• Title/Summary/Keyword: 사슴과

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특집 II - 동북아시아 구제역 발생상황과 국내 발생 바이러스의 특징

  • Park, Jong-Hyeon
    • Journal of the korean veterinary medical association
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    • v.46 no.6
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    • pp.527-543
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    • 2010
  • 구제역은 소 돼지 사슴 면양 산양 고라니 노루 등 우제류 동물에서 발생하는 제1종 가축전염병으로 빠른 시간내에 동물의 입 발굽 젖꼭지 등에 수포를 형성하는 것이 특징이다. 감염된 소의 혓바닥, 잇몸, 입술, 입 내부점막, 주둥이에 크기가 다양한 수포가 형성된다. 심한 경우에 혀 전체 넓은 부위에서 궤양이 형성될 수 있다. 수포는 24시간이내에 정상적으로는 파열되며, 그 수포액은 $10^8/ml$의 역가를 갖는 바이러스를 함유한다. 상피가 떨어지고, 유연이 심해지며, 타액이 입 주변에 흔건히 흘러내린다. 입 주변 병변과 동시 또는 이어서 수포가 발굽에 형성되며, 부분적으로 발굽갓띠 또는 제부의 갈라진 틈에서 생성되어 통증과 파행의 원인이 된다. 수포는 보통 유두와 유방에 발생되며, 때로는 세균성 유방염을 발생시킨다. 생산성의 감소는 보통 25% 정도로 추정된다. 돼지는 초기에 파행, 발열, 의기소침, 식욕부진이 있다. 소 보다 발굽에서 더욱 증상이 심하다. 유두, 유선, 콧등에 수포가 형성된다. 혀의 병변은 소보다 심하지 않다. 잠복기가 2~14일 (소에서의 약 6.2일, 돼지에서는 약 10.2일)로 짧고, 전파가 매우 빠르며 경제적 피해가 크기 때문에 국제 교역에서도 규제대상이 되는 질병이다. 구제역의 병인체는 피코르나바이러스과 아프토바이러스속에 속하는 구제역 바이러스로 현재까지 7개의 혈청형(A, O, C, Asia 1, SAT 1, SAT 2 및 SAT 3)이 알려져 있다. 이 전염병은 동물전염병 중에서 가장 악명 높은 전염병이다. 세계동물보건기구 (OIE)에서도 각 국간에 국제적인 위협을 최소화하기 위하여 질병의 발생을 보고해야 하는 질병으로 특별 관리하고 있다. 2006년 이후 최근까지 아시아 지역에서 지속적으로 많은 발생을 보이고 있다. 금년 들어 중국, 대만, 일본, 몽골, 우리나라까지 발생되어 이 질병의 위험성에 대하여 다시 한번 생각하게 하였다. 구제역의 재발방지를 위하여 최근 동북아시아 지역의 발생상황과 향후 구제역의 발생억제 또는 발생시 긴급 대응을 위하여 해야 할 일은 무엇인지 알아보자.

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Prevalence of antibodies against bovine viral infectious diseases in farmed deer and wild water deer in Jeonbuk province (사육사슴 및 야생고라니의 소 바이러스성 전염병에 대한 혈청학적 연구)

  • Jo, Young-Suk;Chu, Keum-Suk;Lee, Jeong-Won;Camer, Gerry A;Chekarova, Irina;Seol, Min-Suk;Park, Hyun-Jong;Kim, Bum-Seok;Lim, Chae-Woong
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Service
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.111-117
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    • 2009
  • Farmed deer could be susceptible carrier to bovine viral infectious disease. But unfortunately, there has not been an overall study over this subject in Korea so far. Therefore, a study was conducted to see serum antibodies to bovine leukosis, food and mouth disease, bovine viral diarrhea and infectious bovine rhinotracheitis in deer using the sera of farmed deer. As a result, two deer in a farms showed positive in bovine leukosis antibodies, using ELISA. For wild water deer, no antibodies were found for those diseases. As a result, it can be assumed that deer were relatively low rate of exposure to highly contagious disease such as viral bovine infectious disease in Korea. As this study was conducted over limited in number of subject and regions, continued study should be carried out in order to prevent and control the interspecies transmission in the future.

Clinical sign and transmission of foot-and-mouth disease in deer, Review (사슴에서의 구제역 증상과 전파 가능성)

  • Park, Jong-Hyeon;Lee, Kwang-Nyeong;Kim, Su-Mi;Ko, Young-Joon;Lee, Hyang-Sim;Cho, In-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Service
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.97-103
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    • 2010
  • Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) commonly infects cloven-hoofed livestock animals such as cattle, pig, sheep, and goat and its clinical signs are well-known. Besides livestock, FMD can be transmitted among cloven-hoofed animals in the wild. FMD mostly affects livestock animals in farms, but, wild animals are likely to play a pivotal role in spreading the disease due to their way of free living. In the case of deer, the clinical signs of FMD vary widely from subclinical to severe infections. Thus, in some deer species, it may be hard to verify clinical signs of FMD. A deer may carry the virus up to 11 weeks after exposure, shedding the virus during the period. However, deer is not considered as a typical host for persistent infection like buffalo, cattle or sheep. In Korea, small-scale livestock farms which have less than 10 animals make up 63.6% of the entire livestock farms. Considering raising environment in deer farms, it is assumed that the risk of virus excretion and consequent transmission of FMD among deers is relatively lower than other cloven-hoofed animals. However, Sika deer and Elk which are typical deer species in Korea would manifest mild to subclinical symptoms upon FMD infection. Therefore, laboratory testing is necessary to confirm FMD in these animals because of difficulty in verifying clinical signs and the risk of virus shedding during inapparent infection.

Sectional Composition of Minerals in Domestic Deer Antler (국내산 녹용(Cervi parvum Cornu) 의 부위별 무기질 조성)

  • Kim, Hye-Young;Rhyu, Mee-Ra
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.31-36
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    • 2000
  • The mineral compositions were analysed of the tip and the upper section of dried domestic antlers. The upper section was divided longitudinally into four parts. The tip and the upper section were divided traversely into the velvet and the spongy bone layers. The contents of ash, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium increased (p<0.05), and those of manganese, zinc, copper and iron decreased (p<0.05) downward from the tip both in the velvet and the spongy bone layers. The contents of ash, calcium, phosphorus, manganese and zinc of the spongy bone layer were significantly (p<0.05) higher than those of the velvet layer. The tip, which is the growth center of the antler, had the significantly (p<0.05) lowest proportions of Ca/ash, Ca/P and Ca/Fe ratios both in the velvet and spongy bone layers.

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Organoleptic Characteristics of Frankfurter Sausage Made with Venison (사슴육으로 제조한 프랑크푸르터 소시지의 관능적 특성)

  • Kim, Jong-Uk;Baek, Gyung-Gyu;Lee, Nan-Hee;Choi, Won-Seok;Choi, Ung-Kyu
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.639-644
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the quality characteristics of frankfurter sausage made with venison. The crude protein content of sausage showed a significant increase pattern in the proportion to the addition of the venison. The crude fat content showed a decrease pattern. The saturated fatty acid significantly increased in proportion to the content of the venison. The monounsaturated fatty acids and the polyunsaturated fatty acids decreased with increasing the venison content. The content of the free amino acids increased in proportion to the amount of the venison added. The amino acid content of the pork sausage was in the order of Alanine > glycine > glutamic acid, and was similar in the sausages made from venison. The essential amino acids were 36.4% in FSV, higher than 34.0% in the pork sausages. In the sensory test, it was confirmed that the texture, taste, and overall acceptability increased with the addition of the venison. Because the sausages made from the venison were superior to the pork sausages in all of the measured sensory characteristics, it is considered that industrialization is sufficiently feasible.

The Economic Costs of Newly Diagnosed Lyme Disease (Lyme질환의 경제적 비용분석)

  • Pauly, M. V.;;Madaglia, M.
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.126-147
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    • 1994
  • Lyme 질환은 미국 코넷티컷주의 라임지방에서 관절염증상을 보이는 소아과환자에게서 1975년 처음 발견되었다, 사슴, 누루, 개 등에 기생하는 진드기에 의해 전염되며, 발병초기에는 감기증상을 수반한 황소의 눈과 비슷한 붉은 반점이 생긴다. 적기에 치료하지 않으면, 관절염, 심장질환, 안면신경마비 등으로 악화될 수 있다. 본 논문의 목적은 두가지로 나누어 볼 수 있다. 먼저, 진단초기의 Lyme질환과 관련된 의료 및 기타 경제적 비용을 저렴하게 계측할 수 있는 방법론을 개발하고 그 유효성을 검증하는 것이다. 둘째로 lyme질환의 비용에 대한 여러종류의 총괄적 계측치를 제공하고 발병의 위험요인을 색출하는 것이다. 본 논문에서는 차트분석이나 임상연구 등 고가의 비용이 수반되는 분석기법 대신에 Lyme질환 다발지역에 대한 설문조사를 실시하고 그 유효성을 재설문조사를 통해서 검증하는 방법을 사용하였다. 자료분석상의 난점은 조사대상자마다 응답하지 않은 항목(Missing Value)이 다르기 때문에, 총 비용을 계산할 때 모든 항목에 응답한 조사대상자만을 사용한다면 표본의 크기가 너무 작아지는 것이었다. 이에 대한 대안으로 총비용 및 부분별 비용의 합을 계산할 때 표본의 일부가 응답하지 않은 항목에 대해서는 그 항목에 응답한 나머지 조사대상자의 응답치 평균을 대체하는 방법을 사용하였다. 통계적 분석결과, 질환의 증상시작부터 설문조사시기까지 Lyme질환과 관련된 사회적 총비용은 US$ 6400으로 추정되었다. 이중에 200가량은 환자의 보호자와 관련된 비용이고 나머지는 환자와 관련되 것이다. 총의료비용의 평균은 계산방법에 따라서 US$ 3000-4200의 범위를 보였다. 응답되지 않은 항목을 해당항목에 대한 응답치평균으로 대체하였을 때 총의료비평균은 US$ 4108이었다. 시간비용을 생산성손실에 대한 사회적 가치와 실제임금 손실의 두가지 방법에 의해 계산되었다. 실제임금손실은 생산손실의 사회적 가치의 약 30%에 불과하였다. 본 논문의 결과는 의료비용 및 비용과 생산성손실에 대한 정보가 지역보건담당자에 의한 전화설문조사에 의해 경제적이고도 일관성 있게 수집될 수 있다는 근거로 해석될 수 있다.

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A Study on Media Art using Ilwolobongdo (일월오봉도를 활용한 미디어아트 연구)

  • Kideok Park;Jeanhun Chung
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.103-108
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    • 2023
  • This paper conveys the limitations of analog natural history sample information in digital form, giving viewers interest and fun, and presenting the direction of digital diorama utilization of sample exhibitions. In this exhibition, through various media such as 10,000 won bill dramas and newspaper articles, the Sun and Moon and Five Peaks, a picture familiar to the public, was reproduced in media art so that it can be realized in real life. It is a Joseon Dynasty work in which five mountain peaks, a pair of waterfalls, and four pine trees are drawn symmetrically from side to side. In order to express the vividness of nature, the symbols of the sun and moon were created with the effect of light to maximize immersion, and animals such as waves, crane movements, deer, ramie butterflies, and carp were inserted under the mountain peaks to create the vividness of nature and creatures playing in them. The media art folding screen was produced and directed as a screen. In addition, the introduction of the work and information related to the living things in the work were provided through QR codes.

Identification of Deer Antler Species Using Sequence Analysis and PCR-RFLP of Mitochondrial DNA (사슴 미토콘드리아 DNA의 염기서열 및 PCR-RFLP분석에 의한 녹용의 종 감별)

  • Shin, Ki-Hyun;Shin, Sung-Chul;Chung, Ku-Young;Chung, Eui-Ryong
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.276-282
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    • 2008
  • It is estimated that over 80% of deer antlers produced in the world are consumed in Korea. However, mislabeling or fraudulent replacement of costly antlers with cheaper ones is one of the most common problems in the domestic antler market. Therefore, there is a great need for the development of technology to identify species of antlers. This study was carried out to develop an accurate and reliable method for the identification and authentication of species or subspecies of antlers using DNA sequence analysis and comparison of mitochondrial cytochrome band D-loop region genes among antlers of five deer species, Cervus elaphus sibericus, Cervus elaphus canadensis, Cervus nippon, Cervus elaphus bactrianus and Rangifer tarandus. A variable region of cytochrome band D-loop genes was amplified using PCR with specifically designed primers and sequenced directly. The cytochrome band D-loop region genes showed different DNA sequences between the species of antlers and thus it is possible to differentiate between species on the basis of sequence variation. To distinguish between reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) antlers and other deer antlers, PCR amplicons of the cytochrome b gene were digested with the restriction enzymes NlaIV and TaqI, respectively, which generates a species-specific DNA profile of the reindeer. In addition, samples of 32 sliced antlers labeled Cervus elaphus sibericus from commercial markets were collected randomly and the mt DNA D-loop region of these antler samples was sequenced. Among the antler samples investigated, only 62.5% were from Cervus elaphus sibericus, and others were from Cervus elaphus bactrianus (25.0%), elk (Cervus elaphus canadensis) and reindeer (Rangifer tarandus). Our results suggest that DNA sequencing of mt DNA and PCR-RFLP methods using NlaIV and TaqI enzymes are useful for the identification and discrimination of deer antler species by routine analysis.

Changes in Physio-Chemical Properties of Deer Meat During Storage at -30°C and -60°C (동결 온도와 저장기간에 따른 사슴고기의 이화화적 성질의 변화)

  • Shin, Teak-Soon;Lee, Kil-Wang;Kim, Seon-Ku;Kang, Han-Seok;Kim, Keun-Ki;Park, Hyean-Cheal
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.17 no.4 s.84
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    • pp.498-502
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    • 2007
  • A total of 5 female elk deer($220kg{\pm}10kg$) were included in a study on the changes in physico-chemical properties of deer meat during storage at $-4^{\circ}C\;and\;-2^{\circ}C$. The deers were exposed to normal pre-slaughter handling and put under anesthesia before slaughtered. The loin and leg cuts were deboned from the carcass after 24hrs slaughter. The samples weighing approximately 300g were packaged using wrap packaging and stored for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 months at $-30^{\circ}C\;and\;-60^{\circ}C$. During the freezing period, the changes of moisture maintenance was slower for the meats kept at $-60^{\circ}C$ than that at $-30^{\circ}C$. The meat softness represented higher value after freezing, and it tended to be decreased with the passage of storage time. Comparing the values between freezing temperature, the value at $-30^{\circ}C$ was higher than at $-60^{\circ}C$. All meats frozen at $-30^{\circ}C\;and\;-60^{\circ}C$ were edible after storage for 6 months. Loin was inedible, and leg was edible after freezing storage for 6 months. The pH values of the meats were increased during freezing period, even though pH value of the meats stored for 6 months was less than 5.70. Luminosity of loin was significantly increased with the passage of storage time, although loin stored at $-60^{\circ}C$ was darker, and leg stored at $-30^{\circ}C$ was darker. The index of red color was rapidly decreased for loin stored at $-30^{\circ}C$, and for leg stored at $-60^{\circ}C$, respectively. There were no changes in the index of yellow color for loin stored at $-60^{\circ}C$, and the index for leg was increased with regardless of the freezing storage temperature after 6 months.

Studies on the Quality and Palatability of Imported Hay and Straw (수입건초의 품질 및 기호성에 관한 연구)

  • Han, Sang-Cheul;Lee, In-Duk;Lee, Hyung-Suk
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.73-82
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    • 2009
  • The experiment was carried out from January through December in 2008 at Chungnam National University and the Unbong Animal Genetic Resources Station, NIAS. The experimental animals were twelve dairy goats (female, $30{\pm}1.8kg$), twelve Korean native Boats(female, $24{\pm}2.4kg$) and five sika deer(female, $92{\pm}5.2kg$). A total of 11 different types of hay and straw were tested in this study: such straw imported from USA in 2006 as annual ryegrass, perennial ryegrass, tall fescue and Kentucky bluegrass, and such hay imported from USA in 2007 as alfatfa, bermudagrass, timothy, kleingrass, oat and orchardgrass, and such domestic hay as mixed hay There were significant differences in chemical composition and in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) among the various types of imported hay and straw (p<0.05). Besides alfalfa hay and orchardpass hay all of the imported hay contained lower crude protein (CP) and IVDMD but contained higher neutral detergent fiber(NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) than the domestic hay. According to the kinds of the imported hay, relative feed value (RFV) made the difference and the hay grades were ranged from 4 to 5, based on the RFV. According to the kinds of the imported hay, there were markedly differences in dry matte. (DM) intake and palatability ranking among dairy goats, Korean native goats, and sika deer. DM intake and palatability ranking were high in common between orchardgrass hay and bermudagrass hay, but Kentucky bluegrass straw, tall fescue straw, perennial ryegrass straw and annual ryegrass straw were proved to be very low in DM intake and palatability ranking. In conclusion, the quality and palatability among the imported hay that was tested in the study were quite variable and lower than expected. It is required to establish a better feed evaluation system for the imported hay.