beings like heaven in alignment with Donghak ideology and honor the human dignity proposed by Daesoon Thought. It would also deliver sentient beings from suffering and to bliss in accordance with the aims of faith in Maitreya Buddha, and it would implement the Resolution of Grievances for Mutual Beneficence in fulfillment of Daesoon Thought.

The Problem of Theodicy in Daesoon Jinrihoe (대순진리회에서 신정론 문제)

  • Cha, Seon-keun
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.33
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    • pp.257-286
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    • 2019
  • This study aims to explain theodicy in Daesoon Jinrihoe using established theodicies. Theodicy in Daesoon Jinrihoe can be described as follows: within the worldview of Daesoon Jinrihoe, the problems of evil and suffering are better addressed by analyzing the problem of mutual contention. Accordingly, theodicy in Daesoon Jinrihoe is a matter which should be discussed only in regards to the time period known as the Former World and the transition period after the Reordering Works that leads up to the Later World. The Later World does not operate under patterns of mutual contention. Consequently, there will be no suffering. Therefore, issues of theodicy are irrelevant in the Later World. Theodicy should be dealt differently as it pertains to the Former World and the previously mentioned transition period. Daesoon Thought posits that there is an underlying principle presides over the cosmos, and the divine beings act in accordance with it and perform specific duties in their own subdivisions. The cosmic principle is able to contain cycles of both Sanggeuk ('mutual destruction' in general usage, but 'mutual contention' in Daesoon Thought related to the Former World) and sangsaeng ('mutual generation' in general usage and 'mutual beneficence' in Daesoon Thought related to the Later World). Suffering came into being due to mutual contention. However, mutual contention was not set into motion maliciously, but was arranged instead to facilitate the realization of greater values such as growth and development. In other words, mutual contention are not products of a moral value the nature of which is bad or wrong. Yet, since the world has operated under mutual contention from time immemorial, a nearly incalculably vast multitude of grievances have accumulated. In addition, the divine beings who had operated under mutual contention often made mistakes and spread confusion. This extreme situation resulted in tremendous disasters breaking out all over the world. Perhaps this particular theodicy could be named "Dualistic Sanggeuk Theology (Dualistic Theodicy of Mutual Contention)." After the divine beings reported to the Supreme God that the world had fallen into a serious crisis, the Supreme God penetratingly examined the circumstances of the world and then descended to Earth as a human being named Jeungsan. As Jeungsan practiced the Reordering Works of Heaven and Earth, the Great Opening was preordained by Him. As a result, the transition period started, and from that point onward, theodicy should be described differently. It is presumed that all creatures will be judged at the time of the Great Opening. This will result in the annihilation of all wicked beings including both divine beings and humans. There will also be the establishment of an earthly paradise as well as grievance resolution for all beings prior the Great Opening. This can also be called "The Eschatological Theodicy of the Resolution of Grievances." Theodicy in Daesoon Jinrihoe adopts the two theodicies mentioned above. In addition to that, various theodicies from other traditions such as Irenaean ("soul-making") Theodicy, Free Will Theodicy, Recompense Theodicy, Afterlife Theodicy, Karma Samsara Theodicy, theodicy of participation, and Communion Theodicy can all potentially be applied on a case by case basis.

Application of satellite remote sensing-based vegetation index for evaluation of transplanted tree status (이식수목의 현황 평가를 위한 위성영상 기반 원격탐사 식생지수 적용 연구)

  • Mi Na Choi;Do-Hun Lee;Moon-Jeong Jang;Dong Ju Kim;Sun Mi Lee;Yoon Jung Moon;Yong Sung Kwon
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.18-30
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    • 2023
  • Forest destruction is an inevitable result of the development processes. According to the environmental impact assessment, over 10% of the destroyed trees need to be recycled and transplanted to minimize the impact of forest destruction. However, the rate of successful transplantation is low, leading to a high rate of tree death. This is attributable to a lack of consideration for environmental factors when choosing a temporary site for transplantation and inadequate management. To monitor transplanted trees, a field survey is essential; however, the spatio-temporal aspect is limited. This study evaluated the applicability of remote sensing for the effective monitoring of transplanted trees. Vegetation indices based on satellite remote sensing were derived to detect time-series changes in the status of the transplanted trees at three temporary transplantation sites. The mortality rate and vitality of transplanted trees before and after the transplant have a similar tendency to the changes in the vegetation indicators. The findings of this study showed that vegetation indices increased after transplantation of trees and decreased as the death rate increased and vitality decreased over time. This study presents a method for assessing newly transplanted trees using satellite images. The approach of utilizing satellite photos and the vegetation index is expected to detect changes in trees that have been transplanted across the country and help to manage tree transplantation for the environmental impact assessment.

Structural and functional characteristics of rock-boring clam Barnea manilensis (암석을 천공하는 돌맛조개(Barnea manilensis)의 구조 및 기능)

  • Ji Yeong Kim;Yun Jeon Ahn;Tae Jin Kim;Seung Min Won;Seung Won Lee;Jongwon Song;Jeongeun Bak
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.413-422
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    • 2022
  • Barnea manilensis is a bivalve which bores soft rocks, such as, limestone or mudstone in the low intertidal zone. They make burrows which have narrow entrances and wide interiors and live in these burrows for a lifetime. In this study, the morphology and the microstructure of the valve of rock-boring clam B. manilensis were observed using a stereoscopic microscope and FE-SEM, respectively. The chemical composition of specific part of the valve was assessed by energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) analysis. 3D modeling and structural dynamic analysis were used to simulate the boring behavior of B. manilensis. Microscopy results showed that the valve was asymmetric with plow-like spikes which were located on the anterior surface of the valve and were distributed in a specific direction. The anterior parts of the valve were thicker than the posterior parts. EDS results indicated that the valve mainly consisted of calcium carbonate, while metal elements, such as, Al, Si, Mn, Fe, and Mg were detected on the outer surface of the anterior spikes. It was assumed that the metal elements increased the strength of the valve, thus helping the B. manilensis to bore sediment. The simulation showed that spikes located on the anterior part of the valve received a load at all angles. It was suggested that the anterior part of the shell received the load while drilling rocks. The boring mechanism using the amorphous valve of B. manilensis is expected to be used as basic data to devise an efficient drilling mechanism.