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Der Vollrauschtatbestand de lege ferenda (완전명정죄 처벌규정의 입법론)

  • Seong, Nak-Hyon
    • Journal of Legislation Research
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    • no.55
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    • pp.137-166
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    • 2018
  • Wenn nach dem starken Trinken etwas strafbares passiert, so ist das Gesamtverhalten als $strafw{\ddot{u}}rdig$ und strafbar anzuerkennen. Aber nach dem Schuldprinzip handelt ohne Schuld, wer bei Begehung der Tat $unf{\ddot{a}}hig$ ist, das Unrecht der Tat einzusehen oder nach dieser Einsicht zu handeln(Koinzidenzprinzip). Die Rechtsfigur der "actio libera in causa" dient dazu, diese in $h{\ddot{a}}ufigen$ $F{\ddot{a}}llen$ als kriminalpolitisch $unerw{\ddot{u}}nscht$ empfundene $L{\ddot{u}}cke$ zu umgehen. Dabei kommt auch dem Vollrauschtatbestand in der Praxis $erh{\ddot{o}}hte$ Bedeutung zu. Der deutsche Gesetzgeber war sich bei der Aufnahme des Vollrauschtatbestandes in das Gesetz durchaus $bewu{\ss}t$, $da{\ss}$ die Vorschrift eine Ausnahme zur Schuldzurechnungsregelung darstellte. Er $w{\ddot{a}}hlte$ jedoch die Form eines $selbst{\ddot{a}}ndigen$ Tatbestandes, um die Durchbrechung des reinen Schuldprinzips $ertr{\ddot{a}}glich$ zu machen. Der Vollrauschtatbestand ist ein abstraktes $Gef{\ddot{a}}hrdungdsdelikt$ -demnach die im Rausch verwirklichte rechtswidrige Tat nur objektive Bedingung der Strafbarkeit ist -, das sachlich eine Schuldzurechnungsregelung $enth{\ddot{a}}lt$, und zwar eine Ausnahme $gegen{\ddot{u}}ber$ die Regelungen ${\ddot{u}}ber$ Schuldzurechnung. Dieser Vollrauschtatbestand ist dennoch als regitime $Erg{\ddot{a}}nzung$ der in Schuldzurechnungsregelungen beschriebenen $Schuldzurechnungsgrunds{\ddot{a}}tze$ anzusehen. Er steht $n{\ddot{a}}mlich$ in Einklang mit dem Schuldgrundsatz, wenn als subjektives Tatbestandsmerkmal des Vollrausches die Kenntnis der $Gef{\ddot{a}}hrlichkeit$ des Rauschzustandes $f{\ddot{u}}r$ die Begehung von Delikten vorausgesetzt wird.

On the Problem of Virtue in Confucian and Neoconfucian Philosophy (유학 및 신유학 철학에서의 덕의 문제)

  • Gabriel, Werner
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.50
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    • pp.89-120
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    • 2013
  • The concept of virtue seems to be one of the rare cases where the European and the Chinese traditions coincide. The meaning of the Latin word virtus and of Greek $aret{\acute{e}}$ seems to be similar to the Chinese $d{\acute{e}}$德. Most striking in virtue is that it is a capacity for self-realisation through action which is unique to man. On the other hand, there is something physical about it. It is the strength to do something. This strength overcomes the resistance of what is naturally given, it transforms the world, turns the natural world into a human one. In the Chinese tradition, $d{\acute{e}}$ 德, i.e. virtue, is therefore always connected with $da{\grave{o}}$ 道, the totality of natural forces. In the Chinese tradition, as opposed to the European one, virtue is itself considered to be a natural force that is present in man. This force sustains man's connectedness, unity and harmony with the surrounding world. Things exist through the unity of principle理 and ether氣. But the knowledge of this unity is due to principle. Moral and legal norms are shifted totally to the sphere of principle. Therefore their have found the final dissolution from a heroic models. Above all the classical Confucians, but also the other schools, would reply to this that there is nothing more precise than a concrete successful action. Its result fits the world perfectly. The difference is due to the differing interest of ethical thought. In the case of the Confucians the path is more direct. The actor establishes a precise pattern for other actions. Education therefore lies in detailed knowledge about forms of behaviour, not so much in conceptual differentiation. It is quite possible that generalisation may be a methodical prerequisite for success in this endeavour. That problem, too, is discussed. But the success of conceptualisation lies in the successful performance of individual actions, not in shaping actions in accordance with normative concepts.

A Study on the Quality of Life of Elderly People with Dementia and the Environmental Factor of Facilities (치매노인의 삶의 질과 시설 환경 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Sejeong;Kim, Hangon
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.1361-1381
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    • 2009
  • There have lately been a variety of social issues in our society due to rapid social changes. Specifically, how to approach elderly people who suffer from dementia is never an easy task, and few in-depth studies have ever focused on their quality of life due to that. The purpose of this study was to examine the quality of life of elderly people with dementia and the relationship between their quality of life and the environments of facilities for them in an attempt to lay the foundation for the development of compatible programs tailored to the environments of the facilities and for relevant policy setting. It's ultimately meant to improve the quality of life of the elderly with dementia and the environments of facilities for them. The subjects in this study were elderly people with dementia who were housed in senior residential and medical welfare facilities in Daegu and Gyeongsangbukdo. The collected data were analyzed with a SPSS 12.0 program, and frequency analysis, cross-tabs and multiple logistic regression analysis were utilized. As a result, facility environments were identified as one of the variables that had a significant impact on the quality of life of the elderly people with dementia. There are some suggestions about how to boost their quality of life: First, good environments should be prepared in consideration of the characteristics of elderly people with dementia in order for themto be satisfied with their own quality of life, and the way of looking at their potentials should be changed. Second, it's found that main caregivers affected the quality of life of the elderly people with dementia, and the kind of programs that focus on the improvement of the relationship between elderly people with dementia and their main caregivers is required. Third, there should be a change in the environments of the facilities. The facilities should be well equipped to successfully respond to the symptoms of elderly people with dementia. To redress their poor accessibility to the facilities, infrastructure involving nursing homes and professional personnels should be built by utilizing the Internet, and the facilities and local community should make concerted efforts to provide quality care to elderly people in want of it.

Steel Plate Faults Diagnosis with S-MTS (S-MTS를 이용한 강판의 표면 결함 진단)

  • Kim, Joon-Young;Cha, Jae-Min;Shin, Junguk;Yeom, Choongsub
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.47-67
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    • 2017
  • Steel plate faults is one of important factors to affect the quality and price of the steel plates. So far many steelmakers generally have used visual inspection method that could be based on an inspector's intuition or experience. Specifically, the inspector checks the steel plate faults by looking the surface of the steel plates. However, the accuracy of this method is critically low that it can cause errors above 30% in judgment. Therefore, accurate steel plate faults diagnosis system has been continuously required in the industry. In order to meet the needs, this study proposed a new steel plate faults diagnosis system using Simultaneous MTS (S-MTS), which is an advanced Mahalanobis Taguchi System (MTS) algorithm, to classify various surface defects of the steel plates. MTS has generally been used to solve binary classification problems in various fields, but MTS was not used for multiclass classification due to its low accuracy. The reason is that only one mahalanobis space is established in the MTS. In contrast, S-MTS is suitable for multi-class classification. That is, S-MTS establishes individual mahalanobis space for each class. 'Simultaneous' implies comparing mahalanobis distances at the same time. The proposed steel plate faults diagnosis system was developed in four main stages. In the first stage, after various reference groups and related variables are defined, data of the steel plate faults is collected and used to establish the individual mahalanobis space per the reference groups and construct the full measurement scale. In the second stage, the mahalanobis distances of test groups is calculated based on the established mahalanobis spaces of the reference groups. Then, appropriateness of the spaces is verified by examining the separability of the mahalanobis diatances. In the third stage, orthogonal arrays and Signal-to-Noise (SN) ratio of dynamic type are applied for variable optimization. Also, Overall SN ratio gain is derived from the SN ratio and SN ratio gain. If the derived overall SN ratio gain is negative, it means that the variable should be removed. However, the variable with the positive gain may be considered as worth keeping. Finally, in the fourth stage, the measurement scale that is composed of selected useful variables is reconstructed. Next, an experimental test should be implemented to verify the ability of multi-class classification and thus the accuracy of the classification is acquired. If the accuracy is acceptable, this diagnosis system can be used for future applications. Also, this study compared the accuracy of the proposed steel plate faults diagnosis system with that of other popular classification algorithms including Decision Tree, Multi Perception Neural Network (MLPNN), Logistic Regression (LR), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Tree Bagger Random Forest, Grid Search (GS), Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). The steel plates faults dataset used in the study is taken from the University of California at Irvine (UCI) machine learning repository. As a result, the proposed steel plate faults diagnosis system based on S-MTS shows 90.79% of classification accuracy. The accuracy of the proposed diagnosis system is 6-27% higher than MLPNN, LR, GS, GA and PSO. Based on the fact that the accuracy of commercial systems is only about 75-80%, it means that the proposed system has enough classification performance to be applied in the industry. In addition, the proposed system can reduce the number of measurement sensors that are installed in the fields because of variable optimization process. These results show that the proposed system not only can have a good ability on the steel plate faults diagnosis but also reduce operation and maintenance cost. For our future work, it will be applied in the fields to validate actual effectiveness of the proposed system and plan to improve the accuracy based on the results.

Effects of an intensive asthma education program on asthmatic children and their caregivers (천식 환아와 보호자를 대상으로 한 집중 교육 프로그램의 효과)

  • Seo, Kang Jin;Kim, Gun Ha;Yu, Byung Keun;Yeo, Yun Ku;Kim, Jong Hoon;Shim, Eu Ddeum;Yoon, Mi Ri;Yoo, Young;Choung, Ji Tae
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.188-203
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    • 2008
  • Purpose : Asthma is one of the most common chronic childhood disease. Education of asthmatic children and their families about asthma and its management may improve disease control, reduce symptoms, and improve school performance. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of an intensive asthma education program in asthmatic children and their families on outcome measure of asthma management behavior scale, knowledge about asthma, self efficacy scale and quality of life. Methods : Fifteen asthmatic children and their families were invited the intensive asthma education program which including allergen avoidance, management of asthma, correct use of the inhalation devices and control of exercise-induced asthma (study group). Fifteen asthmatic children and their families those who did not participate this program were served as control group. Participants were asked to complete a written questionnaire before and 3-month after the program. Results : After completing the intensive education program, significant improvement of the childrens asthma management behavior scale (27.1 vs. 32.2, P=0.011), belief and knowledge about asthma (14.2 vs. 17.9, P<0.001), self efficacy (47.9 vs. 49.7, P=0.091) and quality of life (79.6 vs. 88.6, P<0.001) was noted in the study group by measuring questionnaires. There are increasing tendencies in parental asthma management behavior scale and knowledge about asthma. Conclusion : This intensive asthma education program is effective in improving asthma control, self efficacy and quality of life of asthmatic children. This should serve as a national model for family-based programs for asthmatic children and their families.

The analyses of duplicated contents of 'Consumer Life' area in Technology & Home Economics and other subject textbooks for middle and high school students (중·고등학교 기술·가정 교과서와 타 교과 교과서의 '소비생활' 영역 중복 내용 분석)

  • Lee, Jung Yoon;Yu, Nan Sook
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.121-140
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    • 2015
  • The purposes of this study were to analyze the duplicated contents of 'Consumer life' area of Technology & Home Economics and other subject textbooks for the middle and high school students. It focused on textbooks compiled following the 2009 revised curriculum. To achieve the purposes of this study, "Technology & Home Economics I II", "Social studies I II", and "Ethics I II"textbooks for middle school and "Technology & Home Economics", "Social studies", and "Life & Ethics" textbooks for high school were analyzed based on the criteria for analyses of 'Consumer life' area. The results were as follows. First, the analysis of duplicated contents in Technology & Home Economics and other subjects (Ethics, Social studies) for middle school revealed that Technology & Home Economics textbook had the most proportion of 'Consumer Life' area, followed by Social studies and Ethics. The duplicated content elements in Technology & Home Economics, Ethics, and Social studies textbooks for middle school were 'consumer decision making', 'consumer information', 'economic impact of consumption', 'food life and sustainability', and 'consumption and sustainability'. Secondly, as a result of the content analysis of textbooks for high school Technology & Home Economics, Social studies, and Life & Ethics according to the criteria of analysis, it was found that Technology & Home Economics textbook had the most proportion of 'Consumer Life' area, followed by Life & Ethics and Social studies. The "content elements" 'food life management and consumption environment', 'desire of consumption', 'economic impact of consumption', 'changing factors and characteristics of consumer culture', and 'consumption and sustainability' were commonly found in all three textbooks. In this way, the 'Consumer life' area of Technology & Home Economics is thought to play a central role in teaching the 'Consumer Life' area because of its strength that contains detailed contents about consumer life for adolescent consumers who will apply it to everyday life. Based on the result of this research, it is needed to consider articulation of 'Consumer life' area of secondary schools for the future curriculum development of Technology & Home Economics to reduce the duplicated contents and to help the adolescents develop the ability to solve consumption problems they may encounter in real life and grow up to be rational adult consumers.

A Study on Outplacement Countermeasure and Retention Level Examination Analysis about Outplacement Competency of Special Security Government Official (특정직 경호공무원의 전직역량에 대한 보유수준 분석 및 전직지원방안 연구)

  • Kim, Beom-Seok
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.33
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    • pp.51-80
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    • 2012
  • This study is to summarize main contents which was mentioned by Beomseok Kim' doctoral dissertation. The purpose of this study focuses on presenting the outplacement countermeasure and retention level examination analysis about outplacement competency of special security government official through implement of questionnaire method. The questionnaire for retention level examination including four groups of outplacement competency and twenty subcategories was implemented in the object of six hundered persons relevant to outplacement more than forty age and five grade administration official of special security government officials, who have outplacement experiences as outplacement successors, outplacement losers, and outplacement expectants, in order to achieve this research purpose effectively. The questionnaire examination items are four groups of outplacement competency and twenty subcategories which are the group of knowledge competency & four subcategories including expert knowledge, outplacement knowledge, self comprehension, and organization comprehension, the group of skill competency & nine subcategories including job skill competency, job performance skill, problem-solving skill, reforming skill, communication skill, organization management skill, crisis management skill, career development skill, and human network application skill, the group of attitude-emotion competency & seven subcategories including positive attitude, active attitude, responsibility, professionalism, devoting-sacrificing attitude, affinity, and self-controlling ability, and the group of value-ethics competency & two subcategories including ethical consciousness and morality. The respondents highly regard twenty-two outplacement competency and they consider themselves well-qualified for the subcategories valued over 4.0 such as the professional knowledge, active attitude, responsibility, ethics and morality while they mark the other subcategories below average still need to be improved. Thus, the following is suggestions for successful outplacement. First, individual effort is essential to strengthen their capabilities based on accurate self evaluation, for which the awareness and concept need to be redefined to help them face up to the reality by readjusting career goal to a realistic level. Second, active career development plan to improve shortcoming in terms of outplacement competency is required. Third, it is necessary to establish the infrastructure related to outplacement training such as ON-OFF Line training system and facilities for learning to reinforce user-oriented outplacement training as a regular training course before during after the retirement.

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Domestic and International Experts' Perception of Policy and Direction on STEAM Education (융합인재교육(STEAM)의 정책과 실행 방향에 대한 국내외 전문가들의 인식)

  • Jung, Jaehwa;Jeon, Jaedon;Lee, Hyonyong
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.358-375
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    • 2015
  • The purposes of this study were to investigate the value, necessity and legitimacy of STEAM Education and to propose practical approaching methods for STEAM Education to be applicable in Korea through a variety of literature review, case studies and collecting suggestions from domestic and international educational experts. The research questions are as follows: (1) To investigate the perception, understanding and recognitions of domestic and foreign professionals in STEAM education. (2) To analyze policy implications for an improvement in STEAM. The following aspects of STEAM were found to be challenges in our current STEAM policy after analyzing multiple questionnaires with the professionals and case studies including their experiences, understanding, supports and directions of the policy from the governments. The results indicate that (1) there was a lack of precise and conceptual understanding of STEAM in respect to experience. Training sessions for teachers in this field to help transform their perception is necessary. Development of practical programs with an easy access is also required. It is important to get the aims of related educational activities recognized by the professionals and established standards for an evaluation. The experts perceived that a theme-based learning is the most preferred and effective approaching method and the programs that develop creative thinking and learning applicable to practice are required to promote. (2) The results indicate that there was a lack of programs and inducements for supporting outstanding STEAM educators. It is shown that making an appropriate environment for STEAM education takes the first priority before training numbers of teachers unilaterally, thus securing enough budget seems critical. The professionals also emphasize on developing specialized teaching materials that include diverse inter-related subjects such as science technology, engineering, arts and humanities and social science with diverse viewpoints and advanced technology. This work requires a STEAM network for teachers to link up and share their materials, documents and experiences. It is necessary to get corporations, universities, and research centers participated in the network. (3) With respect to direction, it is necessary to propose policy that makes STEAM education ordinary and more practical in the present education system. The professionals have recommended training sessions that help develop creative thinking and amalgamative problem-solving techniques. They require reducing the workload of teachers and changing teachers' perspectives towards STEAM. They further urge a tight cooperation between departments of the government related with STEAM.

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A Study on the Family Strength and the Career Maturity of High School Students (고등학생의 가족건강성과 진로성숙도에 관한 연구)

  • Yang, Nam-Hee;Hong, Eun-Sil
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.143-157
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    • 2011
  • This study aims to identify family strength and career maturity, and to explore the difference of career maturity according to family strength, targeting high school students as subjects. A total of 1,000 copies of the questionnaire were distributed and 858 copies were used for the final analysis. The major results are summarized as follows: In respect to general tendency of family strength and career maturity, the score of family respect was the highest, 3.59, followed by 3.56 of gratitude and affection, 3.54 of problem shooting ability, economic stability, faithfulness to role, emotional bond, positive communication and goal sharing. The score of emotional bond with society was the lowest, 2.90. The score of family strength was 3.36, which was the intermediate level. As sub-factors of career maturity, the score of relevancy was 3.40, and that of tendency was 3.17, followed by that of independence and compromise. The score of determination was the lowest, 2,75. A total score of career maturity was 3.05. Family strength was marked highly by the girls students studying humanities, and religious ones. Those whose parents have high education and no-divorce background also showed high scores. High school students with higher economic levels and long-married parents showed higher scores than high school students with poor economy levels and single parents. Students with parents who have professional jobs also marked high scores. Career maturity degree as a background variable was significantly higher in the following cases: In terms of religious background, students whose mother are buddhists or atheists marked high scores. High scores were marked by those whose parents have higher education and no-divorce background. High school students from middle class and over and long-married parents showed higher career maturity degree than high school students with poor economy levels and single parents. Students with parents who have professional jobs also marked high career maturity degree. While career maturity degree, which is subjected to family strength, showed very different results when analysed with 5 sub-variables. As family strength resulted in positive effects to career maturity degree, higher family strength showed higher career maturity degree. Especially, in the areas of relevance and tendency of career maturity degree, the effects of positiveness was clearly high.

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The relationship between students' perceptions and practicability of the "Me and My Family Relations" unit and Family strength among middle school students (나와 가족관계' 단원에 대한 중학생의 긍정적 인식, 실천성 인식과 가족건강성)

  • Cho, Byung-Eun;Jung, Sun-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.19 no.1 s.43
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    • pp.99-114
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    • 2007
  • This study aims at investigating how middle school students perceive the content of the 'Me and My Family Relations' unit in the technology and home economics textbook, act on such perceptions and how this connects with their healthy family relations. In addition, the study also points at inquiring into what kind of differences and mutual influences can be found in the above-mentioned three factors according to family environment. With this objective. this research has analyzed survey data conducted on 401 7th grade middle school students residing in Incheon Greater city, collected by the random sampling method. The findings are as follow: First, the students were found to have positive perceptions on the 'family relations and communication' unit in the technology and home economics text book. However. they were also found to perceive that the content was not as realizable in their everyday family lives. Second, the number of students who perceived their family lives to be healthy was found to be quite high. The students perceived their family lives to be healthy projecting from such aspects as the degree of gratification and affection, extent of family bonding, communication patterns, and problem solving abilities, in the same order. In addition, the higher the families' socio-economic level, and in the cases that the students had working mothers and the fathers held higher degrees, the degree to which the families were perceived to be healthy was higher. Third, in investigating the influence that such factors as the students' family environment, the degree that students perceived the text book content positively, and the degree that the students perceive the content to be realizable have on healthy family relations, among these factors, the students' perceived degree of how healthy their family relations are had the most bearing over the above-mentioned factors. The second influential factor on how healthy family relations are was the family's affectional environment, found to be more influential than such factors as family type, the mother's employment status, living standards, and the parents' educational level. On the other hand, the perceived level of realizability was found to have a lower influence on the students' family relations than the perceived positivity.

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