• Title/Summary/Keyword: 모바일 결제 서비스

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Analysis of the Utilization of Mobile Applications by Generation Z using Topic Modeling :Focusing on Users' Essay Data (토픽모델링을 활용한 Z세대의 애플리케이션 효용성에 대한 분석: 이용자의 에세이 데이터를 중심으로)

  • Park, Ju-Yeon;Jeong, Do-Heon
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.43-51
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to provide basic information necessary for the establishment of mobile service marketing strategies, educational service development, and engineering education for Generation Z by analyzing the utilitization of various applications by Gen Z. To this end, 177 essays on mobile service usage experience were collected, major topics were analyzed using topic modeling, and these were visualized through word cloud analysis. As a result of the study, the main topics were related to 'transportation' such as movement and public transportation, 'personal management' such as schedule management, financial management, food management, 'transaction' such as checkout, meeting, purchase, 'leisure' such as eating out, travel, study, culture. Additionally, words such as time, thought, people, life, bus, information, confirmation, payment, KakaoTalk, and so on were found to have a high of frequency of use. Also, there was found to be a difference between topics by college. This study is meaningful in that it collected essays, which are unstructured data, and analyzed them through topic modeling.

Dutch Touch : Mobile Application with Easy Dutch Pay (더치 터치: 더치페이를 쉽게 해주는 모바일 어플리케이션 구현)

  • Song, Yoojeong;Moon, Yeeun;Eom, Jiyeon;Lee, Jongwoo
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.11-18
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    • 2018
  • The Dutch treat culture, which pays for the cost of having meetings with a large number of people, is located in the daily life of many modern people. In particular, the execution of Kim Young-ran is a more active Dutch treat. However, when going dutch, there is a case where the amount of money to be paid per person is not divided equitably and there is an ambiguous situation about who should pay more. Also if one person have to pay all of the payments because of the different payment method such as a cash or card, there is inconvenience to keep a record of the financial relationship each time. In this paper, we introduce an application that allows several people to easily calculate the amount of money to pay per person when eating together or calculating something. From our service, you can easily access with web-based service, manage the user's debts more conveniently through forming the group. In addition, we focused on convenient calculation of cost by setting remaining unit and reserve function which is a function to overcome the disadvantages of existing application. Also, we maintain fairness through games in situations where the users need to make a choice.

Implementation of Data Integrity Module in Wireless Internet Terminal for Mobile Customer Relationship Management(m-CRM) (m-CRM을 위한 무선인터넷단말기의 데이터무결성 모듈의 구현)

  • Park, Hyun-Cheol;Kim, Dong-Gyu
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.11D no.2
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    • pp.485-494
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    • 2004
  • Recently, the wireless internet terminals like mobile phones or PDAs prevail in the management of customers. With such terminals, businessmen can get business data and information of customers in real time, in connection with mobile group wares. By the wireless terminals, customers can conveniently get information of goods, search purchase sites, and give orders and do settlement. This paper aims to present the safe data integrity modules of the wireless internet terminal, for service providing correct real-time promotion information, by using users' disposition, situation, Purchase information. This study aims to suggest an implementation methodology of security module for data integrity of mobile internet terminal. This is based on the WTLS of WAP Protocol. This security module is expected to achieve central role in conversion of wireless internet environment and emphasis of encryption technology and safe and calculable wireless communication environment construction

A Study on the Influence of System Quality Characteristics of Mobile Payment Service on Discontinuance Intention (모바일결제서비스의 시스템품질 특성이 이용자 저항의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Sangmin;Song, Gwangsuk
    • Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.625-640
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: The scale of a market of mobile payment which was insignificant is explosively being improved by development of various communications technology and achieving rapid diffusion of smart phone. According to this phenomenon, new method of financial dealings through a mobile can be seen as a new paradigm that leads to a change of existing payment work and also recognized as an innovation of information technology. Methods: but a study regarding whether the use of mobile payment service takes an important role as an influencial factor is still insufficient. This study was based on the model of innovation resistance by Ram(1987) and established a hypothesis and a model to confirm how four factors (usability, security, economic feasibility, responsiveness) influence to innovation resistance and the intention of discontinuous use. Results: usability, security were found to be significant predictor variables of innovation resistance to use mobile payment system, but economic feasibility, responsiveness were not found to be significant predictor variables. Conclusion: Providing gave a theoretical foundation for future research in that it presents the variables to consider new forms of mobile payment services, the mobile payment services will need to show a differentiated strategy and traditional marketing strategy.

A Study on the Supply of First/Last Mile Transportation Methods Based on ABATA Travel Patterns Analysis for the Provision of MaaS (MaaS 제공을 위한 ABATA 통행 분석 기반의 First/Last Mile 이동 수단 공급 방안 연구)

  • Choi, Jaeon;Song, Jaein;Kang, Min Hee;Eom, Jinki;Hwang, Kee Yeon
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.159-181
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    • 2022
  • Today, people in cities use differentthe types of transportation that rangepeople use in cities have diversified from existing public transportation, cars, taxis to shared bicycles and shared electric kickboards. In addition, with the development of mobile platform -based search, order, and payment services, and transportation services have also begun to change into platform-based integrated services. In particular, MaaS, which has emerged as an integrated mobile service and, is currently being studied and operated worldwide., However, MaaS but remains at the level of the integrated provision of the existing public transportation. As a result of Specifically, the results of a literature review on this issue reveal that, the First/Last Mile problem raised at the current level of MaaS is likely to be solved by establishing an improved policy incorporating new means of transportation. Therefore, this study aims to establish a First/Last Mile transportation supply plan for successful MaaS provision. This establishment is realized by analyzing the traffic patterns of urban populations usingbased on the ABATA system,, an activity-based traffic analysis model withevaluated as having higher analysis power on people's traffic.

A Study on Parallel AES Cipher Algorithm based on Multi Processor (멀티프로세서 기반의 병렬 AES 암호 알고리즘에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Jung-Oh;Oh, Gi-Oug
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.171-181
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    • 2012
  • This paper defines the AES password algorithm used as a symmetric-key-based password algorithm, and proposes the design of parallel password algorithm to utilize the resources of multi-core processor as much as possible. The proposed parallel password algorithm was confirmed for parallel execution of password computation by allocating the password algorithm according to the number of cores, and about 30% of performance increase compared to AES password algorithm. The encryption/decryption performance of the password algorithm was confirmed through binary comparative analysis tool, which confirmed that the binary results were the same for AES password algorithm and proposed parallel password algorithm, and the decrypted binary were also the same. The parallel password algorithm for multi-core environment proposed in this paper can be applied to authentication/payment of financial service in PC, laptop, server, and mobile environment, and can be utilized in the area that required high-speed encryption operation of large-sized data.

Effects of Consumer Propensity and Brand Attitude on Brand Extension Assessment: Focused on Easy Mobile Payment Services (소비자 성향과 브랜드 태도가 브랜드확장평가에 미치는 영향: 모바일 간편결제 서비스를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Seung Sin;Lin, Hai Bo;Kim, Kyoung Young;Yu, Jiang Chuan;Lee, Young Hee
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • v.55 no.4
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    • pp.399-417
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    • 2017
  • The recent globalization of the consumer market has highlighted the importance of a brand; subsequently, brand extension is strategically used to launch of various products and services. Especially, various and new services based on information and communication technology for the convenience of consumers have been provided continuously. This study examined consumer's evaluation for brand extension centered on the brand extension as a mobile payment service through consumer propensity and familiarity as well as attitude toward a brand. The research is as follows. First, it shows that self-efficacy and implicit theories among consumer characteristics positively influence familiarity and attitude toward a brand. Second, it shows that the planned consumption tendency among consumption characteristics of a consumer positively affect familiarity toward a brand. Third, it is confirmed that the brand extension on parents brand affects the attitude towards brand extension, and the attitude towards brand extension is connected to a willingness to recommend through the purchase intention. This study empirically confirms the importance of consumer propensity, the consumer's perception, and evaluation towards the brand extension of the company as well as the continuous efforts and required company activities to build and form a positive attitude and familiarity of consumers for the brand. This study can be used as basic data for the strategy development of brand extensions in service companies.

An Analysis of News Media Coverage of the QRcode: Based on 2008-2023 News Big Data (QR코드에 대한 언론 보도 경향: 2008-2023년 뉴스 빅데이터 분석)

  • Sunjeong Kim;Jisu Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.269-294
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    • 2024
  • This study analyzed the news media coverage of QRcodes in Korea over a 16-year period (2008 to 2023). A total of 13,335 articles were extracted from the Korea Press Foundation's BigKinds. A quantitative and content analysis was conducted on the news frames. The results indicated that the quantity of news coverage has increased. The greatest quantity of news coverage was observed in 2020, and the most frequently discussed topic in the news was 'IT_Science'. The results of the keyword analysis indicated that the primary words were 'QRcode', 'smartphone', 'service', 'application', and 'payment'. The news media primarily focused on the QRcode's ability to provide instant access and recognition technology. This study demonstrates that advanced information and communication technologies and the increased prevalence of mobile devices have led to a rise in the utilization of QRcodes. Furthermore, QRcodes have become a significant information media in contemporary society.

The secured mobile wallet system using by integrated ID (통합 아이디를 이용한 안전한 모바일 월렛 시스템)

  • Nam, Choon-Sung;Jeon, Min-Kyung;Shin, Dong-Ryeol
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.9-20
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    • 2015
  • Nowadays, Smart Wallet technology trend that is able to save users' consuming costs and also retain users' redundant behaviors such as Single-tapping, One-way communication, Integrated ID, has been issued in recent Mobile Industrial Fields. As one of Smart Wallet functions, Integrated ID is proposed for users' convenience, handiness, and immediate responses. It is designed for the effective management of users' IDs which are easy to be forgot because of its unusual structures. To be detail, instead of user, Integrated ID system can certificate users identification from various online sites (where user resisted) authorization requests via one-clicking, not putting identification data in each sites. So, this technology would be helpful much to a certain user who has lots ID and its Password in multiple Online shopping companies by establishing integrated ID. However, although Integrated ID has lots advantages to be used, most Mobile Service Companies has hesitated to apply Integrated ID service in their shopping systems because this technology requires them sharing their users' data. They have worried that this service would be not helpful to gain their profits. Furthermore, Users who join in multiple shopping companies and use Integrated ID services also are difficult to decide which company they have to save their points in before payment because this system could not show any financial benefit analysis data to their users. As following facts, via this paper majorly we propose the advanced Integrated ID system which concern shopping point management. Basically, this system has a strong security payment service and secure network services like other mobile Shopping systems. Additionally, this system is able to service (or to support) shopping -point -saving guide for customers' financial benefits and conveniences.

A Study on Comparative Analysis for Competitiveness of Success Factors of the Platform Business (플랫폼비즈니스 성공요소의 경쟁력 비교 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Chang, Chung-Hoon;Lee, Kwang-Hyung;Noh, Kyoo-Sung
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.243-250
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    • 2016
  • The importance of platform businesses in the global market is growing, but in Korea, platform businesses with a global competitive edge are rare. This study compared the competitiveness of the local and international platform businesses by analyzing the six success factors of platform businesses. It surveyed 104 professionals in ICT regarding the competitiveness of SNS services (Kakao Talk, Facebook), mobile payment systems (Samsung Pay, Apply Pay), digital content (Naver, YouTube), online shopping (G Market, Amazon) and education (K-MOOC, MOOC). In sum, the local platform business sector, compared to its U.S. counterpart, is lagging behind in creativity, value creation, cost reduction, networking effects and the ability to build, change and develop new ecosystems.