• Title/Summary/Keyword: 사진작업

검색결과 314건 처리시간 0.025초

Small Scale Digital Mapping using Airborne Digital Camera Image Map (디지털 항공영상의 도화성과를 이용한 소축척 수치지도 제작)

  • Choi, Seok-Keun;Oh, Eu-Gene
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • 제29권2호
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    • pp.141-147
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    • 2011
  • This study analyzed the issues and its usefulness of drawing small-scale digital map by using the large-scale digital map which was producted with high-resolution digital aerial photograph which are commonly photographed in recent years. To this end, correlation analysis of the feature categories on the digital map was conducted, and this map was processed by inputting data, organizing, deleting, editing, and supervising feature categories according to the generalization process. As a result, 18 unnecessary feature codes were deleted, and the accuracy of 1/5,000 for the digital map was met. Although the size of the data and the number of feature categories increased, this was proven to be shown due to the excellent description of the digital aerial photograph. Accordingly, it was shown that drawing a small-scale digital map with the large-scale digital map by digital aerial photograph provided excellent description and high-quality information for digital map.

Analysis of Caustics Effect for Photo-Realistic Rendering in 3D Data (3D Data의 사실적 렌더링을 위한 Caustics 효과 분석)

  • Kim Jong-Seo;You Kang-Soo;Kwak Hoon-Sung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • 제6권8호
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    • pp.175-183
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    • 2006
  • In computer graphics, according as the rapid development of hardware can realize high-resolution image on the monitor, the more natural and accurate rendering skill is needed gradually, and the studies about high-level rendering algorithm are processing. There are two types in rendering skill. The one is photo-realistic rendering to realize accurate image like photos and the other is real-time rendering to realize rapid real-time render. This paper includes caustics expression about lights and materials of several photo-realistic rendering skills. First this paper analyzes how caustics is used and expressed in movies, and further realizes caustics effect using real renderer. This paper examines objective criterion and capability of plug-in through the objective experiment of renderer. Also this paper analyzes using environment on variables for caustics effect realization. The experimental results can be applied to many rendering works as useful data, and can be used as data to understand characteristic and capability.

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3-D modeling and Application Methods for Urban Areas by Convergence of Topographical Spatial Contents (지형공간 콘텐츠 융합에 의한 도시 및 지역의 3차원 모델링 및 활용기법 연구)

  • Yeon, SangHo;Lee, Youngwook
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 한국콘텐츠학회 2009년도 춘계 종합학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.488-490
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    • 2009
  • The Spatial Image contents of Geomorphology 3-D environment is focused by the requirement and importance in the fields such as, national land development plan, telecommunication facility management, railway construction, general construction engineering, Ubiquitous city development, safety and disaster prevention engineering. The currently used DEM system using contour lines, which embodies geographic information based on the 2-D digital maps and facility information has limitation in implementation in reproducing the 3-D spatial city. Moreover, this method often neglects the altitude of the rail way infrastructure which has narrow width and long length. This As the results, We confirmed the solutions of varieties application for railway facilities management using 3-D spatial image contents and database design. Also, I suggested that U-city using topographical modeling about matching methods of high density elevation value using 3-D aerial photo with laser data are best approach for detail stereo modeling and simulation. There for of this, Using of rapid spatial information generation by various images and laser data through matching methods for the make of Spatial data base management inplementation are very powerful and much application of our life and real worlds.

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Classification and Recommendation of Scene Templates for PR Video Making Service based on Strategic Meta Information (홍보동영상 제작 서비스를 위한 전략메타정보 기반 장면템플릿 분류 및 추천)

  • Park, Jongbin;Lee, Han-Duck;Kim, Kyung-Won;Jung, Jong-Jin;Lim, Tae-Beom
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • 제20권6호
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    • pp.848-861
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, we introduce a new web-based PR video making service system. Many video editing tools have required tough editing skill or scenario planning stage for a just simple PR video making. Some users may prefer a simple and fast way than sophisticated and complex functionality. To solve this problem, it is important to provide easy user interface and intelligent classification and recommendation scheme. Therefore, we propose a new template classification and recommendation scheme using a topic modeling method. The proposed scheme has the big advantage of being able to handle the unstructured meta data as well as structured one.

People Re-identification: A Multidisciplinary Challenge (사람 재식별: 학제간 연구 과제)

  • Cheng, Dong-Seon
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • 제12권6호
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    • pp.135-139
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    • 2012
  • The wide diffusion of internet and the overall increased reliance on technology for information communication, dissemination and gathering have created an unparalleled mass of data. Sifting through this data is defining and will define in the foreseeable future a big part of contemporary computer science. Within this data, a growing proportion is given by personal information, which represents a unique opportunity to study human activities extensively and live. One important recurring challenge in many disciplines is the problem of people re-identification. In its broadest definition, re-identification is the problem of newly recognizing previously identified people, such as following an unknown person while he walks through many different surveillance cameras in different locations. Our goals is to review how several diverse disciplines define and meet this challenge, from person re-identification in video-surveillance to authorship attribution in text samples to distinguishing users based on their preferences of pictures. We further envision a situation where multidisciplinary solutions might be beneficial.

Qualitative Analysis of IT fused Mentorship Project Performance with Gifted Secondary Students in Information Science Class (정보 영재반 중학생들의 IT 융합 사사 프로젝트 수행에 관한 질적 분석)

  • Jun, Youngcook
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • 제19권4호
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    • pp.45-58
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    • 2016
  • This paper tried to analyze cases of one year team-based project of gifted students who spent two year programs in a math-IT integrated class as part of formative evaluation and extracted the factors associated with future enhancement for the program. The researcher as an advisory professor tried to guide the students as minimally as possible considering their levels of IT skills so that they could self-directedly perform the IT-fused project on a team basis. The data collection included documents, annual report, photos, video, artifacts and interview data with the students for the whole team project carried out between February and December, 2015. The overall pattern of the project activities has been stabilized in the middle of the course compared to the initial stages of brainstorming and design work even though the students revealed the differences of their programming skills and preferences toward the project theme. Their project outcomes were qualitatively analyzed according to the 9 steps of R&E model and has shown individual differences according to low, middle and high level. At the end, the analysis suggested several implications for further improvement of the mentorship program.

A detection algorithm for the installations and damages on a tunnel liner using the laser scanning data (레이저 스캐닝 데이터를 이용한 터널 시설물 및 손상부위 검측 알고리즘)

  • Yoon, Jong-Suk;Lee, Jun-S.;Lee, Kyu-Sung;SaGong, Myung
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.19-28
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    • 2007
  • Tunnel management is a time-consuming and expensive task. In particular, visual analysis of tunnel inspection often requires extended time and cost and shows problems on data gathering, storage and analysis. This study proposes a new approach to extract information for tunnel management by using a laser scanning technology. A prototype tunnel laser scanner developed was used to obtain point clouds of a railway tunnel surface. Initial processing of laser scanning data was to separate those laser pulses returned from the installations attached to tunnel liner using radiometric and geometric characteristics of laser returns. Once the laser returns from the installations were separated and removed, physically damaged parts on tunnel lining are detected. Based on the plane formed by laser scanner data, damaged parts are detected by analysis of proximity. The algorithms presented in this study successfully detect the physically damaged parts which can be verified by the digital photography of the corresponding location on the tunnel surface.

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The Evaluation of on Land Cover Classification using Hyperspectral Imagery (초분광 영상을 이용한 토지피복 분류 평가)

  • Lee, Geun-Sang;Lee, Kang-Cheol;Go, Sin-Young;Choi, Yun-Woong;Cho, Gi-Sung
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • 제44권2호
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    • pp.103-112
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    • 2014
  • The objective of this study is to suggest the possibility on land cover classification using hyperspectal imagery on area which includes lands and waters. After atmospheric correction as a preprocessing work was conducted on hyperspectral imagery acquired by airborne hyperspectral sensor CASI-1500, the effect of atmospheric correction to a few land cover class in before and after atmospheric correction was compared and analyzed. As the result of accuracy of land cover classification by highspectral imagery using reference data as airphoto and digital topographic map, maximum likelihood method represented overall accuracy as 67.0% and minimum distance method showed overall accuracy as 52.4%. Also product accuracy of land cover classification on road, dry field and green house, but that on river, forest, grassland showed low because the area of those was composed of complex object. Therefore, the study needs to select optimal band to classify specific object and to construct spectral library considering spectral characteristics of specific object.

The 3D Modeling Data Production Method Using Drones Photographic Scanning Technology (드론 촬영 기반 사진 스캐닝 기술을 활용한 3D 모델링데이터 생성방법에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Junsang;Lee, Imgeun
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • 제22권6호
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    • pp.874-880
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    • 2018
  • 3D modeling is extensively used in the field of architecture, machinery and contents production such as movies. Modeling is a time-consuming task. In order to compensate for these drawbacks, attempts have recently been made to reduce the production period by applying 3D scanning technology. 3D scanning for small objects can be done directly with laser or optics, but large buildings and sculptures require expensive equipment, which makes it difficult to acquire data directly. In this study, 3D modeling data for a large object is acquired using photometry with using drones to acquire the image data. The maintenance method for uniform spacing between the sculpture and the drone, the measurement method for the flight line were presented. In addition, we presented a production environment that can utilize the obtained 3D point cloud data for animation and a rendered animation result to find ways to make it in various environments.

Lessons from the Landscape Architecture of Ulsan World Cup Stadium (울산월드컵경기장 조경의 교훈)

  • Hong, Kwang-Pyo;Lee, Sang-Yun;Lee, Dong-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • 제30권5호
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    • pp.78-88
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    • 2002
  • 본 연구는 울산월드컵경기장의 조경현황을 분석함과 동시에 경기가 끝난 후에도 이곳을 찾는 이용자들의 요구를 수렴함으로써, 향후 경기장조경시에 적용할 수 있는 교훈을 얻기 위한 목적을 두고 진행되었다. 조경현황에 대한 분석 자료는 월드컵경기장 조경을 위한 시공보고서와 도면 및 사진 그리고 현장에서 수집한 제반 자료이며, 이용자요구는 현장에서 조사한 이용행태이다. 연구결과 2002월드컵대회에 대비해서 만들어진 울산월드컵경기장은 건축공간을 확보하는 과정에 서 대규모의 정지작업을 실시하여 과다한 지형변화가 발생하였으나, 친환경적인 법면의 처리와 향토식생의 도입 및 대형목 등의 이식을 통해서 자연과 친화될 수 있는 경관을 조성하고 있었다. 특히 기존의 옥동저수지를 보전.활용하여 친수공간을 확보한 것은 울산월드컵경기장조경에서 주목할만한 특징으로써, 기회요소를 지혜롭게 활용한 좋은 사례가 되고 있다. 한편, 울산월드컵경기장은 시민들이 부담 없이 여가공간으로 활용할 수 있는 공원적 기능이 체육시설에 접목됨으로써 기존의 경기장과는 달기 체육, 문화, 교육기능이 복합적으로 기능하는 세계적 수준의 체육공원으로 개발되었다. 또한, 울산이 가진 역사 문화적 요소를 상징적인 설계언어로 도입한 것은 역사적 장소성을 중시한 설계방법으로서 이것 역시 울산월드컵경기장조경의 특징으로 손꼽을 수 있는 것이다. 특히 울산월드컵경기장은 경기가 종료된 이후에도 시민들에게 적극적으로 개방되고 있으며, 시민공원의 성격으로 이용될 수 있는 다원적 기능을 가지고 있어서 주목되는 바가 컸다 이와 같은 경기장 건설의 개념은 공간의 이용을 시간적으로 확장하는 것으로서 향후 보다 적극적으로 도입되어야 할 현대적 개념의 공간이용으로 볼 수 있다. 연구결과 향후 울산월드컵경기장이 시민의 휴식과 문화공간으로서 보다 적극적으로 기능하기 위해서는 경기장은 물론 공원으로 이용되는 공간에 대한 철저한 유지관리와 운영관리에 대한 노력이 필요할 것으로 생각된다. 특히 자연환경이 훼손된 부분에 대해서는 원래의 생태적 질서가 회복될 수 있도록 더욱 노력하여야 할 것이다.