• Title/Summary/Keyword: 시설소개

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고속 PLC 홈네트워크 솔루션

  • Im Su-Bin
    • Information and Communications Magazine
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    • v.23 no.8
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    • pp.35-42
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    • 2006
  • 최근 광대역 서비스에 대한 소비자들의 욕구가 차츰 증가하고 있고 대상콘텐츠도 데이터와 음성 및 비디오까지 포함된 멀티미디어 서비스로 변화함에 따라, 통신서비스 제공업체들은 이에 대한 해결책을 찾는 것이 지상과제가 되었다. xDSL, 케이블 모뎀, 광랜 등 엑세스 네트워크가 잘 발달되어 있는 국내에서도 멀티미디어 서비스의 최종 수신 장치가 될 TV, PC, 오디오 기기 및 전화기 등에까지 네트워크를 연결하기 위해서는 댁내에서 또 다른 홈 네트워크를 구성해야 하는 상황이다. 이러한 홈 네트워크를 가능하게 하는 기술로는 홈 RF, 무선랜, 블루투스 등 무선 홈 네트워크 기술과 IEEE1394, 이더넷, 홈 PNA, 전력선통신과 같은 유선 홈 네트워크 기술로 나눌 수 있다. 무선 홈 네트워르 기술의 경우, 댁내에서의 반사와 감쇄 등의 영향에 의한 음영지역이 존재하는 단점이 있고 또 RF단을 구현해야 하므로 시스템 가격이 올라가게 된다. IEEE1394, 이더넷, 홈 PNA 같은 유선 홈 네트워크기술의 경우에는 댁내 통신을 위해 새로운 선을 포설해야 하는데 이를 위해서는 막대한 시설 투자비가 들어가게 된다. 이 막대한 투자비는 홈 네트워크 구축에 많은 시간이 걸리게 하는 요인이 될 뿐만 아니라, 일반 사용자들이 서비스를 이용하기에는 가격적으로 부담스럽게 된다. 전력선통신 (PLC: Power Line Communication) 은 전기를 공급하는 전력선에 흐르고 있는 상용주파수 50/60Hz의 저주파 전력신호에 고주파 신호를 활용하여 데이터를 실어 나르는 통신기술이다. 집안 곳곳 이미 포설되어 있는 전력선이 이미 하나의 네트워크를 구성하고 있기 때문에 번거롭고 값비싼 추가 배선작업 없이 바로 네트워킹이 가능하다. 이와 같은 이유로 고속 PLC는 설치 용이성, 접근성, 속도 및 비용부분 등에서 경쟁기술에 비하여 여러 장점을 가지고 있다. 젤라인은 국내 전력선통신 표준을 만족하는 24Mbps 고속 전력선통신 칩을 기반으로 다양한 전력선 채널환경 하에서 최적의 통신을 보장하는 전력선 통신시스템을 제공하고 있으며, 이를 소개하고자 한다.

Presentation on Health Impact Assessment of Transportation Noise (교통소음 건강영향평가 소개)

  • Sun, Hyo Sung;Park, Young Min
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.63-82
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    • 2009
  • Because many people suffer from physical and mental damage caused by the noise created by transportation infrastructure, including road traffic, rail, and aircraft, developed countries have conducted research on predicting and solving the impact to human health from being exposed to transportation noise. Therefore, this study suggests a fundamental plan to assess the health impact of transportation noise on the basis of domestic and foreign prediction results regarding the health impact of transportation noise. The domestic and foreign exposure-response expressions, including the noise index and the health impact indicator of annoyance and sleep disturbance, are compared, and it is found that domestic individuals show a more sensitive response to transportation noise. Based on domestic and foreign research, and a case study regarding the health impact of transportation noise, a fundamental plan to assess the health impact of transportation noise comprises the preparation of objective assessment standards through the improvement of exposure-response models, and the establishment of reduction measures which can improve the quality of the transportation noise environment.

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Evaluation of the Navigational Safety Level in Korean Coastal Waterway from the Viewpoint of Ship Operator′s Stress (조선자의 조선부담감을 고려한 연안해역의 항행 안전성 평가에 관한 연구)

  • 금종수;장운재
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.65-72
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    • 2003
  • The prevention of marine accidents has been a major topic in marine society and various policies and countermeasures have been developed, applied to the industries. In order to improve the navigational safety level in the coastal waterways, the navigational safety level must be evaluated from the mariner's perception of safety. So far as human beings are concerned, there are many types of fuzziness in the evaluation of navigational safety level. In order to reflect these fuzziness on this evaluation, this paper introduces the fuzzy integral suggested by Choquet to represent the fuzziness in the evaluation process. This paper aims to develop the method for this evaluation from the viewpoint of mariner's operational stress using the fuzzy measure and Choquet integral. In this paper, Korean coastal area is divided into 8 sectors and evaluated the priority for the needs of coastal VTS and navigational aids. The results are found in the order named Mokpo, Yosu, Pohang, Inchon, Busan, Geoje, Gunsan, Donghae coastal area.

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A Study on International Trend and Korean Measures regarding Ship Recycling (선박 재활용에 관한 국제동향 및 우리나라의 대응방안 연구)

  • Yun, Jong-Hwui;Gug, Seung-Gi;Lim, Jae-Dong;Ha, Min-Jae;Moon, Jung-Hwan
    • Proceedings of KOSOMES biannual meeting
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.69-75
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    • 2007
  • Guidelines on ship recycling are adopted internationally. UNEP adopted 'Basel Convention', providing Environmentally Sound Management(ESM) of facilities and recommendations. IMO adopted 'Guidelines on Ship Recycling', providing measures for worker's safety, how to control pollutant materials and the meaning of 'Green Passport'. IMO Convention (draft) is in progress. ILO adopted ILO Guideline', providing how to make sure safety and health for workers in shipbreaking. But Republic of Korea goes against the stream and there is much to be desired. At this point of time, we carried out a study on international trend regarding ship recycling, a plan to cope with international trend, and it is considered to be necessary to establish a special law on ship recycling.

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Introducing A Spatial-temporal Activity-Based Approach for Estimating Travel Demand at KTX Stations (KTX 정차 역의 교통수요 추정을 위한 시.공간 활동기반 분석기법 적용방안 연구)

  • Eom, Jin-Ki
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.734-743
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    • 2007
  • The KTX station is one of special generators that produce a lot of trips caused by special land use such as university, airport, and super shopping mall. Special generators need special attention in developing travel demand models since the standard trip generation and distribution model in the conventional four-step approach do not provide reliable estimates of their travel patterns. New modeling approach, activity-based model, considering travel behavior of person, seem to be more appropriate for those special generators. Thus, this study introduces a spatial-temporal activity-based approach and how activity-based approach can be applied to estimation of travel demand at KTX stations.

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A Study on the Utility of Statistical Power Balance Method for Efficient Electromagnetic Analysis of Large and Complex Structures (복잡한 대형 구조물의 효율적인 전자파 해석을 위한 통계적인 PWB 방법의 유용성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Young-Seung;Park, Seung-Keun
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.189-197
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    • 2013
  • With the trend of technological advances in electronic communications and the advent of ubiquitous environments, the density of existing electronic equipment in the surroundings is increasing significantly. It is hence great importance to study the numerically efficient and fast algorithm for complex and large environments to identify their electromagnetic compatibility and interference characteristics of equipments installed in those structure. This paper introduces a statistical-based power balance method(PWB) for the analysis of these problems and considers its practical utility. The 2-dimensional lossy rectangular cavity was numerically revisited to clarify its relationship with the classical deterministic analysis solutions based on the Maxwell's equation. It can be shown that the statistical assumptions and analysis results from the power balance method correspond to the volume average over the realistic deterministic domain. This statistical power balance approach should be a sufficiently practical alternative to the electromagnetic problem of complex and large environment since it is apparent that the full-wave analysis methods have some severe limits of its computational burdens under the situation of complex and large environment.

GBAS Ground Testing and Performance Analysis at Gimpo International Airport (김포국제공항의 GBAS 지상시험 및 성능 분석)

  • Jeong, Myeong-Sook;Choi, Yunjung;Yun, Youngsun;Bae, Joongwon;Jun, Hyang-Sig;Lee, Young Jae
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.22-32
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    • 2015
  • Ground based augmentation system (GBAS) is a next generation radio navigation aids to support precision approach of aircraft. Recently, airports installing GBAS and providing GBAS service are increasing all over the world. For the first time in Korea, SLS-4000 which is the GBAS ground equipment of Honeywell had been installed at Gimpo International Airport in 2013, and evaluated its functionality and performance of through the ground testing. This paper introduces a ground test and evaluation criteria on the CAT-I GBAS system, and describes testing methods for GBAS ground testing of Gimpo International Airport. In addition, detail testing methods and analysis results on major five of 12 ground test items are described.

Management Research in Plant Construction;Introduction of research center (플랜트 프로젝트 관리체계 표준화 기술 개발;연구단 소개)

  • Lee, Young-Nam;Kim, Chan-Soo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • 2006.11a
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    • pp.213-220
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    • 2006
  • Plant construction industry is a high value-adding industry because it is complex industry comprising engineering, procurements of equipments and construction. So, Revenue increase in overseas plant projects would boost up not only domestic construction industry but also growth of national economy. Recently, overseas plant-construction market is expanding dramatically. For instant, Middle-east countries are constantly increasing their orders for the construction of petro-chemical plants stimulated by sky-rocketing oil prices. The purpose of this research is to develop management techniques for plant projects such as work break-down structure, knowledge management system, logistics & procurement system, and risk assessment tools. We believe our research would contribute to the competion of Korean engineeing companies and contractors in overseas plant-construction market.

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Study on Subsurface Collapse of Road Surface and Cavity Search in Urban Area (도심지 노면하부 지반함몰 및 공동탐사 사례 연구)

  • Chae, Hwi-Young
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.387-392
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    • 2017
  • Recently, road cave-ins, also referred to as ground sinking, have become a problem in urban environments. Public utility facilities such as sewage pipelines, communications pipes, gas pipes, power cables, and other types of underground structures are installed below the roads. It was reported that cave-ins are caused by the aging and lack of proper maintenance of underground facilities, as well as by construction problems. A road cave-in is first initiated by the formation of cavities typically induced by the breakage of underground pipelines. The cavities then grow and reach the base of the pavement. The traffic load applied at the surface of the roads causes an abrupt plastic deformation. This type of accident can be considered as a type of disaster. A road cave-in can threaten both human safety and the economy. It may even result in the loss of human life. In the city of Seoul, efforts to prevent damage before cave-ins occur have been prioritized, through a method of discovering and repairing joints through the 3D GPR survey.

Monitoring/Modeling of Hydrology, Water Quality, and Agroecological Environment at Small Watersheds : A Pilot Study Program (농업유역의 수문.수질.생태환경 모니터링/모델링 연구)

  • Park, Seung-U;Lee, Hye-Won;Im, Sang-Jun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Rural Planning Conference
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    • 1996.03a
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    • pp.17-20
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    • 1996
  • 지난 20여년 동안 급격한 도시화, 산업화를 추진하는 과정에서 대기와 물의 오염, 쓰레기 공해 등 자연환경의 훼손과 피폐화가 심각한 상태에 이르렀다. 또한, 과다한 농약. 비료의 투입과 농사료에 의한 축산으로 높은 농업 생산성을 이룩하였으나, 이로 인하여 토양오염과 하천과 지하수 수질오염, 식생, 곤충 등 생태계 파괴 등의 문제가 대두되고 있다. 최근, 수자원 함양, 수질 정화 등의 순기능으로 농업의 환경 기여 효과가 큰 것으로 발표되었다. 논으로 부터의 오염부하는 생활 오수나 공장폐수 등에 비하여 정성적으로는 미미한 것이 사실이며, 실제로 관개수로 유입되는 영양물질이 작물에 의하여 흡수되므로 물질 수지적 측면에서 수질정화 효과를 나타낸다는 개념이다. 그러나, 오염된 관개수와 함께 유입되는 물질과 영농 목적으로 투입되는 다량의 비료와 농약, 제초제 등의 독성 물질 등에 의한 생태 환경의 변화 등에 대한 영향 등에 관한 종합적 관점에서의 효과는 불분명한 것이 현실이다. 특히, 폭우시 농경지로부터 유출에 의한 토사유실과 영양 물질이 손실 등에 대한 정량적 평가가 부족하며, 이로 인한 유역에서의 수문, 수질, 생태환경 등을 정량적 분석이 부족한 것이 현실이다. 따라서, 농업유역에서의 수문과 물질순환과정을 정량적으로 분석하고, 이를 통하여 주요 오염원을 파악하고, 효과적인 조절방법 등을 위한 유역수질관리 기술개발과 함께, 경지와 주변 생태계에 미치는 영향 등을 극소화할 수 있는 종합적인 연구가 필요하다. 특히, 관개시설 등 농업기반조성사업에 따른 인위적인 수문환경으로 인한 농경지내에서의 수문.물질순환 기작의 변화 등을 고려한 수질 및 생태환경에 판한 종합적인 모니터링, 모델링 등의 접근이 필요한 것이다. 본 논문에서는 .95 농림수산특정연구 중 첨단연구과제로 추진 중인 농업생태환경 및 종합적 환경관리 시스템 개발연구의 목표와 내용, 범위 등을 소개하고, 농촌지역에서의 건전한 환경관리를 위한 유역관리기술 개발의 방향 등을 정리하도록 한다.

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