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The Influence of the repeated learning of moving picture materials applying 'the development of mathematical power' program on The Self-Directed Learning (수학적 힘의 신장 프로그램을 적용한 교실 수업 동영상 자료 반복 학습이 자기 주도적 학습에 미치는 영향 - 수학 I 을 중심으로 -)

  • Byun Kyung-Hae
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.20 no.2 s.26
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    • pp.295-326
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    • 2006
  • Despite the importance of mathematics education, many students in high school have lost their interests and felt difficulties and they don't have 'mathematical' experience with meanings attached because of the entrance examination. This paper attempted to resolve these problems and find the teaching-method with which students can study by themselves with more confidence. Nowadays students' use of Internet is very popular. After develop 'the development of mathematical power' program based on mathematics history, history, science, the application of problems in real world, and self-evaluation, I made students repeat them after making teaching lessons in classroom as moving pictures. Through this processes, I attempted to develop the Self-Directed Learning' ability by making public education substantial. First of all I analyzed the actual conditions on 'Self-Directed Learning' ability in mathematics subject, the conditions of seeing and hearing in Internet learning program, and students' and their parents' interests in Internet education. By analyzing the records, I observed the significance of the introducing mathematics history in mathematics subject in early stager, cooperative-learning, leveled-learning, self-directed learning, and Internet learning. Actually in aspect of applying 'the development of mathematical power' program, at first I made up the educational conditions to fix the program, collected the teaching materials, established the system of teaching-learning model, developed materials for the learning applying Internet mail and instruments of classroom, and carried out instruction to establish and practice mathematics learning plan. Then I applied the teaching-learning model of leveled cooperation and presentation loaming and at the same time constructed and used the leveled learning materials of complementary, average, and advanced process and instructed to watch teaching moving pictures through Internet mail and in the classroom. After that I observed how effective this program was through the interest arid attitude toward mathematics subject, learning accomplishment, and the change of self-directed learning. Finally, I wrote the conclusion and suggestion on the preparation of conditions fur the students' voluntary participation in mathematics learning and the project and application on 'the development of mathematical power' program and repeated learning with the materials of moving pictures in classroom.

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Hemodynamic Instability after Patent Ductus Arteriosus Ligation in Very Low Birth Weight Infants (극소저체중출생아에서 동맥관 개존증 결찰술 후 발생한 혈역동학적 불안정성에 대한 고찰)

  • La, Kyong-Suk;Lee, Jang-Hoon;Choi, Byung-Min;Han, Heon-Seok;Hong, Young-Sook;Lee, Joo-Won
    • Neonatal Medicine
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.201-206
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: Recently, after patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) ligation in preterm infants, unexplained hemodynamic instabilities are reported. To determine the incidence, risk factors and clinical manifestations of hemodynamic instability after PDA ligation in very low birth weight (VLBW) infants. Methods: This retrospective multicenter study enrolled 18 VLBW infants who underwent PDA ligation from January 2002 to February 2008. Hemodynamic instability defined as unexplained cardiopulmonary dysfunction with increased dependency on mechanical ventilation and decreased blood pressure. Results: The mean gestational age and birth weight (BW) of all infants were 27+6±1+6 weeks and 951±245 g. Hemodynamic instability group (HI) included seven infants (39%) and hemodynamic stability group (HS) included 11 infants (61%). Compared to HS, HI had lower BW (1,033±285 g vs. 821±126 g, P=0.048) and weight on operation day (1,195±404 g vs. 893${\pm}$151 g, P=0.042), longer hospital days (105±29 vs. 141±39, P=0.038), more severe bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), (no/mild/moderate/severe, 2/5/2/2 vs. 0/1/2/4, P=0.038) and higher preoperative FiO2 (0.29±0.06 vs. 0.38±0.09, P=0.02). One case of mortality due to sepsis, which was not associated with ligation, was observed among HS. Conclusion: The incidence of hemodynamic instability after PDA ligation in VLBW infants was 39%. Low BW, low weight on operation day and preoperative high FiO2 might be risk factors of hemodynamic instability after PDA ligation in VLBW infants. The hemodynamic instability could increase the severity of BPD and hospital days.

Estimation of fire Experiment Prediction by Utility Tunnels Fire Experiment and Simulation (지하공동구 화재 실험 및 시뮬레이션에 의한 화재 설칠 예측 평가)

  • 윤명오;고재선;박형주;박성은
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.23-33
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    • 2001
  • The utility tunnels are the important facility as a mainstay of country because of the latest communication developments. However, the utilities tunnel is difficult to deal with in case of a fire accident. When a cable burns, the black smoke containing poisonous gas will be reduced. This black smoke goes into the tunnel, and makes it difficult to extinguish the fire. Therefore, when there was a fire in the utility tunnel, the central nerves of the country had been paralyzed, such as property damage, communication interruption, in addition to inconvenience for people. This paper is based on the fire occurred in the past, and reenacting the fire by making the real utilities tunnel model. The aim of this paper is the scientific analysis of the character image of the fire, and the verification of each fire protection system whether it works well after process of setting up a fire protection system in the utilities tunnel at a constant temperature. The fire experiment was equipped with the linear heat detector, the fire door, the connection water spray system and the ventilation system in the utilities tunnel. Fixed portion of an electric power supply cable was coated with a fire retardant coating, and a heating tube was covered with a fireproof. The result showed that the highest temperature was 932c and the linear heat detector was working at the constant temperature, and it pointed at the place of the fire on the receiving board, and Fixed portion of the electric power supply cable coated with the fire retardant coating did not work as the fireproof. The heating tube was covered with the fireproof about 30 minutes.

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Sick Building Syndrome in 130 Underground Workers (지하상가 근무자의 건강 장애에 관한 실태조사)

  • Joo, Ree;SaKong, Joon;Chung, Jong-Hak;Park, Sang-Whan;Kim, Dong-Hee;Kim, Dong-Min;Choi, Eun-Kyong;Cho, Hyun-Geon
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.325-340
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    • 1998
  • A cross-sectional study was conducted to evaluate the relationship between sick building syndrome(SBS) and the environmental factors affecting SBS on 130 underground workers and 60 controls. The study consisted of 1) a review of environmental condition 2) measurement of temperature, O2, CO2, CO, and formaldehyde and 3) a questionnaire survey of symptom prevalence and perception of environmental conditions using indoor Air Quality questionnaire recommended by National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. Bronchitis and dust allergy were more prevalent in underground workers significantly(p < 0.05). Among the 18 symptoms related to the indoor air pollution, the experience rate of dry, itching or irritated eyes, sore or dry throat, chest tightness, tired or strained eyes and dry or itchy skin symptom was significantly different between the underground workers and controls. The diagnostic criteria of SBS was defined as at least 1 symptom is experienced 1-3 times a week during the last 1 month among 18 indoor air pollution related symptoms which can be relieved by moving out of the underground. Applying the criteria, the mean symptom score was significant higher in underground workers than controls significantly (p < 0.05). These resalts indicated that underground workers are under inappropriate ergonomic and physical condition and inadequate ventilation. Their experience rate of symptoms related to indoor air pollution and prevalence of SBS was significantly higher than controls. To reduce the prevalence of SBS of underground workers, the surveillance system of indoor air quality, restriction of using fuel in underground and legislative regulations for the environment are needed to establish a better indoor air quality. Early detection, treatment and prevention of SBS through medical attention is also needed.

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A Study of Textured Image Segmentation using Phase Information (페이즈 정보를 이용한 텍스처 영상 분할 연구)

  • Oh, Suk
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.249-256
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    • 2011
  • Finding a new set of features representing textured images is one of the most important studies in textured image analysis. This is because it is impossible to construct a perfect set of features representing every textured image, and it is inevitable to choose some relevant features which are efficient to on-going image processing jobs. This paper intends to find relevant features which are efficient to textured image segmentation. In this regards, this paper presents a different method for the segmentation of textured images based on the Gabor filter. Gabor filter is known to be a very efficient and effective tool which represents human visual system for texture analysis. Filtering a real-valued input image by the Gabor filter results in complex-valued output data defined in the spatial frequency domain. This complex value, as usual, gives the module and the phase. This paper focused its attention on the phase information, rather than the module information. In fact, the module information is considered very useful at region analysis in texture, while the phase information was considered almost of no use. But this paper shows that the phase information can also be fully useful and effective at region analysis in texture, once a good method introduced. We now propose "phase derivated method", which is an efficient and effective way to compute the useful phase information directly from the filtered value. This new method reduces effectively computing burden and widen applicable textured images.

Resource Substitutability for Hiking Activity and Related Factors - Focusing on Mudeungsan Provincial Park and Eudeungsan - (하이킹 휴양활동을 위한 자원 대체성과 관련요인 - 무등산 도립공원과 어둥산을 대상으로 -)

  • Kim, Sang-Mi;Kim, Sang-Oh
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.765-776
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    • 2013
  • This study was conducted to find out availability of a urban forest (Eudeungsan) as a substitute place of Mudeungsan Provincial Park (MPP) in overuse problem and to identify related factors to place substitutability. During June-August of 2012, 232 samples who have ever visited both of the two places (i.e., MPP and Euduengsan) in Gwang-ju city were selected by using convenient sampling and snowball sampling methods. Self-administered questionnaire survey was conducted, and the valid responses from 225 samples (97.0%) were used for data analysis. 24.2% of respondents had "considerably" or "very much" intention to use the substitute place, and 65.5% of respondents showed "a little" or "somewhat" 10.3% of respondents didn't have any intention to visit Eudeungsan as a substitute place of MPP. Generally, socio-demographic and visiting characteristics were not related with intention to visit Eudeungsan as a substitute place of MPP. It was only found that respondents who largely visit 'alone' to Eudeungsan tended to have higher intention to visit the substitute place than those who visit 'in group.' Three factors of reasons to visit Eudeungsan (i.e.,Challenge/self-development: β=0.35; Accessibility/familiarity: β=0.27; Adventure: β=0.19) influenced intention to visit the substitute place. Relationship between reasons to visit and intention to visit the substitute place was found. No direct relationship was found between perceived similarity of the places and intention to visit substitute place, and similarity of recreation experiences showed perfect mediating effects between the two variables.

Effects of Cultivated Wild Panax ginseng Extract on the Proliferation, Differentiation and Mineralization of Osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 Cells (산양삼(cultivated wild Panax ginseng) 추출물이 조골세포 활성에 미치는 영향)

  • Seo, Hyun-Ju;Eo, Hyun Ji;Kim, Hyun Jun;Jeon, Kwon Seok;Park, Gwang Hun;Hong, Se Chul;Jeong, Jin Boo
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.227-236
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    • 2020
  • Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer (P. ginseng) is known to exert a wide range of pharmacological effects both in vitro and in vivo. Although studies on ginsenoside, antioxidant activity, and anticancer effect of the cultivated wild Panax ginseng (CWP) have been conducted, there is little research on the effect of CWP extract on bone metabolism. In this study, we investigated the potential anti-osteoporotic properties of CWP on the growth and differentiation of MC3T3-E1 cells. CWP significantly increased the viability and proliferation of MC3T3-E1 cells. CWP activated intracellular alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity in MC3T3-E1 cells. In addition, CWP increased the mineralized nodules in MC3T3-E1 cells. Furthermore, CWP increased the expression of genes such as Runx2, ALP, OPN and OCN associated with osteoblast growth and differentiation in a dose-dependent manner.

Evaluation and interpretation of the effects of heterogeneous layers in an OBS/air-gun crustal structure study (OBS/에어건을 이용한 지각구조 연구에서 불균질층의 영향에 대한 평가와 해석)

  • Tsuruga, Kayoko;Kasahara, Junzo;Kubota, Ryuji;Nishiyama, Eiichiro;Kamimura, Aya;Naito, Yoshihiro;Honda, Fuminori;Oikawa, Nobutaka;Tamura, Yasuo;Nishizawa, Azusa;Kaneda, Kentaro
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2008
  • We present a method for interpreting seismic records with arrivals and waveforms having characteristics which could be generated by extremely inhomogeneous velocity structures, such as non-typical oceanic crust, decollement at subduction zones, and seamounts in oceanic regions, by comparing them with synthetic waveforms. Recent extensive refraction and wide-angle reflection surveys in oceanic regions have provided us with a huge number of high-resolution and high-quality seismic records containing characteristic arrivals and waveforms, besides first arrivals and major reflected phases such as PmP. Some characteristic waveforms, with significant later reflected phases or anomalous amplitude decay with offset distance, are difficult to interpret using only a conventional interpretation method such as the traveltime tomographic inversion method. We find the best process for investigating such characteristic phases is to use an interactive interpretation method to compare observed data with synthetic waveforms, and calculate raypaths and traveltimes. This approach enables us to construct a reasonable structural model that includes all of the major characteristics of the observed waveforms. We present results here with some actual observed examples that might be of great help in the interpretation of such problematic phases. Our approach to the analysis of waveform characteristics is endorsed as an innovative method for constructing high-resolution and high-quality crustal structure models, not only in oceanic regions, but also in the continental regions.

Hydrogeochemical Evolution Related to High Fluoride Concentrations in Deep Bedrock Groundwaters, Korea (국내 심부 암반지하수에서의 고농도 불소 산출과 관련된 수리지구화학 진화)

  • Kim Kyoung-Ho;Yun Seong-Taek;Chae Gi-Tak;Kim Seong-Yong;Kwon Jang-Soon;Koh Yong-Kwon
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.39 no.1 s.176
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    • pp.27-38
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    • 2006
  • To understand the geologic and hydrogeochemical controls on the occurrence of high fluoride concentrations in bedrock groundwaters of South Korea, we examined a total of 367 hydrochemistry data obtained from deep groundwater wells (avg. depth=600 m) that were drilled fur exploitation of hot springs. The fluoride concentrations were generally very high (avg. 5.65mg/L) and exceeded the Drinking Water Standard (1.5 mg/L) in 72% of the samples. A significant geologic control of fluoride concentrations was observed: the highest concentrations occur in the areas of granitoids and granitic gneiss, while the lowest concentrations in the areas of volcanic and sedimentary rocks. In relation to the hydrochemical facies, alkaline NaHCO3 type waters had remarkably higher F concentrations than circum-neutral to slightly alkaline CaHCO3 type waters. The prolonged water-rock interaction occurring during the deep circulation of groundwater in the areas of granitoids and granitic gneiss is considered most important for the generation of high F concentrations. Under such condition, fluoride-rich groundwaters are likely formed through hydrogeochemical processes consisting of the removal of Ca from groundwater via calcite precipitation and/or cation exchange and the successive dissolution of plagioclase and F-bearing hydroxyl minerals (esp. biotite). Thus, groundwaters with high pH and very high Na/Ca ratio within granitoids and granitic gneiss are likely most vulnerable to the water supply problem related to enriched fluorine.

Mechanisms of Immobilization and Leaching Characteristics of Arsenic in the Waste Rocks and Tailings of the Abandoned Mine Areas (폐광산 지역 폐광석 및 광미에서 비소의 고정 메커니즘과 용출특성)

  • Kang Min-Mu;Lee Pyeong-Koo
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.38 no.5 s.174
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    • pp.499-512
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    • 2005
  • EPMA determined that Fe(Mn)-(oxy)hydroxides and well-crystallized Fe-(oxy)hydroxides and could contain a small amount of As (0.311.0wt.%and2.17.4wt.%respectively). Amorphous crystalline Fe-(oxy) hydroxide assemblages were identified as the richest in As with 2836wt.%. On the ternary As2O5SO3Fe2O3 diagram, these materials were interpreted here as 'scorodite-like'. Dissolved As was attenuated by the adsorption on Fe-(oxy) hydroxides and Fe(Mn)-(oxy) hydroxides and/or the formation of an amorphous Fe-As phase (maybe scorodite: FeAsO42H2O). Leaching tests were performed in order to find out leaching characteristics of As and Fe under acidic conditions. At the initial pHs 3 and 5, As contents dissolved from tailings of the cheongyang mine significantly increased after 7 days due to the oxidation of As-bearing secondary minerals (up to ca. 2.4% of total), while As of Seobo mine-tailing samples was rarely released (ca. 0.00.1% of total). Dissolution experiments at an initial pH 1 liberated a higher amount of As (ca. 1.14.2% of total for Seobo tailings, 1.514.4% of total for Cheongyang tailings). In addition, good correlation between As and Fe in leached solutions with tailings was observed. The kinetic problems could be the important factor which leads to increasing concentrations of As in the runoff water. Release of As from Cheongyang tailings can potentially pose adverse impact to surface and groundwater qualities in the surrounding environment, while precipitation of secondary minerals and the adsorption of As are efficient mechanisms for decreasing the mobilities of As in the surface environment of Seobo mine area.