• Title/Summary/Keyword: 방어기제

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  • Kim, Keun-Hyang;Jung, Yoo-Sook;Hong, Sung-Do;Kim, E-Yong;Kim, Ji-Hae
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.174-179
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    • 1998
  • Objective:Present study investigated the relationship between mothers' self-perception and perception of children's problems. Method:Subjects were 63 children, mothers, who visited child & adolescent psychiatric clinic. Their mothers completed Minnesota Mulpiphasic Personality Inventory(MMPI) & Korean Personality Inventory for Children(KPI-C). Correlation between validity scales of mothers' MMPI and validity scales of KPI-C was analysed, and then we divided subjects into two group(High & Low Group) according to the MMPI validity scales, and compared KPI-C's validity scales by student t-test. Result:There were significant positive correlation(r=.30) between K scale of MMPI and L scale of KPI-C, significant negative correlation(r=-.32) F scale of MMPI and L scale of KPI-C. The Means of T scores did show significant difference according to MMPI F, K scales in KPI-C L scale, to MMPI L scale in KPI-C F scale. Conclusion:These results indicated that defensive mothers tend to perceive her child's problems more defensively. However mothers who exaggerate their problem more severely, do not exaggerate their children's problem. Therefore, these result suggested that we should be careful not to underestimate children's problem whose mother elevated in K scale of MMPI.

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Arousing the Need to Remove the 'Shadow Encroaching Phenomena on the Essence' in Ad Expression by Interdisciplinarily Applying Ethicality (윤리의식의 학제적 적용을 통한 광고 표현에서의 '그림자에 의한 실체의 잠식 현상' 제거 필요성 환기)

  • Kim, Chulho
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.351-359
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this research is to arouse attention to the importance of eliminating the 'Shadow Encroaching Phenomena on the Essence' in advertising expression by interdisciplinarily applying ethicality. This research shows that when advertising expression is planned and executed without enough consideration of ethicality, short-term effectiveness to reach goals can be increased, but it is easy to induce an unintended 'Shadows' Boomerang Phenomena'. This research also proposes that such processes arouse consumers' ethical defense mechanisms, possibly causing the 'Shadow Encroaching Phenomena' in the end. In conclusion, this research proposes the following. First, the pursuit of commercial profit in a capitalistic society must be done under the premise of securing a consensus of ethicality in a common society. Second, under the premise of an integrated process of education, sharing, execution, and confirmation of ethicality, companies can achieve both the micro-practical goal of profit pursuit and the macro-environmental goal of ecological sympathy.

A Study on the Countermeasure of Traffic Terror (대중교통테러의 대응방안)

  • Kim, Jin-Hyeok
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.14
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    • pp.109-123
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    • 2007
  • Traffic terror is one of the terror types subject on transportation means. However, unlike the aircraft or ship, there is no case of negotiating with passengers as hostage but to unconditionally attack that the human casualty would be much greater. In act, the terror on subway or bus would have much bigger damage than the terror on aircraft or ship. Because of such fact, there is a need for full preparation thereto, however, there is no preparation of advance preventive measure, particularly, when comparing to the cases involving aircraft. In addition, the passengers who use railway and others in the position of citizens do not have any defense mechanism against any terror activity to make the problem even more serious. Therefore, in order to prevent traffic terror, the first thing is to implement the identity confirmation of passengers, followed by the through search of cargos of the passengers, supplement the capability against the terror by the security team members, strengthen the responsive capability of citizens, thorough check on facilities, expansion of social security network and others. All terrors are within the reach of our neighborhood at the time when we neglect it, and the most secured and safe way to prevent the terror is to check and prepare at all times beginning from our familiar facilities or means.

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Psychological Needs of Game Addiction: An Exploratory Study Focusing on Therapeutic Catharsis Seeking and Game Self-Efficacy (카타르시스 추구와 자아 효능감에 기반한 게임 과몰입의 심리적 욕구에 관한 탐색적 연구)

  • Lee, Hye Rim;Jeong, Eui Jun
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.123-134
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    • 2015
  • There are general surveys on factors related to game addiction. However, less is known about the relationships between game addiction, therapeutic catharsis seeking, and game and life self-efficacy in terms of desired needs. This study sought to clarify several of these relationships. Using data from a survey of 489 online game users, we conducted a regression analysis to explore the association between therapeutic aspects (therapeutic catharsis seeking and game and life self-efficacy), psychological problems (loneliness and depression), and demographic variables (age and gender). Results showed that both therapeutic catharsis seeking and game self-efficacy increase game addiction. The implications of these results are discussed.

A Study on Job Stress and Stress Coping Strategies for Administrative Personnel working in Early Childhood Educational Institution - With a Focus on O City, Gyeonsangnam do - (유치원 행정업무담당자의 직무스트레스와 스트레스대처방안에 관한 연구 -경상남도 O시 중심으로-)

  • Shin, So-Jeong;Cho, Sung-Je
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.203-213
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    • 2015
  • This study aims to figure out job stress and stress coping strategies for administrative personnel working in early childhood educational institution. The survey was conducted targeting 119 administrative personnel working in early childhood educational institution in Gyeonsangnam-do from September 10th, 2014 to December 20th, 2014. SPSS/WIN 18.0 Program for statistical processing, followed by frequency analysis, t-test, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. The result of socio-demographic characteristics had differences by factors ages, marriage status, religion and position. correlation. There was negative(-) correlation between lower variables of advices of experienced, change of problem recognition and lower variables of workload, job performance. Third, frequency of drinking and position at work were confirmed statistically as significant factors in regression model. This study is to be basic data to improve administrative personnel's task working in early childhood educational institution.

The Preliminary Study of Defense Mechanisms of Oriental Medicine Students (한의과대학생들의 자아방어기제 특성에 대한 예비적 연구)

  • Kim, Ji-Young;Cho, Rye-Young;Kim, Yun-Yong;Cho, Seung-Run;Whang, Wei-Wan
    • Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.23-34
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    • 2008
  • Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate characteristics of the defense mechanism of oriental medicine students by using Ewha Defense Mechanism Test(EDMT) preliminarily. Method: We described the characteristics of the defense mechanism of oriental medicine students and compared the scores of EDMT with standard group. We analysed the differences of defense mechanism by sex (male, female) and age($\leq$29 and $\geq$30 yrs old) within oriental medicine students. The score of EDMT were verified by examination of one sample t-test and unpaired t-test. Results and Conclusions: First, there was no Major Defense Mechanism in oriental medicine students. Second, oriental medicine students had more defensive, passive inclination and used Evasion and Show-off more frequently. Third, the differences within oriental medicine students depended on age rather than sex. The younger students used immature and neurotic defense mechanisms more frequently, and the older students had more defensive and passive inclination.

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A Study on the Decision Making Process of Social Venture: The case of Goyohan Taxi (소셜벤처의 의사결정 프로세스에 관한 연구: 고요한택시 사례)

  • Kim, Jinyoung;Sung, Changsoo;Cho, Hanjun;Moon, Kanghyun
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.83-96
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    • 2020
  • Traditionally social problems had been largely left to be handled by non-profit organizations, not because of lack of interests in social causes but mostly because of lack of innovative ideas to solve them in commercially viable ways. This market failure has recently been fixed by social enterprises, which manage to provide both solutions for social issues and commercially viable business models. As a result, we have been witnessing a sudden spike of public interests in these social enterprises as well as a call for empirical investigation on social enterprises by prior studies. However, empirically investigating a social enterprise has been a challenging endeavor mostly due to the insufficient number of successful social enterprises. Answering to the call in this study, we empirically investigate Goyohan Taxi, a successful social enterprise that partners with visually impaired cabdrivers and offers a taxi service, by both longitudinally interviewing the founder and adopting in vivo observation throughout the entrepreneurial journey of Goyohan Taxi. Based on the single case study method, we find that Goyohan Taxi adopts two distinctive decision-making mechanisms, the de-escalation of commitment and the orthogonality of commercial and social goals. Although generalizability of the our finding is minimal due to the limitation of single case study method, our finding contributes to the research of social entrepreneurship by offering new avenue of research in decision-making process of social entrepreneurs.

Developing an Interactive Character having an Artificial Emotion for a Smart Phone (인공정서를 가진 스마트폰용 인터랙티브 캐릭터 개발)

  • Ham, Jun-Seok;Yeo, Ji-Hye;Park, Sung-Ho;Ko, Il-Ju
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.483-494
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    • 2011
  • This paper purposes to develop an artificial emotion reflecting emotional features contains situations, time, and characteristics, also to develop an interactive character having this artificial emotion with a smart phone. The artificial emotion has an Emotion Module and Drive Module for expressing emotion according to external emotional stimulus and internal drive. The Emotion Module administrates emotions according to time, characteristic, interrelation between different emotions. The Drive Module controls sensitivities of emotion according to changing drives over long time. Also due to defence mechanism for expressing emotions, emotions are processed by two pathways: The first pathway which is affected by the Emotion Module and the Drive Module, and the second pathway that is not to be done. We developed an interactive character having the artificial emotion with this structure using smart phone. And we simulated the artificial emotion what differences there are according to situations, characteristic, and time under same input conditions. The result of this paper has meanings developing the interactive character having the artificial emotion actually, and making it possible to personalize an artificial emotion with expressing the artificial emotion using smart phone.

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A Phenomenological Study on Sexual Experience of Sexual offenders and Insight on Unfinished through Psychodrama (사이코드라마를 통한 성폭력 행위자들의 성경험역사와 아동기외상의 통찰에 관한 현상학 연구)

  • Kong, Hyun-jun;Shin, Dong-yeol
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.71-81
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    • 2020
  • This study has verified the process of helping actors recognize their sexual problems linked to sexual violence cases through early sexual experience history, and exploring and insighting the stuck feelings of sexual violence actors through psychodrama, which focuses on expressing behavior and emotions. The research questions were divided into sexual violence cases and perceptions of actors, actual insights through psychodrama, and dealt with past biblical history related to actors' events and events, exploration of childhood trauma, and insights and changes in emotions through psychodrama. The results from the study are as follows. First, they showed low self-understanding levels and frequent use of defense mechanisms against sexual violence cases in an environment related to cases involving sexual offenders, and were aware of the problematic factors affecting the cases in the course of their daily lives, but did not take them seriously. Second, there were many distorted masculinity and adult sites related to participants' biblical experience history. In the early experience of sexual activity, it was often viewed as a sexual object rather than an emotional exchange with a lover, and the contents of the initial Bible experience were linked to actual sexual violence cases committed by participants. Third, childhood trauma of participants through psychodrama led to rapidly changing family circumstances and abuse by fathers. Fourth, the actual content of emotions represented by anger in the early stages of psychodrama is meaningful in that it revealed the process of sadness, pain, regret and longing for a departing mother leading to objective insight into emotions through the catharsis process.

A phenomenological study on the dream insight process of intern counselor -Based on Dream Integrated Art Therapy- (인턴상담자의 꿈 통찰 과정에 관한 현상학적 연구 -꿈통합예술치료를 기반으로-)

  • Kwon, Hye-Jin;Shin, Dong-Yeol
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.53-61
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    • 2022
  • This study is a phenomenological study on the dream insight process of intern counselors. The purpose of this study is to promote growth as a professional counselor based on the process of giving meaning to and recognizing their experiences through insight into the unconscious. Therefore, we used dream-integrated art therapy to have a process of recognizing unconscious dreams that clearly express expectations for oneself, others, and the world, and to explore this process more flexibly. The research participants selected three students enrolled in the master's and doctor's courses from among the applicants who applied through public relations and adopted the phenomenological Giorgi research method for data collection and analysis through in-depth interviews with the research participants. The main research results are as First, the intern counselors had a motive for wanting their own unconscious insight through dream-integrated art therapy and were able to gain insight into the problems revealed in their unconscious through dreams, music, and art media. Second, it was found that the intern counselors felt a deepening of concentration and comfort through recent dreams, music, and art media in common. Third, as a defense mechanism that was revealed without the combination of dream integrated art therapy, the avoidance tendency of not wanting to reveal oneself was common, but this showed a gradual decrease. Fourth, it was reported that intern counselors gained flexibility for themselves about the future growth direction had an opportunity to accept themselves, and had a plan for the future direction to become professional counselors. Therefore, it is suggested that follow-up studies using various media, studies to verify the effectiveness of the dream integration program, and various case studies are necessary.