• Title/Summary/Keyword: 신호 무결성

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Feasibility Study on Integrity Monitoring Service of Port PNT Information (항만 PNT 무결성 감시 서비스의 가능성 연구)

  • Seo, Ki-Yeol;Shin, Mi-Young;Park, Sang-Hyun;Hwang, Tae-Hyeon;Kim, Young-Ki;Jang, Won-Seok
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2015.10a
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    • pp.266-267
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    • 2015
  • 해상 활동에 있어서 해상교통의 핵심정보인 항법신호의 안전을 강화하기 위하여, 본 논문에서는 국내에서 발생한 전파간섭 발생 사례와 영향, 그리고 DGNSS 기준국 무결성 기능의 한계에 대해 조사하고 그 대응방안을 운영자 및 선박 운항자 관점에서 분석한다. 그 대안의 하나로서 항만 항법신호(PNT)의 무결성 감시 기술과 그 신뢰도를 결정하여 사용자에게 제공하기 위한 항만 PNT 무결성 감시 서비스에 대해 소개한다. 그리고 특정 항만에 항법신호 감시 시스템을 구축하여, 개발 시스템의 시범 운영 테스트를 통해 그 실용화 가능성을 제시한다.

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A Study on Signal Integrity of High Speed Interface for Ultra High Definition Video Pattern Control Signal Generator (초고해상도 영상패턴 제어 신호발생기의 고속 인터페이스 신호 무결성 실험에 관한 연구)

  • Son, Hui-Bae;Jun, June-Su;Kwon, Sai-Hoan
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 2014.06a
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    • pp.150-152
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    • 2014
  • 디지털 평판 LCD TV의 영상신호 전송에 LVDS가 사용되어 왔으나 케이블간의 타이밍 문제가 대두되고 초고해상도의 컬러 Depth 확장으로 인해 보다 빠른 전송속도가 요구되어진다. V-by-One HS는 초고해상도 영상처리 IC 및 TCON 간의 새로운 인터페이스 기술로서 최대 3840*2160@240Hz의 해상도 영상구현이 가능하다. 동작 주파수 대역의 공진모드 전압 분포와 V-by-One HS IBIS(Input/Output Buffer Information Specification) 모델 시뮬레이션을 통하여 PCB 설계 방법을 제안한다. 본 논문에서는 V-by-One HS 인터페이스 기술을 사용하여 초고해상도 영상패턴 제어 신호발생기의 시스템 구성을 제안하고 고속영상 신호에 대한 신호 무결성을 검증하고자 한다.

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Development of Remote Integrity Monitoring System for GNSS (GNSS 원격 무결성 감시시스템 개발)

  • Bae, Jung-Won;Song, Jae-Hun;Jeon, Hyang-Sik;Nam, Gi-Uk;Lee, Han-Seong
    • Aerospace Engineering and Technology
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.16-26
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    • 2006
  • GNSS is a satellite-based radio navigation aid. For using it in civil air navigation area, any GNSS service should meet the requirements of accuracy, integrity, continuity and availability in each flight phase established by ICAO. In this study, a remote integrity monitoring system(RIMS) for GNSS are proposed and explained to utilize it in the design of GNSS augmentation system such as GBAS and GRAS. The RIMS consists of signal-in-space receiving subsystem and signal processing subsystem. Each GPS receiver is connected to Host PC by the serial to ethernet converting device which is able to convert serial port connection to LAN port connection in order to exchange information via the internet. We can overcome the siting limitation of GPS receiver and antenna, and reduce signal loses in the cable between GPS antenna and receiver. This system is providing the development environment for GBAS CAT-I system.

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IGS 전리층 보정정보를 이용한 한반도 상공 전리층 기울기 변화 분석

  • Heo, Yun-Jeong;Lee, Eun-Seong;Heo, Mun-Beom
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.165-165
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    • 2012
  • 육상, 해양, 항공 등의 응용분야에 위성항법보강시스템의 활용을 위해서는 시스템의 정확성, 무결성, 연속성, 가용성 요구 조건을 만족하도록 설계되어야 하며, 무결성 요구 조건을 만족시키기 위하여 측위 오차 및 위협 요인들을 지상국에서 감시해야한다. 특히, 전리층 변화는 지역적으로 경향 및 세기가 달라 전리층 폭풍 발생 시 지상국과 이동체에서 받은 위성항법 신호에 포함된 전리층 지연 오차의 편차가 심하여 위성항법 사용자의 무결성, 즉 안정성이 위협을 받는 상황이 발생할 수 있으므로, 해당지역의 전리층 변화에 대한 사전 정보를 통해 지역별로 적합한 위협 모델을 구성하여 전리층 활동 감시가 필요하다. 전리층 기울기는 전리층 지연값 분포의 불균일 여부를 정량화한 값으로, 전리층 폭풍 발생시 기울기가 급증하여 전리층 폭풍 감지를 위한 지표로 활용될 수 있다. 이 연구에서는 육상 교통 위성항법보강시스템의 무결성 감시에 전리층 변화 기능을 적용하기 위한 기본 연구로 IGS에서 제공하는 전리층 보정정보를 이용하여 한반도 상공에 대한 전리층 기울기 분포 및 변화 경향을 파악하고, 이러한 분석 결과를 전리층 기울기에 대한 보정정보 오차범위 설정이나 전리층 폭풍 발생 판단에 필요한 임계값 설정 등에 적용하고자 한다.

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An Allocation of Safety Integrity Level to Inductive Loop type Train Control System (유도루프식 열차제어시스템 안전무결성등급 할당)

  • Ryou, Sung-Kyun;Park, Jae-Young;Yun, Hak-Sun
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.8 no.12
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    • pp.1905-1910
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    • 2013
  • This paper demonstrates the result of Safety Integrity Level (SIL) allocation for IL-type Train Control System(IL-TCS), by applying the semi-quantitative approach. IL-type TCS is defined in this paper as the set of Hardware and Software ATS equipment, Track-side ATP equipment, On-board ATP equipment, Track-side ATO equipment, On-board ATO equipment. SIL allocation is performed for these constituent subsystems of TCS. Based on three principles of the semi-quantitative method, the SIL allocation process is performed for the subsystems composing TCS.

An Effective Mitigation Method on the Signal-Integrity Effects by Splitting of a Return Current Plane (귀환 전류 평면의 분할에 기인하는 신호 무결성의 효과적인 대책 방법)

  • Jung, Ki-Bum;Jun, Chang-Han;Chung, Yeon-Choon
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.366-375
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    • 2008
  • Generally a return current plane(RCP) of high speed digital and analog part is partitioned. This is achieved in order to decrease the noise interference between subsystem in PCBs(Printed Circuit Boards). However, when the connected signal line exists between each sub system, this partition will cause unwanted effects. In a circuital point of view, RCP partition has a bad influence upon signal integrity. In a EMI(Electromagnetic Interference) point of view, the partition of the return current plane becomes a primary factor to increase the radiated emission. Component bridge(CB) is usecl for the way of maintaining signal integrity, still specific user's guide doesn't give sufficient principle. In a view point of signal integrity, design principle of multi-CB using method will be analyzed by measurement and simulation. And design principle of noise mitigation will be provided. Generally interval of CB is ${\lambda}/20$ ferrite bead. In this study. When multi-CB connection is applied, design principle of ferrite bead and chip resistor is proved by measurement and simulation. Multi-connected chip resistance$(0{\Omega})$ is proved to be more effective design method in the point of signal integrity.

Design of High-Speed Multi-Layer PCB for Ultra High Definition Video Signals (UHD급 영상구현을 위한 다층인쇄회로기판의 특성 임피던스 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Jin, Jong-Ho;Son, Hui-Bae;Rhee, Young-Chul
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.19 no.7
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    • pp.1639-1645
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    • 2015
  • In UHD high-speed video transmission system, when a signal within certain frequency region coincides electrically and structurally, the system becomes unstable because the energy is concentrated, and signal flux is interfered and distorted. For the instability, power integrity analysis should be conducted. To remove the signal distortion for MLB, using a high-frequency design technique for EMI phenomenon, EMI which radiates electromagnetic energy fluxed into power layer was analyzed considering system stabilization. In this paper, we proposed an adaptive MLB design method which minimizes high-frequency noise in MLB structure, enhances signal integrity and power integrity, and suppresses EMI. The characteristic impedance for multi-layer circuit board proposed in this study were High-Speed Video Differential Signaling(HSVDS) line width w = 0.203, line gap d = 0.203, beta layer height h = 0.145, line thickness t = 0.0175, dielectric constant εr = 4.3, and characteristic impedance Zdiff = 100.186Ω. When high-speed video differential signal interface board was tested with optimized parameters, the magnitude of Eye diagram output was 672mV, jittering was 6.593ps, transmission frequency was 1.322GHz, signal to noise was 29.62dB showing transmission quality improvement of 10dB compared to previous system.

Design of EMI reduction of Electric Vehicle Wireless Power Transfer Wireless Charging Control Module with Power Integrity and Signal Integrity (전원무결성과 신호무결성을 갖는 전기차 무선전력전송 무선충전컨트롤모듈 EMI 저감 설계)

  • Hong, Seungmo
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.452-460
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    • 2021
  • As the global electric vehicle (EV) market expands, eco-friendly EV that complement performance and safety problems continue to be released and the market is growing. However, in the case of EVs, the inconvenience of charging, safety problems such as electric shock, and electromagnetic interference (EMI) problems caused by the interlocking of various electronic components are problems that must be solved in EVs. The use of wireless power transmission technology can solve the problem of safety by not dealing with high current and high voltage directly and solving the inconvenience of charging EVs. In this paper, in order to reduce EMI a wireless charging control module, which is a key electronic component of WPT of EV. EMI reduction was designed through simulation of problems such as resonance and impedance that may occur in the power supply and signal distortion between high-speed communication that may occur in the signal part. Therefore, through the EMI reduction design with power integrity and signal integrity, the WPT wireless charging control module for electric vehicles reduces 10 dBu V/m and 15 dBu V/m, respectively, in 800 MHz to 1 GHz bands and 1.5 GHz bnad.