• Title/Summary/Keyword: 식생활영역

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Development of Evaluation Indicators for a Children's Dietary Life Safety Index in Korea (한국 어린이 식생활 안전지수의 평가 지표 개발)

  • Chung, Hae-Rang;Kwak, Tong-Kyung;Choi, Young-Sun;Kim, Hye-Young P.;Lee, Jung-Sug;Choi, Jung-Hwa;Yi, Na-Young;Kwon, Se-Hyug;Choi, Youn-Ju;Lee, Soon-Kyu;Kang, Myung-Hee
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.49-60
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    • 2011
  • This study was performed to develop a children's dietary life safety index required by the Special Act on Safety Management of Children's Dietary Life enacted in 2009. An analytical hierarchy process was used to obtain initial weights of dietary life safety evaluation indicators. The Delphi method was applied to develop the weights along with 98 food and nutrition professionals. Three representative policy indicators, nine strategy indicators, 11 main evaluation indicators, and 20 detailed evaluation indicators were selected for the children's dietary life safety assessment. Three policy indicators and nine strategy indicators were the following: children's food safety indicator (support level of children' safety, safety management level of children's favorite foods, and safety management level of institutional food service), children's nutrition safety indicator (management level of missing meals and obesity, nutrition management level of children's favorite foods, and nutrition management level of institutional food service), and children's perception and practice level indicator ("Dietary Life Law" perception level, perception, and practice level for dietary life safety management, perception, and practice level for nutrition management). Weights of 40%, 40%, and 20% were given for the three representative policy indicators. The relative importance of nine strategic indicators, which were determined by the Delphi method is as follows: For children’s food safety, support level of children's safety, safety management level of children's favorite foods, and safety management level of institutional food service were given weights of 12%, 9%, and 19%, respectively. For children's nutrition safety, the missing meals and obesity management level, nutrition management level of children's favorite foods, and the nutrition management level of institutional food service were given weights of 13%, 11%, and 16%, respectively. The "Dietary Life Law" perception level, perception and practice level of dietary life safety management, and perception and practice level of nutrition management were given weights of 4%, 7%, and 9%, respectively.

Development and Effectiveness Analysis of Sustainable Dietary Free-year Program for the Improvement of Youth Empowerment in Middle School Home Economics (청소년의 임파워먼트 향상을 위한 가정교과 지속가능한 식생활 자유학년제 프로그램 개발 및 효과분석)

  • Choi, Seong-Yeon;Han, Ju
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.129-152
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study was to develop a sustainable dietary education program for middle school home economics subject using a teaching strategy to improve the empowerment of adolescents and to verify and evaluate the effectiveness of the program. To achieve the purpose of this study, the program was developed and evaluated according to the ADDIE teaching design model. The contents related to the dietary area were extracted from the technical & home economics curriculum of the 2015 revised middle school and SDGs, and their relevance was analyzed to select the contents of dietary education. The program developed based on the analysis results is 'dietary life together' and consists of five learning topics: 'living together in the global village', 'maintaining healthy diet', 'creating a dietary culture together', 'living with nature and people', and 'maintaining a safe diet'. As a strategy for improving empowerment, we presented four situations, each of which represents value judgment, prediction of results, responsible behavior choice, and decision making. The developed program was reviewed by experts and applied to 17 unit classes for 17 weeks (1 unit hour per week) to the third graders of middle schools in Gyeonggi-do. Significant differences were found between before and after the class measurements of the personal empowerment and the political and social empowerment, which shows the classes were effective in improving empowerment. However, since there was no significant difference in interpersonal empowerment before and after the program, suggestions were made to utilize strategies to facilitate discussion and cooperative learning when implementing the program. The students who participated in the class evaluated the program positively as a whole. The program was evaluated to have helped the students believe they could change society through solving dietary problems.

The work performance and the factor contributing to the work performance of nutrition teacher & school dieticians (영양교사 (정규직)와 학교영양사 (비정규직)의 직무수행도 및 직무수행에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Han, Jang-Il
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.48 no.6
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    • pp.558-570
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: The objective of this study is to investigate the work performances and the factors contributing to the work performance of nutrition teachers and school dieticians according to employment status in Daejeon and Chungcheongnamdo. Methods: A survey was conducted among 415 school dieticians from selected elementary, middle, and high schools in the area. This survey was used for analysis of the general characteristics and the status of working and foodservice environments. The frequency of occurrence was measured using the ${\chi}^2$-test while analysis of differences in work performance of 57 variables grouped according to 12 categories by mean ${\pm}$ SD was performed using student t-test. In addition, a regression analysis was performed to assess the influence of occupational (working and foodservice) environment on work performances. Results: All 14 environmental factors including general characteristics were different between nutrition teachers and school dieticians. In 12 of 57 variables there were significant differences in work performance between the two groups. When compared using average work performance, 5 domains showed significant difference in work performance between the two groups. These 5 domains were other works (T = 6.050), dietary habit guide (T = 4.789), menu (nutrition) management (T = 3.524), foodservice administration and evaluation (T = 2.757), and production and service management (T = 2.588). Overall, the work performances of nutrition teachers were comparably higher than those of school dietitians. A correlation analysis between occupational (working or foodservice) environments and work performances of the two groups showed that the work performances of nutrition teachers were influenced by the number of employees, number of students, meal frequency a day, annual salary, age, foodservice years of school, and school type. Conclusion: Meanwhile, the work performances of school dieticians were influenced by the number of students, number of employees, meal frequency a day, work hour, education level, age, school type, and service years as a dietitian.

Knowledge and Consciousness on Environment and Eco-friendly Behavior related to dietary life of Middle School Students (중학생의 식생활 관련 환경지식과 환경의식 및 환경친화적 식생활행동)

  • Lee Ok Soon;Kim Youngnam
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.49-60
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    • 2005
  • In this study, environmental knowledge and consciousness and eco-friendly behavior related to dietary life of middle school students were examined. Male and female students in Gyeongsan and Daegu Metropolitan City were selected for the study. Total of 490 questionnaires were delivered and collected, and 445 of them were analyzed by using SPSS Win Ver 12.0. Percentages of students who checked' don't know the answer' in 20 environmental knowledge assessment questions were $14.4\~41.8\%$, and those who gave correct answer to these responded to how the answer were $40.1\~93.3\%$. The average score of environmental consciousness was 3.45 and that of eco-friendly dietary behavior was 2.9 out of 5. When dietary behavior was divided by three categories, such as food purchasing, eating. and dish washing, the score of food purchasing behavior was 2.7, those of eating behavior and dish washing behavior were 3.0, 3.1, respectively. In the relationship between environmental knowledge. consciousness. and eco-friendly dietary behavior, there was significant positive correlation between howledge and consciousness, but no significant relation between consciousness and behavior. It showed that environmental knowledge and consciousness didn't always lead to eco-friendly dietary behavior. Therefore, education for practical betlavior must be emphasized even though the knowledge and consciousness education on environment are important.

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The Changes of Dietary Reference Intakes for Koreans and Its Application to the New Text Book (한국인 영양섭취기준에 대한 이해 및 새 교과서에의 적용 방안)

  • Kim, Jung-Hyun;Lee, Min-June
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.75-94
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    • 2008
  • The purposes of this paper are to describe the newly established reference values of nutrient intakes: to apply the changed dietary reference intakes to the new text book based on the revised curriculum: and to contrive substantial contents in the domain of dietary life(foods & nutrition) of new text book. Dietary Reference Intakes for Koreans(KDRIs) is newly established reference values of nutrient intakes that are considered necessary to maintain the health of Koreans at the optimal state and to prevent chronic diseases and overnutrition. Unlike previously used Recommended Dietary Allowances for Koreas(KRDA), which presented a single reference value for intake of each nutrient, multiple values are set at levels for nutrients to reduce risk of chronic diseases and toxicity as well as prevention of nutrient deficiency. The new KDRIs include the Estimated Average Requirement(EAR), Recommended Intake(RI), Adequate Intake(AI), and Tolerable Upper Intake Level(UL). The EAR is the daily nutrient intake estimated to meet the requirement of the half of the apparently healthy individuals in a target group and thus is set at the median of the distribution of requirements. The RI is set at two standard deviations above the EAR. The AI is established for nutrients for which existing body of knowledge are inadequate to establish the EAR and RI. The UL is the highest level of daily nutrient intake which is not likely to cause adverse effects for the human health. Age and gender subgroups are established in consideration of physiological characteristics and developmental stages: infancy, toddler, childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age. Pregnancy and lactation periods were considered separately and gender is divided after early childhood. Reference heights and weights are from the Korean Agency for Technology and Standards, Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy. The practical application of DRIs to the new books based on the revision in the 7th curriculum is to assess the dietary and nutrient intake as well as to plan a meal. It can be utilized to set an appropriate nutrient goal for the diet as usually eaten and to develop a plan that the individual will consume using a nutrient based food guidance system in the new books based on the revision in the 7th curriculum.

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Evaluation of the diet and nutritional states of elementary and middle school students in the Daegu area by using nutrition quotient for children (어린이 영양지수 (NQ)를 활용한 대구 지역 남녀 초등학생과 중학생의 식생활과 영양 상태 평가)

  • Lee, Su Jung;Kim, Youngnam
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.46 no.5
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    • pp.440-446
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    • 2013
  • The purposes of this study are to assess the diet and nutritional states of elementary and middle school students in the Daegu area by using nutrition quotient (NQ) for children. A survey was conducted with 366 elementary school students and 364 middle school students. Elementary school students showed higher total NQ scores (66.2) than middle school students (58.3), without gender difference. Elementary school students showed higher NQ scores in all 5 domains (balance, diversity, abstinence, regularity, practice) than middle school students. As for gender difference, boys showed higher scores than girls in balance and diversity, and girls showed higher scores in abstinence than boys. When scores of 5 domains were evaluated as good or bad, the percentage of good was highest in abstinence (63.4%) and lowest in diversity (22.9%). The percentage distribution of NQ of 1st (excellent) to 5th (bad) grades were 8.4%, 13.6%, 44.5%, 19.3%, 14.2%, respectively. In the 1st grade, there were 9.5%p more elementary school students, and in the 5th grade, there were 11.6%p more middle school students. No gender differences were found in the distribution of the NQ grades. Since NQ for children presents a convenient method of evaluating the diet and nutritional states of many subjects simply and simultaneously, a follow-up study will hopefully revise and supplement the question items and standards of judgement by the age groups.

Development of the Sustainable Dietary Life Teaching-Learning Plans to Implement the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (지속가능발전목표(SDGs) 이행을 위한 지속가능한 식생활 교수·학습 과정안 개발)

  • Lee, Jung Eun;Yu, Nan Sook
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.149-167
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study was to identify learning topics linked to Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) in the dietary life unit of middle school technology and home economics textbooks and to develop teaching-learning plans and learning materials to verify the feasibility and field suitability. This study was carried out through analysis, design, development, and evaluation stages, and the results are as follows. First, in the analysis stage, the dietary life contents of the five home economics textbooks written based on the 2015 revised curriculum were analyzed, and dietary life-related goals were extracted from the 169 SDG targets to reorganize the learning topics linked to the contents of the textbooks. Second, in the design stage, the overall goal of the entire class was set and each session was designed by selecting the learning goals, learning topics, and learning contents, reflecting the SDGs related to the session to be developed. Based on the analyses of textbooks and the SDGs related to dietary life, the themes of 'desirable eating habits of adolescents', 'food production', 'food distribution', and 'food consumption and disposal' were extracted. Third, in the development stage, a total of 11 teaching-learning plans and student worksheets were developed, and an evaluation sheet was developed for expert verification. Fourth, in the evaluation stage, the feasibility and field suitability of the teaching-learning plans were verified by 5 home economics teachers. Learning goals, learning contents, connectivity to related SDGs, and feasibility of teaching-learning plan were evaluated, and based on the assessment results, teaching-learning plans were revised.

Analysis of Dietary Education Contents in Picture Books for Young Children Nutrition Education (유아 영양교육을 위한 유아용 그림책에 나타난 식생활교육 내용 분석)

  • Lee, Ye-Eun;Yoon, Eun-Young
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.1-20
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    • 2023
  • In order to develop a picture book for desirable eating habits of young children, the contents of nutrition education in picture books were analyzed. A total of 128 picture books were analyzed: 42 picture books from the Nuri-curriculum teacher's guide (Nuri), 40 picture books recommended by the National Library for Children & Young Adults (NLCY), and 46 picture books published by the Center for Children's Food-service Management (CCFM). As a result of analysis of dietary guidelines for Koreans, the item that appeared most frequently in picture books was 'Consume a variety of foods every day' (28.91%). The second most common dietary guidelines in the picture books was 'Enjoy a diet that incorporates local ingredients and is environmentally conscious' (21.88%). As a result of examining the main goal of 'eating right' in the Nuri Curriculum, 'healthy food' accounted for 36.72% and 'eating a variety of food' accounted for 30.47%. 'Eating with the right attitude' 4.69%, 'valuing food' 3.13%, and 'dining etiquette' 6.25% were low. Therefore, it is necessary to develop and distribute picture books that reflect the contents that are insufficient.

Market goods substitution of housework and the determinants on it in the domain of food: Focused on the married female home-based workers (기혼여성 재택근무자의 식생활영역에서 가사노농 상품대체와 그 영향요인에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hyo-Chung;Kim, Mee-Ra
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.259-268
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to describe the levels of market goods substitution of housework and find out the determinants on it in the domain of food among married female home-based workers. The data were collected from 169 married female home-based workers in Pusan and Kyungnam province, by self-administered questionnaires. Frequencies, percentiles, Cronbach's alpha, Pearson's correlations, and multiple regression were used to analyze the data. In the convenience foods, frozen foods had the highest substitution level, whereas prepared stew had the lowest. The substitution level of Korean traditional storage foods was the middle. And in dining-out service, the substitution level was mostly high: the level of delivery service was higher than that of dining-out. Compared to the previous research, these results showed that market goods substitution tended to increase, and its level in the domain of food will promote continually over time. The variables affecting the substitution level of convenience food were the number of family members, occupation, the existence of elderly/disabled person in the family, sex-role attitude, and weekly hours at home-based work. The substitution level of Korean traditional storage foods was influenced by sex-role attitude, occupation, education, monthly household income, and the existence of elderly/disabled person in the family. The significant variables affecting the substitution level of dining-out service were weekly hours at home-based work, the number of family members, occupation, monthly household income, education, and sex-role attitude.

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Revision of Nutrition Quotient for Korean adults: NQ-2021 (한국 성인을 위한 영양지수 개정: NQ-2021)

  • Yook, Sung-Min;Lim, Young-Suk;Lee, Jung-Sug;Kim, Ki-Nam;Hwang, Hyo-Jeong;Kwon, Sehyug;Hwang, Ji-Yun;Kim, Hye-Young
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.55 no.2
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    • pp.278-295
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: This study was undertaken to revise and update the Nutrition Quotient (NQ) for Korean adults, a tool used to evaluate dietary quality and behavior. Methods: The first 31 items of the measurable food behavior checklist were adopted based on considerations of the previous NQ checklist, recent literature reviews, national nutrition policies, and recommendations. A pilot survey was conducted on 100 adults aged 19 to 64 residing in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province from March to April 2021 using a provisional 26- item checklist. Pilot survey data were analyzed using factor analysis and frequency analysis to determine whether checklist items were well organized and responses to questions were well distributed, respectively. As a result, the number of items on the food behavior checklist was reduced to 23 for the nationwide survey, which was administered to 1,000 adults (470 men and 530 women) aged 19 to 64 from May to August 2021. The construct validity of the developed NQ (NQ-2021) was assessed using confirmatory factor analysis, linear structural relations. Results: Eighteen items in 3 categories, that is, balance (8 items), moderation (6 items), and practice (4 items), were finally included in NQ-2021 food behavior checklist. 'Balance' items addressed the intake frequencies of essential foods, 'moderation' items the frequencies of unhealthy food intakes or behaviors, and 'practice' items addressed eating behaviors. Items and categories were weighted using standardized path coefficients to calculate NQ-2021 scores. Conclusion: The updated NQ-2021 appears to be suitable for easily and quickly assessing the diet qualities and behaviors of Korean adults.