• Title/Summary/Keyword: 사회적 관계공간(社會關系空間)

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Analysis of Heavy Rain Hazard Risk Based on Local Heavy Rain Characteristics and Hazard Impact (지역 호우특성과 재해영향을 고려한 호우재해위험도 분석)

  • Yoon, Jun-Seong;Koh, June-Hwan
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.37-51
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    • 2017
  • Despite the improvement in accuracy of heavy rain forecasting, socioeconomic costs due to heavy rain hazards continue to increase. This is due to a lack of understanding of the effects of weather. In this study, the risk of heavy rain hazard was analyzed using the concepts of hazard, vulnerability, and exposure, which are key concepts of impact forecast presented by WMO. The potential impacts were constructed by the exposure and vulnerability variables, and the hazard index was calculated by selecting three variables according to the criteria of heavy rain warning. Weights of the potential impact index were calculated by using PCA and hazard index was calculated by applying the same weight. Correlation analysis between the potential impact index and damages showed a high correlation and it was confirmed that the potential impact index appropriately reflects the actual damage pattern. The heavy rain hazard risk was estimated by using the risk matrix consisting of the heavy rain potential impact index and the hazard index. This study provides a basis for the impacts analysis study for weather warning with spatial/temporal variation and it can be used as a useful data to establish the local heavy rain hazard prevention measures.

Forest Vegetation Units and Landscape Structures of Mt. Inwang in Seoul, Korea (인왕산(仁王山)의 산림식생단위(山林植生單位)와 경관구조(景觀構造))

  • Cho, Hyun-Je;Cho, Jae-Hyong;Lee, Chang-Seok
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.88 no.3
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    • pp.342-351
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    • 1999
  • The forest vegetation developing on Mt. Inwang, an isolated forestland in Seoul, Korea was analyzed phytosociologically and its spatial distribution mapped out. Using the vegetation map, The characteristics of landscape structures in terms of the number and size of patches are discussed. Forest vegetation of the study area was classified into ten communities, ten groups, and eighty subgroups. Landscape element types were classified into secondary forests, relict communities, introduced plantations, and other elements including urbanized area. Pinus densiflora community, natural forest and Robinia pseudo-acacia community, plantation, formed matrix and some secondary forest elements, relict communities and the ether plantations of small size tended to distribute as small patches in such matrix. The number of patches per unit area in secondary forest elements was more than that in plantation elements. The result in patch size was vice versa. The vascular plant species richness of the landscape element types in Mt. Inwang was found to he positively related to their size. As the results of landscape ecological analyses, it was estimated that differentiation of patches recognized in community level would be related to human interference a and those in subordinate levels to natural process such as progression of succession.

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The Economic Impact of the May 18 Democratic Uprising on the Regional Economy: A Synthetic Control Method (SCM) approach (5·18민주화운동이 지역경제에 미친 경제적 영향 분석: 통제집단합성법(SCM)을 이용한 접근)

  • Ryu, Deockhyun;Seo, Dongkyu
    • Analyses & Alternatives
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.155-183
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to econometrically analyze the negative impact of the May 18 Democratic Uprising on the Gwangju/Jeonnam regionional economy using the Synthetic Control Method (SCM). The SCM SCM is a methodology similar to the difference-in-difference(DID) method of microeconometrics. It is applied to macroeconomic variables such as country, region, etc. to estimate the causal relationship between specific events and the dependent variable. In this study, as of 1980, local tax revenue data of metropolitan local governments were used as a proxy variable for the economy of the region, and the impact of the May 18 Democratic Uprising on the economy of Gwangju/Jeonnam region was analyzed through various socio-economic indicators. In this study, data were used to analyze from 1971 to 2000, and as a result of empirical analysis, local tax revenues in Gwangju/Jeonnam area were less collected than normal routes up to 17%. In addition, the significance of this analysis was confirmed through in-time placebo effect analysis and in-space placebo effect analysis, which are methods of analyzing the robustness of the control group synthesis method.

The Consolidation and Implementation of Green Infrastructure Policy in Urban Spatial Planning - Focused on the London Plan & the All London Green Grid - (그린 인프라스트럭처 정책의 확대와 적용 - 런던플랜과 런던 그린그리드를 중심으로 -)

  • Yoon, Sang-Jun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.83-95
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    • 2016
  • Strategies for parks and open spaces in the 21st century have moved from focusing on specific elements, such as quantitative growth and ecological and recreational aspects, to green infrastructure, which refers to a multi-functional network of open and green spaces offering a range of benefits. In the case of London, green infrastructure is realised as an integral part of urban infrastructure, involving physical and social infrastructure as well as practical spatial planning at the local level within statutory urban planning as part of a continuously developing green infrastructure framework with a theoretical basis. Taking this perspective, the present study looks at alterations to and developments in green infrastructure policies in the London Plan, the green grid framework as detailed in the city's strategic implementation of green infrastructure. Various trends and characteristics of the policies adopted in the London Plan and some implications are deduced, with three main results being identified. The first is a clear division of roles among the national government, Greater London Authority and borough councils, with local plans established under the guidance of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and the London Plan. Green infrastructure policies in the London Plan have been applied at a high rate in the boroughs' local plans, which leads to another, linked point. Secondly, green infrastructure policies and the green grid as an implementation framework have been consistently extended and developed through consolidating the London Plan, despite the change of government. Finally, in order to achieve the London Plan, the Mayor of London implemented policies by partnership and supporting programmes for London boroughs. Recently, the Seoul Metropolitan Authority introduced a parks and green spaces development policy, but the London case remains a good example; this is because green infrastructure policies in London were not a manifesto pledge but rather have been continuously and consistently advanced regardless of party politics and thus realised as long-term planning.

A Study on the Users of the National Petition to CheongWaDae: Focused on their Motivations (청와대 국민청원 이용자 분석: 활용 동인을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Tae-Eun;Mo, Eun-Joung;Yang, Seon-Mo
    • Informatization Policy
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.92-114
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze people's motivations to use the National Petition service of CheongWaDae, the Presidential Office of Korea. The online space has been used as a testbed of deliberative democracy. In fact, a wide variety of public opinions are being formed and gaining sympathy through the E-Petitions and Daum's Agora. In this regard, President Moon's government launched a petition site to gather public opinions. For any petition agreed on by more than 20,000 people within 30 days, the relevant ministry or the President's office must provide answers or feedback. This study wants to figure out how this National Petition is different from previous platforms like Agora or E-Petitions and why it is so well-received by people. This study uses a mix of both qualitative and quantitative methods. First, we conducted a focus group interview to factorize experiences of using the National Petition into measurable constructs. Second, we did a survey o 156 Koreans who had experienced the National Petition. Results show that symbolism, usefulness, gratification, and trust have positive impact on continuous usage intention. This study argues that symbolism, usefulness, gratification, and trust factors should be in place rather than technical aspects in order to increase the actual participation of users on the online platform of deliberative democracy. In addition, this study is meaningful in that it examined how different the CheongWaDae's National Petition is from the existing platforms for collecting public opinions and analyzed factors that encourage continuous use.

Actual Condition & the Need of Education for Elderly Housing Education Perceived by Adolescents (청소년이 인식하는 중학교 노년기 주생활 교육 실태와 교육 필요도)

  • Lee, Young-Ja;Jang, Sang-Ock
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.59-75
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    • 2008
  • This study is designed to support the development and the teaching of revised curriculum of 2007 "Technology & Home Economics" by investigating the actual condition and the necessity of education for elderly housing education. Questionnaire survey was conducted with 488 high school students in Gyeongnam in 2008. The data analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, One-way ANOVA, Duncan's multiple range test by using SPSS 14 program. The results showed that most of the students were dissatisfied with their middle school education of elderly housing due to the lack of interesting and practical contents. Thus, various teaching-learning methods where student can experience and experiment is needed. Also, the students demanded more of factors of elderly housing, spacing plan, elderly welfare service and less of three-generation housing and senior housing in their elderly housing education. The needs of education contents differed among students depending on variables such as sex, graduated middle school, household income, dwelling space and length of residential years. Therefore, revised 2007 curriculum of "Technology & Home Economics" should include required contents in related chapters. Because there are significant differences among textbooks about elderly housing, further attention needs to be paid to the new textbooks in order to include education contents evenly. At the same time, teachers should organize their teaching contents considering the divergence of variables. The effect of elderly housing education will be maximized if the revised curriculum consists of more experimental activities such as elderly simulation in the local community.

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Accessibility Analysis in Mapping Cultural Ecosystem Service of Namyangju-si (접근성 개념을 적용한 문화서비스 평가 -남양주시를 대상으로-)

  • Jun, Baysok;Kang, Wanmo;Lee, Jaehyuck;Kim, Sunghoon;Kim, Byeori;Kim, Ilkwon;Lee, Jooeun;Kwon, Hyuksoo
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.367-377
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    • 2018
  • A cultural ecosystem service(CES), which is non-material benefit that human gains from ecosystem, has been recently further recognized as gross national income increases. Previous researches proposed to quantify the value of CES, which still remains as a challenging issue today due to its social and cultural subjectivity. This study proposes new way of assessing CES which is called Cultural Service Opportunity Spectrum(CSOS). CSOS is accessibility based CES assessment methodology for regional scale and it is designed to be applicable for any regions in Korea for supporting decision making process. CSOS employed public spatial data which are road network and population density map. In addition, the results of 'Rapid Assessment of Natural Assets' implemented by National Institute of Ecology, Korea were used as a complementary data. CSOS was applied to Namyangju-si and the methodology resulted in revealing specific areas with great accessibility to 'Natural Assets' in the region. Based on the results, the advantages and limitations of the methodology were discussed with regard to weighting three main factors and in contrast to Scenic Quality model and Recreation model of InVEST which have been commonly used for assessing CES today due to its convenience today.

Flexible Specialization: A New Paradigm for Modern Industrial Society ? (柔軟的 專門化(Flexible Specialization) : 현대 産業社會의 새로운 패러다임 ?)

  • Lee, Deog-An
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.148-162
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    • 1993
  • There is much speculation that modern capi-talist society is undergoing fundamental and qualitative chnge towards flexible specialization. The purpose of this study is to examine this hypothesis. This paper focusses on: the idea of flexible specialization; the significance of this transition; industrial district; and the implicati-ons of this new production system for Korean industrial space. Main arguments of this study are as follows: First, as all different groups of researchers apply the idea of flexible specialization according to their own specifications, the current debate on this topic is not much fruitful. Not surpri-singly, the concept of flexible specialization has overlapped with subocontracting. This intergration of subcontracting into flexible specialization systems, however, is inappropriate because the two concepts have different historical contexts. The other cause of this controversy is its inherent weekness, conceptual ambiguity. Thus, today's flexibility becomes tomorrow's rigidity. Secondly, transition towards flexible speciali-zation has only been partially achieved even in advanced capitalist countries. The application of dualistic explanatory framework, such as rigidity versus flexibiity, mass production versus small-lot multi-product production, and de-skilling versus re-skilling, has resulted in great exaggeration of the transformation, from Fordism to post-Fordism. There is no intermediary part between two places. Considering that the workers allocated to the Fordist mass production assembly line are not as large as one might imagine, the shift from mass to flexible production has only limited implications for the transformation of capitalist economy. Thirdly, 'industrial district' contorversy has contributed to highlighting the importance of small firms and areas as production space. The agglomeration of small firms in specific areas is common in Korea, but it is quite different from the industrial district based on flexible specialization. The Korean phenomenon stems from close interactions with its major parent firm rather than interactions between flexible, specialized, autonomous and technology-intensive smll firms. Most Korean subcontractors are still low-skilled, labour-intensive, and heavily dependent on their mojor parent firms. Thus, the assertion that the Seoul Metropolitan Area adopts flexible specialization has no base. Fourthly, the main concern of flexible speciali zation is small firms. However, the corporate organization that needs product diversification and technological specialization is oligopolistic large corporations typified by multinational corporations. It is because of this that most of these organizations are adoptiong Fordist mass production methods. The problem of product diversification will be resolved naturally if economic internationalization progresses further. What is more important for business success is the quality and price competitiveness of firms rather than product diversification. Lastly, in order to dispel further misunderst-anding on this issue, it is imparative that the conceptual ambiguity is resolved most urgently. This study recommends adoption of more speci-fied and direct terminology (such as, factory automation, computer design, out-sourcing, the exploitation of part-time labor, job redesign) rather than that of ideological ones (such as, Taylorism, Fordism, neo-Taylorism, neo-Fordism, post-fordism, flexible specialization, peripheral post-Fordism). As the debates on this topic just started, we still have long way to go until consensus is reached.

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A study on factors affecting high school students of school violence - Focusing on personality factors - (고등학생의 학교폭력에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구 : 인성요인을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Jung-Duk;Chang, Jeong-Hyeon
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.42
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    • pp.393-422
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    • 2015
  • The school is committed to the role of public education for the effective development of student academic achievement and intellectual ability. It is also a space to expand the range of care and understanding for others with as a member of the academic community as well. However, the reality of our country schooling has been pointed out that if a lot about the lack of character education related to the attitude of life care for others and feel a sense of responsibility. An individual is not necessarily emotional intelligence There are side out, as well as grow into adults, schools are obliged to teach a variety of methods associated with it. Nevertheless, education is not of the country beyond the formal excessive administrative work or other activities due to the process of character education to neglect, including the work of teachers. Therefore, students brought the expansion of the act that should not, and eventually lead to serious social issues that directly harm others, such as school violence. Therefore, students brought the expansion of the act that should not, and eventually lead to serious social issues that directly harm others, such as school violence. This study is based on an act of juvenile delinquency and criminology education was to refine the concept of toughness and validate the relationship between school violence through empirical research. Accordingly, from July 1, 2013 September 31, 2013 to 277 high schools across the country are attending the third year of the schools available for non-response and analysis of the students who participated in the admission and simulated typical presentation of K University in Gyeonggi-do not judge students in the final analysis, except for the data and data from a total of 1045 patients were utilized. As a result, many schools have experienced violence, male student work can be applied to a lot of rock school violence was experienced. Also, a lot of experience can be applied to a healthy student rock school violence, anger-control and empathy, this is considered a low student showed consciousness experienced school violence exerted.

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A Study on the View on Nature in Ch'o-Jung's Three-Verse Poems(Sijo) (초정(艸丁) 김상옥(金相沃) 시조(時調)에 나타난 자연관(自然觀))

  • Choi, Heung-Yeol
    • Sijohaknonchong
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    • v.30
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    • pp.263-300
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    • 2009
  • Adoration for nature constitutes one of the primary subjects that literature has tackled since the origin of human history. Nature expressed through a poet's subjective imagination is the internalized and reorganized nature. This study examines the view on nature enacted in Ch'o-Jung's three-verse poems (sijo) in light of the traditional views on nature implicated in the ancient three-verse poems (koshijo), which is in line with the long-established Oriental view on nature. To dignitaris(sadaebu) in the Chosun Dynasty, nature appeared as the idealistic subject for moral culture ($shims{\breve{o}}ngsuyang$), which also becomes the literary space where the purity and justice of the world view of Neo-Confucianism(Sungrihak) is contained in the form of the three-verse poem, the lyrical poetic space where the "I" is united with nature by way of "enjoying of wind and moon"($umpungnongw{\breve{o}}i$) and "living in quiet retiremen"($yuyuchaj{\breve{o}}k$), and the object for the poetical perception of the surrounding world. Ch'o-Jung' s three-verse odes are found in Reed pipe ($Ch'oj{\breve{o}}k$), Sixty Five Pieces of Three-Verse Odes (Samhaengshi-$yukshipopy{\breve{o}}n$), Autumn Fragrance ($Hyangginam{\check{u}}n-ga{\check{u}}l$), and The Words of Zelko va Tree ($N{\check{u}}tinamu{\check{u}}i-mal$). This study analyzes 212 pieces of Ch'o-Jung' s three-verse poems chosen from theses books. In Ch'o-Jung's poems, the traditional view on nature expressed in the ancient three-verse poems is rendered in such a way that metaphysical understanding of nature is indirectly transmitted through the objective correlatives found nature. Nature is no longer the object of straightforward utterance, but transformed, displaced, and removed: that way, nature gets objectified to form a complicated and multi-layered structure. In conclusion, the view on nature manifested in Ch'o-Jung's three-verse poems is based on traditional metaphysics. Second, nature is the object of lyrical nostalgia and adoration. Third, nature is imbued with the fundamental affection for parents. Fourth, nature is associated with organic life. Fifth, the nature in Ch'o-Jung's poems reveals the beauty of stillness endorsed in Lao-tse's and Chung-tze's philosophy. And last, nature is the agent for self-realization and meditation.

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