• Title/Summary/Keyword: 소셜 네트워크 사이트

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An Access Control Method Based on a Synthesized Metric from Trust and Risk Factors for Online Social Networks (신뢰도와 위험도로부터 합성된 지표에 기반을 둔 온라인 소셜 네트워크를 위한 접근 제어 방법)

  • Seo, Yang-Jin;Han, Sang-Yong
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartC
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    • v.17C no.1
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    • pp.15-26
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    • 2010
  • Social Networks such as 'Facebook' and 'Myspace' are regarded as useful tools for people to share interests and maintain or expand relationships with other people. However, they pose the risk that personal information can be exposed to other people without explicit permission from the information owner. Therefore, we need a solution for this problem. Although existing social network sites allow users to specify the exposing range or users who can access their personal information, this cannot be a practical solution because the information can still be revealed to third parties through the permitted users albeit unintentionally. Usually, people allow the access of unknown person to personal data in online social networks and this implies the possibility of information leakage. We could use an access control method based on trust value, but this has the limitation that it cannot reflect the quantitative risk of information leakage. As a solution to this problem, this paper proposes an access control method based on a synthesized metric from trust and risk factors. Our various experiments show that the risk of information leakage can play an important role in the access control of online social networks.

A Study on the factors of SNS information influencing consumers' purchasing intention: focusing on Chinese Weibo (SNS 정보 요인이 소비자 구매의도에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구 : 중국 웨이보를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Ook;Li, Jian-Bin;Jee, Myung-Keun;Ahn, Jong-Chang
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.7
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    • pp.92-101
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    • 2017
  • The SNS website can take full advantage of the characteristics of users to conduct e-commerce. The e-commerce website's organizing ability will be greatly strengthened by SNS and creates greater value for consumers. This article examined the Chinese largest SNS (Weibo) users as research objects, and combined the development status of SNS in China. This article focuses on the influence to consumer's purchase intention in three aspects: number of comments, consumer involvement level, and consumer appealing method and examines how the interaction of the number of comments and consumer appealing method affects the purchase intention. An investigation was conducted on 400 users of SNS and using valid questionnaires to perform reliability analysis, validity analysis, independent sample t-test, and double factor variance analysis using SPSS21. The research results indicated that the number of comments and rational appealing method had significant effect on the purchase intention. The mediating or controlling the purchase involvement level will disturb the influence of the number of comments but will have no effect on the information appealing method.

Webdrama Analysis and Recommendation using Text Mining and Opinion Mining Technique of Social Media (소셜미디어 빅데이터의 텍스트 마이닝과 오피니언 마이닝 기법을 활용한 웹드라마 분석과 제안)

  • Oh, Se-Jong;Kim, Kenneth Chi Ho
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.44
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    • pp.285-306
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    • 2016
  • With the increase use of smartphones, users can consume contents such as webtoon, webnovel and TV drama directly provided by the producers. In this Direct-to-Consumer era, webdrama services from the portal websites are increasing rapidly. Webdramas such as , , and can be analyzed in real time using responses such as unique users, likes, and comments. The analyses used in this research were Social Media Big Data Mining Method and Opinion Mining Method. Specific key words from webdrama can be extracted and viewers positive, neutral or negative emotion can be predicted from the words. The analyses of popular webdramas showed that the established K-Pop Idol member appearance and servicing portal site greatly influence the views, traffics, comments, and likes. Also, 'Mobile TV' proved the effectiveness as another platform other than television. Mobile targeted contents and robust business models still to be developed and identified. Overcoming these few tasks, Korea will be proven to be a webdrama content powerhouse.

Effects of Information Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Continuous Intention to use in Social Commerce (소셜 커머스 사이트에서의 정보품질이 소비자의 만족과 지속적 이용의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Jun, Byoung-Ho;Kang, Byung-Goo
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.127-139
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    • 2013
  • Social commerce has not been studied in depth as it is a more common recent phenomenon. Especially, social commerce has not been examined academically in terms of information quality despite its importance. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effects of information quality on customer satisfaction and continuous intention to buy in social commerce market. This study addresses two research questions as following. First, this study aims to examine the effects of information quality on customer satisfaction and then investigate the relationship between customer satisfaction and continuous intention to use in social commerce market. According to the result of analysis, all aspects of information quality except price information quality were found to be significantly related to the customer satisfaction. Finally, customer satisfaction was shown to be significantly related to the continuous intention to use. This study has academic and practical significance in that it analyses the customer satisfaction in terns of information quality and then provides strategic guide for enhancing customer satisfaction in rapidly developing social commerce market.

Characteristics of Social Computing Websites Based on Design Factors and User Emotions (소셜 컴퓨팅 웹사이트의 디자인 및 감성 특성 연구)

  • Yang, Eui-Jung;Hwang, Won-Il;Kim, Dong-Soo
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.75-90
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    • 2012
  • The aim of this study is to investigate the preferred website's design factors. Social computing is driving a dramatic evolution of the Web these days, and a number of users are increasing every day. But many website designers are just focusing on functional aspects of website. Also, there are few studies regarding the social computing website's emotional design. Proper designs of social computing websites could be designed through investigating the websites design factors preferred by users. Empirical study was conducted in order to investigate websites design factors preferred by users. Website design and user emotion of social computing websites were measured by the questionnaire and 254 people participated. Also, Website design and user emotion of non-social computing websites were measured by same participants, and then comparing results each other. Five design factors and eight emotion factors were derived, and only four out of design factors and three out of emotion factors were found as having significant effects on the satisfaction of social computing website. In addition, different factors in determining user satisfaction when using social computing websites and non-social computing website.

SNS-based Site connected with shopping Using Avatar (아바타를 활용한 SNS 기반 쇼핑 연계 사이트)

  • Ha, Yan
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.16 no.10
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    • pp.205-210
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    • 2011
  • This paper is implemented new styled site to combine community of blog style for SNS and shopping mall. Especially, this site is included simulation of coordination in fashion with avatar model. It makes indirect experience of clothing and user-friendly user interface that is different to other Web sites or shopping malls. So this avatar is designed and implemented by using flash animation technique that makes confirm possible coordination styles with eyes of client instantly and review goods very easily. Additionally, it makes pay attention to connect shopping malls and service convenience by SNS.

Design of Recommendation Technique using Social Information (소셜 정보를 이용한 추천 기법의 설계)

  • Han, Xiaoyue;Lee, Min-Soo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2012.06c
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    • pp.84-86
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    • 2012
  • 최근 유무선 인터넷 인프라의 보급과 스마트폰의 등장으로 인터넷 사용이 급속히 늘어나면서 많은 사람들이 커뮤니티, 블로그, 트위터, 등 기타 다양한 온라인 사이트를 통하여 자신의 견해나 의견을 공개적으로 표현하고 있다. 스마트폰과 SNS 환경이 보편화됨에 따라 사람들은 점점 더 자신들의 취향에 맞는 정보의 교환을 원하고 있으며 단순한 정보검색보다는 다른 사람들의 직접적인 경험이나 의견을 반영하는 정보추천에 대한 비중이 커지고 있는 추세이다. 본 논문에서는 이런 소셜 네트워크에 널려있는 데이터들을 이용한 추천시스템 기법을 제안한다.

User Value Analysis in Social Commerce Using Means-End Chain Theory (수단-목적사슬이론을 이용한 소셜커머스의 사용자 가치 분석)

  • Choi, Jeong-Ah;Lim, Yeong-Woo;Kwahk, Kee-Young
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.1-26
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    • 2022
  • With the spread of social networks, platform-based social commerce has grown rapidly with the use of multiple smart devices. Given the rapid growth of social commerce sites such as Coupang and Ticket Monster, it is very important to understand the user's purchase decision-making process in a social commerce environment. The purpose of this study is to develop a richer understanding of the goals of users using social commerce. Second, a methodological alternative for analyzing the user's goals is introduced. In this study, laddering interview and means-end chain analysis were used. As a result of interview conducted on 40 users who have more than 6 months of purchasing experience using social commerce, a hierarchical goal map showing the user's goal structure was derived. This map contains 22 ultimate goals of social commerce, including warm relationships with others, fun and enjoyment of shopping, accomplishment, satisfaction, financial saving, and convenience. In addition, there are various paths from activities to ultimate goals, so investigating the goals pursued by users can give us insight into understanding user.

Incorporating Social Relationship discovered from User's Behavior into Collaborative Filtering (사용자 행동 기반의 사회적 관계를 결합한 사용자 협업적 여과 방법)

  • Thay, Setha;Ha, Inay;Jo, Geun-Sik
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.1-20
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    • 2013
  • Nowadays, social network is a huge communication platform for providing people to connect with one another and to bring users together to share common interests, experiences, and their daily activities. Users spend hours per day in maintaining personal information and interacting with other people via posting, commenting, messaging, games, social events, and applications. Due to the growth of user's distributed information in social network, there is a great potential to utilize the social data to enhance the quality of recommender system. There are some researches focusing on social network analysis that investigate how social network can be used in recommendation domain. Among these researches, we are interested in taking advantages of the interaction between a user and others in social network that can be determined and known as social relationship. Furthermore, mostly user's decisions before purchasing some products depend on suggestion of people who have either the same preferences or closer relationship. For this reason, we believe that user's relationship in social network can provide an effective way to increase the quality in prediction user's interests of recommender system. Therefore, social relationship between users encountered from social network is a common factor to improve the way of predicting user's preferences in the conventional approach. Recommender system is dramatically increasing in popularity and currently being used by many e-commerce sites such as Amazon.com, Last.fm, eBay.com, etc. Collaborative filtering (CF) method is one of the essential and powerful techniques in recommender system for suggesting the appropriate items to user by learning user's preferences. CF method focuses on user data and generates automatic prediction about user's interests by gathering information from users who share similar background and preferences. Specifically, the intension of CF method is to find users who have similar preferences and to suggest target user items that were mostly preferred by those nearest neighbor users. There are two basic units that need to be considered by CF method, the user and the item. Each user needs to provide his rating value on items i.e. movies, products, books, etc to indicate their interests on those items. In addition, CF uses the user-rating matrix to find a group of users who have similar rating with target user. Then, it predicts unknown rating value for items that target user has not rated. Currently, CF has been successfully implemented in both information filtering and e-commerce applications. However, it remains some important challenges such as cold start, data sparsity, and scalability reflected on quality and accuracy of prediction. In order to overcome these challenges, many researchers have proposed various kinds of CF method such as hybrid CF, trust-based CF, social network-based CF, etc. In the purpose of improving the recommendation performance and prediction accuracy of standard CF, in this paper we propose a method which integrates traditional CF technique with social relationship between users discovered from user's behavior in social network i.e. Facebook. We identify user's relationship from behavior of user such as posts and comments interacted with friends in Facebook. We believe that social relationship implicitly inferred from user's behavior can be likely applied to compensate the limitation of conventional approach. Therefore, we extract posts and comments of each user by using Facebook Graph API and calculate feature score among each term to obtain feature vector for computing similarity of user. Then, we combine the result with similarity value computed using traditional CF technique. Finally, our system provides a list of recommended items according to neighbor users who have the biggest total similarity value to the target user. In order to verify and evaluate our proposed method we have performed an experiment on data collected from our Movies Rating System. Prediction accuracy evaluation is conducted to demonstrate how much our algorithm gives the correctness of recommendation to user in terms of MAE. Then, the evaluation of performance is made to show the effectiveness of our method in terms of precision, recall, and F1-measure. Evaluation on coverage is also included in our experiment to see the ability of generating recommendation. The experimental results show that our proposed method outperform and more accurate in suggesting items to users with better performance. The effectiveness of user's behavior in social network particularly shows the significant improvement by up to 6% on recommendation accuracy. Moreover, experiment of recommendation performance shows that incorporating social relationship observed from user's behavior into CF is beneficial and useful to generate recommendation with 7% improvement of performance compared with benchmark methods. Finally, we confirm that interaction between users in social network is able to enhance the accuracy and give better recommendation in conventional approach.

IaaS 서비스의 정보보호 기술 분석 및 기업의 특성을 고려한 기술 적용방법 연구

  • Kang, Jin Hee;Kim, Ji Yeon;Park, Choon Sik;Kim, Hyung Jong
    • Review of KIISC
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    • v.22 no.8
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    • pp.61-73
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    • 2012
  • 인프라스트럭처 상용 클라우드 서비스(IaaS)의 이용 시 클라우드 기반의 네트워크에 어떤 정보보호기술을 적용할 지에 대한 고려를 하는 것은 기존의 네트워크에 정보보호기술을 적용하는 것과 차이가 있다. 그 차이점은 클라우드 서비스 사업자가 서비스 형태로 제공하는 정보보호 기술들을 선택하여 적용할 수 밖에 없다는 것이다. 본 연구는 사업자가 제공하는 정보보호 서비스들이 어떠한 것이 있는지를 분석 종합하고, 기술의 특성을 고려해 재분류하고, 기업별로 제공되는 정보보호기술의 적용에 드는 비용을 함께 조사하여 각 사업자들의 정보보호기술의 과금 형태를 분석하였다. 또한, 이러한 분석을 기반으로 게임, 의료 및 소셜 커뮤니티 사이트 등의 기업 유형별 필요 기술을 선택하는 시나리오 분석을 시도 하였다. 본 연구의 기여점은 클라우드 환경에서의 정보보호 기술의 분석을 통해 해당 기술을 적용하고자 하는 사람들이 어떻게 기술을 선택 및 적용 할지에 대한 실질적인 방법을 제시한 것에 있다.