• Title/Summary/Keyword: 비관세

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A Empirical Study about the Impact of the Calibration and Measurement Capability(CMC) on Korean Trade (교정 및 측정능력(CMC)이 한국의 무역에 미치는 영향에 관한 실증분석)

  • Park, Jookeun;Han, Seong;Park, Jongseon
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.127-152
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    • 2017
  • With the advent of the WTO system in 1995, non-tariff barriers including technical barriers to trade(TBT) has become one of the important issues in world trade order. The purpose of this study is to analyse an impact of the calibration and measurement capabilities(CMC), the degree of equivalence of national measurement standards which is maintained by NMIs to provide governments with a technical foundation for wider agreements related to international trade. The results of the analysis using the gravity model with the proxy of the CMC shows that the CMC has a positive impact on Korean trade. Particularly, it was estimated that the CMC registered by high-income economies has more impact on Korean trade than those by low income economies. This implies that the countries highly dependent upon foreign trade like Korea need to have much more interest in the investment into measurement standards and science which is generally considered to be a public goods.

Analysis on the Effect of Korea-China FTA in the Automobile Trade (한·중 FTA의 대중국 자동차 무역 영향 고찰)

  • Lee, Seoung Taek;Kim, Sungkuk
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.265-285
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    • 2015
  • After the establishment of WTO for strengthening of GATT in 1995, the world economy has gradually been integrating toward economic globalisation. Even though this multilateral agreement may be beneficial to many countries but it also interferes domestic policies of member countries and threatens the role of local government and policy independence. For these reasons, FTA between countries or regions has been increasing. According to this trend, Korea and China has reached a substantial agreement of Korea-China FTA for mutual benefits. In general, the Korean automobile industry will benefit from Korea-China FTA due to its competitiveness in the global market and improvement of market access. However in the provisional schedule of concessions and commitment reported by press, the automobile seems to be excluded in this schedule of concessions. Hence, Korean automobile industry can not use the price competitiveness from tariff elimination. Therefore, Korean automobile industry needs aggressive marketing strategies for enhancement of brand equity as well as development of environment-friendly cars for following environment policies of Chinese government. Furthermore, they should make efforts to create the efficient investment environment by the removal of non-tariff barriers.

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A Dynamic Study of Women's Labor Market Transitions: Career Interruptions and its Determinants (여성의 동태적 노동공급 - 취업연속성과 첫 노동시장 퇴출행태를 중심으로 -)

  • 김영옥
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.5-40
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    • 2002
  • Using detailed data of women's work history, this study analyses the transition process between employment and non-employment over the life history in order to identity individual and structural determinants in the processes. Korean women comprise very heterogeneous groups in terms of work continuity: one group having a continuous work history and another having an interrupted work experience. While 4.0% of total women have stayed in the labor market since leaving school, 17.3% have not worked outside at all and remaining 87.9% have experienced into and out of the labor market at least once. On the average, the cumulated time of employment per woman is 8.2 years and the cumulated time of unemployment is 13.1 years. Thus Korean women work a total of only 38.5% of their whole lifetime after leaving school. We can conclude that the increase of the employment rate of married women in Korea since the 1970s has been due to the increase of the new entrants with short or little working careers into the labor market, not to the increase of women's work continuity on the whole. A women's educational achievement does not seem to be positively related to employment duration, contrary to the suggestion of the human capital theory, Rather, family variables, especially the existence of the child under 6 yens old, is a more significant determining factor for an individual's exit from employment. And there is little difference among different age cohorts which implies little improvement in the employment continuity of younger women. This study also documents the importance of structural variables, such as the type of occupation, as significant determining factors for the hazard rate. Specially women with professional jobs tend to stay longer in the labor market. Therefore, women's entry into more professional occupations is expected to contribute to the continuity of employment. Our results also show that duration-dependence is not spurious. When unobserved heterogeneity is controlled, the negative relation between the rate from employment and the duration of employment does not disappear.

Ruptured Sinus of a Valsalva Aneurysm into the Left Ventricle with the Rupture Site Communicating with the Left Coronary Sinus and the Left Noncoronary Sinus (좌관상동맥동과 비관상동맥동이 좌심실로 파열된 발살바동 동맥류)

  • Lee, Hongkyu;Kim, Gun-Jik;Lee, Jong-Tae
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.96-99
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    • 2009
  • We report here on a case of a ruptured sinus of a valsalva aneurysm into the left ventricle with the rupture site communicating with both the left coronary sinus and the noncoronary sinus in a 37-year-old male who presented with symptoms of congestive heart failure. Echocardiography showed a sac-like structure around the sinus of valsalva, an enlarged left ventricle (LV) and severe aortic regurgitation, which all suggested a ruptured sinus of a valsalva aneurysm or an aortic-left ventricular tunnel. The operative findings revealed that both the left coronary sinus and the noncoronary sinus had an opening into the left ventricle. The proximal opening into the LV was closed with bovine pericardium and the aortic root was replaced with a composite graft (a 21 mm St. Jude Epic Supra tissue valve and a 24 mm Hemashild graft) by the modified Bentall procedure. The patient was discharged on the 15th postoperative day, and he was regularly followed up for 2 months. We report on this case due to its rarity and to describe the surgical repair techniques.

Surgical Experience of Aortic Root Abscess with Complete AV Block and Pseudoaneurysm (완전 방실 차단과 가성 동맥류를 동반한 만성 대동맥 근부농양 수술적 치험)

  • 한국남;오세진;구본권;김경환
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.37 no.10
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    • pp.868-871
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    • 2004
  • A 42 year old male was operated with aortic root abscess and pseudoaneurysm. Aortic valve vegetations which measured $8\times5$ cm and root abscess were removed and debrided. We reconstructed root and noncoronary sinus with autopericardium. Antibiotics were administered for 4 weeks. In general, Aortic root abscess recurs frequently and mortality is high. It is usually requires early surgical eradication with antibiotics medication.

A Study on the Economical Efficiency and Advance Strategy in African Market (아프리카시장의 경제성과 진출 전략에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Keun-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.139-145
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    • 2010
  • Since the beginning of 1960s, Korea has been advanced into Africa but we are much too late to extend its business in African Market due to lack of understanding about there. From being the latest Africa is understanding as 'Rising Sun & Post Brics' for Korea. As an advance strategy in Afrcan Market suggest to get international co-operation from ECA, OAU, IFC together with IMF & IBRD etc.

ASEAN Protection Trade Measures: Focusing on Non-Tariff Measures and Specific Trade Concerns (아세안의 보호무역조치 연구: 비관세조치 및 특정무역현안을 중심으로)

  • Ra, Hee-Ryang
    • Korea Trade Review
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.43-72
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    • 2019
  • This study examines the trends, current situation and implications of non-tariff measures (NTM) and specific trade concerns (STC) on the protection trade measures of ASEAN. ASEAN's non-tariff measures and the share of specific trade concerns are very significant as they are the second and third largest, respectively, of the major countries. This means that protection measures using non-tariff measures are a strong feature of ASEAN's trade policy. Also, in the future, ASEAN should try to prevent unnecessary disputes caused by exporting countries' specific trade concerns in the implementation of non-tariff measures. Activating trade policy cooperation is likely to reduce conflicts and costs caused by these trade disputes.

Changes in China's Rare Earth Industry Policy and their Implications (중국 희토류산업정책의 변화와 정책적 함의)

  • PARK, In-Sop;SONG, Jae-Do
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    • v.71
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    • pp.297-324
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    • 2016
  • China not only has the largest amount of rare earth reserves, but it also produces the most rare earth products. However, China lacks appropriate supervision and management systems of its rare earth industry. The Chinese government's inappropriate mechanisms have been cause for reckless development by national rare earth providers characterized by excessive competition, environmental pollution, and smuggling. In response to the problems, China implemented regulatory measures to restructure the rare earth industry. The Chinese central government intensifies its efforts to control the total quantity of rare earth products and tackle environmental pollution. Six leading conglomerates have been selected to promote the Chinese central government's policy. A new environmental guideline has been drawn up to reduce the discharging of wastewater and air pollution substance. Huge transition and a great influence of its policy changes are expected. These policy changes are bound to entail huge transitions, and the policy is expected to have a great influence in the future structure of the rare earth industry. In consideration of these changes, the Korean government, in collaboration with private enterprises needs to take appropriate measures, such as overseas resources development, R&D expansion, tactical stockpiling, professional manpower training and so on.

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무역(貿易)과 산업조직(産業組織)의 연계성(連繫性)에 관한 고찰(考察)

  • Yu, Seung-Min
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.65-94
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    • 1988
  • 한국경제(韓國經濟)의 대외의존도(對外依存度), 시장개방(市場開放)의 정도(程度)가 높아감에 따라 상품(商品), 자본(資本), 기술(技術)의 대외거래(對外去來)와 내수시장(內需市場)의 산업조직(産業組織)이 갖는 연계성(連繫性)은 한국(韓國)의 산업조직(産業組織)에 중요한 의미를 갖게 된다. 본고(本稿)에서는 수입(輸入) 등 해외(海外)로부터의 유입(流入)과 수출(輸出) 등 해외(海外)로의 유출(流出)이 산업조직(産業組織)의 주요변수(主要變數)들과 갖는 인과관계(因果關係)를 경험적(經驗的) 산업조직론(産業組織論)의 체계내(體系內)에서 이해하려는 시도로서, 이에 대한 제가설(諸假設)을 전개하며 실증분석(實證分析)을 시도하였다. 동시성(同時性)을 충분히 고려한 연립방정식체계(聯立方程式體系)의 추정결과(推定結果)는 동시성(同時性)을 무시한 경우보다 제가설(諸假設)의 주장에 더욱 근접한 것으로 나타났으며, 대부분의 경우 실증분석(實證分析) 결과(結果)는 가설(假說)을 지지하나 수출(輸出)의 경우에는 상반(相反)된 결과(結果)를 나타내고 있다. 본(本) 연구(硏究)의 분석결과(分析結果)에 의하면 그 동안 한국(韓國)의 수입정책(輸入政策)은 시장성과(市場成果)를 향상(向上)시키는 수단(手段)으로서의 기능보다는 단순히 수출증대(輸出增大)를 위한 수입확대(輸入擴大)의 기능을 해 온 것으로 나타났다. 또한 수입(輸入)에 대한 시장개방(市場開放)에 있어서 비관세장벽(非關稅障壁)의 제감(除減)은 시장성과(市場成果)에 대하여, 관세장벽(關稅障壁)의 인하(引下)는 수입(輸入)의 내수점유율(內需占有率)에 대하여 각각 상대적으로 높은 정(正)의 효과(效果)를 갖고 있는 것으로 나타났는데 이는 정책목표(政策目標)에 따른 정책수단(政策手段)의 선택(選擇)에 대하여 중요한 시사점(示唆點)을 갖는다.

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WTO의 민간항공기 보조금논쟁과 대응전략

  • An, Yeong-Su
    • The Journal of Aerospace Industry
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    • s.70
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    • pp.94-116
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    • 2008
  • WTO는 범세계적 글로벌 경쟁상황에서 국가간 무역거래를 제한하고 자원배분을 왜곡하여 결과적으로 세계 후생의 감소를 가져오는 개별 국가들의 관세 및 각종 비관세장벽, 그리고 자원의 효율적 배분을 왜곡하는 각국 정부의 보조금 정책 시정을 위해 창설되었다. 항공기산업에 있어서 보조금 논쟁의 특징은 주로 선-선진국간 분쟁에 국한된다는 점에서 기존의 WTO에서 많은 갈등을 빚고 있는 선-후진국간의 분쟁과는 큰 차이가 있다. 한국이 주도적으로 대규모 개발사업을 추진하면서 정부보조금을 지급할 경우에는 장기적으로 보조금 분쟁에 휘말릴 가능성이 있다. 그러나 미국/유럽간 쌍무협정 체결 내용에서 보듯이 개발보조금 지급 비중이 전체 개발비의 33%이상이 되지 않을 경우는 큰 문제가 없을 것으로 예상되며, 추가적 지원이 필요할 경우에는 직접적 개발비 보다는 관련 지 원인프라 지원을 통해 특정성 문제를 회피할 필요가 있다. 또한 한국은 아직 WTO 민간 항공기 협정 미가입 상태이기 때문에 WTO로부터 당장 규제대상은 아니다. 실제로 WTO 회원 가입 절차는 WTO로부터 요청 후 국내 검토를 거쳐 예비회원가입(2년 소요)-정회원의 절차를 거치게 된다. 또한 보조금 지급에 의한 경쟁자의 산업 피해가 직접적으로 드러날 때까지는 더 많은 시간이 소요되기 때문에 실제로 WTO 제재를 받기까지는 상당한 시간을 확보할 수 있다. 그럼에도 불구하고 WTO 회원이 되면 항공기산업의 육성에 많은 제약이 따르므로 사전적으로 충분한 정부 지원을 통해 조속히 국제경쟁력을 키우는 전략이 필요한 것으로 보인다.

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