• Title/Summary/Keyword: 수요관리평가시스템

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Insights from the Compulsory Licensing and the Approved Contractor Scheme of the UK Private Security (영국의 민간경비 의무적 자격증 및 인증계약자 제도에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Seong-Ki;Kim, Hak-Kyong
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.30
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    • pp.85-115
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    • 2012
  • The private security industry has expanded in proportion to economic developments throughout the world, largely because the existing security services provided by the government do not satisfy demands of various economic entities and people in the society for better security service. Therefore, it would not be unfair to say that security services by private sectors are decided by its quality, price, and customers' needs. A refined management system, however, is essential to assess qualification of security companies and their service quality, given the nature of public goods of security service. Despite the steady growth of private security industry in Korea, however, it has been continuously criticized that its security management system for better qualification of security guards, training, and private security companies have not been fully updated enough to guarantee good quality. This paper aims to gain insights to effective policy formation in the Korean private security industry, through reviewing the licensing system of private security guards and the Approved Contractor Scheme (hereinafter the ACS) in the UK- that has on one hand systematically regulated private security industry, but on other hand has enforced public-private cooperation by laying significant stress on autonomy of private security companies. The distinctive characteristic of the UK policy for the private security is that the Security Industry Authority (hereinafter the SIA), an independent authority, is leading development of the private security industry of the UK through specialized private security regulation and enhanced service quality. In addition, the UK is developing quality of security service with transparent financial management and recruitment of good quality security guards by adopting not only substantially specified regulations and standards, but the voluntary ACS system. Moreover, the SIA analyzes customers' demands for security service specializing the policy for private security through conducting a variety of surveys. With the analysis of the UK private security system, this paper suggests that the Korean government change from a non-specialized private security regulation system by the National Police Agency to an independently specialized private security authority like the SIA and adopt the compulsory licensing and the ACS system of the UK.

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Facilitating Web Service Taxonomy Generation : An Artificial Neural Network based Framework, A Prototype Systems, and Evaluation (인공신경망 기반 웹서비스 분류체계 생성 프레임워크의 실증적 평가)

  • Hwang, You-Sub
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.33-54
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    • 2010
  • The World Wide Web is transitioning from being a mere collection of documents that contain useful information toward providing a collection of services that perform useful tasks. The emerging Web service technology has been envisioned as the next technological wave and is expected to play an important role in this recent transformation of the Web. By providing interoperable interface standards for application-to-application communication, Web services can be combined with component based software development to promote application interaction both within and across enterprises. To make Web services for service-oriented computing operational, it is important that Web service repositories not only be well-structured but also provide efficient tools for developers to find reusable Web service components that meet their needs. As the potential of Web services for service-oriented computing is being widely recognized, the demand for effective Web service discovery mechanisms is concomitantly growing. A number of public Web service repositories have been proposed, but the Web service taxonomy generation has not been satisfactorily addressed. Unfortunately, most existing Web service taxonomies are either too rudimentary to be useful or too hard to be maintained. In this paper, we propose a Web service taxonomy generation framework that combines an artificial neural network based clustering techniques with descriptive label generating and leverages the semantics of the XML-based service specification in WSDL documents. We believe that this is one of the first attempts at applying data mining techniques in the Web service discovery domain. We have developed a prototype system based on the proposed framework using an unsupervised artificial neural network and empirically evaluated the proposed approach and tool using real Web service descriptions drawn from operational Web service repositories. We report on some preliminary results demonstrating the efficacy of the proposed approach.

The Structure and Operations of Geodata Collaboratives in Metropolitan Area: U.S. Cases (미국 광역권 지리정보협력체 구성 및 운영방안)

  • Nam, Kwang-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.35-45
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    • 2007
  • Currently, the necessity of inter-system integration and sharing system increases to additionally construct and efficiently utilize the geographical information data in accordance with the increase in demand for geographical information. The provision of the data within the domestic sharing system is led by the tasks within national geographical information distribution network or intra-local governmental combined system. However, any voluntary geographical information sharing cooperation body is increasingly required with the increase in necessity of administrative cooperation among neighboring metropolitan areas, including space planning and development. Accordingly, this study is aimed at looking into the constitutions and roles of cooperation bodies within metropolitan areas by the composition, distribution, update and management of data with special regard to overseas advanced cases whose sharing systems and their effects are highly evaluated, and at presenting any model of the domestic future voluntary sharing cooperation organization within metropolitan area.

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Development and application of hydro-economic optimal water allocation and management model (수자원-경제 통합 물 배분 최적화 모형의 개발 및 적용)

  • Jeong, Gimoon;Choi, Sijung;Kang, Doosun
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.52 no.10
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    • pp.707-718
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    • 2019
  • The optimal water allocation pursues a reliable and economic supply of water resources to meet various interests in socio-economic-environmental aspects. The global water shortage has intensified due to climate change and population growth with limited water resources. Thus, the water management scheme has shifted to improve water use efficiency by proper demand management and water allocation planning. Here, a hydro-economic water allocation model, called WAMM (Water Allocation and Management Model) is introduced. The WAMM is equipped with an improved linear programming algorithm for optimal water allocation and estimates economic value of water supply as an objective of water

A Review of Footpad Dermatitis Characteristics, Causes, and Scoring System for Broiler Chickens (육계 발바닥 피부염의 발생원인, 점수 시스템 및 관련 연구 동향에 대한 총설)

  • Jeon, Jin-Joo;Hong, Eui-Chul;Kang, Hwan-Ku;Kim, Hyun-Soo;Son, Jiseon;You, Are-Sun;Kim, Hee-Jin;Kang, Bo-Seok
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.199-210
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    • 2020
  • Footpad dermatitis (plantar surface footpad lesions) is an increasing problem in the global poultry industry, affecting foot quality, overall welfare, and production performance. The growing consumer demand for chicken feet in Asian markets has given poultry companies interest in reducing footpad dermatitis. The lesions are multiply associated with various factors affecting the moisture content of litter such as nutrition, drinker type and management, environmental conditions (e.g., temperature, relative humidity, ammonia levels, ventilation rate), and flock health. This review addresses footpad dermatitis characteristics, causes, and the assessment system to provide a guide for future research.

Study on Customer Satisfaction Performance Evaluation through e-SCM-based OMS Implementation (e-SCM 기반 OMS 구현을 통한 고객 만족 성과평가에 관한 연구)

  • Hyungdo Zun;ChiGon Kim;KyungBae Yoon
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.891-899
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    • 2024
  • The Fourth Industrial Revolution is centered on a personalized demand fulfillment economy and is all about transformation and flexible processing that can deliver what customers want in real time across space and time. This paper implements the construction and operation of a packaging platform that can instantly procure the required packaging products based on real-time orders and evaluates its performance. The components of customer satisfaction are flexible and dependent on the situation which requires efficient management of enterprise operational processes based on an e-SCM platform. An OMS optimized for these conditions plays an important role in maximizing and differentiating the efficiency of a company's operations and improving its cost advantage. OMS is a system of mass customization that provides efficient MOT(Moment of Truth) logistics services to meet the eco-friendly issues of many individual customers and achieve optimized logistics operation goals to enhance repurchase intentions and sustainable business. OMS precisely analyzes the collected data to support information and decision-making related to efficiency, productivity, cost and provide accurate reports. It uses data visualization tools to express data visually and suggests directions for improvement of the operational process through statistics and prediction analysis.

A study on the Diminishing Manufacturing Source and Material Shortages Management and Cost Analysis based on Pilot Application of the Guided Weapons (부품단종관리 방안 및 유도무기 시범적용을 통한 비용분석)

  • Park, Kwang-Hyo;Shim, Bo-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.390-398
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    • 2020
  • To solve the problem of frequent component failure in guided weapons, a process of component failure in developed countries was investigated and analyzed. The suitability of component control, including risk assessment, analysis of operational impact, and the establishment of response measures, was also demonstrated. In addition, the economic effects of component control were presented by estimating the costs incurred if component control is performed in advance, after-sales, and non-management. DMSMS problems refer to losses or impending losses of an item, raw material, or software manufacturer or supplier. A problem with the discontinuation of parts occurs when the manufacturer or supplier ceases to produce and support the necessary parts, materials, or software, or when the supply of raw materials is no longer possible. Hence, it is important to recognize that failure to all parts of the system can occur.

Developing algorithms for providing evacuation and detour route guidance under emergency conditions (재난.재해 시 대피 및 우회차량 경로 제공 알고리즘 개발)

  • Yang, Choong-Heon;Son, Young-Tae;Yang, In-Chul;Kim, Hyun-Myoung
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.129-139
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    • 2009
  • The transportation network is a critical infrastructure in the event of natural and human caused disasters such as rainfall, snowfall, and terror and so on. Particularly, the transportation network in an urban area where a large number of population live is subject to be negatively affected from such events. Therefore, efficient traffic operation plans are required to assist rapid evacuation and effective detour of vehicles on the network as soon as possible. Recently, ubiquitous communication and sensor network technology is very useful to improve data collection and connection related emergency information. In this study, we develop a specific algorithm to provide evacuation route and detour information only for vehicles under emergency situations. Our algorithm is based on shortest path search technique and dynamic traffic assignment. We perform the case study to evaluate model performance applying hypothetical scenarios involved terror. Results show that the model successfully describe effective path for each vehicle under emergency situation.

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Total Information System for Urban Regeneration : City and District Level Decline Diagnostic System (도시재생 종합정보시스템 구축 - 시군구단위 쇠퇴진단시스템 구현을 중심으로 -)

  • Yang, Dong-Suk;Yu, Yeong-Hwa
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.249-258
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    • 2011
  • In order to achieve an efficient urban regeneration of the nation, it is required to determine the extent of decline nation-wide and the declined areas for each district and also to evaluate the potentials of the concerned areas. For this task to be accomplished, a construction of a comprehensive diagnostic system based on spatial information considering diversity and complexity is required. In this study, a total information system architecture for urban regeneration is designed as part of the construction of such a diagnostic system. In order to develop the system, a city and district level unit decline diagnostic indicators has been constructed and a decline diagnostic system has been developed. Also, a scheme to promote the advancement of the system is proposed. The DB construction is based on the city and district level nation-wide and metadata for the concerned level is constructed as well. The system is based on the Open API and designed to be flexible for extension. Also, an RIA-based intuitive UI has been implemented. Main features of the system consist of the management of the indicators, diagnostic analysis (city and district level decline diagnosis), related information, etc. As for methods for the advancement, an information model in consideration of the spation relations of the urban regeneration DB has been designed and application methods of semantic webs. Also, for improvement methods for district unit analytical model, district level analysis models, GIS based spatial analysis platforms and linked utiliation of KOPSS analysis modules are suggested. A use of a total information system for urban regeneration is anticipated to facilitate concerned policy making through the identification of the status of city declines to identify and the understanding of the demands for regeneration.

Evaluation of the linked operation of Pyeongrim Dam and Suyangje (dam) during period of drought (가뭄 시 평림댐과 수양제 연계 운영 평가)

  • Park, Jinyong;Lee, Seokjun;Kim, Sungi;Choi, Se Kwang;Chun, Gunil;Kim, Minhwan
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.57 no.4
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    • pp.301-310
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    • 2024
  • The spatial and temporal non-uniform distribution of precipitation makes water management difficult. Due to climate change, nonuniform distribution of precipitation is worsening, and droughts and floods are occurring frequently. Additionally, the intensity of droughts and floods is intensifying, making existing water management systems difficult. From June 2022 to June 2023, most of the water storage rates of major dams in the Yeongsan river and Seomjin river basin were below 30%. In the case of Juam dam, which is the most dependent on water use in the basin, the water storage rate fell to 20.3%, the lowest ever. Pyeongnim dam recorded the lowest water storage rate of 27.3% on May 4, 2023. Due to a lack of precipitation starting in the spring of 2022, Pyeongnim dam was placed at a drought concern level on June 19, 2022, and entered the severe drought level on August 21. Pyeongrim dam and Suyangje(dam) have different operating institutions. Nevertheless, the low water level was not reached at Pyeongnim dam through organic linkage operation in a drought situation. Pyeongnim dam was able to stably supply water to 63,000 people in three counties. In order to maximize the use of limited water resources, we must review ways to move water smoothly between basins and water sources, and prepare for water shortages caused by climate change by establishing a consumer-centered water supply system.