• Title/Summary/Keyword: 선택적 공유

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Exploring the Ways to Use Maker Education in School (학교 교육 활용을 위한 메이커 교육 구성 요소 탐색)

  • Kwon, Yoojin;Lee, Youngtae;Lim, Yunjin;Park, Youngsu;Lee, Eunkyung;Park, Seongseog
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.19-30
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    • 2020
  • Maker education started on the basis of the maker movement in which makers gathered in makerspace share their activities and experiences, and the educational value pursued in maker education is based on the constructivist paradigm. The purpose of this study is to present maker education components to be used in school education, focus on the characteristics and educational values of maker education, and explore ways to use them. To this end, this study explored the theoretical grounds to re-conceptualize maker education, drew statements based on in-depth interview data of teachers conducting maker education classes, and reviewed its validity through experts. Based on these statements, by deriving the components for the use of maker education, the direction of maker education in school education was set, and an example framework that could be used in subject class and creative experiential learning was proposed. Research shows that in maker education, makers cooperate to carry out activities, share ideas with others and try to improve them, and include self-direction such as learning, tinkering, design thinking, sharing and reflection. can see. In addition, maker education emphasizes experiential learning that can solve real problems that students face, rather than confining specific activities to student choices as needed. It emphasizes the learner's course of action rather than the outcome of the activity, tolerates the learner's failure, and emphasizes the role of the teacher as a facilitator to promote re-challenge. In the future, it can be used in various ways in each subject (curriculum expert, teaching/learning expert, elementary and middle school teachers, parents, local educators, etc.) and school activities, and it will contribute to setting future research directions as a basic research for school maker education.

Artificial Intelligence and College Mathematics Education (인공지능(Artificial Intelligence)과 대학수학교육)

  • Lee, Sang-Gu;Lee, Jae Hwa;Ham, Yoonmee
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2020
  • Today's healthcare, intelligent robots, smart home systems, and car sharing are already innovating with cutting-edge information and communication technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things, the Internet of Intelligent Things, and Big data. It is deeply affecting our lives. In the factory, robots have been working for humans more than several decades (FA, OA), AI doctors are also working in hospitals (Dr. Watson), AI speakers (Giga Genie) and AI assistants (Siri, Bixby, Google Assistant) are working to improve Natural Language Process. Now, in order to understand AI, knowledge of mathematics becomes essential, not a choice. Thus, mathematicians have been given a role in explaining such mathematics that make these things possible behind AI. Therefore, the authors wrote a textbook 'Basic Mathematics for Artificial Intelligence' by arranging the mathematics concepts and tools needed to understand AI and machine learning in one or two semesters, and organized lectures for undergraduate and graduate students of various majors to explore careers in artificial intelligence. In this paper, we share our experience of conducting this class with the full contents in http://matrix.skku.ac.kr/math4ai/.

High Performance SoC On-chip-bus Architecture with Multiple Channels and Simultaneous Routing (다중 채널과 동시 라우팅 기능을 갖는 고성능 SoC 온 칩 버스 구조)

  • Lee, Sang-Hun;Lee, Chan-Ho
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.24-31
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    • 2007
  • Up to date, a lot of bus protocol and bus architecture are released though most of them are based on the shared bus architecture and inherit the limitation of performance. SNP (SoC Network Protocol), and hence, SNA (SoC Network Architecture) which are high performance on-chip-bus protocol and architecture, respectively, have been proposed to solve the problems of the conventional shared bus. We refine the SNA specification and improve the performance and functionality. The performance of the SNA is improved by supporting simultaneous routing for bus request of multiple masters. The internal routing logic is also improved so that the gate count is decreased. The proposed SNA employs XSNP (extended SNP) that supports almost perfect compatibility with AMBA AHB protocol without performance degradation. The hardware complexity of the improved SNA is not increased much by optimizing the current routing logic. The improved SNA works for IPs with the original SNP at its best performance. In addition, it can also replace the AMBA AHB or interconnect matrix of a system, and it guarantees simultaneous multiple channels. That is, the existing AMBA system can show much improved performance by replacing the AHB or the interconnect matrix with the SNA. Thanks to the small number of interconnection wires, the SNA can be used for the off-chip bus system, too. We verify the performance and function of the proposed SNA and XSNP simulation and emulation.

Increasing Accuracy of Classifying Useful Reviews by Removing Neutral Terms (중립도 기반 선택적 단어 제거를 통한 유용 리뷰 분류 정확도 향상 방안)

  • Lee, Minsik;Lee, Hong Joo
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.129-142
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    • 2016
  • Customer product reviews have become one of the important factors for purchase decision makings. Customers believe that reviews written by others who have already had an experience with the product offer more reliable information than that provided by sellers. However, there are too many products and reviews, the advantage of e-commerce can be overwhelmed by increasing search costs. Reading all of the reviews to find out the pros and cons of a certain product can be exhausting. To help users find the most useful information about products without much difficulty, e-commerce companies try to provide various ways for customers to write and rate product reviews. To assist potential customers, online stores have devised various ways to provide useful customer reviews. Different methods have been developed to classify and recommend useful reviews to customers, primarily using feedback provided by customers about the helpfulness of reviews. Most shopping websites provide customer reviews and offer the following information: the average preference of a product, the number of customers who have participated in preference voting, and preference distribution. Most information on the helpfulness of product reviews is collected through a voting system. Amazon.com asks customers whether a review on a certain product is helpful, and it places the most helpful favorable and the most helpful critical review at the top of the list of product reviews. Some companies also predict the usefulness of a review based on certain attributes including length, author(s), and the words used, publishing only reviews that are likely to be useful. Text mining approaches have been used for classifying useful reviews in advance. To apply a text mining approach based on all reviews for a product, we need to build a term-document matrix. We have to extract all words from reviews and build a matrix with the number of occurrences of a term in a review. Since there are many reviews, the size of term-document matrix is so large. It caused difficulties to apply text mining algorithms with the large term-document matrix. Thus, researchers need to delete some terms in terms of sparsity since sparse words have little effects on classifications or predictions. The purpose of this study is to suggest a better way of building term-document matrix by deleting useless terms for review classification. In this study, we propose neutrality index to select words to be deleted. Many words still appear in both classifications - useful and not useful - and these words have little or negative effects on classification performances. Thus, we defined these words as neutral terms and deleted neutral terms which are appeared in both classifications similarly. After deleting sparse words, we selected words to be deleted in terms of neutrality. We tested our approach with Amazon.com's review data from five different product categories: Cellphones & Accessories, Movies & TV program, Automotive, CDs & Vinyl, Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry. We used reviews which got greater than four votes by users and 60% of the ratio of useful votes among total votes is the threshold to classify useful and not-useful reviews. We randomly selected 1,500 useful reviews and 1,500 not-useful reviews for each product category. And then we applied Information Gain and Support Vector Machine algorithms to classify the reviews and compared the classification performances in terms of precision, recall, and F-measure. Though the performances vary according to product categories and data sets, deleting terms with sparsity and neutrality showed the best performances in terms of F-measure for the two classification algorithms. However, deleting terms with sparsity only showed the best performances in terms of Recall for Information Gain and using all terms showed the best performances in terms of precision for SVM. Thus, it needs to be careful for selecting term deleting methods and classification algorithms based on data sets.

TGF-$\beta$3 Selectively Induces Mouse IgA and IgG2b isotype (TGF-$\beta$3는 마우스 IgA, IgG2b 항체의 선택적 유도작용)

  • 이은경;박석래;전계택;김평현;이세원;최의열
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.164-168
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    • 1999
  • TGF-$\beta$3 is among five TGF-$\beta$ isolorms and shows 80% sequence identity to TGF-$\beta$I, a prototype of TGF--$\beta$. It has been reported that TGF-$\beta$I, particularly in the presence of IL-2 or L-5, increases the pmduction of IgA and IgG2b isoiypes by LPS-actwated murine B cells. We examined the effect of TGF-P3 on Ig synlhesis by B cells from different lymphoid origins. IgA induction by TGP-$\beta$3 was mardnal in LPS-activated spleen B cell culture, while 1gA production was markedly enhanced in the culture shulated with TGF-$\beta$P3 and L-5. In addition, number of IgA secreting cells was increased by TGF-$\beta$P3. Under the same conditions, TGP-$\beta$3 alone was enough to increase IgG2b production but IgM and 1gGl. Sirmlar patiem of IgA and IgGZb enbancement by TGF-$\beta$3 and L-5 was observed in the cullures of mesenteric lymph node B cells. Thus, overall effect of TGF-$\beta$3 on Ig synthesis was quite similar to that of TGF-$\beta$I. Nonetheless, it remains to be underslood whether TGF-$\beta$3 is an important modulator in B cell differentiation since regulation of TGF-$\beta$3 expression is considered to differ from that of TGF-$\beta$I

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A Critical Review of Discourses on Commercialization of Korean Press (한국 언론의 상업화 논의에 관한 비판적 검토 -'1933년 상업화론'과 '1960년대 후반 상업화론'의 비교)

  • Lee, Jung-Hoon
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.62
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    • pp.315-328
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    • 2013
  • With a view to grasping how media commercialization is understood and discussed in the media-related academic community, this study compares and reviews other researches on the commercialization process of Korean press. Full-fledged studies have been rarely performed on the history of commercialization, but similar or related studies have been conducted intermittently: One is the commercialization theory in 1933 and the other is the commercialization theory in the late 1960s. Both of them decided Korean press had been commercialized as a strategical option in the midst of political pressure. It gives a clue leading us to understanding on why Korean press shows partisanship which is pointed as one of social maladies. Korean press acquires less economic benefits if they play in the market than if political parties they support or share the same political interest take power, so they are a commercial press as well as a partially partisan press. In this context, commercialization of Korean press is still underway, and genuine commercialization hitting the balance with politicization may have yet to begin.

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Self-Motivated Artists A Study on the Daily Experience and Art Practice of Agents in New Independent Art Spaces (스스로 '움직이는' 미술가들 자립적 미술 신생공간 주체들의 생활 경험과 예술 실천 연구)

  • Shin, Hyeyoung
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.76
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    • pp.183-219
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    • 2016
  • In light of the recent increase in new independent spaces within the field of artistic production, this study seeks to examine the daily experience and art practice of agents in such spaces. In-depth interviews were conducted with fifteen emerging artists, who manage new independent art spaces and participate actively in related activities, and the significance of their activities was analyzed. An important theoretical foundation of this study is Bourdieu's concept of the field of cultural production. According to Bourdieu, in order to understand a specific field, the habitus of agents must be studied together with the structure of the field. This study found that individuals belonging to the same or a close generation exhibit similar attitudes to life based on shared experiences, and they can be connected to their art practice. Most agents of new spaces did not have high expectations for success, and chose to practice art independently while bonding with their peers and enjoying the moment rather than wait for recognition or funding from external sources. Their self-fulfilling habitus is condition-specific and can be regarded as a form of flexible art practice. Given the poor conditions of today's field of artistic production, this is likely to serve as an advantage in entering the field and in position-taking. The social significance of this study lies in the fact that the aforementioned characteristics of the agents of independent production spaces not only reflect the current field of artistic production but also other fields of cultural production at large in our society.

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The Effects of Ambidextrous Alliance on Firm Performance (양손잡이 제휴(Ambidextrous Alliance)가 기업 성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Chung, Do-Bum;Kwak, Joo-Young
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.17-43
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    • 2012
  • Alliance formation has been recognized as an important strategy for firms who seek to survive through acquisition of sustainable competitive advantages. Specifically in high-tech industries, firms may consider formation of strategic alliances in order to access valuable external knowledge. These firms tend to be situated in a dilemma that they should choose between exploration and exploitation, which are two types of strategic choices suggested by March (1991). Working out the dilemma has been extensively discussed in the area of strategy or organization learning. Recently, however, an increasing number of studies have stressed on a balance between exploration and exploitation. Regarded as 'ambidextrous organizations' (Lavie and Rosenkopf, 2006), these firms that simultaneously pursue exploration and exploitation have emerged in high-tech industries, and many studies have provided evidence of positive association between organizational ambidexterity and firm performance. In the strategic alliance research, accordingly, scholars began to pay attention to the balanced choice between exploration-and exploitation-oriented alliances. Given these backgrounds, this study examines the relationship between alliance ambidexterity and firm performance. While previous research approached alliance ambidexterity mainly from the number of alliances, our study suggests ambidexterity in terms of alliance portfolio and alliance partner. Our dataset consists of biotechnology or pharmaceutical firms in the United States, which spans time period between 1990 and 2005. We conduct panel data analysis. The results show the strong link between alliance ambidexterity and firm performance, highlighting the balance between exploration and exploitation when firms make strategic decisions.

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The Effectiveness of Science Gifted Students' Self-directed and Cooperative Learning for Decision-Making about Global Warming Issues (중학교 과학 우수아의 자기주도적 협동학습을 강조한 지구온난화 관련 의사결정 학습의 효과)

  • Ko, Sun-Young;Choe, Seung-Urn
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.567-592
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate effective teaching and learning method for teaching decision-making on Socio-Scientific-Issues(SSI) in science classroom. So we carried out new teaching and learning trial for decision-making about Global Warming issues. Our new trial focused on self-directed and cooperative learning in decision-making about SSI. And our participants were science gifted or science high-achieved students in middle school. We analysed students' written decision-making of the last process in our new trial. We can find our instruction made progress in informed decision-making, structure of argumentation, reflective thinking stage, using the scientific information and understanding of the nature of science. As a result, self-directed and cooperative learning in decision-making on SSI leads students to the meaningful decision-making scientifically.

A Study on the Effect of Congruence between Brand-Image and Self-Image to the Preference of Product Purchase (브랜드이미지와 자아이미지가 제품 선택시 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Young-Il;Yun, Cha-Young;Kim, Hyeon-Jong
    • Korean Business Review
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    • v.17
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    • pp.83-110
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    • 2004
  • In modern society, there exists a growing tendency that the product image, rather than the substance of the product, is given more and more emphasis. In other words, consumers tend to purchase a product whose brand image coincides with their self image. Today, it is one of the essential factors for marketing strategy of a modern enterprise to have brand image perceived by consumer self-image. The image, by affecting the perception of consumers, explains the reason why some consumers choose one brand out of many brands that are available to them. Furthermore, brand-image perceived by consumers becomes more important factor in improving the company's market share. For this research, we investigated the theoretical background based on previous studies and collected statistical data through a market survey. The results of the actual research indicate that the attributes of the images differ notably depending upon demographic attributes; that the brand image judged by a customer is positively correlated to the customer's self image; and that the regression analysis of the purchase intention in accordance with coincidence of independent variables proved to be insignificant. But the correlation analysis of the variables shows that the sensuous image of a perceived brand image product notable differences in the purchase intention. Most of Consumers tend to prefer certain brand of causal wears in accordance with their cognized brand-image and self-image: social self-image and actual self-image. Corporate must not spare any effort to establish differential advantage. through better image or changing image. Also marketers have to identify the strengths and weakness of their brand in relation to the competition in setting up their brand management strategy. In conclusion, the outcomes of the study suggest that the consumers purchase the images of the brands, rather than the products themselves. Accordingly, in the clothes markets with similar quality levels, the emphasis should be put on differentiation of the brand images in order to further increase sales and maximize profits.

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