• Title/Summary/Keyword: 선택적 공유

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A Study on the Priority Affecting the Succession of the Family Firm Using AHP (후계자 관점에서 가업승계에 영향을 미치는 요인들의 중요도에 대한 AHP분석 연구)

  • Cho, Namjae;Lee, YunSeok;Kim, Ji-Hee;Yu, Giseob
    • Korean small business review
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.147-164
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    • 2021
  • This study focuses on succession in a family business which is the crucial factor affecting future and survival of a family business. Especially, the study concentrate a successor's view which is regarded as a key-player during the succession. In this study, we used AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) methodology to identify priorities of factors influencing succession. We divided into two-tier level. The first-tier is defined as 1) the relationship with an incumbent CEO, 2) a successor 's management ability, 3) a successor' s self-efficacy and 4) succession plan. For the second-tier of each first-tier have 3 sub-factors ; 1) the relationship with an incumbent CEO is set as level of mutual trust, sharing the vision of a company, and level of communication each other. 2) A successor 's management ability is based on business competence, education and training and interpersonal management ability, 3) a successor 's self-efficacy was set as successor' s willingness of succession, confidence of overcoming crisis and confidence of achieving objectives. Lastly, 4) a succession plan is set as finance plan, leadership transformation plan and human-organization management plan. A total of 93 questionnaires is distributed and retrieved, and 88 questionnaires are used for the study, excluding those with missing data. As a result of this study, successors selected 1) the relationship with an incumbent C.E.O. as the most important priority in the first-tier. The second is 2) a successor 's management ability, the third is 3) a successor' s self-efficacy, and the last priority is 4) a succession plan. In particular, 3 sub-factors that make up the relationship with an incumbent are the most important factors. These factors rank the first to the third in the final result.

Select the Properties of Storytelling Effects on the Festival of Brand Equity and Reactive (스토리텔링 선택속성이 축제의 브랜드 자산과 사후 행동의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Hyun-Cheo;Jeon, In-Oh
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.10
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    • pp.480-494
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    • 2013
  • Globally branded culture festival in the region as a key component to the originality and distinction and with local residents and visitors to share experience and has succeeded in branding through Mind. Than mimics festivals in competitive and differentiated cultures containing festivals create a unique festival brand, and through the cultural and economic competitiveness, as well as the phase of the World Festival and preserve local culture and identity. Developing The best areas will be an asset. In order to build this world-class festival brand differentiation strategy above all, must be a top priority, Discrimination discovery and development of the local culture and sensibility in the age of the most powerful marketing tool that is being presented through storytelling brand assets to be passed on to visitors should. Thus the creation of storytelling festivals. Sensitivity of the festival right direction and in an era of paradigm key drivers of the local economy, such as image enhancement, and building long-term regional development and differentiation based on quality of life by creating a local culture can improve will Region's cultural and economic areas, the most important resource for the success of the festival is uniformly short-term planning and configuration, tube-driven operating as a one-sided non-participation. Sharing. Communication with an emphasis on the application of storytelling that is essential is considered.

Factors Influencing the Performance of Airbnb Listings: A Comparison Between New and Existing Listings (에어비앤비 숙소 성과에 영향을 미치는 요인: 신규 숙소와 기존 숙소의 비교)

  • Minhyung Kang
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.231-251
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    • 2024
  • For Airbnb, one of the most successful examples of the sharing economy, to continuously grow, it needs a steady supply of attractive listings. To this end, this study draws on existing research on Airbnb and signaling theory to examine the factors that influence the performance of Airbnb listings. From a dynamic perspective, we expect the importance of factors affecting listings' performance to differ between new and existing listings. Analyzing Airbnb data from the 10 most active US cities using negative binomial regression, we find that dynamic attributes that require a time investment have a stronger impact on existing listings, while static attributes that require less of a time investment have a similar effect on both types. The host's membership duration and number of listings were expected to have positive effects, but showed negative effects. While the instant booking policy increased users' convenience, some hosts were reluctant to use it. The results of the analysis suggest that the importance of the factors varies depending on the type of Airbnb listing (new vs. existing), and the need for differentiated policies and complementary measures based on the type of listing is necessary in a practical perspective.

A Low-Complexity Processor for Joint QR decomposition and Lattice Reduction for MIMO Systems (다중 입력 다중 출력 통신 시스템을 위한 저 복잡도의 Joint QR decomposition-Lattice Reduction 프로세서)

  • Park, Min-Woo;Lee, Sang-Woo;Kim, Tae-Hwan
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.52 no.8
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    • pp.40-48
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    • 2015
  • This paper presents a processor that performs QR decomposition (QRD) as well as Lattice Reduction (LR) for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems. By sharing the operations commonly required in QRD and LR, the hardware complexity of the proposed processor is reduced significantly. In addition, the proposed processor is designed based on a multi-cycle architecture so as to reduce the hardware complexity. The proposed processor is implemented with 139k logic gates in a 0.18μm CMOS process, and its latency is 5μs for 8×8 MIMO preprocessing both QRD and LR where the operating frequency is 117MHz.

A Cooperative Spectrum Sensing and Dynamic Spectrum Decision Methods for Heterogeneous Cognitive Radio Network (이종 인지 라디오 네트워크에서 협력 스펙트럼 센싱 및 동적 스펙트럼 결정 방법)

  • Kim, Nam-Sun
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.37 no.7A
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    • pp.560-568
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    • 2012
  • Spectrum sensing and spectrum decision are the main functions that cognitive radios (CRs) have to perform in order to get the best available spectrum band for the establishment of a wireless communication. These problems are worsened in the presence of users with different demands and spectrum channels with different properties in a heterogeneous network. The primary objective in this work is to design and simulate a new spectrum decision algorithm for heterogeneous cognitive radio system. To this end, first, we consider all cognitive users are separated into different traffic classes according to their Quality of Service (QoS). The cognitive users within one traffic class perform spectrum sensing in centralized group-based cooperative spectrum sensing system and the users of different traffic classes share the sensing results. Second, we propose a novel use of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to optimally select available bands according to user requirements and detected spectrum channel characteristics (SCC). In this paper, utility function is used as spectrum decision algorithm. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed method shows can effectively select the best available spectrum channels with a low complexity.

Virtual Topology Control System for Evaluating Semi-infrastructured Wireless Community Networks (준-인프라 기반 무선 커뮤니티 네트워크 시험을 위한 가상 토폴로지 제어 시스템)

  • Kang, Nam-Hi;Kim, Young-Han
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.275-281
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    • 2012
  • Community network is a communication environment where heterogeneous devices can access and communicate with each other at any time and at any space to share information. To do so, mobile devices are required to be self-configured even in absence of communication infrastructures. Semi-infrastructured wireless ad-hoc network is a promising solution to meet with such a requirement. This paper proposes the VTC(virtual topology coordinator) system as an evaluation tool for examining network protocols that are intended to be deployed in the semi-infrastructured ad-hoc networks. VTC emulates multi-hops wireless network topology virtually using a mechanism of selective receiving MAC frame in a small area, where only a single hop communication is available. VTC system cannot consider all properties introduced in real wireless network, but do more wireless properties than verification through simulation.

Implementation of Adaptive Transmission Middleware for Video Streaming (비디오 스트리밍을 위한 적응적 전송 미들웨어의 구현)

  • 김영주
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.637-644
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    • 2004
  • This paper proposed and implemented the adaptive transmission middleware for video streaming, which is able to support the adaptive transmission of video data to the fluctuating changes of network environment in the packet-based network and the properties of transmitted video data. The adaptive transmission middleware is made up SR-RTP-based transfer module and TFRC(TCP Friendly Rate Control)-based transfer-rate control module. The SR-RTP-based transfer module supports RTP-based real-time transfer of video data and packet retransmission scheme retransmitting the high-priority packets selectively in the damaged video data to reduce the error induced by the packet loss. Sharing the transmission bandwidth of network with the TCP-based data transfer, the TFRC-based transfer-rate control module controls the transfer rate of video data according to the most allowable transmission bandwidth in the network, so that the transfer rate is controlled adaptively to the fluctuating changes of transmission bandwidth. This paper, for the experiment, applied the adaptive transmission middleware to video streaming in the external Internet environment, and analyzed the effective frame transfer rate and the degree of the streaming jitter to evaluate the performance of packet-loss recovery and adaptive transfer rate control. In the external Internet environment where the packet-loss rate is high a bit, the relatively high streaming performance was showed compared with the case that didn't apply the adaptive transmission middleware.

Space-Time Diversity Relaying Strategy using Cooperative Communication Technique (협력 통신 기법을 이용한 시공간 다이버시티 중계 전략)

  • Kim, Eun-Ki;Park, Noe-Yoon;Lee, Kwan-Seob;Kim, Young-Ju
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.65-71
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    • 2009
  • In this paper a new space-time diversity relaying strategy using cooperative communication technique is proposed. More than one relaying terminals are included in one cooperative group to share their state information, such as frame error rate and channel state information. The best terminals are selected to send bit information using space-time diversity relay system. An implementation for the proposed scheme is also presented using the TDMA cooperative protocol. The resulting receive signal to transmit signal ratio and computer simulation demonstrate that the proposed strategy outperforms the conventional cooperative system.

A Design of CMOS Multi-Mode Baseband Filter with New Automatic Tuning (새로운 자동 튜닝 기능을 가지고 있는 CMOS 다중 모드 기저 대역 필터의 설계)

  • Lee Kang-Yoon;Ku Hyunchul;Hur Jeong
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.43 no.2 s.344
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    • pp.34-41
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    • 2006
  • This paper presents a CMOS multi-mode baseband filter architecture to support PDC/GSM/EDGE/WCDMA and its new automatic tuning method. 5-th order Chebyshev low pass filter is designed for implementing the baseband channel-select filter. Capacitors and resistors were shared efficiently between modes to minimize the area. And, the new cut-off frequency tuning method is proposed to compensate the process variation. This method can reduce the area and the noise level due to MOS switches.

Implementation of a Web-based MGDSS for Coordinated Multiple Reservoir Operation (저수지군 연계운영을 위한 웹 기반 다기준 그룹의사결정지원 모형의 구현)

  • Cho Namwoong;Lee Yongdae;Kim Sheung-Kown
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2005.05b
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    • pp.1417-1421
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    • 2005
  • 현실에서 실제 존재하는 문제들은 단일 목적이 아닌 다수의 목적들로 이루어지는 경우가 대부분이다. 수자원 분야의 저수지군 연계운영 경우 용수공급 부족량의 최소화, 저수량의 최대화, 발전량의 최대화, 그리고 수계외 유출량의 최소화 등의 다중목적들로 이루어지는데 저수량의 최대화와 발전량의 최대화처럼 서로 상충되는 목적들이 존재하게 된다. 따라서 저수지군 연계운영 효과를 극대화하기 위해서는 위와 같이 상충되는 목적들 간의 trade-off를 고려한 여러 대안을 도출하여 댐운영 의사결정자들 간의 협의를 통한 적절한 대안이 선택되어야 할 것이다. 이를 위해서는 자료의 공유가 필수적이며 각 의사결정자들의 요구사항 및 평가기준들이 합리적으로 수용되어야 할 것이다. 본 연구에서는 웹을 활용하여 의사결정자들에게 상충된 목적들에 대하여 실시간으로 대안을 제공하고 의사결정자들의 의사를 바탕으로 합의된 저수지군 연계운영 방안의 도출을 지원하는 웹 기반 다기준 그룹의사결정지원 모형을 구현한다. 합의된 해 선정을 위한 대안들은 CBITP(CHIM based Interactive Tchebycheff Procedure)를 활용한 다중목적 계획법에서 제시한 방안들을 이용하며 그룹의사결정은 PROMETHEE(Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enrichment Evaluation) 기법을 사용한다.

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