• Title/Summary/Keyword: 산업집중도

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A Study on the Collaborative Partnership Factors between Freight Forwarders and Consignors (국제물류주선업체와 화주기업의 협력적 파트너쉽 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Jun, Kyung Sook;Jang, Hyun Mi;Kim, Sang Youl
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.169-198
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    • 2014
  • Due to the recent worldwide economic downturn, companies are required to put more effort into their innovation and quality improvement. In particular, business relationship is increasingly emphasized to be changed from a vertical relationship to a more horizontal relationship, such as collaborative partnership based on trust. In the logistics industry, through the collaboration, consignors can gain competitive advantages by focusing on their core capabilities, and freight forwarders also take advantages of securing stable cargoes and specialist expertise in distribution. Therefore, this study aims to identify key factors for developing a collaborative partnership between freight forwarders and consignors, and further examine the differences between the two groups empirically by using questionnaire survey. Based on the results, the main factors were found as follows: 1) Trust Building, 2) Competence Improvement, 3) Business Ecosystem and 4) Government Assistance. According to the analysis on sub-factors, first, among the four main factors, it turned out that trust is the most important variable. Specifically, the sub-factor of providing regular and stable service was revealed to be most critical. Second, it was found that forwarders need to improve services on 'Information Exchange System' and 'Electronic Data Interchange'. Finally, it is necessary for both consignors and forwarders to have better understanding of partnership. Key implications for both groups are highlighted based on the results.

The Actual Situation and Task that The Industrial Area Highschools Organize National Competency Standard Based Curriculum (공업계 고교 NCS 기반 교육과정의 편성 실태와 과제)

  • Lee, Young-Min;Lim, Yu Hhwa
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.22-43
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this research is to identify how industrial highschool try to organize and apply NCS based curriculuma, to find out problems, and to suggest what the task for the sustained development and growth under the NCS based industrial highschool curriculum In order to identify actual situation and problems, when a industrial highschool organize and apply NCS based curriculum, we suveyed NCS based curriculum that 583 specialized, Meister highschools organize. The problems to identify through analysis about NCS based curriculum that schools organize are the followings First, schools' NCS based curriculum is set up too much comprehensive type for training human resources. Second, carreer path of students is not considered by schools' NCS based curriculum. Third, yearly plan for schools' NCS based curriculum is not balanced to raise working experience skill among each grades. Forth, schools are not ready to use NCS learning module. Task to solve these problems are the following. First, schools' curriculum have to be organized on the basis of NCS's purpose. Second, teachers have to restructure the NCS learning module in order to go up availability of NCS learning module. Third, industrial highschools have to make efforts to raise students' working experience skill. Finally, industrial highschools have to make efforts to raise teachers' competency to need that they teach and train their students' working experience skill.

High-Availability Web Server Cluster Employing Multiple Front-Ends for Small and Middle-sized Web Sites (중소형 사이트를 위한 다수의 전면 서버를 갖는 고가용성 웹 서버 클러스터)

  • Moon Jong-bae;Kim Myung-ho
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartA
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    • v.11A no.5
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    • pp.355-364
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    • 2004
  • These days, various clustering technologies have been adopted to construct web sites. High performance hardware switches have good performance, but have disadvantage of high cost for constructing small and middle-sized web sites. Now a days, many sites have been constructed with the LVS (Linux Virtual Server), which is free of charge and has good performance. Having a centralized load balancing with one front-end, the LVS causes a bottleneck when it receives all at once. In the paper, we suggest a way to remove the LVS bottleneck by providing multiple front-ends. In this architecture, all of cluster nodes act as both a front-end and a back-end. When the load of a node receiving requests is not large enough, the node responds to the client directly. When the load of a node is large enough, the node send the request to a node which is selected by a scheduling algorithm. The scheduling algorithm is discussed to balance loads between servers. While single front-end cluster raises the throughput curvedly, the multiple front-end cluster raises the throughput linearly.

The Development of Gangnam and the Formation of Gangnam-style Urbanism : On the Spatial Selectivity of the Anti-Communist Authoritarian Developmental State (강남 개발과 강남적 도시성의 형성 - 반공 권위주의 발전국가의 공간선택성을 중심으로 -)

  • Ji, Joo-Hyoung
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.307-330
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    • 2016
  • This article aims to explain how Gangnam, as a model and standard of compressed urbanization in South Korea, was created. Gangnam and Gangnam-style urbanization need attention not only because they contrast with Korea's urbanization in the past as well as urbanization in the West but also they provide an important model in contemporary Korea's politics, economy and culture. However, there are little studies of how Gangnam's peculiar urbanism was created. To fill this gap, this article will first capture Gangnam's peculiar urbanism as a material landscape and sociocultural lifestyle. Gangnam-style urbanism is (a) materially characterized by high-rise apartment complexes owned by the middle and upper class for dwelling and asset growth and (b) socio-culturally characterized by political conservatism, public indifference, competition over academic performance, appearance, and fashion, and nightlife. Then it will show Gangnam's archetype was created in a spatially and temporally compressed way in and through the spatial selectivity of Korean anti-communist authoritarian developmental state strategies: (1) anti-communism led to the diffusion and accommodation of the population through apartments in Gangnam in the context of its confrontation with North Korea and the fast-growing population of Seoul; (2) military authoritarianism excluded the low-income class and the urban poor from urban development; and (3) the developmental state adopted selective housing policy which treated construction companies and the middle class preferentially through exceptional zoning and price distortions, promoting the construction of apartment in Gangnam and its resultant uneven development.

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The Characteristics of Location and Business-Services Networks of Venture Firms in Daegu Region (대구지역 벤처기업의 입지와 비즈니스서비스 네트워크 특성)

  • Ju, Mee-Soon;Lee, Chul-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.752-762
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    • 2009
  • This paper aims to investigate the characteristics of location and business-services networks of venture firms in Daegu region. The regional venture firms are small scale and consist of mainly R&D investment and license new-technology in the category of soft-ware. Since the mid-1990's the firms that were founded by people with higher education and career experience seek diverse growth strategies. those firms concentrate in some regions of dalseo-gu and buk-gu. There are a few difference by types of firm-business, but, on the whole, the princepal location factors of venture firms are accessibility of research institute and university, easy information availability, and use of moderate land. In regard to networks with client firms, the venture firms determine whether to transfer. The result of the characteristics of networks between regional venture firms and business-service enterprises is as follows; the regional venture firms utilize small number of business-service enterprises and use mainly information processing and other computer operation related services and professional, scientific and technical services. In business-service be used by regional venture firms, the frequency of information processing and other computer operation related services, research and development, business support services is much, while the frequency of professional, scientific and technical services is little. Business-service enterprises are distributed mostly in Daegu region and are used owing to lack of technology and knowledge.

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The Innovative Strategy on the Activation of Marine Tourism in Busan (부산의 해상관광활성화에 관한 혁신적 전략(1))

  • Kim, Jae-Gwan
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.156-170
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    • 2007
  • The commerce and industry of Busan was developed because of good geographical conditions with harbor. After passing its settling-down and diffusing time, Busan has grown in the trade city. Busan has lost the competitive power of the port city since 2000, because of the weakness of its economic power which is caused by the secession of manufacturing industry and the decrease of resident population and foreign tourist. In order to overcome these weaknesses, it is necessary for Busan to take the innovative strategy for the activation of marine tourism. This goal can be achieved by the strong quality of the port city, the coastal terrain, the traditional industry and the international traffic. The aim of this paper is to explore the Innovative Strategy for the activation of marine tourism in Busan and to suggest the following proposal. First, the government must decide the base of marine tourism under the geography viewpoint of the coast and sea, and develope tourism resources after analyzing the identity of marine tourism base. Second, the core part along the selected bases of marine tourism must be constructed the tourism terminal as the landmark of Busan in order to concentrate foreign tourist. Third, after each base of marine tourism must become the resort for tourists, they are able to experience the activity of marine tourism in this resort. Therefore, each base must be specialized. Fourth, each base must be connected with the route of marine tourism Fifth, in order to overcome the off-season of marine tourism, winter tourism goods such as skates, skis, artificial sea-bathing pool, artificial swimming beach, artificial sled, artificial rock wall of coast, hot spring resort of salt water are required to be developed in the center of marine tourism base.

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Development of 1.0 Tesla Compact MRI System (1.0 Tesla 자기 공명 진단 장치의 개발)

  • Lee, H.K.;Oh, C.H.;Ahn, C.B.;Chang, Y.H.;Shin, D.W.;Lee, K.N.;Jang, K.H.
    • Proceedings of the KOSOMBE Conference
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    • v.1996 no.11
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    • pp.129-134
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    • 1996
  • 1차 년도 G-7 개발 과제로 수행된 자기 공명 진단 장치 (Magnetic Resonance Imaging System)의 개발 내용을 간략히 소개하였다. 성공적인 IT Compact 자기 공명 진단 장치의 완성을 위해 일차적으로 (1)RF (고주파), Gradient(경사 자계), Spectrometer 등의 Hard-ware 관련 MRI 핵심부분, (2) RF, Gradient, Spectrometer, Magnet 등의 각 Sub-system을 연결, 조합, 조정하여 하나의 체계적인 시스템으로 통합하고 운영하는 과정(System Integration), (3)사용자와 시스템을 연결하는 User Interface, Data Base Management, Real time 운영 SW 등과 (4)임상에 적용하여 구체적인 성능과 효용성을 확인하는 기술 등에 대하여 집중 연구하였다. 개발 방법은 (1)지난 16년간 국내에 축적 된 연구 개발 인력들을 최대한 활용하고 (2)연구 개발을 국제화 시켜 필요한 경우 부분별로 개발 인력을 해외에서 보완하고 (3)소수 정예 전문 인력 주의와 요소 기술 또는 중요 부품을 경쟁성 검토 후 필요 시 Out-sourcing 활용으로 최저의 비용으로 개발 기간을 최소화 하는 데 두었다. 개발된 1.0Tesla자기 공명 영상 장치는 미국 물리 학회에서 규격화한 Phantom및 임상 적용을 통하여 서울대 의대 연구 팀과 지속적으로 성능을 평가해 왔다. 개발된 시스템의 해상도는 $256{\times}256$ head 영상에서 1mm 이 하의 해상도를 가짐을 resolution phantom 을 통하여 확인할 수 있었고, $512{\times}512$ 영상에서 는 약 0.5 mm 의 물체를 분리 해냄으로써 외제 시스템들 보다 우수하게 평가 되었다. 차폐 경사코일의 Eddy current영향은2%이내로 촬영 시 영향은 거의 무시할 수 있었다. 또한, 개발된 영상 기법들, 즉 Multislice/Multi Echo, Oblique angle imaging, 64 Echo train을 갖는 고속 촬영 기술들이 자기 공명 장치에 장착되어 임상 적용에 문제가 없도록 하였다. 또한 20mT/m/Amp의 강력한 능동 차폐 경사 자계 코일(Active Shield Gradient Coil)을 기본 사양으로 하고, 수신단을 최대 6개로 확장토록 하여 2차년도의 초고속 촬영 기법(EPI) 및 Phased Array 코일 촬영이 가능토록 하였다. 1차 년도 개발 과제 수행 결과와 향후 개발 과제를 바탕으로 최종 목표인 국제 경쟁력이 있는 자기 공명 진단 장치 즉 기능과 영상의 질은 선진국 제품과 동일하거나 우수하되, 저가격을 구현한 상용화 제품이 완성되어, 첨단 의료기기로서 산업 구조 고도화에 기여하고 수입대체 뿐만 아니 라 수출을 통한 국익 창출과 국가의 기술을 통한 위상 제고에 기여되길 기대한다.

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Development of TLCSM Based Integrated Architecture for Applying FRACAS to Defense Systems (국방 무기체계 FRACAS 적용을 위한 TLCSM 기반 통합 아키텍처 구축)

  • Jo, Jeong-Ho;Song, Hyeon-Su;Kim, Bo-Hyeon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.190-196
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    • 2020
  • FRACAS(Failure Reporting, Analysis and Corrective Action System) has been applied in various industries to improve the reliability of the systems. FRACAS is effective in improving reliability by repeating failure analysis, proper corrective action, and result verification for identified failures. However, FRACAS has many limitations in terms of process, data collection and management to be integrated into the existing development environment. In the domestic defense industry, studies on the development of FRACAS system and process improvement have been conducted to solve the difficulties of applying FRACAS, but most of them are concentrated in the operation/maintenance phase. Since FRACAS should be conducted in consideration of TLCSM(Total Life Cycle System Management), it is necessary to study the reference architecture so that FRACAS can be applied from the early design phase. In this paper, we studied the TLCSM-based integrated architecture considering the system life cycle phases, FRACAS closed-loop process, and FRACAS essentials in order to effectively apply FRACAS throughout the life cycle of defense systems. The proposed architecture was used as a reference model for FRACAS in a shipboard combat system.

An Analysis on the Title Sequence of Disney Full-length Animation (디즈니 장편애니메이션 타이틀 시퀀스 분석)

  • Kim, Seol-Mi;Kim, Kyu-Jung
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.39
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    • pp.183-214
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    • 2015
  • For a long time, Disney has made animations including world views such as family-focused, conservative ideology, happy ending, etc. for families. Periodical situation and spectators' demands have been changed little by little, but Disney is still a company who is the most successful both nominally and virtually in animation industry. For the secrets of their success, there is fantasy world of fabricated animation, thoroughly organized story and image. When spectators watch animations, their sufficient immersion in the fantasy is to let them forget realities. In the introduction of Disney animations, spectators turn off the switch of realities and turn on the switch of fantasy world through the procedure to recognize and confirm virtual world sufficiently. In the switch of the introduction used frequently by Disney, there are four methods. First is to start while opening the cover of storybook. Second is to start while storyteller gives a talk directly. Third is to start with live action film and continue to animation. Fourth is musical method. Those four switches play a role of the gate which distinguishes spectators' realities from Disney's fantasy clearly. The process makes an opportunity to set spectators who feel uneasy due to the vague boundary between realities and fantasy at ease and let them immerse in animation sufficiently with mind at ease.

Health and Environmental Risk Assessment of Pollutants in Pohang (포항지역 오염물질 보건.환경 위해성 평가 -미세먼지의 발생특성 및 농도분포를 중심으로-)

  • Jung, Jong-Hyeon;Choi, Won-Joon;Leem, Heon-Ho;Shon, Byung-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.11 no.7
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    • pp.2719-2726
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the scientific basic grounds for the assessment of health and environmental diseases resulting from air pollutants in Pohang. For this study, we investigated pollutants, weather characteristics and concentration distribution of fine particles ($PM_10$) yearly and each season, using data from Air Quality Monitoring Stations. The properties of concentration distribution and seasonal fluctuation of $PM_10$ were studied qualitatively and quantitatively using CALPUFF, air dispersion model. The average concentration of $PM_10$ for each season was spring($75.7{\mu}g/m^3$)>summer($56.8{\mu}g/m^3$)>winter($53.6{\mu}g/m^3$)>fall( $52.7{\mu}g/m^3$). In the case of spring, high concentrations appear due to the Asian dust frequently occurring. The contributions of $PM_10$ classified by the types of pollution source in Pohang were point source 62%>mobile source 33%>area source 5%. An important point is that 97% of emissions were produced from the iron manufacture in steel industry. Therefore, it is necessary to control the emission sources of pollutants and to construct an observation system at Pohang steel industrial complex from now on. It’s time to control the risk factors for health and environmental disease to protect the health of resident in Pohang and its neighboring areas.