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A Study of Textured Image Segmentation using Phase Information  

Oh, Suk (Dept. of Information Technology and Communication, Myongji College)
Finding a new set of features representing textured images is one of the most important studies in textured image analysis. This is because it is impossible to construct a perfect set of features representing every textured image, and it is inevitable to choose some relevant features which are efficient to on-going image processing jobs. This paper intends to find relevant features which are efficient to textured image segmentation. In this regards, this paper presents a different method for the segmentation of textured images based on the Gabor filter. Gabor filter is known to be a very efficient and effective tool which represents human visual system for texture analysis. Filtering a real-valued input image by the Gabor filter results in complex-valued output data defined in the spatial frequency domain. This complex value, as usual, gives the module and the phase. This paper focused its attention on the phase information, rather than the module information. In fact, the module information is considered very useful at region analysis in texture, while the phase information was considered almost of no use. But this paper shows that the phase information can also be fully useful and effective at region analysis in texture, once a good method introduced. We now propose "phase derivated method", which is an efficient and effective way to compute the useful phase information directly from the filtered value. This new method reduces effectively computing burden and widen applicable textured images.
Texture Image Segmentation; Gabor filter; Texture feature; Phase Derivated Method; Feature Vector;
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