• Title/Summary/Keyword: 물체적 실체

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The problem of corporial substance by Leibniz (2): Is the corporial substance a substance? (라이프니츠에서 물체적 실체의 문제 (2): 물체적 실체는 하나의 실체인가?)

  • Yun, SunKoo
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • no.94
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    • pp.53-87
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    • 2011
  • Leibniz regards a corporeal substance, which is composed of monads, as 'one substance' and tries to prove that it has a true unity. This position seems to be contradictionary to his Monadology. Therefore, many scholars have ignored Leibniz's stand that corporeal substance is 'one substance', or consider this only as a stand from his theory of substance in his early works, which has been discarded afterwards. This Research will show that Leibniz adheres to this position throughout his lifetime; that although Leibniz uses the concepts such as substantial form and substantial bond to explain his stand, but the concept of substancial bond doesn't fit in with his philosophical system; that to explain the unity of the corporeal substance, the concept of substancial form and the theory of preestablished harmony are sufficient; and that nevertheless the stand that the corporeal substance is 'one substance' inconsistent with the position that the monad is 'one substance'; and that if Leibniz abandons that stand, the theory of the corporeal substance is a good foundation of his panorganism.

A Study on the Tangible Interface Design System -With Emphasis on the Prototyping & Design Methods of Tangibles - (실체적 인터페이스 디자인 시스템에 관한 연구 - 텐저블즈의 설계 및 프로토타입 구현을 중심으로 -)

  • 최민영;임창영
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.5-14
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    • 2004
  • Introducing human capacities of control and sensation which have been overlooked into Human-Computer Interaction(HCI), Ubiquitous computing, Augmented Reality and others have been researched recently. New vision of HCI has embodied in Tangible User Interface(TUI). TUI allows users to grasp and manipulate bits with everyday physical object and architectural surface and also TUI enables user to be aware of background object at the periphery of human perception using ambient display media such of light, sound, airflow and water movement. Tangibles, physical object which constitutes TUI system, is the physical object embodied digital bit. Tangibles is not only input device but also the configuration of computing. To get feedback of computing result, user controls the system with Tangibles as action and the system represents reaction in response to User's action. User appreciates digital representation (sound, graphic information) and physical representation (form, size, location, direction etc.) for reaction. TUI's characters require the consideration about both user's action and system's reaction. Therefore we have to need the method to be concerned about physical object and interaction which can be combined with action, reaction and feedback.

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Leibniz-Clark Controversy on the Nature of Space and Hole Argument (공간의 본성에 대한 라이프니츠-클라크 논쟁과 홀 논변)

  • Yang, Kyoung-eun
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • v.144
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    • pp.235-256
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    • 2017
  • This essay considers Leibniz-Clark correspondence on the nature of space and hole argument. The ontology of space had been debated under the name of substantivalism-relationism controversy. The debates between the two parties are concerned with the nature of existence of parts of space-time. Substantivalism claims that the point of space-time has existence analogous to that of material substance. Relationism argues that space-time should be understood as the framework of possible spatio-temporal relations between bodies. Although these two approaches attempt to respect theoretical context, it seems that the problems of these two interpretive schemes stems from the lack of understanding of the structure of space-time theories, especially how space-time is connected with the laws of motion. In order to appreciate the substance-relation controversy without deviating from the context of space-time theories, it is necessary then to capture how space-time theories are constituted. This essay offers the clear connection of ontology of space-time with present practices of theoretical physicists.

Reality and Function of Representation (표상의 실재성과 가능성)

  • Hung-YulSo
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.205-220
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    • 1990
  • Material substance may exist in two different modes of reality:real as physcal objects that comprise material cause and formal cause, and real as function networks that comprise efficient cause and functional cause.Functional networks are real as a mode of material substance because their efficient cause is energy consuming.Neural functional network, in this sense, are different from neural networks.In the same way, mental functional networks are real, for they are energy consuming and they function as a network.Mental functional networks, in turn, may divide into non-lingustic functional networks and linguistic functional networks.And further distinctions among the different levels of mental functional networks will be specified, and hence their reality confirmed more specifically as the research in cognitive science advances.

Tracking Moving Object using Hierarchical Search Method (계층적 탐색기법을 이용한 이동물체 추적)

  • 방만식;김태식;김영일
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.568-576
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    • 2003
  • This paper proposes a moving object tracking algorithm by using hierarchical search method in dynamic scenes. Proposed algorithm is based on two main steps: generation step of initial model from different pictures, and tracking step of moving object under the time-yawing scenes. With a series of this procedure, tracking process is not only stable under far distance circumstance with respect to the previous frame but also reliable under shape variation from the 3-dimensional(3D) motion and camera sway, and consequently, by correcting position of moving object, tracking time is relatively reduced. Partial Hausdorff distance is also utilized as an estimation function to determine the similarity between model and moving object. In order to testify the performance of proposed method, the extraction and tracking performance have tested using some kinds of moving car in dynamic scenes. Experimental results showed that the proposed algorithm provides higher performance. Namely, matching order is 28.21 times on average, and considering the processing time per frame, it is 53.21ms/frame. Computation result between the tracking position and that of currently real with respect to the root-mean-square(rms) is 1.148. In the occasion of different vehicle in terms of size, color and shape, tracking performance is 98.66%. In such case as background-dependence due to the analogy to road is 95.33%, and total average is 97%.

Tabletop workspace with Tangible User Interface using Infrared Vision Sense (위치와 각도를 인지하는 책상형 실체적 인터랙션 개발)

  • Shim, Han-Su
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.50-53
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    • 2006
  • In this paper I present a system that with infrared vision sense tracks the position and orientation of a wireless object on a tabletop display surface. The system offers two types of improvements over existing computer vision tracking approaches. First, the system tracks an object accurately without susceptibility to changes in lighting conditions. Second, the system tracks not only the orientation but button click state of the object. This system can detect these changes in real time. Finally, I present an application of the system : Color Lab Box.

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Tabletop Workspace with Tangible User Interface Using Infrared Vision Sense (위치와 각도를 인지하는 책상형 인터랙션 개발)

  • Shim Han-Su
    • Journal of Game and Entertainment
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.70-74
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    • 2006
  • In this paper I present a system that with infrared vision sense tracks the position and orientation of a wireless object on a tabletop display surface. The system offers two types of improvements over existing computer vision tracking approaches. First, the system tracks an object accurately without susceptibility to changes in lighting conditions. Second, the system tracks not only the orientation but button click state of the object. This system can detect these changes in real time. Finally, I present an application of the system : Color Lab Box.

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The Controversy on the Conceptual Foundation of Space-Time Geometry (시공간 기하학의 개념적 기초에 대한 논쟁)

  • Yang, Kyoung-Eun
    • Journal for History of Mathematics
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.273-292
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    • 2009
  • According to historical commentators such as Newton and Einstein, bodily behaviors are causally explained by the geometrical structure of space-time whose existence analogous to that of material substance. This essay challenges this conventional wisdom of interpreting space-time geometry within both Newtonian and Einsteinian physics. By tracing recent historical studies on the interpretation of space-time geometry, I defends that space-time structure is a by-product of a more fundamental fact, the laws of motion. From this perspective, I will argue that the causal properties of space-time cannot provide an adequate account of the theory-change from Newtoninan to Einsteinian physics.

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The Construction of Ultrasonic Hologram and the Image Reconstruction Using Computer (초음파 홀로그램의 구성과 컴퓨터 영상재현)

  • Jang, Seong-Hwan;Go, Dae-Sik;Jeon, Gye-Seok
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.23-28
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    • 1989
  • In this paper, the construction of ultrasonic hologram and the image reconstruction using computer have been studied, and it has been compared with optical reconstruction. The ultrasonic hologram has been constructed using c-scanning method$(128\times128 step)$and the image of the object has been reconstructed by computer using Rayleigh -Sommerfeld formula and DFT algorithm. In this experiment, the holography system has been builted with the transducer of 5MHz center frequency and 5cm focal length, and the mechanical c-scanning system. It has been shown that the reconstructed image using computer for aluminum plane with the 'S' shaped defect has been displayed image of high quality.

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데데킨트 절단, 배중률, 관계

  • Hong, Seong-Gi
    • Korean Journal of Logic
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.15-46
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    • 2004
  • Um die rationalen Zahlen auf die reellen Zahlen zu erweitern und dadurch die Stetigkeit der reellen Zahlen sicherzustellen, hat der deutsche Mathematiker R. Dedekind im Jahr 1872 in seinem Aufsatz "Stetigkeit und Irrationale Zahlen" einen neuen mathmatischen Begriff $eingef\ddot{u}hrt,\;n\ddot{a}mlich$ 'Schnitt'. Die Menge aller rationalen Zahlen Q wird durch eine rationale Zahl a zu zwei Untermengen $A_1=\{x|x{\leq}a,\;x{\in}Q\}$, $A_2=\{x|x>a,\;x{\in}Q\}$ $vollst\ddot{a}ndig$ geteilt. Wenn wir solche Teilung, d.i. solchen Schnitt mit "$(A_1,\;A_2)$" bezeichnen, ist ein $Identit\ddot{a}tssatz$ "a=$(A_1,\;A_2)$" absolut harmlos. Analog dazu glaubt Dedekind fest, $da{\beta}$ jede irrationale Zahl mit Hilfe von einem entsprechenden Schnitt $einzuf\ddot{u}hren$ ist. Zum Beispiel, falls die zwei Mengen $B_1=\{x|x^2<2,\;x{\in}Q\}$ und $B_2=\{x|x^2>2,\;x{\in}Q\}$ gegeben sind, dann $w\ddot{a}re$ die irrationale Zahl $^{\surd}2$ mit $(B_1,\;B_2)$ gleichzusetzen. Im Fall von einem Schnitt der Menge der rationalen Zahlen durch eine rationale Zahl, $(A_1,\;A_2)$, haben die beiden Untermengen $A_1$ und $A_2$ jwewils ein Supremum und ein Infimum und beide $m\ddot{u}ssen$ identisch sein, aber -wie schon Russell in seinem Buch "Introduction to Mathmatical Philosophy" dies kritisiert- hat ein Schnitt $f\ddot{u}r$ die $Einf\ddot{u}hrung$ der irrationalen Zahl, $(B_1,\;B_2)$ keine solche $gl\ddot{u}cklichen$ Eigenschaften. Dennoch glaubt Dedekind an eine streng wissenschaftliche Fundierung der irrationalen Zahl fest, und $w\ddot{u}rde$ nach dem Grund seines Glaubens befragt, $k\ddot{o}nnte$ er nur seine Behauptung wiederholen, ein klarer Fall circulus vitiosus. Mit anderen Worten, die $L\ddot{u}cke$ zwischen $B_1$ und $B_2$ durch die $Einf\ddot{u}hrung$ einer [einzigen] wissenschaftlich fundierten irrationalen Zahl $\ddot{u}berbr\ddot{u}ckt$ und das Ganze zu einem Kontinium gemacht werden sollte, bleibt dieses Vorhaben von Dedekind erst als eine Hoffnung und dessen Resultat kann $h\ddot{o}chstens$ nur als ein Postulat, aber keineswegs als ein methodisch einwandfreier Beweis betrachtet werden. Die Probleme, die mit dem Versuch der $Einf\ddot{u}hrung$ der irrationalen Zahlen mit Hilfe von Schnitt verbunden sind, sind nicht spezifisch allein im Gebient der Mathmatik, sondern betreffen immer wieder die Rechtfertigungsfrage der $Einf\ddot{u}hrung$ der letzten Bestandteile im bezug auf eine Systemerstellung, egal ob dies System ein Wissenschaftliches oder unsere $allt\ddot{a}gliche$ Sprachhandlung ist. $F\ddot{u}r$ all diese Rechtfertigungsfragen gilt das in der klassischen Logik $g\ddot{a}ngige$ logische Prinzip tertium non datur nicht mehr, aber nicht nur wegen der von praktischen $Unm\ddot{o}glichkeit$, die unendlichen vielen $Gegenst\ddot{a}nde$ durchforschen zu $m\ddot{u}ssen$, das $hei{\beta}t$, wegen der erkenntnistheoretischen $Beschr\ddot{a}nktheit$ des jetzigen Erkenntnisniveau, sondern auch wegen des speziellen ontologischen modus der $eizuf\ddot{u}hrenden$ Objekten. Der Autor des Aufsatzes analysiert $\ddot{a}nliche$ $F\ddot{a}lle$ (das Urmeterbeispiel und die Chrakterisierungen der geometrischen Axiome von Wittgenstein), und versucht mit Hilfe von beiden Begriffen, 'interne' und 'externe' Relation, zu zeigen, $da\beta$ eine gemeinsame, invariante Struktur in den eben genannten $F\ddot{a}llen$ besteht. Am Ende des Aufsatzes setzt der Autor sich mit der logischen Argumentationsstruktur des Zitates tiber 'Grenze' aus Noten von Leonardo da Vinci auseinander, und weist auf einen $m\ddot{o}glichen$ Zusammenhang der Grundidee seienes Aufsatzes mit der Philosophie der indischen Denker $N\bar{a}g\bar{a}rjuna$ hin, obwohl die zitierten Versen aus dem Hauptwerk von $N\bar{a}g\bar{a}rjuna$, dem Mittleren Weg$(Madhyamakak\bar{a}rik\bar{a})$ nur andeutend sein $m\ddot{o}gen$.

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