• Title/Summary/Keyword: 쇄골하 정맥 도관

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Iatrogenic Subclavian Artery Aneurysm: Report of a Case (의인성 쇄골하 동맥류 수술 치험 1례)

  • 오중환;박승일;원준호
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.32 no.8
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    • pp.753-756
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    • 1999
  • Iatrogenic suclavian artery aneurysm is a rare disease which requires surgery because of the dangers of a rupture. We report a case of an aneurysm of the right subclavian artery developed by an iatrogenic trauma in a 43-year-old male. The preoperative diagnosis was made by an angiography and Doppler ultrasonogram. After the resection of a 6${\times}$7 cm sized aneurysm, an end to end anastomosis was done with a 6 mm Gore-Tex vascular graft. The post-operative course was uneventful and has been followed up from 3 months after discharge.

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Central Vein Occlusion Secondary to Hemodialysis Catheterization in Chronic Renal Failure Patient -One Case Report- (만성 신부전 환자에서 혈액투석 도관에 의한 중심정맥 폐쇄증의 수술치험 -1례 보고-)

  • Lee, Seock-Yeol;Lee, Jun-Bock;Lee, Man-Bok;Youm, Wook;Lee, Kihl-Rho
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.619-623
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    • 1998
  • A 51-year-old male with chronic renal failure had marked swelling and tenderness of the right arm. Venography revealed central vein occlusion involving stenosis of right proximal subclavian vein, right internal jugular vein, and left distal innominate vein, and obstruction of right brachiocephalic vein. Multiple obstruction of these veins was thought to have resulted from repeated subclavian catheterization. Right subclavian-superior vena cava was bypassed with 10 mm Gore-tex vascular graft and then left subclavian vein with 8 mm Gore-tex vascular graft was bypassed to the 10 mm Gore-tex vascular graft. The results were excellent.

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Clinical Review of Totally Implantable Venous Catheter (완전 거치형 정맥도관의 임상분석)

  • Kim, Jung-Tae;Oh, Tae-Yoon
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.40 no.10
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    • pp.691-695
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    • 2007
  • Background: The introduction of central venous catheters in 1979 has aided the administration of chemotherapy to oncologic patients. We analyzed the clinical reviews and complications of totally implantable venous catheters in an effort to achieve optimal management. Material and Method: We retrospectively studied 100 cases with totally implantable venous catheter at our hospital and we report the results. Result: 100 totally implantable venous catheters were placed in the right subclavian vein in 74 cases (74%), the left subclavian vein in 21 cases, the right jugular vein in 3 cases, the left jugular vein in 1 case and the right femoral vein in 1 case. The immediate complications were 5 cases in malposition of the catheter and 5 cases of arterial puncture. The late complications were 1 case of subclavian vein thrombosis, which was treated with anticoagulation, and 2 cases of pinch-of syndrome. There were no other early or late complications. Conclusion: The low rate of complications in this study confirms the safety and convenience of using totally implantable venous catheter in patients undergoing prolonged chemotherapy. Yet because Infection, thrombosis, and catheter fracture are the most common long term complications of totally implantable venous catheters, early diagnosis and management of these problems can prevent severe complications.

Complete Fracture of Totally Implantable Venous Catheter (완전 거치형 정맥도관의 완전 절단)

  • Kim, Jung-Tae;Chang, Woon-Ha;Oh, Tae-Yoon
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.39 no.12 s.269
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    • pp.946-948
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    • 2006
  • The patient was a 42-year-old female with breast cancer who had an implantable central venous catheter inserted percutaneously into left subclavian vein for chemotherapy. The postinsertion chest x ray revealed that there was no compressive sigh of catheter. Three months after insertion of the catheter, the patient was admitted to the hospital for 4th chemotherapy. The port was accessed but blood could not be aspirated and the catheter could not be flushed. A chest x ray revealed that the catheter was completely transected at the point where the catheter passed under the clavicle. Percutaneous removal of the distal fragment of the catheter was accomplished. The patient was discharged after successful removal of fragment of catheter.

Hemothorax after Central Venous Catherization Failure through the Subclavian Vein (쇄골하정맥을 통하여 중심정맥도관 삽입 실패 후 나타난 혈흉 1예)

  • Kim, Dae-Young;Kim, Dae-Woo;Son, Hee-Won;Park, Sang-Jin;Lee, Deok-Hee
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.175-181
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    • 2008
  • Central venous catheterization via an internal jugular vein or subclavian vein has become a common procedure in monitoring CVP and managing severely ill patients. However, there have beennumerous reports of complications associated with central venous catheterization. These include vessel injury, pneumothorax, hemothorax, nerve injury, arrhythmias, arteriovenous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, and infection at the insertion site. We report a case of hemothorax after subclavian vein catheterization failure, along with successful treatment.

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A Study on Central Vein Cannulation Using Audible Doppler Guidance in Children and Infants (Audible Doppler Ultrasound(8 MHz)를 이용한 소아와 영아에서 중심정맥 도관 삽입술에 관한 연구)

  • Ahn, Young Joon;Jung, Jin Young;Hong, Soo-Jong
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.45 no.9
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    • pp.1120-1125
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    • 2002
  • Purpose : Percutaneous cannulation of the central vein in children and infants may be technically difficult and can cause serious complications. There are many techniques to improve the success rate and to decrease the complications in central vein cannulation. This study was undertaken to determine whether audible Doppler guidance can help operators improve the results of central vein cannultion in pediatric ICU. Methods : A total of 46 central vein cannulations were performed using audible Doppler guidance technique. Using an 8-MHz Doppler ultrasound device(Pocket-Dop II. iMex. USA), the artery and the vein were identified by their characteristic Doppler sounds. Results : There was a total of 46 patients with 20 boys and 26 girls, respectively. The mean age was $3years{\pm}45months$(range : 1-156 months). The number of infants was 18 and the mean age was $6.3{\pm}3.8$ months(range : 1-12 months). The most common site of central vein cannulation was the right internal jugular vein(63%). The cannulation was successful in 44 out of 46 procedures(96%). The success rate at the first attempt was 59% with 48% in the patients who had the history of previous cannulation and 70% in the patients who did not, respectively. The success rate in infants was 94%(17 out of 18). The average access time was $5.2{\pm}8.3$ minutes in children contrary to $7.5{\pm}10.3$ minutes in infants. There were no serious complications, but six patients had complications including four hematoma, one arterial puncture, and one pneumothorax. Conclusion : This central vein cannulation using Doppler guidance may improve the success rate of central vein cannulation and decrease the development of serious complications in infants and children.

Pseudoaneurysms of Peripheral Arteries - A Report of 6 Cases- (말초동맥에 발생한 가성동맥류의 외과적 치료 -치험 6례-)

  • 류완준;조창욱
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.29 no.8
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    • pp.927-930
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    • 1996
  • We experienced six cases of pseudoaneurysm of the peripheral artery which occurred after stab wound or after diagnostic and operative procedures. Among 6 cases, 4 cases of pseudoaneurysm were developed in the femoral arteries, and others were the subclavian and the axillary artery. Two of 6 cases were combined with previous arterio enous fistula. Doppler imaging and angiogram were performed for the dignosis and an operation. Operative procedures were resection of the aneurysm, ligation of the involved arteries and reconstruction of the artery with the autogenous saphenous vein or the cephalic vein graft. Each operations were successfully performed without any disability.

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Endocarditis with Intracardiac Migration of Transvenous Permanent Pacing Lead - 1 Case Report - (영구 경정맥 심박조율도관의 심장내 이동과 동반된 심내막염 - 1례 보고 -)

  • Ku, Gwan-Woo;Kang, Shin-Kwang;Won, Tae-Hee;Kim, Si-Wook;Yu, Jae-Hyun;Na, Myung-Hoon;Lim, Seung-Pyung;Lee, Young
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.35 no.11
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    • pp.831-834
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    • 2002
  • When any part of the pacemaker system is infected, all pacemaker hardware should be removed, because reinfection rates of 51% to 77% have been noted in patients whose infected pacemaker system has been only partially explanted. The removal of infected leads during cardiopulmonary bypass prevents mechanical injury as well as the spread of infection and vegetation. We report one case of endocarditis by staphylococcus aureus with infected transvenous pacing lead which was migrated into the heart from the left subclavian vein. We removed the migrated pacing lead and vegetation under cardiopulmonary bypass.

Outcome of the Modified Norwood Procedure: 7 Years of Experience from a Single Institution (변형된 노우드(Norwood) 수술의 결과: 단일병원의 지난 7년간의 경험)

  • Kim, Hyung-Tae;Sung, Si-Chan;Kim, Si-Ho;Bae, Mi-Ju;Lee, Hyoung-Doo;Park, Ji-Ae;Chang, Yun-Hee
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.364-374
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    • 2010
  • Background: We assessed the early and mid-term results of the modified Norwood procedure for first-stage palliation of hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) and its variants to identify the risk factors for hospital mortality. Material and Method: Between March, 2003, and December, 2009, 23 patients (18 males and 5 females) with HLHS or variants underwent the modified Norwood procedure. The age at operation ranged from 3 to 60 days (mean, $11.7{\pm}13.2days$) and weight at operation ranged from 2.2 to 4.8 kg (mean, $3.17{\pm}0.52kg$). We used a modified technique that spared the anterior wall of the main pulmonary artery in 20 patients. The sources of pulmonary blood flow were RV-PA conduit in 15 patients (group I) and RMBTS in 8 (group II). Follow-up was completed in 19 patients (19/20, 95%) in our hospital (mean $26.0{\pm}22.8months$). Result: Early death occurred in 3 patients (3/23, 13%), of whom 2 had TAPVC. Fourteen patients underwent subsequent bidirectional cavopulmonary connection (BCPC, stage 2) and seven underwent the Fontan operation (stage 3). Three patients died between stages, 2 before stage 2 and one before stage 3. The estimated 1-year and 5-year survival rates were 78% and 69%, respectively. On multivariate regression analysis, aberrant right subclavian artery (RSCA) and associated total anomalous pulmonary venous connection (TAPVC) were risk factors for hospital mortality after stage 1 Norwood procedure. Conclusion: HLHS and its variants can be palliated by the modified Norwood procedure with low operative mortality. Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection adversely affects the survival after a stage 1 Norwood procedure, and interstage mortality rates need to be improved.