• Title/Summary/Keyword: 사회부담

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An Analysis of Elements of the Information Literacy Process within Common Inquiry Tasks of Textbooks in Korean Middle Schools Social Studies (중학교 「사회」 교과서의 공통 탐구 과제에 포함된 정보활용과정 요소 분석)

  • Song, Gi-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.49 no.3
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    • pp.233-252
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze inquiry tasks of textbooks in middle schools social studies under the information literacy process and find out teacher librarians' educational information service on the side of information literacy education. Results of the analysis show that middle school students who carry out the inquiry tasks of social studies should select sources, seek its' related information and create their products through writing reports or presentation. Compared with information literacy process of the "Library and Information Skills", the First step of task definition and figuring out information needs and the Third step of representation of information are being implemented. For this reason, teacher librarian could reduce social studies teachers' burden of class and promote students' inquiry activities by teaching skills of suitable materials seeking strategies for solving their task, understanding and synthesizing the information and evaluating their process and result. Therefore, it is necessary to activate collaborative teaching between the teacher librarian and the social studies teacher based on the information literacy.

Impact of Indebtedness on the Risk of Domestic Violence (가계부채가 부부폭력의 위험에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Jung Min;Park, Ho Jun;Oh, Ukchan
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.48 no.4
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    • pp.33-57
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    • 2017
  • As there is a growing concern about the steady increase in the consumer debt and its potential consequences on individuals and families, this study examined the association between personal debt and the risk of domestic violence, which in this study is referred to as violence between man and woman who have a spousal relationship. We used the data from the Korea Welfare Panel Study collected from 2009 to 2016. We applied a generalized estimating equation approach for the analysis of panel data. The results show that the higher the ratio of personal debt to disposable income and the ratio of debt payment to disposal income is, the greater the risk of domestic violence. While the debt to income ratio played a role regarding was related to a heightened risk of domestic violence among the poor group, the debt payment to income ratio was associated with a higher risk of domestic violence among the non-poor group. Implications of the study were discussed.

The Changes in Goals and Contents of Geography Education according to the Structural Change of Integration in the Korean Social Studies Curriculum: The Case of the Middle School (우리나라 사회과교육과정의 통합구조 변화에 따른 지리교육의 목표와 내용 변화: 중학교를 중심으로)

  • Park, Sunmee
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.51 no.6
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    • pp.935-955
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    • 2016
  • This study aims to analyze the changes of goals and contents of middle school geography education following up the changes in the Korean social studies curriculum over time. The main findings are as follows. First, From the Syllabus period to the Third Curriculum, geography education, history education, general social studies education in the middle school social studies were directed and managed independently. However from the 4th to the 7th Curriculum, the demand for the virtual integration in middle school social studies increased sharply. Since 2009 revision, social studies suffered an identity crisis as integrated subject matter because history education was separated from the social studies and interdisciplinary units were abolished. In spite of much criticism, however, an odd form of social studies integrating geography and general social studies still remains. Second, the stronger the demand for the social studies integration in middle school, students' social studies learning load had become heavier due to severe competition with other areas to ensure more portion in the integrated structure of social studies. Since geography education did not reflect the new tendency of the geography in the integrated structure of middle school social studies, the gap between the geography and geography education has increased and knowledges of geography growing became separated from students' experience. In conclusion, the integrated structure of social studies in the middle school hindered the geography education development as it limited the autonomy of geography education in terms of curriculum development.

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A study on the effect of job demands on job satisfaction and turnover intention among medical social workers (의료사회복지사의 직무요구가 직무만족, 이직의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Eunjin;Nam, Seok In
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.48 no.2
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    • pp.233-266
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    • 2017
  • The problem of excessive job burdens and high turnover rates in the social welfare area has been dealt with for a long time. However, there is a lack of discussions on the issue of voluntary turnover of medical social workers. The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of job demands on medical social workers' turnover intentions and to verify the mediating effect of job satisfaction on the relationship between job demands and turnover intentions. Among the medical social workers registered in the Korean Association of Medical Social Workers, 188 respondents currently working in hospitals were used for data analysis. As research methods, frequency, descriptive statistics, correlate analysis, and logistic regression analysis were conducted by SPSS 22.0 version and SPSS Macro Process v.2.16. Finally, bootstrap was conducted to verify the significant mediating effect of job satisfaction. The findings are follows: extrinsic job satisfaction was found to have the full mediating effect between job demands and turnover intentions of medical social workers. In other words, job demands of medical social workers affect turnover intentions through extrinsic job satisfaction, but there is no direct effect of the job demand on the turnover intention. On the other hand, intrinsic job satisfaction did not mediate the relationship between job demands and turnover intentions. Based on the results, we suggested organizational and institutional implications for improving the job demands affected to low job satisfaction and turnover intention of medical social workers.

Assessment of Local Social Vulnerability in Facing Merapi Volcanic Hazard (메라피 화산재해에 대한 지역단위의 사회적 취약성 평가)

  • Lee, Sungsu;Maharani, Yohana Noradika;Yi, Waon-Ho
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.485-492
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    • 2014
  • In regards to natural disasters, vulnerability analysis is a component of the disaster risk analysis with one of its objectives as a basis for planning priority setting activities. The volcano eruption raises many casualties and property in the surrounding area, especially when the volcano located in densely populated areas. Volcanic eruptions cannot be prevented, but the risk and vulnerability can be reduced which involve careful planning and preparations that anticipate a future crisis. The social vulnerability as social inequalities with those social factors can influence the susceptibility of various groups to harm and govern their ability to respond. This study carried out the methods of Social Vulnerability Index (SoVI) to measure the socially created vulnerability of the people living in Merapi proximal hamlets in Central Java, Indonesia that refers to the socioeconomic and demographic factors that affect the resilience of communities in order to describe and understand the social burdens of risk. Social vulnerability captured here, using a qualitative survey based-data such as interviews to local people with random ages and background to capture the answer vary, also interviews to stakeholders to help define social vulnerability variables. The paper concludes that by constructing the vulnerability index for the hamlets, the study reveals information about the distribution and causes of social vulnerability. The analysis using SoVI confirms that this method works well in ensuring that positive values indicating high social vulnerability and vice versa.

An Analysis on Perception of Mothers about Career for Elementary Science-Gifted Children (초등과학영재 어머니들의 자녀 진로에 대한 인식 분석)

  • Kwon, Yoon-Ah;Kim, Hyo-Nam
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.577-586
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to try to structuralize the perception of the mothers of science-gifted elementary students using the concept mapping approach. The mothers who participated in this research had children who were 5th and 6th graders selected as science-gifted by a regional education office, a science high school and two national universities in a city. One of the authors interviewed 26 mothers, and extracted 50 general statements of their perceptions about the career path of their children. Ten mothers who participated in interviews sorted a shuffled pack of statement cards. The categorization of the statements into the dissimilarity matrix was carried out by SPSS multidimensional scaling analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis to generate a conceptual diagram. After that 140 mothers rated each statement using a Likert-type response scale from one to five. The result showed six clusters of parental views such as were 'Burden of private education, grades and going to the next grade,' 'Thinking about career guidance in gifted education and school,' 'Parental roles in child career education,' 'Difficulties in career guidance at home,' 'Demand for strengthening the parental capacity for career guidance,' and 'Demand for social support.' 'Demand for social support' obtained the highest sympathy from mothers of elementary science gifted.

Comparative Study on the Personal Assistance System for Persons with Disabilities in South Korea and Japan -Focusing on Self-Determination of People with Disabilities - (장애인활동 지원제도에 관한 한·일 비교 -장애인의 자기결정권 보장을 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Mi Jeong
    • 재활복지
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.1-26
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    • 2013
  • As the social development progress, social welfare policy for people with disabilities also advance to meet rights of people with disabilities. The personal assistance service(PAS) is the primary service system for persons with disabilities based on guaranteeing the self-determination. The purpose of this study was to compare the personal assistance service system between Japan and Korea to propose improvement plan for Korean system. The comparison of two countries was based on current situation analysis of PAS. The analysis on eligibility criteria, information referral, amount and type of services and service provider, appealing process and service fee deductible etc. The result showed that PAS in Korea is served according to administration convenience than personal need based. Korean PAS policies are limited to particular service amount and type of needed services to satisfy personal PAS need. Whereas, Japan PAS system is served on the philosophy of independent living paradigm and therefore, PAS is provided on personal service needs. The service emphasis is on self-determination and rights on service selection for persons with disabilities. The recommendation for improvement of PAS in Korea are as followed. First, PAS should served under independent living paradigm. Paradigm based service is important because it effects the main theme of PAS; the self determination and rights of service selection. Second, reconstruction of PAS system is needed. As it showed on analysis, eligibility criteria, information referral, amount and type of services and service provider, appealing process and service fee deductible need to be supplemented. Last, to better serve PAS, case management method should be apply. Case management would contribute to settlement of PAS system in Korea. Thru case management, participation opportunities of people with disabilities must be provided during the selection of service quantity and type of PAS.

The Effect of Community-Based Cognitive Stimulation Program on Cognitive Fincion and Subject Memory in the Elderly with Mild Cognitive Impairment (지역사회기반 인지자극 프로그램이 경도인지장애 노인의 인지기능과 주관적 기억에 미치는 영향)

  • Mi Young Kim;Woo Kuon Park
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.67-71
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of a community-based cognitive stimulation program on cognitive function and subjective memory in the elderly with mild cognitive impairment. This study was applied by selecting 15 users who understood the purpose of this study and agreed to participate in the shelter program for more than 3 months from April 2019 to August 2019 at the D Dementia Center in G located, Gyeonggi-do. The program consisted of a total of 36 cognitive stimulation programs 3 times a week a total of 3 months. Cognitive stimulation program stimulates cognitive function through various activities such as orientation reinforcement, cognitive training, recall, music, art, and physical play, and is used for the purpose of improving social function. It consists of folk songs, percussion instruments, national gymnastics, dance, games, and traditional games. As a result of the cognitive stimulation program, the average cognitive function increased by 2.13 points from 26.33 points before implementation to 28.46 points after implementation, and a statistically significant result was obtained (p=0.000). Subjective memory decreased by 3.53 points from the average of 7.13 points before the cognitive stimulation program was implemented to 3.60 points after the implementation, and a statistically significant result was obtained (p=0.000). It can be confirmed that this works. Dementia is leading to a cost burden, and congnitive function decreases the aqulity of life. It brings various burdens. It is necessary to study cognitive stimulation programs applied to various environments in the future.

Impacts of Health Insurance Coverage Expansion on Health Care Utilization and Health Status (건강보험 보장성 확대가 의료이용 및 건강수준에 미치는 영향)

  • Bae, Ji-Young
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.35-65
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between health insurance and health by evaluating the impacts of health insurance coverage expansion on health care utilization and health status. To analyze the causal relationship between health insurance and health, this study employed a "difference-in-difference method" that could compare changes in health care utilization and health status across groups in health insurance coverage expansion in 2005. The researcher predicted that the expansion of health insurance coverage would be an exogenous source of variation in the prices of health service use. First, the difference-in-differences estimator between 'illness group' and 'non-illness group' revealed that the increase in coverage of inpatient care services would result from the increases in the stay of length of 'non-illness group' rather than that of 'illness group'. However, the difference-in-differences estimator between 'serious illness group' and 'chronic illness group' identified that the policy change that focuses on expansion of the coverage for 'serious illness' effects on the increases in health care utilization and promotion of health status. In summary, the changes of health insurance coverage focusing on serious illness and inpatient care have positive effects on health care utilization and health status of serious illness group. But, 'non-illness groups' with acute illness receive more benefits from the policy change than 'illness group' with chronic illness.

The Introduction of the Japanese Public Long-Term Care Insurance as a Neo-Liberal Social Reform (신자유주의 사회개혁으로서의 일본 공적개호보험: 시행 5년간의 사회적 결과를 중심으로)

  • Cho, Young-Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.57 no.2
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    • pp.165-184
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    • 2005
  • Japan has remained a welfare laggard among advanced industrial democracies. Therefore, the introduction of the public long-term care insurance(koteki kaigo hoken in Japanese) in April of 2000 looks very unique in terms of the Japanese social security tradition, because it can be interpreted as the expansion of social security system and the weakening of the market power over the livelihood of the ordinary people. In the era of globalization, in which even the highly developed welfare states are forced to shrink their social security systems, Japan, a welfare laggard, looks like being headed to the opposite direction. This article aims to define the character of the public long-term care insurance, and thereby, to evaluate the recent social policy of the Japanese government. This study follows the social democratic model in the study of the welfare state development, which assumes that, under the condition of a weak social democratic party and a fragmented labor movement, the introduction of the long-term care insurance is not equal to the improvement of the Japanese social security system. The main argument of this article is that the long-term care insurance, notwithstanding its appearance as an expansion of public sphere, is part of market-oriented neo-liberal social reforms, which have remained the main feature of the Japanese social policies since the mid-1970's. For this, this study will do a longitudinal analysis on the social consequences of the long-term care insurance incurred to the Japanese social security system for the long-term care, focusing on the income redistribution, the marketization of long-term care sector and the changes in the financial burden of the government, social insurers and general citizens.

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