• Title/Summary/Keyword: 수평 유지

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An Experimental Study on the Fatigue Flexural Bonding Characteristic of Concrete Beam Reinforced with GFRP Rebar (GFRP Rebar로 보강된 콘크리트보의 피로 휨·부착성능에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Oh, Hong Seob;Sim, Jong Sung;Kang, Tae-Sung
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.101-108
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    • 2008
  • This study is to examine bond strength of beam reinforced with GFRP rebar under 4-point fatigue bending test by adopting BRITISH STANDARD. The variables were made to have bonding length of 5times(5db), and 15times(15db) of the nominal diameter of GFRP rebar and were done to analyze the relationship between the bonding strength and the slip. In the result of the test, pull-out failure was dominant in the 5db specimen, patterns of the pull-out failure and concrete shear failure appeared in the 15db specimen showed only concrete shear failure at the end of bonding length. Therefore, The strain development consist of three different stage : A rapid increases form 0 to about 10% of total fatigue life. A uniform increases form 10% to about 70%~90%. Then a rapid increases until failure, if failure takes place. It seems that stress level has not influence on the secant modules of elasticity. And also according to the outcome the existing strengthening method came out to be the most superiority in S-N graphs.

Analysis of Consolidation considering Uncertainties of Geotechnical Parameters and Reliability method (지반특성의 불확실성과 신뢰성 기법을 고려한 압밀해석)

  • Lee, Kyu-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.138-146
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    • 2007
  • Geotechnical performance at the soft ground is strongly dependent on the properties of the soil beneath and adjacent to the structure of interest. These soil properties can be described using deterministic and/or probabilistic models. Deterministic models typically use a single discrete descriptor for the parameter of interest. Probabilistic models describe parameters by using discrete statistical descriptors or probability distribution density functions. The consolidation process depends on several uncertain parameters including the coefficients of consolidation and coefficients of permeability in vertical and horizontal directions. The implication of this uncertain parameter in the design of prefabricated vertical drains for soil improvement is discussed. A sensitivity analysis of the degree of consolidation and calculation of settlements to these uncertain parameters is presented for clayey deposits.

Experimental Study on Compressive Strength of Concrete Column Retrofitted by Carbon FRP Sheet (탄소섬유시트로 보강된 콘크리트 기둥의 압축성능 평가를 위한 실험연구)

  • Yoo, Youn-Jong;Lee, Kyoung-Hun;Kim, Heecheul;Lee, Young-Hak;Hong, Won-Kee
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.119-126
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    • 2008
  • In 1980 and 1990's most of residential buildings were constructed with relatively low strength concrete of 18 MPa. And, columns were designed considering only vertical loads. In this study, compressive strength tests for low strength RC columns retrofitted by carbon fiber sheets were carried out. Carbon fiber sheet provides constructability and high tensile strength as well as good corrosion resistance characteristics. A pair of carbon sheets were wrapped with ${\pm}60^{\circ}$ angle with respect to longitudinal direction of RC column to increase structural capacity against axial and lateral load simultaneously. Strength and strain patterns and failure modes of specimens were analyzed and prediction equation of increased compressive strength of RC column confined by carbon fiber sheet was proposed based on regression analysis.

Construction of Design Table for Envelope Curve Analysis of Base Isolated Buildings (면진건물의 포락해석을 위한 설계용 도표 산정면진건물의 포락해석을 위한 설계용 도표 산정면진건물의 포락해석을 위한 설계용 도표 산정)

  • Lee, Hyun-Ho;Cheon, Yeong-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.59-67
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    • 2006
  • The aim of this study is to evaluate the design table for envelope curve analysis of base isolated buildings, which represent the period of base isolated buildings and the lateral displacement of base isolation devices. For the construction of design table, $V_E$ spectrum, which represents the energy, is developed instead of acceleration of seismic hazard. Based on the seismic coefficient of UBC 97, boundary period $T_G$ and maximum velocity response $V_0$ are proposed considering Korea seismic hazard. Using $T_G$ and $V_0$, finally, $V_E$ spectrum is developed for the four types of soil conditions. Base on the $V_E$ spectrum, design table for envelope curve analysis is also developed for soil types.

Quantitative evaluation and affecting factors of post-treatment relapse tendency (교정치료 후 나타나는 재발 경향에 대한 정량적 평가와 영향을 미치는 요소에 대한 연구)

  • Son, Woo-Sung;Cha, Kyung-Suk;Chung, Dong-Hwa;Kim, Tae-Woo
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.154-163
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    • 2011
  • Objective: The purpose of this study was to quantitatively evaluate relapse tendency after orthodontic treatment and determine the contributing factors by using the American Board of Orthodontics objective grading system (ABO-OGS). Methods: The subjects were 80 patients with more than 2 years of retention period after completing orthodontic treatment at the dental hospitals of Busan University, Kyunghee University, and Dankook University. The posttreatment (T2) and post-retention (T3) ABO-OGS measurements were analyzed in relation to age, gender, Angle's classification, extraction, retention period, and pretreatment condition (initial peer assessment rating (PAR) index, T1) by multiple regression analysis. Results: Among the 7 ABO-OGS criteria, alignment worsened but occlusal contact and interproximal contact improved in T3, but not in T2 ($p$ < 0.01). The 4 other criteria showed no significant differences. Multiple regression analysis showed that alignment, occlusal relationship, overjet, and interproximal contact were significant linear models, but with a low explanation power. Age, gender, Angle's classification, extraction, retention period, and pretreatment condition (initial PAR index, T1) had little influence on the ABO-OGS changes between T3 and T2. Conclusions: An orthodontist's understanding of posttreatment relapse tendency can be useful in diagnosis and during patient consultation.

Comparison of longitudinal treatment effects with facemask and chincup therapy followed by fixed orthodontic treatment on Class III malocclusion (상악전방견인장치와 이모장치 및 고정식 교정장치 치료를 받은 III급 부정교합 환자의 치료효과에 대한 종단적 비교)

  • Lee, Nam-Ki;Baek, Seung-Hak
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.362-371
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    • 2009
  • Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare the longitudinal treatment effects of facemask with rapid maxillary expansion (FM/RME) and chincup (CC) therapy followed by fixed orthodontic treatment (FOT) in Class III malocclusion (CIII) patients. Methods: The samples consisted of twenty-one CIII patients who had similar skeletal and dental characteristics before FM/RME or CC therapy and good retention results (Class I molar/canine relationship and positive overbite/overjet) after FOT (Group 1, FM/RME, n = 11; Group 2, CC, n = 10). Lateral cephalograms were taken before (T0) and after FM/RME or CC therapy (T1), and after FOT and retention (T2). Skeletal and dental variables were measured. Mann-Whitney U-test and Wilcoxon signed-rank test were used for statistical analysis. Results: During T0-T1, FM/RME therapy induced forward movement of point A, and labioversion of the upper incisors. Both groups showed posterior repositioning of the mandible. FM/RME resulted in increase of the vertical dimension; however, CC caused an increase in articular angle and decrease in gonial angle. During T1-T2, both groups exhibited forward growth of point A. Group 1 showed forward growth and counterclockwise rotation of the mandible and increase of IMPA; however, Group 2, showed increase of ANS-Me/N-Me and decrease of overbite. Conclusions: The key factor for successful FM/RME and CC therapy and good retention results might be a harmonized forward growth of the maxilla that could keep pace with the growth and rotation of the mandible.

A Comparative Study on the Retention of Implant Overdenture According to the Shape and the Number of Magnetic Attachment (자성 어태치먼트의 형태와 수에 따른 하악 임플란트 피개의치의 유지력에 대한 비교 연구)

  • Seo, Min-Ji;Lee, Joon-Seok;Cho, In-Ho
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.169-181
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    • 2008
  • The aim of this study was to compare the retention and stability of implant overdenture according to the shape and the number of magnetic attachment. The experimental groups were designed for the number of implants(1, 2, 4) and shape of magnetic attachments(flat, cushion, dome type) resulting in 9 subgroups. 45 attachments were tested attached to $Br{\aa}nemark$ system implants which were planted on a mandibular model. Each attachment was composed of the magnet assembly embedded in a overdenture sample and the abutment keeper screwed into the implants. Dislodging tensile forces were applied to the overdenture samples using an Instron(cross-head speed 50.80mm/min) in 3 directions simulating function: vertical, oblique, and anterior-posterior. The loading was repeated 10 times in each direction for 45 samples. The values of maximum dislodging force of each subgroup were processed statistically using SPSS V. 12.0 at the 0.05 level of significance. The results of this study were as follows: 1. Flat type magnetic overdenture was the most retentive when subjected to vertically directed forces and dome type was the lest retentive when subjected to obliquely directed forces(p<0.05). 2. In case of planting one implant, flat type had a higher vertically retentive force than anterior-posteriorly retentive force. In case of planting two implants, flat type and dome type had a higher vertically retentive force and in case of planting four implants, flat type and cushion type had a higher vertically retentive force than anterior-posteriorly retentive force(p<0.05). 3. The incremental number of dental implant, without regards to the three types of magnetic attachment shapes, showed higher retention of overdenture(p<0.05). From the results, if a patient need much more retention of implant overdenture, flat type magnetic overdenture would be a good treatment. In case of the bruxism where excessive lateral forces are already present, dome type could be expected to produce better results. In case of planting one implant, flat type is more stable than the other shape of magnet and in case of two implant, flat type and dome type are more stable and in case of four implants, flat type and cushion type are more stable. Planting more than two implants and using flat type magnetic attachment would provide better retention and stability of implant overdenture

은상대(殷商代)의 질병(疾病)과 치료(治療)

  • Yang, Dong-Suk
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.226-240
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    • 2006
  • 1899년재상대후기적왕궁유지안양소둔발현료갑골문(年在商代後期的王宮유址安陽小屯發現了甲骨文). 갑골문시목전능근거적최가고적고대자료(甲骨文是目前能根據的最可고的古代資料). 십오만다편적갑골문중유흔다유관질병적내용(十五萬多片的甲骨文中有흔多有關疾病的內容). 근거갑골문가고찰질병적원인(根據甲骨文可考察疾病的原因), 질병적치료(疾病的治療), 질병적종류(疾病的種類). 갑골문적질병복사중가이관찰도수(甲骨文的疾病卜辭中可以觀察到首),목(目),이(耳),설(舌),치(齒),골등삼십다종질병(骨等三十多種疾病). 근현대인적질병종류상차불다(근現代人的疾病種類相差不多). 질병적치료자시의관(疾病的治療者是醫官), 궁명규소질신(宮名叫小疾臣). 재래무야시실제상적의관료(再來巫也是實際上的醫官了), 인병료무통과무술래치병(人病了巫通過巫術來治病). 상대시중국오천년역사상최미신적시대(商代是中國五千年歷史上最迷信的時代), 일체사정도향상제혹시조선점복(一切事情都向上帝或是祖先占卜), 안점복적결과래행동(按占卜的結果來行動). 생병적시후야시일양(生病的時候也是一樣), 단시만만지도(但是慢慢知道), 점복불시치병적호판법(占卜不是治病的好辦法), 소이도상대후기질병복사점점소료(所以到商代後期疾病卜辭漸漸小了). 재갑골문질병복사중적병인유상왕(在甲骨文疾病卜辭中的病人有商王), 왕비(王妃), 왕자(往者), 왕신(王臣), 기중대다수시유관상왕적질병적정황(基中大多數是有關商王的疾病的精況). 치료방법수선유약래치병(治療方法首先有藥來治病); 제이침래치료(第二鍼來治療); 제삼애구래치료(第三艾灸來治療);제사안마래치료(第四按摩來治療), 제오아과중유발치치료(第五牙科中有拔齒治療); 제육유접골적치료(第六有接骨的治療). 유갑골문중적질병복사가간출상대적질병종류(由甲骨文中的疾病卜사可看出商代的疾病種類), 치료방법(治療方法), 가이설상대적의학수평상당고(可以設商代的醫學水平相唐高), 저양적능력능구공고전국시대적의술(這樣的能力能구鞏固戰國時代的醫術), 작료한대능사출(作了漢代能寫出)"신농본초경(神農本草經)", "황제내경(黃帝內徑)"등명저적기초(燈明抵敵基礎), 동시장중국적중의학적시원추도상대적학절적근거(同時將中國的中醫學的始源推到商代的학切的根据).

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Distributed Data Allocation Methods and Implementations using the Temporary Table (임시 테이블을 사용한 분산 데이타 할당 방법 및 구현)

  • Heo, Gye-Beom;Lee, Jong-Seop;Jeong, Gye-Dong;Choe, Yeong-Geun
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.1076-1088
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    • 1997
  • Data repliciation techniques of distributed database a allocation methods occures to overhead to change together all repkicas for consistency maintenance at updates .In case of data migration horizontal or vertical fragment migration has caused to caused to increase data communication.In this paper we purpose batch proxessing method groups the associated items of table and stores temporary table assciated with file relication and migrations.This method increase the usagility of system buffer in distributed trancsaction processing with a number of data inputs and updates.After all,it improved the perform-ance of distributed transaction system by reducing disk I\O processing time and the cost of data cimmunication among local sites.

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UAV Auto Pilot System Development with GPS & Infrared Heat sensor (GPS와 적외선 열 센서를 이용한 무인항공기 자동비행 시스템 개발)

  • Choi, Jin-Won;Moon, Jung-Ho;Park, Wook-Je;Chang, Jae-Won
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.28-33
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    • 2005
  • In this paper, we developed the algorithm to control longitudinal and lateral motion of UAV(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) with Infrared heat sensors and GPS(Global Positioning System) receiver. UAV was controlled to be flown horizontally and also turned coordinately maintaining the constant altitude. Accomplishing the flight test of UAV sevral times, we were able to develope low price controller to control bank angle for lateral motion, and also pitch angle and altitude for longitudinal motion simultaneously.

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