• Title/Summary/Keyword: 사면지형

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Soil Moisture Measurement System in the Mountainous Hillslope located at Chunmichun Watershed (청미천 산지사면에서의 토양 수분 측정 시스템구축 연구)

  • Sun, Han-Na;Joo, Seung-Hyo;Kim, Sang-Hyun;Kwon, Kyu-Sang;Lee, Yeon-Kil;Lee, Jin-Won;Jung, Sung-won
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.1787-1791
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    • 2009
  • 지표수의 유출과정을 설명하는 과정에서 중요인자이며, 생태수문학의 핵심변수이자 기상모형의 중요한 입력변수인 토양수분의 공간적 시간적 특징들은 강우 및 지하수와 토양수분간의 순환 구조를 규명하는데 매우 중요하다. 가장 널리 쓰이는 토양 수분 측정 장비인 TDR 장비 매설에 앞서 대상유역 선정에 대한 여러 가지 고려사항을 검토하고 수치지형 분석 등을 통한 사전분석을 실시하였다. 대상유역을 선정하기 위해서는 대상유역의 자료획득의 용이함, 지정학적, 시스템 운영적 측면에서의 가용성, 그리고 정밀측량 및 부수적요인 등 여러 요소의 고려가 요구된다. 청미천 유역을 대상으로 약 21 개의 대상후보사면을 정밀조사 하였으며, 충청북도 음성군 수레의산 청소련 수련원내의 산지 사면을 측정대상 사면으로, 지정학적 위치, 식생분포, 지질구조 및 심도 등의 토양특성의 고려를 통해서 선정하였다. 또한 대상 사면에 흐름 발생 및 분포를 계산하기 위해서 대상사면의 지표 및 기반암 표고를 정밀 측량하였으며, 기반암 또는 풍화대까지의 깊이를 실측하여 지표면 및 지하면의 수치지형 모형을 구축하였다. 대상사면 및 지하면에 대하여 표고수치지형모형(Digital Elevation Model:DEM)으로 도식한 후 흐름 발생 공간 분포를 계산하였다. 다양한 흐름 발생 알고리즘으로 기여사면적과 지형습윤지수를 계산하였다. 분배알고리즘의 의해 도출된 지형인자들로 인한 흐름발생 공간적 분포특성을 비교하여 센서의 매설 위치를 결정하였다. 센서 매설 위치에 대한 토양시료를 채취하여 토성을 분석한 결과는 미국 농무성 기준에 의한 분류로는 사양토로, 국제토양학회의 분류기준에 따르면 양토로 분류되었다. 대상사면의 유효입력강우를 확보하기위해서 개방공간인 수레의산 청소년수련원과 대상산림의 Canopy하부에 각각 강수측정 시스템을 설치하였고 약 6개월간 성공적으로 자료를 획득하였다.

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Diffusion equation model for geomorphic dating (지형연대 측정을 위한 디퓨젼 공식 모델)

  • Lee, Min Boo
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.285-297
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    • 1993
  • For the application of the diffusion equation, slope height and maximum slope angle are calculated from the plotted slope profile. Using denudation rate as a solution for the diffusion equation, an apparent age index can be calculated, which is the total amount of denudation through total time. Plots of slope angle versus slope height and apparent age index versus slope height are useful for determining relative or absolute ages and denudation rates. Mathematical simulation plots of slope angle versus slope height can generate equal denudation-rate lines for a given age. Mathematical simulations of slope angle versus age for a given slope height, for equal denudation-rate at a particular profile site, and for comparing to other sites having controlled ages.

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The Age Dating of Slope Landform in Korea Using Diffusion Equation Model (디퓨젼 공식 모델을 이용한 한국 사면 지형의 연대 측정 연구)

  • 이민부
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.371-384
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    • 1999
  • 디퓨젼 공식 모형은 한국 하천의 중.상류 지역의 하안 단구의 단구애와 같은 삭박 사면에 대한 연대 측정에 유용하게 적용될 수 있다. 지형 연대 측정 방법은 최대 사면각, 사면의 높이 등과 같은 사면단면에 대한 측정된 자료를 사용하는 보조적 연대 측정법의 하나이다. 토탄층에 대한 탄소연대측정법 또는 화분분석과 같은 방법으로 잘 통제되어진 연대를 이 모형에 적용하여 생성 연대를 모르는 다른 사면의 연대를 추정하는데 사용될수 있다. 적용사례로 경북 영양의 연지 저위단구에서 구해진 연대값 6ka를 이용하여, 최대 사면각과 사면의 높이간의 모의실험을 통해 연지 단구의 저위면/중위면 사이의 단구애 상의 삭박률 100 10-4m2/yr.을 구할수 있었다. 이 삭박률을 영춘 단구의 저위면/중위면 사이의 단구애의최대 사면각과 사면 연대간의 모의실험에 적용하여 영춘 단구의 저위면/중위면 사이의 단구애의 형성 시기를 약 37,000년 전으로 구할 수 있었다. 그러나 보다 정밀한 값을 얻기 위해서는 남한강 중.상류의 단구 지역에 대한 적절한 사면 측정 자료가 요구된다.

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The Morphological Change by Slope Erosional Processes in the Dokdo Seamount (독도해산의 사면침식으로 인한 지형변화)

  • Kang, Ji-Hyun;Sung, Hyo-Hyun;Park, Chan-Hong;Kim, Chang-Hwan;Jeong, Eui-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.791-807
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze landform characteristics and geomorphic processes in Dokdo seamount. For geomorphic analysis, bathymetry data were collected by multi-beam echosounder and the seismic survey was also conducted. Through the detailed analysis of depth, slope, aspect and erosional landform, Dokdo Seamount is characterized by a flat or gently sloping top of $2^{\circ}$ or less and seamount slope with $14{\sim}40^{\circ}$ gradient. There are protrusion of landform around the Dokdo on top of the Dokdo seamount. It is inferred that the features are formed by collapsed debris deposits or remained bedrocks by differential erosion in the past. The massmovement topography including slump and slide is shown on seamount slope with $14{\sim}40^{\circ}$ gradient. In addition, gullies with various length are developed on the Dokdo seamount slope. Slope erosional processes occur more actively along the submarine gullies on the Dokdo seamount. It is inferred that the massmovement processes on the slope of Dokdo seamount are related to earthquake activities and evolution of submarine volcano. Consequently, slope of the Dokdo seamount has retreated by erosional processes of mass-movement and submarine gullies.

The Morpho-Climatic Characteristics of Stratified Slope Deposits in the Southwest Region of Haenam (해남 남서부지역의 Stratified Slope Deposit의 기후지형학적 특성)

  • PARK, Chul-Woong
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.11-24
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    • 2008
  • Stratified slope was formed on the SSE-facing slope in the southwest region of Haenam, South Korea. Field and laboratory investigations into the geomorphology and sedimentology of stratified slope deposit that is inactive. Outcrops of this deposit show an alteration of coarse debris-supported matrix and tiny debris-supported matrix layers. Sedimentological analysis(particle-size analysis) indicates that this deposit is not fluvial process or only gravitation like rock-fall. Many clasts and fine materials on the slope is supposed to be product by congelifraction under Pleistocene periglacial climatic environment. Also The processes responsible for the genesis of this deposit probably are to move downward by gelifluction and to remove fine materials by slope wash in thawing cycle and in situ debris congelifraction on gelifluction slope. Now It is impossible to account for the time range of genesis(diurnal, seasonal). In conclusion, this stratified slope formed in cold and humid periglacial environmental in pleistocene, therefore, this slope is a periglacial relic landform, indicates that in south korea there was a cold and humid paleo-climate such as periglacial environmen.

Effectiveness Estimation of Rock Slope Stability Evaluation Items for Geometrical Configuration and Topographical Characteristic (기하학적 형상 및 지형학적 특성을 중심으로 한 암반사면 안정성 평가항목의 유효성 평가)

  • Lee, Yonghee;Kim, Jongryeol;Lee, Jinsoo;Kang, Kwonsoo;Kim, Nagyoung
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.61-69
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    • 2008
  • In general, it has been usually used the method that assess rock slope stability using stereographic projection method, limit equilibrium analysis, numerical analysis and slope stability evaluation table. Several methods for assessing the stability of rock slopes has been proposed on the basis of site investigation data. These method adopted different evaluation items and weighting factors by researchers, organization and nation. But the researches for each evaluation items were insufficient. So the effectiveness of rock slope stability evaluation items for geometrical configuration (slope height, slope direction and angle, dip and dip direction of major discontinuity, absolute value for the direction difference for slope and major discontinuities) and topographical characteristic (possibility of topographical water concentration, upper natural slope angle, slope configuration) using 315 failure and stable highway rock slope analysis data, AV (abnormal value) analysis and NMAV (normalized maximum abnormal value) analysis were evaluated.

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A Filtering Technique of Terrestrial LiDAR Data on Sloped Terrain (사면지형에서 지상라이다 자료의 필터링 기법)

  • Shin, Yoon Su;Choi, Seung Pil;Kim, Jun Seong;Kim, Uk Nam
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.30 no.6_1
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    • pp.529-538
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    • 2012
  • By using an algorithm derived by a multiple linear regression analysis, a technique for filtering was developed; and by using the developed technique, the results of conducting filtering of the raw data collected via scanning with a terrestrial LiDAR the actual sloped terrain was analyzed. As such, when filtering was applied by dividing the observation areas into two areas with the topographical line as a reference in order to improve the filtering accuracy, it was seen that the filtering accuracy improved by about 8.73% as compared to when filtering was applied without dividing the observation area. In addition, considering the fact that the accuracy improved by 5~7% when the sloped sides of a multicurvature topography were divided and a complex filtering applied as compared to when filtering was applied for the entire area or by regions, it can be asserted that the accuracy was higher when a complex filtering was conducted by dividing the sloped areas where the slope is not constant due to the multi-curvature of topography.

복합단면지형에 있어서 규칙파의 쇄파감쇠과정에 관한 연구

  • 권혁민;합전양실
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers Conference
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    • 1995.10a
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    • pp.95-100
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    • 1995
  • -양사면에서의 쇄파현상은 많은 연구에 의해 매우 선명하게 됐다. 그러나, 실제의 해저지형은 연안사주가 존재하는 복합단면지형의 경우가 많고, 이러한 지형에서의 쇄파현상은 충분히 해명되어 있지 않다. 본 연구에서는 복합단면에서의 쇄파감쇠과정을 검토하는 기초적지형으로써 사면에 연접한 수평상을 선택하여 검토하도록 한다. 이러한 지형을 여기서는 수평step이라고 한다. 수평step상을 대상으로 하는 기존의 연구로써 굴천·곽(1966), 수구(1978)등을 들 수 있다. (중략)

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Analysis of Factors Influencing Landslide Occurrence along a Forest Road Near Sangsan Village, Chungju, Korea (충주시 상산마을 주변 임도 산사태의 발생 원인 분석)

  • Kim, Hyeong-Sin;Moon, Seong-Woo;Seo, Yong-Seok
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.73-83
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    • 2022
  • The factors influencing landslide occurrence were analyzed for six points on the upper slope and the 24 points on the lower slope along a forest road around Sangsan village in Chungju, Korea, where landslides have occurred due to heavy rainfall. In terms of physico-mechanical properties of the soil layer, the lower slope seemed to loosen owing to the higher porosity, lower unit weight, and lower friction angle compared with the upper slope. With respect to topographic characteristics, the lower slope had thicker regolith, more concave profile and plan curvatures, lower slope angles, and higher topographic wetness index values than the upper slope. Therefore, all the properties (except for the slope angle) appear to make the lower slope of the forest road more vulnerable to landslides than the upper slope. Apart from the physico-mechanical and topographic characteristics, inadequate maintenance and management of drainage facilities are also considered as further major factors influencing landslide occurrence.

Study on Applicability of Slope Types to Permission Standard for Forestland Use Conversion (산지의 사면유형을 고려한 산지전용허가기준에 관한 연구)

  • CHOI, Jung-Sun;KWAK, Doo-Ahn;KWON, Soon-Duck;BAEK, Seung-A
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.145-157
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    • 2018
  • Mountainous areas are 64% in Korea and are allowed to be used by the permission standards of the "Mountainous Districts Management Act". In the act, slope and elevation criteria are defined to regulate the use of vulnerable land parcels to disaster. However, the standards cannot represent topographical variation in a land parcel such as terrain relief. Therefore, the applicability of slope type standard as a permission standard was tested using Catena in this study. Based on the theoretical grounds, two slope types were analyzed as 'risky slope' with disaster risk. The slope types of landslides in Namwon City were analyzed that 'risky slope' types were distributed about 57%. This study analyzed the forestland parcels that could be used when applying the current permission standards and the parcels that were already used in Namwon City. The ratio of the 'risky slope' in the parcels was more than 50%. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent the mountain development in 'risky slope' by establishing permission standard related to slope types. In addition, this study suggested the ratio of 'risky slope' in the parcel for the permission standard for forestland use conversion.