• Title/Summary/Keyword: 신속절차

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A Study on Application of Summary Procedure in Case of Software Appraisal (소프트웨어 감정의 간이절차 활용 논의에 대한 검토)

  • Kim, Si-Yeol;Kang, Yoon-Soo
    • Journal of Software Assessment and Valuation
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.25-33
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    • 2019
  • In copyright dispute on software, appraisal procedure is needed, which is regarded as an implementation of the right to fast trial. Considering that, in practice, there has been a long discussion of attempting to operate the software appraisal as a summary procedure. This was done usually by reducing the resources devoted to the summary procedure, however, this way inevitably makes difference in a result obtained through the procedure. Therefore, this research reviewed the previous operation of summary procedure in software appraisal, focusing on intrinsic nature of the summary procedure and role of software appraisal in the trial process.

Performance of Position Based Fast Fault Recovery Protocol for Industrial Bridged Ring Networks (산업용 브리지 망을 위한 위치 기반의 신속한 망 장애 복구 절차의 성능분석)

  • Seo, Ju Sang;Yoon, Chong Ho;Park, Hong Soon;Kim, Jin Uk
    • KEPCO Journal on Electric Power and Energy
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.259-269
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    • 2020
  • With the proposal-agreement procedure, RSTP can reduce the network recovery time to 400 ms or less in the case of 40 bridges. While the legacy RSTP reverts the previous agreement at the bridge with the alternate port role in the ring during the fault recovery, a new position based fast fault recovery procedure is proposed in this paper to guarantee a single proposal-agreement transaction which can provide more faster recovery. By knowing the relative position of the faulty link or bridge in hops, the bridge on the middle of the ring can complete the recovery procedure without revert. The performance of proposed procedure is numerically calculated and verified by simulation and the result shows that the recovery time can be reduced up to 100 ms, which is 1/4 times of the legacy RSTP.

A Study on the Development of Power System Restoration Support System (전력계통 고장복구 지원시스템 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Oh, Hwa-Jin;Bae, Joo-Chun
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.318-320
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    • 2008
  • 우리나라의 전력계통은 수도권 전력수요 집중과 대단위 발전단지의 증가, 고장용량의 증대에 따라 고장 발생 시 정확하고 신속하게 조치하지 않을 경우 광역고장으로 파급될 우려가 있다. 전력거래소에서는 전력계통에 고장이 발생할 경우 사전에 검토된 사례를 DB화하고 이를 기반으로 EMS 상태 추정결과에 따라 현재의 계통상황에 유사한 복구절차를 자동으로 계시하여 급전원의 정확하고 신속한 고장복구를 지원하는 시스템을 개발하고자 연구를 수행하였다. 사래기반의 고장복구절차 자동제시를 위하여 계통운영방안 및 휴전검토 시의 검토결과를 자동으로 DB화 하는 프로그램을 개발하였으며 고장발생 시 계통상황을 인식하여 적합한 복구절차를 제시하여 주는 계통감시 프로그램을 개발하였다.

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Determining Priority of the Action Plan of Facilitation in Air Transport (Using CK model of Data Envelopment Analysis) (항공부문 출입국 절차 간소화 추진과제의 우선순위 결정 (자료포락분석기법 (DEA)의 CK 모형 적용))

  • Kim, Min-Jung;Hong, Seock-Jin;Kim, Yeon-Myung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.7-16
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    • 2008
  • The immigration procedure at airports is vital to making passenger and cargo transport faster. The rapid procedure of immigration could be an important determining factor when passengers select an air transport company, one that should have high satisfactory in terms of their service level and efficiency. Therefore, the advanced airport makes it easy for customers and their cargo to proceed. The coordination between authorities related to the Korean international airport is not satisfactory for customers. This paper analyzes the factors necessary to enhance the airport immigration procedure with the movement of aircrafts, passengers, cargo, and post, using the CK(Cook and Kress) model of DEA(Data Envelopment Analysis). From this study, the author found that research and development will be needed to improve the immigration procedure, especially on facilities and their operating systems. There are needed, also, performance indicators and a continuous monitoring system.

전자혁명 실현을 위한 방책

  • Korea Database Promotion Center
    • Digital Contents
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    • no.11 s.54
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    • pp.60-67
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    • 1997
  • 일본 총무청에서는 행정개혁프로그램에서 행정사무절차의 간소화, 통일화, 공통화, 전자화, 페이퍼리스화 등을 추진해 신청에 따른 국민의 부담을 경감시킬 수 있도록 했다. 또한 이것에 기반하여 신청 부담 경감 대책을 추진해 신청 신고절차의 전자화 페이퍼리스화를 행정정보화 추진계획의 최종년도인 1999년도를 넘기지 않는 것을 원칙으로 내년도말까지 가능한 것에서부터 신속히 실시하기로 하는 등 행정정보화의 간소화를 추진하고 있다. 어떻게 계획되고 있는지 살펴봤다.

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전자혁명 실현을 위한 방책

  • Korea Database Promotion Center
    • Digital Contents
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    • no.12 s.55
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    • pp.52-60
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    • 1997
  • 일본 총무청에서는 행정개혁프로그램에서 행정사무절차의 간소화, 통일화, 공통화, 전자화, 페이퍼리스화 등을 추진해 신청에 따른 국민의 부담을 경감시킬 수 있도록 했다. 또한 이것에 기반하여 신청 부담 경감 대책을 추진 신청 신고절차의 전자화 페이퍼리스화를 행정정보화 추진계획의 최종년도인 1999년도를 넘기지 않는 것을 원칙으로 내년도말까지 가능한 것에서부터 신속히 실시하기로 하는 등 행정정보화의 간소화를 추진하고 있다. 어떻게 계획되고 있는지 살펴봤다.

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Access Procedure of the SHADE based Shared Data for Supporting the Efficient Decision Making (효율적 의사결정 지원을 위한 SHADE 기반 공유 데이터 접근 절차)

  • Lee, Kyung-Hwan;Na, Yun-Geun;Yoon, Hee-Byung;Jo, Byoung-In
    • 한국IT서비스학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.204-207
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    • 2008
  • 본 논문에서는 효율적인 의사결정 지원을 위해 SHADE 기반의 공유 데이터 접근 활동들에 대한 절차를 제안한다. 먼저 SHADE에 대한 개념 및 기술구조를 제시하고 공유 데이터 접근을 위해 요구되는 핵심 기술, 즉 데이터 디렉토리 서비스 기술, 데이터 미디에이션, 복제 기술에 대한 개념과 특징을 분석한다. 그런 다음 SHADE 기술구조 하에 효율적으로 공유 데이터에 접근할 수 있도록 4개 활동 각각에 대해 절차를 제안한다. 제안한 절차에는 5단계의 디렉토리 서비스 및 4단계의 검색 절차, 데이터 미디에이션을 이용한 5단계의 데이터 중개 절차, 미들웨어를 이용한 7단계의 실시간 데이터 교환 및 4단계의 데이터 복제절차가 각각 포함된다. 향후 제안한 공유 데이터 접근 절차를 통해 정보체계 간 데이터 연결 능력이 향상될 뿐만 아니라 이를 통해 정확하고, 신속한 의사결정 지원에 도움을 줄 것으로 기대한다.

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A Comparative Study on the Expedited Procedures of International Arbitration Rules in Four Asian Countries: CIETAC, HKIAC, SIAC, and KCAB (신속절차에 관한 아시아 4개국의 국제중재규칙 비교 연구 - CIETAC, HKIAC, SIAC, KCAB를 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Beom-Cheol;Joo, E-Wha;Shim, Sang-Ryul
    • Journal of Arbitration Studies
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.177-200
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    • 2013
  • Recently, many international arbitration institutions have responded to the business requirements of their users and have revised their rules to enhance the time and cost efficiency. Korean Commercial Arbitration Board (KCAB) revised the international arbitration rule in 2011, introducing new arbitration mechanisms like the expedited procedure. Also other Asian arbitration institutions introduced the expedited procedure in their international arbitration rules. Now expedited procedures are regarded as a very attractive system in the field of international arbitration. Accordingly, this paper reviewed the expedited procedures of four Asian countries, including China(CIETAC), Hong Kong (HKIAC), Singapore(SIAC) and Korea(KCAB). The purpose of this study is to find out meaningful implications to improve the Korean system. Based on this review, some recommendations are suggested as follows. First, the scope of the expedited procedure has to be adjusted upward than the current 200 million won. Second, there should be a fee schedule only for the expedited procedure. Third, in case of small amount international disputes, written examination should be more used in the expedited procedure. Finally, KCAB should make strong efforts to improve the awareness and usage of the expedited procedure in Korea.

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On the study of Chemical Disaster Cause Chemical Detection Process (화학재난 현장에서의 사건원인 화학물질 탐지절차 연구)

  • Kim, Sungbum;Ahn, Seungyoung;Lee, Jinhwan
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.452-457
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    • 2014
  • The event of a Chemical disaster response personnel are causative events quickly Appearance & residual contaminant concentrations, should be identified accurately. In addition, the chemical disaster response procedure appropriate progress in the field of Chemical Composition and contaminant concentrations in order confirmation is essential. Use in the field to using the characteristics of each equipment. on-Site response equipment can not verify all the chemicals, materials detection, limited by each equipment. Detection range of equipment & specific materials should be considered complementary. In this study, using the equipment on-site detection of detection kit and detector tube, electronic detection equipment utilized for the rapid response procedure for helping a person to cope.

Development of Standard Operation System of Emergency Restoration for Railway Accidents (철도사고유형별 임시복구 표준운영체계(안) 개발)

  • Park, Yong-Gul;Sung, Deok-Yong;Choi, Sung-Yong;Suh, Sang-Kyo
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Railway
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.819-828
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    • 2009
  • This paper suggests to standardize railway accident restoration types as the code and standard operation system for efficient railway accident management. First of all, the damage types of have been carefully analyzed and reclassified. This study suggested the combination of 3 distinct code factors: restoration class, restoration object, and restoration location to standardize them. In addition, this study suggested procedures to make the standard operation system of emergency restoration, defined the worst case of emergency restoration and the important events. Therefore, the standard operation system of emergency restoration is developed. It shall play a major role as the database system for railway accident management, minimum of damage and rapid control of accident.