• Title/Summary/Keyword: 사회적 관계공간(社會關系空間)

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Determinants of Residence Intention and Its Policy Implications in Urban-Rural Complex Area : Focusing on the Endogeneity Between Regional Identity and Residence Intention (도농복합시 거주민의 거주의향 결정요인과 그 시사점 : 지역정체성과 거주의향 간의 내생성을 중심으로)

  • Yi, Hyang-Mi
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.8
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    • pp.610-617
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    • 2019
  • The urban-rural complex area in Korea has a distinctive spatial structure where the urban area and rural area coexist. Therefore, in order to cope with the over-depopulation in the rural region of the urban-rural complex area, it is necessary to explore various policies that can prevent the existing residents from leaving, and in fact support them to remain where they currently reside. In this context, this current study analyzed the factors affecting the existing residents' continuous intention to remain by employing the '2017 Chuncheon City Social Survey' as a countermeasure for the over-depopulation of the rural region in the urban-rural complex area. Especially, since a regional identity is determined endogenously, this study used a simultaneous bivariate ordered probit model with giving consideration to the endogenous relationship between a regional identity and a regional residents' intentions. As a result, it was found on analysis that the regional residential intention was higher as the regional identity was stronger. Furthermore, the regional identity was stronger as a householders' age and residence period were longer, and also as the residents were satisfied with their work leisure and life residence balance. It was also found that the residents' intention was higher as the residents' satisfaction with the local medical service and their work was increased. Thus, supporting policy is needed that can provide appropriate quality-of-life services in a timely manner, but only after identifying the demand for these services by the rural residents in the urban-rural complex area.

Evaluation of flash drought characteristics using satellite-based soil moisture product between North and South Korea (위성영상 기반 토양수분을 활용한 남북한의 돌발가뭄 특성 비교)

  • Lee, Hee-Jin;Nam, Won-Ho;Jason A. Otkin;Yafang Zhong;Xiang Zhang;Mark D. Svoboda
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.57 no.8
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    • pp.509-518
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    • 2024
  • Flash drought is a rapid-onset drought that occurs rapidly over a short period due to abrupt changes in meteorological and environmental factors. In this study, we utilized satellite-based soil moisture product from the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer-2(AMSR2) ascending X-band to calculate the weekly Flash Drought Intensity Index (FDII). We also analyzed the characteristics of flash droughts on the Korean Peninsula over a 10-year period from 2013 to 2022. The analysis of monthly spatial distribution patterns of the irrigation period across the Korean Peninsula revealed significant variations. In North Korea (NK), a substantial increase in the rate of intensification (FD_INT) was observed due to the rapid depletion of soil moisture, whereas South Korea (SK) experienced a significant increase in drought severity (DRO_SEV). Additionally, regional time series analysis revealed that both FD_INT and DRO_SEV were significantly high in the Gangwon province of both NK and SK. The estimation of probability density by region revealed a clear difference in FD_INT between NK and SK, with SK showing a higher probability of severe drought occurrence primarily due to the high values of DRO_SEV. As a result, it is inferred that the occurrence frequency and damage of flash droughts in NK are higher than those in SK, as indicated by the higher density of large FDII values in the NK region. We analyzed the correlation between DRO_SEV and the Evaporative Stress Index (ESI) across the Korean Peninsula and confirmed a positive correlation ranging from 0.4 to 0.6. It is concluded that analyzing overall drought conditions through the average drought severity holds high utility. These findings are expected to contribute to understanding the characteristics of flash droughts on the Korean Peninsula and formulating post-event response plans.

The Study on the Plan to Introduce Traffic Inducement Security System in Korea (우리나라 교통유도경비 도입방안의 연구)

  • Kim, Tae-Hwan
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.23
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    • pp.21-39
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    • 2010
  • The dangerous impact on the traffic flows of cars is caused by no only the construction on the street but diverse construction sites. This in turn substantially influence on the citizens and pedestrians, thereby bring about the possibility of giant incidents. As the countermeasure for the problem in advanced countries, particularly in Japan "traffic inducement security system" has been implemented. It is analyzed that the death toll from traffic accidents has considerably declined. In the case of South Korea the system has not been administered but restrictively executed at some construction sites; however proceeding it with the lack of professionalism. The introduction of traffic inducement security system would be the opportunity for South Korea to make a progress in the safety culture such as traffic security and traffic jam. This study thus aims at analyzing the advanced countries' cases, conducting comparative analysis with Korea's scheme, and establishing the plan to adopt the traffic inducement security system. Through the output of this study followings were proposed as plans of introducing the traffic inducement security system. First of all, legal assessments regarding traffic inducement operation, for example adding the operation of the system into the category of security service, need to be preceded prior to its introduction secondly, the traffic inducement security is the institution which can contribute to the improvement of traffic safety, and also internalizing social cost. therefore, it needs to be equipped with the new qualification such as the instruction with the standardized traffic safety map, instruction system, curriculum and the publication of teaching materials. thirdly, the education for the guard should be proceeded with dividing academic and technical ones with specific curriculum. At the fourth, the securement of the venue for the driving training, the determination on technical instruction contents and the training professional instructor needs for the method of administration. In addition, the efforts on the overal standardization of traffic inducement security is necessary, and it also requires constant collaboration among private security industry, academia, professionals, relavant research institutes, etc. At the last but the least, henceforth it is prerequisite that the networking system with a diverse array of associated entities due to its social ripple effect and job creation effect.

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A Study of the Effect of Port Characteristics on the Growth of Port Cities -Based on Pyeongtaek and Gwangyang Ports- (항만입지특성이 항만도시성장에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 -평택항과 광양항을 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Jeoungho;Choi, Byungdae
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.163-185
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    • 2014
  • The growth of a city requires substantial resources, an appropriate environment, and the alignment of several factors. City growth also evolves through changes in its history, culture, economics, societies, groups, and government systems. However, current port city development plans designed to encourage the growth of local businesses fail to provide the support needed for both the city and businesses. The recent actions of urban administrations and federal and local governments have revealed that they have yet to create a mature decentralized management system, or perhaps have ignored the reality of needing one. Taking a clear look at the differences between port regions, such as Gwangyang and Pyeongtaek, and understanding their effect on city growth would be a prudent course of action when preparing for future developments. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between ports and cities by analyzing the effect of port characteristics on nearby city growth. This study used a comparison analysis to determine how port characteristics affected the growth of Pyeongtaek and Gwangyang. One result of this analysis showed that an increase in the number of goods being imported or exported had a positive effect on the growth of both port cities, In this respect, an aggressive plan and cooperation between the federal and local government should occur simultaneously. Furthermore, efficient local policies that focus on the increase of personnel and material resources should be pursued as a standard strategy, which would also promote the international status of these locations. The results of this study show the importance of government cooperation. The federal government should lead with aggressive strategies that aim to optimize efficiency, while the local government should provide the necessary assistance and coordination in order to achieve optimal results.

Restorative Effects of Natural Landscape on University Students' Stress Reduction and Cognitive Enhancement (대학생들의 스트레스 해소와 인지향상에 미치는 자연경관의 치유효과)

  • Yi, Young Kyoung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.127-137
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    • 2015
  • Recent research has shown that university students experience severe stress and depleted directed attention due to study, social relationships, and economic dependency. Based on the stress reduction theory and the attention restoration theory, this study aims to investigate the effects of natural landscape on university students' stress and cognitive performance through a wide array of measurements including GSR(galvanic skin responsse), IBI(interbeat interval), ZIPERS(Zucherman Inventory of Personal Reactions), and mental arithmetic test. The restorative effects of natural landscape were compared with those of urban landscape. 128 university students participated in the study, and the data of 120 students was analyzed. The results showed that natural landscape was more restorative in relieving psychological stress and in enhancing cognitive performance than urban landscape, which evidenced the restorative effects of natural landscape. Therefore, it could be proposed that natural landscaping of the university campus contributes to students' stress reduction and cognitive enhancement. But such effects were not found in the two physiological measures(both GSR and IBI). Moreover, it was analyzed that urban landscape had a more beneficial effect than natural landscape for IBI, which might resulted from the participants' characteristics and the study landscape. Specifically, the young age span of the participants(average 23.8 years old) and the very natural setting of the university where they were enrolled might lead to the conflicting results in physiological measures. Also, the urban landscape used in the study had a sense of "scope", which is one of the Kaplan and Kaplan's restorative characteristics. Based on this opinion, it was suggested that future study should investigate the impact of the landscape type and contents as well as the participants' characteristics on the restorative effects of natural landscape.

From Frankenstein to Torture Porn -Monstrous Technology and the Horror Film (프랑켄슈타인에서 고문 포르노까지 -괴물화하는 테크놀로지와 호러영화)

  • Chung, Young-Kwon
    • Journal of Popular Narrative
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.243-277
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    • 2020
  • This paper examines a social and cultural history of horror films through the keyword "technology", focusing on The Spark of Fear: Technology, Society and the Horror Film (2015) written by Brian N. Duchaney. Science fiction film is closely connected with technology in film genres. On the other hand, horror films have been explained in terms of nature/supernatural. In this regard, The Spark of Fear, which accounts for horror film history as (re)actions to the development of technology, is remarkable. Early horror films which were produced under the influence of gothic novels reflected the fear of technology that had been caused by industrial capitalism. For example, in the film Frankenstein (1931), an angry crowd of people lynch the "monster", the creature of technology. This is the action which is aroused by the fear of technology. Furthermore, this mob behavior is suggestive of an uprising of people who have been alienated by industrial capitalism during the Great Depression. In science fiction horror films, which appeared in the post-war boom, the "other" that manifests as aliens is the entity that destroys the value of prosperity during post-war America. While this prosperity is closely related to the life of the middle class in accordance with the suburbanization, the people live conformist lives under the mantle of technologies such as the TV, refrigerator, etc. In the age of the Vietnam War, horror films demonize children, the counter-culture generation against a backdrop of the house that is the place of isolation and confinement. In this place, horror arises from the absolute absence of technology. While media such as videos, internet, and smartphones have reinforced interconnectedness with the outside world since the 1980s, it became another outside influence that we cannot control. "Found-footage" and "torture porn" which were rife in post-9/11 horror films show that the technologies of voyeurism/surveillance and exposure/exhibitionism are near to saturation. In this way, The Spark of Fear provides an opportune insight into the present day in which the expectation and fear of the progress of technology are increasingly becoming inseparable from our daily lives.

The Analysis of Urban Park Catchment Areas - Perspectives from Quality Service of Hangang Park - (한강공원의 질적 서비스와 이용자 영향권의 상관관계 분석)

  • Lee, Seo Hyo;Kim, Harry;Lee, Jae Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.49 no.6
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    • pp.27-36
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    • 2021
  • At a time when the equitable use of urban parks is gradually emerging as a social issue, this study was initiated to expand the influence of urban parks by improving the quality of park services, thereby resolving areas not covered by urban park services. This study targeted the Hangang Park in Seoul, where the qualitative service of parks shows the greatest difference. The influence relationship between the qualitative services of the park and the user's sphere of influence, which indicates the distribution of park users, was proposed to assess the influence of improvements in the quality of service. As a research method, the top three districts and the bottom three districts were selected through the Han River Park user satisfaction survey conducted from 2017 to 2019, and a qualitative service evaluation was carried out. It was derived using the data acquired in September. Afterward, by performing a spatial autocorrelation analysis on the user's sphere of influence, additional verification of the user's sphere of influence was performed numerically and visually. As a result of the study, the user influence in the top three districts, with high-quality service, was stronger and wider than that of the lower three districts. It was confirmed that the quality of service of the park affects the user influence. This shows that to realize park equity, it is necessary to improve the quality of services through continuous management and improvement of individual parks and the creation of new parks. This study has significance in that it recognizes the limitations of research on park services from a supplier's point of view and evaluates the qualitative services of parks from the perspective of actual park users. We propose an alternative to deal with the lower the park deprivation index.

A Study on Commemorative Landscape in Holocaust Concentration Camp Memorials of Germany and Poland (홀로코스트 강제수용소 메모리얼에 나타난 기념적 경관)

  • Lee, Sang-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.98-114
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    • 2017
  • This study analyzed the commemorative landscapes of eight Holocaust concentration camp memorials(HCCM) of Germany and Poland from a landscape architecture point of view including historical landscape, places and remains, and monuments. A site survey was conducted at Dahau concentration camp memorial(CCM) and Bergen-Belsen CCM of Germany in September of 2015 and the Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camp memorial(ECM), Majdanek ECM, Belzec ECM, Sobibor ECM, Treblinka ECM, Chelmno ECM of Poland in April of 2016. The results are as follows. First, the landscape of the concentration camp at Dahau CCM, Auschwitz ECM, and Majdanek ECM liberated by the Allied Forces was well conserved with the maintenance of camp facilities and the spatial structure of camps while monuments and memorials seized by sociopolitical argument were built with restriction. But Belzec ECM, Sobibor ECM, Treblinka ECM, and Chelmno ECM devastated and planted artificially to forest were overwhelmingly surrounded with natural landscape, and also, excavated relics and remains were preserved and the monuments were built at the place of memory. Second, gas chambers, crematoriums, guard posts, electric wire fences, railroads and ramps, barracks, and drainage ditches were considered to be typical facilities present in the camp structure and the gas chambers, crematoriums, human ashes, and mass graves demonstrated the horrible history of these camps and the railroad and ramp where Jewish prisoners arrived also had the strong sense of place. These remains were regarded as symbolic elements to create a memory of the tragedy and place. Third, commemoration of victims was applied as the basic concept and recalling the memory of the Holocaust was also considered very important content. Religious reconciliation and peace was represented at Dahau CCM and the Jewish identity was strongly expressed at Treblinka ECM and Belzec ECM representing the Jewish community and Judaism. Fourth, the monuments with semi-abstract styles and abstract sculptures represented the Holocaust symbolically and narratively and came into the conflict caused by the abstractness to the memorial landscape at Auschwitz-Birkenau ECM and Bergen-Belsen CCM. Fifth, remains for recalling the memory of tragedy and place and symbolic monuments to stand for public memory were juxtaposed at the same place and preserving on the authenticity of camp site had been conflicted with monumentalizing intentionally. Further study will required a concrete investigation of the monuments in the HCCM and an attempt to comparatively study the commemoration characteristics of memorials in Korea.

Why can't Newly-Married Household be independent of their Parents Household? (신혼부부 가구는 왜 독립적이지 못하는가? - 주거경제적 요인을 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Jonghoon;Lee, Seongwoo
    • Journal of the Korean Regional Science Association
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.31-47
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to identify determinants of economic aid regarding housing and cost of living for the newly-married households. This study applied the binary logit model to figure out the determinants of economic aid from their parents for the households. With utilizing the Newly-Married Housing Survey data in 2015, this study found that housing characteristics and level of housing expenditure leads to the economic aid from their parents. In particular, the housing price and transportation condition increase probability the financial aid from parents when the newly-married household starts their housing career. In addition, this study found that the items of housing expenditure increase the probability of economic aid for their cost of living. To improve the independence of newly-married household, the government should adopt the housing policy for stable housing price and alleviate the burden of housing expenditure. The significance of this study is analyzing the economic aid from their parents on newly-married household regarding housing economic issues and suggest the policy for independence of living from their parents.

Study of Emotional Communication Strategy of Storytelling through Social Media - Based on the "Bear and Hare" Commercial of John lewis - (소셜미디어를 활용한 감성 커뮤니케이션 전략 연구 - 존루이스 백화점의 "Bear and Hare" 광고를 중심으로-)

  • Lee, DongKeun;Yoon, YoungDoo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.11
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    • pp.29-37
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    • 2016
  • With the emergence of SNS, TV, newspapers and radio, which are one-way communication media, have become less important. Therefore social networking enables social networking beyond the constraints of time and space, and communication and emotional communication required for social relations have emerged as a factor in the importance of social media. Social media, which is based on rapid connectivity and scalability, is an medium of expression that is advantageous for companies and consumers to communicate more easily than traditional advertising media. Advertising can form a consensus that consumers and companies can create an atmosphere of friendly conversation because of the social media that has the efficiency of communication. This study compares two ads. One is the advertisement of 'Bear and Hare', an animation of John Lewis department store in the UK, where a new form of advertising marketing strategy is fused with emotional storytelling and social media. The second is an advertisement of LG, 'I love you LG' to be. Social media should be remembered as a warm and loving company in the heart of customers through open communication with customers, rather than companies that pursue merit profits by using social media ads as a medium of emotional transmission to consumers. It is a study on useful advertising strategy that can pursue the sales of the company at the same time.