• Title/Summary/Keyword: 모아레

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Clinical Study on the Correlation between 3-Dimensional MOIRE Topography and Questionnaire for School Screening in Scoliosis (척추측만증 검진을 위한 모아레 체형측정법과 설문조사의 상관성 연구)

  • Yoo, Han-Keel;Kim, Hae-Jung;Shin, Byung-Cheul
    • The Journal of Korea CHUNA Manual Medicine
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.141-153
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    • 2003
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study is researching for correlation between Moire topography results and questionnaire which include obesity rate, height, weight, posture, pain aspect (low back pain, headache, fatigue, neck pain etc), studying posture, school attendance method, menarche. Methods : The authors practiced Moire topography and questionnaire for primary & middle school 24,419 students [male 12,843, female 11,576] in Jeonbuk, korea in 2002. After we distinguished students who had abnormal finding in Moire topography and statistically analysed the data. Results : According to this research, the abnormal finding in Moire topography results was 37.3% (9,105 students), and students needed X-ray re-examination were 3.9% (953 students). According to statistical analysis, male/female and primary/middle school students have no difference in deformity degree of the body surface examined by Moire. Height and weight have low correlation with deformity degree of the body surface examined by Moire and menarche, pain aspect have no correlation. But, school attendance method by bicycle and $90^{\circ}$upright sitting in study posture is the best way to decrease the deformity degree of the body surface examined by Moire. Conclusions : Following this research, throughout Moire topography could detect trunk asymmetry that couldn't be found existing X-ray examination, and school attendance by bicycle and $90^{\circ}$upright sitting in study posture is good for school students to prevent back deformity.

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Estimation of Halftone Cell Information by Analyzing Distribution of Halftone Dots and Refining Location of Their Spectral Peaks (해프톤 도트 분포 분석 및 주파수 피크 위치 정제에 의한 해프톤 셀 정보 추정)

  • 한영미;김민환
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.116-129
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    • 2001
  • To improve the performance of the inverse halftoning, smoothing masks should be designed optimally by using the accurate information of halftone cells. In this thesis, the method of energy minimization is so defined as to determine the exact information of halftone cell. A heuristic search method is proposed to obtain efficiently the parameters of halftone cells which determine the minimum energy. A halftone-peak modeling method with several functions is proposed and used to get initial values of the parameters. The dimension decomposition technique is also adopted to speed up the search process of energy minimization. Several experiments show that the proposed method extracts correct location of the seed pixel of the halftone cell and the extracted information of the halftone cell can be used to get more exactly smoothed color images. The proposed method can be applied to extract the texture patterns, to separate channel images of a scanned color halftone image, and to extract the moire area in an image.

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A Study on the Strain Analysis of Plane by Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry(ESPI) (전자처리스페클패턴간섭법에 의한 평판의 Strain 해석에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Koung-Suk;Choi, Hyoung-Chul;Yang, Seung-Pil;Kim, Hyoung-Soo;Chung, Jae-Kang;Kim, Dong-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.101-111
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    • 1994
  • Electronic speckle pattern interferometry(ESPI) using a CW laser, a video system and an image processor were applied to the in-plane displacement measurements. Unlike traditional strain gauges or Moire method, ESPI method requires no special surface preparation or attachments and it can be measured in-plane displacement without any contact and real time. In this experiment, specimen was loaded in paralled with a loa cell. The specimen was plance to which strain gauges was attached. The study provides an example of how ESPI have been used to measure displacement and strain distribution in this specimen. The results measured by ESPI were compared with the data which were measured by strain gauge method in tensile testing.

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2D Industrial Image Registration Method for the Detection of Defects (결함 검출을 위한 2차원 산업 영상 정합 기법)

  • Lee, Youngjoo;Lee, Jeongjin
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.15 no.11
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    • pp.1369-1376
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, we propose 2D industrial image registration method for the detection of defects. Proposed method performs preprocessing to smooth the original image with the preservation of the edge for the robust registration against general noise. Then, x-direction gradient magnitude image and corresponding binary image are generated. Density analysis around neighborhood regions per pixel are performed to generate feature image for preventing mis-registration due to moire-like patterns, which frequently happen in industrial images. Finally, 2D image registration based on phase correlation between feature images is performed to calculate translational parameters to align two images rapidly and optimally. Experimental results showed that the registration accuracy of proposed method for the real industrial images was 100% and our method was about twenty times faster than the previous method. Our fast and accurate method could be used for the real industrial applications.

Correlation between Moire Topography and Muscle Development Ratio of Both Lower Limbs (모아레 체형측정과 양하지 근육 발달비율의 상관관계에 관한 조사)

  • Chang, So-Young;Cha, Jung-Ho;Jung, Ki-Hoon;Lee, Tae-Ho;Hwang, Hee-Sang;Lee, Eun-Yong
    • The Journal of Churna Manual Medicine for Spine and Nerves
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.69-75
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    • 2007
  • Objectives : This study was performed to find the correlation between moire topography and muscle development ratio of both lower limbs. Methods : 88-general persons who examed general health checkup were enrolled this study. Who coincided the exclusion criteria were left out. The authors practiced Moire Topography by using IBS-2000 and measured difference of contour line and interval between vertical base line of neck and pelvis. We made use of X-SCAN to analyse body component and calculate muscle development ratio of both lower limbs. Results : In this study, we found out that the more interval between vertical base line of neck and pelvis grown large, the more muscle development ratio of both lower limbs got small. So, there was correlation between imbalance of the dorsum muscle and muscle development ratio of both lower limbs.(p>0.05). But others did not have. Conclusion : According to this results, we found out there was correlation between imbalance of lumbar and gluteal region and muscle development ratio of both lower limbs. Apply to clinic, we are able to improve the efficacy of diagnosis and medical treatment.

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Stationary and Moving Computed Radiography Grids : Comparative Observer's Perception (Computed Radiography에서 고정형 그리드와 이동형 그리드 영상의 인식률 비교)

  • Lee, Kiho;Lee, Changhoon;Jin, Gyehwan
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.9 no.7
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    • pp.515-521
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    • 2015
  • This study assessed the degradation of image quality caused by grid artifacts and $moir{\acute{e}}$ pattern artifacts in a stationary grid, and the degradation of image quality caused by cut off artifacts in a moving grid. X-ray images were acquired in a stationary grid and a moving grid with X-ray exposure conditions of 100 cm, 80 kVp, and 30 mA using a CDRAD phantom and a 24 cm thickness acrylic phantom. Observer's perception of X-ray imaging using CDRAD Analyzer was mean 49.36, standard deviation 3.76, maximum 55.56, and minimum 38.67 in the stationary grid, and 47.04, 12.69, 55.56, and 20.89, respectively, in the moving grid. The stationary grid was superior to the moving grid in terms of the mean and standard deviation of observer's perception.

Deformation Behavior of MEMS Gyroscope Package Subjected to Temperature Change (온도변화에 따른 MEMS 자이로스코프 패키지의 미소변형 측정)

  • Joo Jin-Won;Choi Yong-seo;Choa Sung-Hoon;Kim Jong-Seok;Jeong Byung-Gil
    • Journal of the Microelectronics and Packaging Society
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    • v.11 no.4 s.33
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    • pp.13-22
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    • 2004
  • In MEMS devices, packaging induced stress or stress induced structure deformation become increasing concerns since it directly affects the performance of the device. In this paper, deformation behavior of MEMS gyroscope package subjected to temperature change is investigated using high-sensitivity moire interferometry. Using the real-time moire setup, fringe patterns are recorded and analyzed at several temperatures. Temperature dependent analyses of warpages and extensions/contractions of the package are presented. Linear elastic behavior is documented in the temperature region of room temperature to $125^{\circ}C$. Analysis of the package reveals that global bending occurs due to the mismatch of thermal expansion coefficient between the chip, the molding compound and the PCB. Detailed global and local deformations of the package by temperature change are investigated, concerning the variation of natural frequency of MEMS gyro chip.

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A Study of the Relationship between Spine Distortion and Pain of Elementary and Middle School Students - through moire measurement and questionnaire investigation - (초.중학생의 척추비틀림과 통증과의 관계고찰 - 경근무늬(모아레) 측정법과 설문지 조사를 통해 -)

  • Yoo, Han-Keel;Shin, Byung-Cheul;Min, Byung-Il
    • The Journal of Korea CHUNA Manual Medicine
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.133-142
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    • 2001
  • Objectives : The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between spinal distortion and pain in elementary and middle school students. Methods : Using the phase-shifting moire developed by KAIST(Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) we measured the back surface distortion, and using questionnaire investigation, we investigated the partial pain in 1008 elementary and middle school students(532 boy students(52.8%), 476 girl students(47.2%)) in Seoul in 1999. And, we statistically analyzed the relationship between spinal distortion and partial body pain Results : This study show that the more age increase, the more the pain in head, neck, shoulder, back and low back Increase considerably among the students aged 9 to 15. The ratio of each partial body pain was 28.4%, 19.7%, 18.2%, 18.7%. 16.0% at the age of 9 and 59.7%, 67.4%, 51.8%, 51.8%, 64.4% at the age of 15 respectively. And, it was shown there was a significant correlation between spine distortion and partial body pain area. When the spinal distortion was found at the upper thoracic and cervical area, the students complained the more pain on head, neck and shoulder(p<0.05) and when the spinal distortion was found at the sacral base, the more headache(p<0.05) Conclusions : It is suggested that the significant correlation exist between the spinal distortion and pain and the pain related to spine disorder get more increase as students grow. We have to study further more about Juvenile postural distortion and it's prevention.

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Solder Region Detection and Height Calculation by the Characteristics and Phase Difference of the 3D Profiles in Moire Images (모아레 영상에서 3차원 형상정보의 특성과 위상차에 의한 솔더영역 검출 및 높이 계산)

  • Song, Jun Ho;Rhee, Eun Joo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.8
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    • pp.5269-5279
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    • 2014
  • The cause of defects in the PCB SMT assembly is mostly solder paste deposits. Conventional inspection methods for solder paste deposits suffer from slow speed, low reliability and high cost. Therefore, this paper proposes a method for calculating the height and region of solder paste on PCB using the 3D profiles without measuring the 2D image. The solder paste region is detected by the phase difference in the measurement points and the average phase on the whole surface of PCB. The high reliable height of the solder paste region is computed by the average of the measurement points' phase with repeatability and reliability. The experimental results revealed improvements of 17% in inspection time and 29% repeatability in the height calculation of the solder paste region, resulting in a high speed and less expensive system.

Thermo-mechanical Deformation Analysis of Filu Chip PBGA Packages Subjected to Temperature Change (Flip Chip PBGA 패키지의 온도변화에 대한 변형거동 해석)

  • Joo, Jin-Won;Kim, Do-Hyung
    • Journal of the Microelectronics and Packaging Society
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.17-25
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    • 2006
  • Thermo-mechanical behavior of flip-chip plastic ball grid array (FC-PBGA) packages are characterized by high sensitive $moir\'{e}$ interferometry. $Moir\'{e}$ fringe patterns are recorded and analyzed for several temperatures. Deformation analysis of bending displacements of the packages and average strains in the solder balls for both single and double-sided package assemblies are presented. The bending displacement of the double-sided package assembly is smaller than that of the single-sided one because of its symmetric structure. The largest effective strain occurred at the solder ball located on the edge of the chip and its magnitude of the double-sided package assembly is greater than that of single-sided one by 50%.

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