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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: 문화 감수성

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Executives' Characteristics and Their Management Implications in Korean Entertainment Companies (우리나라 엔터테인먼트 기업의 임원 특성과 경영 함의점)

  • Kim, Jeong-Seob
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.77-89
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    • 2019
  • What are the characteristics of firm executives who have led the fast-growing Korean entertainment industry since the Korean Wave in the early 2000s, and what management implications can be inferred from them? To search for the answer to these questions, we conducted a complete survey of 293 executives from 27 listed Korean entertainment companies. Research has shown that career path diversity has increased in order of general enterprise managers, IT experts, accountants, lawyers and artists, away from the limited human resources level around artists. Thirty three percent of the firms gave stock options to their CEO. This is a positive aspect as data implying that these companies have been striving to do specialization, transparent management, digital and network management, creativity management, and motivational management in the context of sustainablity. However, it was pointed out as an improvement task that the percentage of young(20s and 30s) and female executives is low, even though such people's creativity, sensitivity, initiative and dynamic quality are apt to bring out their advantages especially in the entertainment company, a typical knowledge-creative firms and that the period of the CEO's average tenure was relatively short to 4.02 years.

Emotional Machines That Attract Human (인간을 매혹한 감정 기계)

  • Oh, Youn-Ho
    • Journal of Popular Narrative
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.9-32
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    • 2019
  • This paper tried to analyze the post-human phenomenon of our age with a focus on the 'emotional machine' motif. The post-humans of our time are closely linked to the creatures in very old storie. The post-human concept is based on the universal and intellectual imagination of humanity that is shared beyond humanities and technical civilizations, cultural and historical boundaries between East and West. This paper is about the creatures from mythical stories that have fascinated human beings, the mechanical humans who brought fear through the sophisticated mechanism of technology civilization era, the post humans. Through my process of looking at the post humans, I sought to clarify the conditions of the sensitivity and humanity of the age. In the process, we come to understand the vagueness of the boundaries between human beings, nature, and machines, and study the coexistence of humans, nature, and machines in the post-human era of the 21st century, beyond the limitations of human-centered humanity.

Storytelling Strategy of and Its Potential to Evolve into Transmedia Franchise (<자이언트 펭TV> 스토리텔링 전략과 트랜스미디어 스토리텔링으로의 가능성)

  • Cho, Hee-Young
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.211-227
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    • 2020
  • This study intends to analyze the storytelling strategy of EBS's YouTube channel , which has been creating a remarkable cultural phenomenon since April 2019, and to examine the potential for its transition to transmedia franchise. Based on Henry Jenkins'seven principles of transmedia storytelling, shows satisfactory relevance in all but 'multiplicity'out of the 10 capacities consisting of the principles. In particular, was found excellent in terms of core capacities such as 'spreadability', 'immersion', 'worldbuilding', 'continuity', 'drillability' and 'performance'. In addition, critical discourse analysis(CDA) in sociocultural practice dimension of the keywords of the related news articles has discovered that is strongly linked to the following five values: 'social integration', 'resistance against authoritarianism', 'self-dignity and reasonable individualism', 'gender neutrality' and 'ecologism', indicating the reason why the work has been able to resonate so extraordinarily with participants across all generations. By answering the two chosen research questions, this study has proved that has high potential to be successful in evolving into transmedia franchise, while keeping building a new realm of edutainment storytelling by cleverly exploiting EBS's unique identity as a public education broadcaster. is viewed as an exceptional property capable of advancing transmedia storytelling in the local market; thus, productive arguments and contemplation over its evolution in storytelling needs to continue so that it can maintain a long-lasting positive influence.

Romance between Women in the Age of 'Feminism Reboot' -Focusing on Biwan seri's Her Simcheong(justoon, 2017-2019) ('페미니즘 리부트' 시대의 여성 간 로맨스 -비완·seri, <그녀의 심청>(저스툰, 2017~2019))

  • Heo, Yoon
    • Journal of Popular Narrative
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.183-212
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    • 2020
  • GL(Girls' Love), which deals with romance between women, is considered a small, minor culture in the sub-culture market. Nevertheless, recent 'reboot feminism' in the voice of women in the epic that appears to be the central protagonist is increased, and interest in naturally glIncreasing. It encourages those who declare "post BL" to consume GLs featuring female characters instead of male characters. In an atmosphere where female creators consume female dictionaries who write women's stories and argue that they should expand the scope of their female counterparts, "Her Simcheong," a webtoon that won the 2018 Our Comics Award, explores the possibility of female epic through rewriting myths. Gender norms given to women, such as filial piety and nirvana, all get new names in . A good daughter is a liar, and a good wife has a woman she loves. Besides Simcheong, hit-and-run mothers, Jang Seung-sang's wife and Jang Seung-sang's daughter-in-law also focus on female characters' stories, highlighting solidarity among women to survive in a male-dominated society. In this process, solidarity among women naturally leads to GL imagination. Her Simcheong describes direct sexual contact, such as kissing and hugging among women, as beautiful illustrations, and shows romance between women in a manless world. While solidarity among women is always regarded as 'undangerous' friendship or girlish sensibility, the romance between women in breaks the cultural rules of women's growth novel and women's trade. This reveals the inconsistency of the conspiratorial male solidarity, which has been trading women around hegemony.

Biochemical Characteristics and Growth Control for fungi isolated from mural painting of Tomb No.6 at Songsan-ri, Gongju (공주 송산리 6호분에서 분리한 진균의 생화학적 특성 분석 및 생장제어 연구)

  • Lee, Min Young;Park, Hee Moon;Chung, Yong Jae
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.227-241
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    • 2015
  • Fungi were isolated from mural painting in tomb no.6 at songsan-ri, Gong-ju. Antifungal susceptibility of essential oils extracted from natural medicine was tested and it confirmed applicability for mural painting in tombs. 26 species of fungi collected from air-borne and wall surfaces were identified to 15 species of Ascomycetes, 2 species of Zygomycetes, 1 of Basidiomycetes. Wheat starch and gelatin degradability were evaluated as isolated fungi. SY-18, SY-23, SY-25 showed high degradability of wheat starch. SY-18, SY-21, SY-23 were decomposed into gelatin. Biochemical characteristics of decomposing fungi to wheat starch glue and cowhide glue were analyzed by using αamylase and gelatinase activity. An Antifungal test was conducted in Anethole and Eugenol. Anethole and Eugenol mixture(1:2) showed high antifungal susceptibility. Natural adhesives help microbial growth and can cause structural damage in mural painting. The expectation of this study is the possibility to control microbial growth in wall painting using natural essential oils. It can be used as a data for conservation method to control microbial damages.

An Exploration for Direction of the Curriculum Development through the Analysis of Media Information Literacy Competencies and Contents (미디어정보 리터러시 역량과 교육내용 분석을 통한 교육과정 개발 방향 탐구)

  • Park, Juhyeon
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.119-144
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to obtain basic information and implications for developing media information literacy curriculum by comparing and analyzing UNESCO's media and information literacy competencies and AASL's key competencies with the 2015 Revised Curriculum and the Library and Information Life curriculum. As a result of the analysis, First, UNESCO's MIL and AASL's key competencies in media information literacy were related to the competencies of the 2015 Revised Curriculum. Second, UNESCO's MIL included more aspects of the composition and competencies of information literacy than media literacy. For this reason, it could be said that media information literacy more appropriately reflects the content pursued by media literacy education than media literacy. Third, UNESCO's MIL included more training content for media literacy than information literacy. Fourth, the contents of media literacy were found to be insufficient in the Library and Information Life curriculum compared to the education contents of library and information literacy. Fifth, the competency standards related to media information literacy and Libraries and Information Life did not present cultural sensitivity competency. Based on the results of the study, It is necessary to develop a media information literacy curriculum that fuses the contents of media literacy beyond the information literacy that use library resources.

Studies on Factors Affecting the Injury Caused by Simetryne to Rice Plants of Tongil Variety (제초제(除草劑) Simetryne제(劑에) 의한 통일(統一)벼의 약해발생요인(藥害發生要因) 구명(究明)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Ryang, H.S.;Kim, I.G.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.48-58
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    • 1986
  • In order to eluciate the factors affecting the injury caused by simetryne(2-methyl thio-4,6-bis(ethylamino)-S-triazine) to rice plants of Tongil variety(Indica × Japonica), the leaching properties of simetrynes, compared with Japonica varieties, Mangyeung and Sadominori were investigated. Bioassay technique and 14C-simetryne for leaching study and bioassay for the characteristics of the rice plants were employed. The leaching range of simetryne was very narrow regardless of soil types under upland soil conditions but it increased little in Silt clay soil and greatly in Sandy loam soil under flooded soil conditions. The amount of the roots of Tongil Jas a little more than that of Mangyeung and the roots of the Tongil mostly distributed near the surface soil while those of Mangyeung rooted deep into the soil. The foliage area and the rate of transpiration of Tongil were larger and greater than those of Mangyeung by 1.3 times and 1.65 times, respectively. The sensitivity of Tongil to simetryne was about 3 times larger than that of Sadominori in water culture.

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Korean Sound Communication: The Message of Korean Gong Sound (한국의 소리 커뮤니케이션: 징소리의 메시지)

  • Kim, Seong-Jae
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.31
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    • pp.85-111
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    • 2005
  • This paper aims at dealing with the communication of Korean gong sound. It is based on 'music-spirit theory' of Han-Gi Choi and Mead's 'symbolic interactionism', and does this by interpreting the message of gong sound that is mentioned in Korean literature. The gong sound brings out the message of symbolizing evaporation of Korean people's joy and regrettable matters in the playing yard by regulating of breathing according to the steps. By the novel "Gong Sound" of Sun-Tae Moon Korean gong sound has a message of people's joy, anger, avarice, anxiety and sorrow. In Jeong-Rae Jo's novel "Arirang" the Korean Gong Sound includes a message of evaporation of people's regret and raises the national spirit during the Japanese Imperialism. By Jeong-Ja Yoo's collection of poems, "The sound of flower breathing carried by gong sound", the Korean gong sound carries a message of a roar of spirit and breathing of the spring flower. In conclusion, the Korean gong sound is a sublime sound of sky which carries the message of symbolizing evaporation of people's joy and regrettable matters through the sound communication in the open space, and awakes us to a method of breathing with sky.

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Entertainers' Conceptual Perception and Behavioral Pattern on their "Positive Influence" ('선한 영향력'에 관한 엔터테이너들의 개념 인식과 발현 양태)

  • Kim, Jeong-Seob
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.199-209
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    • 2020
  • "Positive Influence(PI)" of popular star has recently emerged as a social concern, but the lack of prior research has led to confusion over its concept and range of activity. On this point, this study carried out to lay the groundwork for discussions on the systematization of related theories, focused on identifying the current situations by analyzing articles for 15 months from January 2019 to March 2020 when related reports were in full swing. As a result of the analysis of the remarks from the entertainers mentioned in the articles, they were not clearly aware of the concept while doing good deeds under the name of PI in light of the study outcome by Aegean and Singer(2013). The motivations for good deed were classified into six types, including difficulty empathy, fandom reward, participation urge, nidana emphasis, experience subjugation, and memory evocation in the order of frequency of cases. Specific behaviors of PI were followed by donations of money and valuables for 54.4 percent, participation of social agendas for 14.0 percent, volunteering for 13.2 percent, joining campaign for 11.4 percent, other good deeds for 4.0 percent, and philanthropy for 3.0 percent. In occupational analysis, the concentration of donations was also evident. Their activities in the fields of human rights sensitivity, environmental protection and self-management, which are expected to have great effects with their influence, have been extremely poor. The results of the study first require academia to establish a interdisciplinary concept for PI. It also suggests that entertainers and their agencies should take far more strategic approach to evolve the PI event in a way that utilizes the advantages of each job group, such as actors, singers and comedians, and expands the diversity of areas.

Analysis of Discriminatory Patterns in Performing Arts Recognized by Large Language Models (LLMs): Focused on ChatGPT (거대언어모델(LLM)이 인식하는 공연예술의 차별 양상 분석: ChatGPT를 중심으로)

  • Jiae Choi
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.401-418
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    • 2023
  • Recently, the socio-economic interest in Large Language Models (LLMs) has been growing due to the emergence of ChatGPT. As a type of generative AI, LLMs have reached the level of script creation. In this regard, it is important to address the issue of discrimination (sexism, racism, religious discrimination, ageism, etc.) in the performing arts in general or in specific performing arts works or organizations in a large language model that will be widely used by the general public and professionals. However, there has not yet been a full-scale investigation and discussion on the issue of discrimination in the performing arts in large-scale language models. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to textually analyze the perceptions of discrimination issues in the performing arts from LMMs and to derive implications for the performing arts field and the development of LMMs. First, BBQ (Bias Benchmark for QA) questions and measures for nine discrimination issues were used to measure the sensitivity to discrimination of the giant language models, and the answers derived from the representative giant language models were verified by performing arts experts to see if there were any parts of the giant language models' misperceptions, and then the giant language models' perceptions of the ethics of discriminatory views in the performing arts field were analyzed through the content analysis method. As a result of the analysis, implications for the performing arts field and points to be noted in the development of large-scale linguistic models were derived and discussed.