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Study of Emotional Communication Strategy of Storytelling through Social Media - Based on the "Bear and Hare" Commercial of John lewis -  

Lee, DongKeun (강원대학교 산업대학원 디자인학과)
Yoon, YoungDoo (강원대학교 산업대학원 디자인학과)
Publication Information
With the emergence of SNS, TV, newspapers and radio, which are one-way communication media, have become less important. Therefore social networking enables social networking beyond the constraints of time and space, and communication and emotional communication required for social relations have emerged as a factor in the importance of social media. Social media, which is based on rapid connectivity and scalability, is an medium of expression that is advantageous for companies and consumers to communicate more easily than traditional advertising media. Advertising can form a consensus that consumers and companies can create an atmosphere of friendly conversation because of the social media that has the efficiency of communication. This study compares two ads. One is the advertisement of 'Bear and Hare', an animation of John Lewis department store in the UK, where a new form of advertising marketing strategy is fused with emotional storytelling and social media. The second is an advertisement of LG, 'I love you LG' to be. Social media should be remembered as a warm and loving company in the heart of customers through open communication with customers, rather than companies that pursue merit profits by using social media ads as a medium of emotional transmission to consumers. It is a study on useful advertising strategy that can pursue the sales of the company at the same time.
Social Media; Advertisement; Animation; Storytelling;
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  • Reference
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