• Title/Summary/Keyword: 발포 압출

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Preparation of Poly(L-lactic acid) Scaffolds by Melt Extrusion Foaming (용융 압출 발포에 의한 폴리락틱산 지지체 가공)

  • Lee Jong Rok;Kang Ho-Jong
    • Polymer(Korea)
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.198-203
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    • 2005
  • Melt extrusion foaming process for the preparation of poly(L-lactic acid) (PLLA) scaffolds was carried out and the effects of foaming conditions on the pore structure of PLLA scaffolds and their mechanical properties were investigated. The porosity and mechanical properties of fabricated scaffolds were compared with the scaffolds obtained from the salt leaching method as well. It was found that the optimum pore structure was achieved when the PLLA melt was kept in extruder for the maximum decomposition time of blowing agent. In order to maintain the proper scaffolds structure, the blowing agent content should be less than $10\;wt\%$. It can be concluded that melt extrusion foaming process allows for the production of scaffold having higher mechanical properties with reasonable pore size and open cell structure for hard tissue regeneration even though it has less porosity than scaffolds made by salt leaching process.

초미세 발포 압출 다이 설계를 위한 압력 해석

  • 이보형;차성운
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2004.05a
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    • pp.101-101
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    • 2004
  • 초미세 발포 플라스틱(MCPs; Microcellular Plastics)공정은 기존 발포 플라스틱의 장점을 보존하면서도 그 동안 발포 플라스틱의 단점으로 지적되어온 충격강도, 인성, 경도 등의 기계적 특성저하를 개선하기 위하여 개발되었다. 플라스틱 내에 지름 수 십 $\mu\textrm{m}$ 내외의 기포를 $10^{9}$-$10^{15}$cel1/㎤의 밀도로 발생시키는 초미세 발포공법은 내부의 미세 구조로 인하여 재료비를 절약하면서 우수한 기계적 특성을 나타내는 플라스틱 재료를 성형할 수 있게 하며, 발포제로 초 임계 상태의 불활성 기체($CO_2$, $N_2$, etc)를 사용하기 때문에 기존의 발포 공정에서 발포제로 사용했던 유해 화학 물이나 프레온, 부탄으로 인해 발생할 수 있는 환경 문제를 해결할 수 있다는 장점을 지닌다.(중략)

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A Study on the Extrusion Foaming of Polypropylene (폴리프로필렌의 압출발포 특성에 관한 연구)

  • 황대영;한갑동;홍다윗;이규일;이기윤
    • Polymer(Korea)
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.538-544
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    • 2000
  • The characteristics of cell growth and foamed cell structures of PP were investigated by a continuous foaming process. The operating parameters were the contents of blowing agent and nucleating agent, nucleating agent contents, die temperatures and die dimensions. The foaming cells grew without collapse at less than 14.5 wt% of blowing agent, isopentane. But the cells were collapsed when the blowing agent content was more than 14.5 wt%. The foam density dramatically decreased when a very small amount of the nucleating agent, 1 wt%, was added. After the nucleating agent was added, the cell's weight plummeted to one-seventh of its previous weight. Stable foam cell structures were formed at the die temperature of 17$0^{\circ}C$. However, the effects of the pressure drop rate on the cell morphology were not serious.

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A study for PP resin High magnification MCPs Extrusion foaming (MCPs 압출 공법을 이용한 PP 수지의 고배율 압출 발포 연구)

  • Hyun C.H.;Cha S.W.;Kim H.B.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.1046-1050
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    • 2005
  • Micro Cellular Plastics create a sensation at polymer industrial for lowering product cost & overcoming a lowering of mechanical intensity. There Is much development from injection molding pans but Extrusion parts is slow. This research is MCPs Extrusion parts, It is basis experiment for Process to make beads that is basis raw material of Package used most by shock mitigative of industry.

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A Study of Thermal insulation method using extruded and expanded Poly-ethylene panel contacted to the bathroom inner wall facing on the outside (외기와 면하는 욕실 내측벽에 압출 발포폴리스티렌 패널을 사용한 단열시공기술에 관한 연구)

  • Lee Jong-Jin;Oh Chang-Won;Yeo Sung-Yi
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference
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    • 2005.11a
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    • pp.11-16
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    • 2005
  • This study is for the insulation construction of inner wall in a bathroom facing on the outside in the housings. This new dry construction method can be constructed by a dry panel which is bonded tiles on the extruded and expanded poly-ethylene panel in stead of the existing wet construction method. Compared to the existing method, this panel is light movably and is constructed simply. These representative construction merits are getting wide span in a bath due to reducing wall thickness and saving construction period.

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Production method for porous polypropylene sheet (발포 폴리프로필렌 시트의 제조방법)

  • Yu, Ho-Tak;Lee, Kee-Sun;Kim, Kee-Sun
    • Proceedings of the KAIS Fall Conference
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    • 2012.05b
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    • pp.677-679
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    • 2012
  • 다공질 폴리프로필렌 시트는 압전센서 및 VOC 발생이 적은 자동차 내장소재로 주목을 받고 있으며, 특히 경량화를 위한 다공질 폴리프로필렌 시트의 가공기술이 중요하다. 이 연구에서는 기존의 가교형 폴리프로필렌 시트를 활용하여 압출과 사출이 아닌 압연공정과 열처리 발포공정을 접목하였다. 발포를 위한 마스터배치와 폴리프로필렌의 혼합으로 제조된 두께 1mm의 폴리프로필렌시트를 $200^{\circ}C$온도에서 온간압연공정에 의해 0.1-0.2mm 두께로 제조하고, 이를 $200^{\circ}C$에서 5분동안 발포함으로써 기공률 65%의 시트를 제조함으로써 저가의 압전센서 소재로 활용 가능성을 확인하였다.

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산업부문 B2B 시범사업 소개 - 금형업종 -

  • 류병우
    • Proceedings of the CALSEC Conference
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    • 2001.08a
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    • pp.105-109
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    • 2001
  • 성형의 종류 ◈금속 성형 ㆍ 스탬핑(Stamping) ㆍ 정밀 블랭킹(Fine Blanking) ㆍ 딥 드로잉(Deep Drawing) ㆍ 다이캐스팅(Die Casting) ㆍ 인베스트먼트 주조(Investment Casting) ㆍ 분말 야금(Power Metallurgy) ㆍ 인발(Wire Drawing) ㆍ 압출(Extrusion) ㆍ 단조(Forging) ㆍ ㆍ코이닝(Coining) ㆍ... ◈비금속 성형 ㆍ 사출(Injection) ㆍ 압축(Compression) ㆍ 블로우 성형(Blow Molding) ㆍ 진공 성형(Vacuum Molding) ㆍ 발포 성형(Foam Molding) ㆍ 피복(Encapsulation) ㆍ 회전식(Rotational) ㆍ 주조(Casting) ㆍ 적층(Laminating) ㆍ 압출(Extrusion) ㆍ...(중략)

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Structural Development of Polypropylene Foam by Crosslinking and Processing Conditions (가교도와 공정 조건에 따른 폴리프로필렌 발포체 구조 변화)

  • 황대영;한갑동;홍다윗;이규일;이기윤
    • Polymer(Korea)
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.529-537
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    • 2000
  • The effects of the gel content on the cell structures of PP sheets by using an electron-curing system were investigated. Three extruded PP sheets crosslinked by three different doses were used for the batch foaming process with the supercritical state $CO_2$. Experiments were also performed in order to study the effects of the gel content, saturation pressure and temperature on cell structures. Then foaming conditions, such as temperature and duration of time, were changed. The amount of gas absorbed into PP samples was not affected by gel contents and the operating condition of saturation pressure, which was higher than 2000 psi. The foam cells of PP with a low gel content grew irregularly at a higher foaming temperature and for a longer duration of foaming time. However, PP samples with high gel content showed even cell structures and narrow tell size distributions under the severe conditions of high foaming temperatures and long duration of foaming time.

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