• Title/Summary/Keyword: 라쉬 분석

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Applying Rasch Analysis for Validation of School Function Assessment (학교기능평가(School Function Assessment)도구의 구성타당도 검증을 위한 라쉬분석의 적용)

  • Park, Kyoung-Young
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.269-276
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate validation of the School Function Assessment(SFA) for Korean Version using Rasch analysis. The subjects were recruited 98 students with disabilities in Seoul, Kyoung-Ki, Chung-cheung. The data were analysed using Rasch analysis to investigate unidimensionality and rating scale model. The 4 items out of SFA Part II were found to be misfts. The 18 items out of physical tasks, the 14 items out of cognitive/behavioral tasks in Part III were found to be misfit. All rating scale in SFA was appropriate. Further studies are needed to investigate validity and criterion cut-off score for many students with disabilities.

Item-Level Psychometrics of the 12 Items of the Coping Orientation to Problems Experienced Scale (스트레스 대처 척도 12개 항목에 대한 심리측정 속성)

  • Nam, Sanghun;Hilton, Claudia L.;Lee, Mi-Jung;Pritchard, Kevin T.;Bae, Suyeong;Hong, Ickpyo
    • Therapeutic Science for Rehabilitation
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.65-80
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    • 2022
  • Objective : This study examined the psychometric properties of the 12-item Coping Orientation to Problems Experienced Scale (COPE) using Rasch analysis. COPE is one of the instruments used to measure stress-coping skills. Methods : The study participants were 480 community-dwelling older adults. We tested the instrument's unidimensionality assumption using principal component analysis (PCA). Item fit was examined using infit-and-outfit mean-square (MnSq) and standardized fit statistics (ZSTD). The precision and item difficulty hierarchies of the instrument were examined. The item-difficulty hierarchy was investigated to identify the easy and difficult items. We tested differential item functioning (DIF) for sex and age groups. Results : PCA revealed that the instrument met the unidimensionality assumption (eigenvalue = 1.78). Among the 12 items, item 2 was removed because of misfit (Infit MnSq = 1.33, Infit ZSTD = 5.05, Outfit MnSq = 1.56, Outfit ZSTD = 7.15). The remaining 11 items demonstrated a conceptual item-difficulty hierarchy. The person strata value was 3.10, which is equivalent to a reliability index value of 0.81. There was no DIF for the sex and age groups (DIF contrast <0.27). Conclusion : The findings indicated that the revised COPE-11 has adequate item-level psychometric properties and can accurately measure stress coping skills.

Pre-service Science Teachers' Perceptions of Significance and Usefulness of Evolution and Genetics (예비과학교사들의 진화와 유전에 대한 중요성과 유용성에 대한 인식)

  • Ha, Minsu
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.189-202
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    • 2016
  • This study aimed to investigate pre-service science teachers' perceptions of significance and usefulness of evolution and genetics. To this end, 82 pre-service biology teachers and 159 non-biology science teachers answered the items to measure the perceptions of significance and usefulness of evolution and genetics. The validity and reliability were examined using Cronbach alpha, two-dimensional rating scale model Rasch analysis, and factor analysis. The finding illustrated that the test items met the benchmark to be valid and reliable test items. Second, pre-service teachers' perception of significance and usefulness of evolution was independent to that of genetics. The level of pre-service teachers' perception of significance and usefulness of evolution was lower than the level of genetics. Lastly, the levels of pre-service teachers' perceptions of significance and usefulness of evolution and genetics were not significantly different across academic years and majors (biology and non-biology). The findings of this study stressed the importance of teaching significance and usefulness of evolution and genetics in pre-service science teacher education program.

Application of Rasch Analysis to the Korean Recovery Assessment Scale (한국판 회복평가척도의 라쉬분석)

  • Lim, Kyung-Min
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.10
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    • pp.354-361
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate validation of the Recovery Assessment Scale(RAS) for Korean Version using Rasch analysis. This study included 60 patients who had chronic schizophrenia and were aged 18 or older. The data were analysed using a Rasch analysis to investigate whether the persons and items fit, the distribution of item difficulty and the appropriateness of the rating scale. 1 out of 60 subjects were found to not fit. 3 out of 24 items were also found to be misfit. The misfitted items was 'I believe that I can meet my current personal goals','Even when I don't care about myself, other people do. ','Coping with my mental illness is no longer the main focus of my life.'. Of the appropriate items, the most difficult was 'I can handle what happens in my life' and the easiest was 'Something good will eventually happen'. The RAS rating scale was shown to be appropriate for patients who had chronic schizophrenia. The item separation reliability was .70, and the person separation reliability was .94. Further studies are needed to investigate validity and criterion cut-off score for many patients with chronic mental illess.

Validating the Translated Version of CARS(Changes in Attitude About the Relevance of Science), Exploring Variables Related to CARS Scores, and Constructing Two Equivalent Test Sets of CARS (과학 관련성 태도 변화 검사도구(CARS-Changes in Attitude about the Relevance of Science) 번역본의 타당도와 관련 변인 탐색 및 동형 검사 도구 구성)

  • Park, Eunju;Lee, Sangeui;Rachmatullah, Arif;Ha, Minsu
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.179-194
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to construct two equivalent science relevance recognition test tool after confirming the reliability and validity of the CARS(Changes in Attitude of Relevance to Science) questionnaire to determine the applicability of the items to Korean students and to compare gender and school differences. For this study, 59 items of the CARS scientific relevance test were translated and assigned to 787 middle and high school students (analyed the answer of 300 middle school students and 431 high school students). In order to determine the fit of the CARS question to Korean students and to overcome the limitation of the number of questions, we used the item-linking method of the Rasch model. By analyzing the results of the research, we constructed two equivalent scientific relevance recognition questionnaires of CARS-A and CARS-B with 25 items. The Pearson correlation coefficient of the Rasch scores of the two equivalent test was 0.78. The two types of scientific relevance recognition test tools generated through this study can be used to confirm students' attitude of scientific relevance to daily life, or to confirm the change after a certain class or grade. Through this study, we will discuss the implications of students' perceptions of science associations in science education, and the development and application of tools.

A Preliminary Study to Development of an Assessment to Measure Sensory Processing of Children, 'Sensory Processing Scale for Children (SPS-C)' (아동감각처리척도(Sensory Processing Scale for Children: SPS-C) 개발을 위한 예비 연구)

  • Kim, Kyeong-Mi;Shin, Hyeon-Hui;Kim, Myunghee
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Sensory Integration
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.31-41
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    • 2015
  • Objective : Purpose of this study is to develop a Sensory Processing Scale for Children (SPS-C) to screen sensory processing problems for children aged 3 to 5, and examine validity of the assessment. Method : A draft version of Sensory Processing Scale for Children (SPS-C) has been developed and it was utilized to 138 caregivers of children who are 3 to 5 years old. Rasch analysis was used to test construct validity of SPS-C. Through the Rasch analysis, unidimensionality and adequacy of the rating scale were examined. Results : Based on the Rasch analysis, it was found that six items out of 56 items (10.7%) are misfits. And the results also showed that 3-points rating scale is more adequate than 5-points scale for SPC-C. Conclusion : The construct validity of a newly developed assessment, Sensory Processing Scale for Children (SPS-C), was established through this study. Further studies are needed to examine other psychometric properties of the assessment, using the one modified based on the results in this study.

Examining the Validity of History-of-Science-Based Evolution Concept Assessment and Exploring Conceptual Progressions by Contexts (과학사에 근거한 진화개념검사도구의 타당도 확인 및 맥락에 따른 진화개념 발달 탐색)

  • Ha, Minsu
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.509-517
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    • 2016
  • Previous studies have investigated the similarity between the development of evolutionary explanations and students' conceptual developments on evolution. However, the validity and reliability of the assessment method reflecting the similarity have not been quantitatively examined yet. In addition, no study has examined the conceptual progressions of evolution concept based on contexts although literature has addressed the contextual difference of evolutionary explanation in the history of science. This study examined the validity and reliability of history-of-science-based evolution concept assessment using ordered multiple choice (OMC) methods and Rasch analysis and explored conceptual progression by three contexts (e.g., human, animal, and plant). The evolution concept assessment developed by Ha (2007) was used to examine 1711 elementary, middle, and high school students, and pre- and in-service science teachers' (biology majors and non-majors) evolution concepts. Internal consistency reliability and item response fitness of the OMC method that provide 0- to 4-point scores to creationism, teleology, intentionality, use/disuse, and natural selection respectively met the benchmark based on the Cronbach alpha and MNSQ indices of Rasch analysis. The level of elementary and middle school students' evolution concepts were located between intentionality and use/disuse while the level of high school and non-biology science teachers' evolution concepts were located between use/disuse and natural selection. The conceptual progressions of evolution concepts were differentiated according to three contexts. This study provided the quantitative evidence for the similarity between the development of evolutionary explanations and students' conceptual developments on evolution and suggest new analysis methods (i.e., OMC) of evolution concept assessment.

Developing and Applying the Questionnaire to Measure High School Students' Unskeptical Attitude in Science Inquiry (과학탐구 상황에서 고등학생들의 반회의주의적 태도 측정도구 개발 및 적용)

  • Rachmatullah, Arif;Ha, Minsu
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.308-321
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of the study is to develop a questionnaire that examines unskeptical attitudes in scientific inquiry context. The questionnaire items were developed through literature research, expert review, and statistical analyses for validity and the differences in scores were identified by gender and tracks. A total of 363 high school students participated in the study. To explore the validity evidence of items, the Rasch analysis and the reliability of internal consistency were performed, and the two-way ANOVA was performed to compare the scores of the unskeptical attitudes between gender and academic track. Self-reporting and Likert-scaling 23 items were developed to measure unskeptical attitudes in scientific inquiry context. The items were developed in the sub-domain of scientific inquiry: 'questioning and hypothesis generating,' 'experiment designing,' and 'explaining and interpreting.' Second, the validity and reliability of the unskeptical were identified in a rigorous method. The validity of items were identified by multi-dimensional partial score model analysis through the Rasch model, and all 23 items were found to be fit to model. Various reliability evidences were also found to be appropriate. It was found that there were no significant differences of unskeptical attitude score between the gender and academic track except one comparison. The developed questionnaire could be used to check an unskeptical attitude in the course of scientific inquiry and to compare the effects of scientific inquiry classes.

Paper Title of Validation of the Professional Identity for Occupational Therapist (국내 작업치료사의 전문직 정체성에 대한 타당성 연구)

  • Mun, Young-Ju;Jang, Jong-Sik
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.240-247
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the professional identity levels and characteristics of occupational therapists through Rasch analysis and to use this as the basis for further assessment and research on the same subject. An online survey was conducted, and the response of 88 people working as occupational therapists between May and June 2020 was analyzed. The collected data included the frequency, analyzed by SPSS 22.0 and technical statistics, Winsteps 3.8.0 target and item suitability, item difficulty, level scale, and separation reliability. According to the analysis, 17 (16.3%) of the subjects and 5 (20%) out of 25 items were unsuitable. Item difficulty was the highest in the category "I systematically read professional publications on occupational therapy", and the lowest level of difficulty in "I make my own decisions about what to do." The three-point scale was suitable for the equilibrium scale, and the separation reliability was between .86 and .95. Thus, identity levels and characteristics of occupational therapists, the suitability of items and subjects, and difficulty levels can be identified through Rasch analysis. In the future, research should be conducted on various sample groups, to develop identity measurement tools specifically for occupational therapists, and to present items appropriate to the characteristics of their work.

Construct Validation of the Short Sensory Profile-2 (SSP-2) for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder (자폐스펙트럼 장애 아동에 대한 단축형 감각 프로파일-2(Short Sensory Profile-2)의 구성타당도 연구)

  • Bak, Ah-Ream;Yoo, Doo-Han;Hong, Deok-Gi
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Sensory Integration
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.15-28
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    • 2020
  • Objective : The purpose of this study was to verify the construct validity of Short Sensory Profile-2 (SSP-2) for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Methods : Data were collected from SSP-2 for 120 parents of ASD children. Raw data were analyzed by applying the Rasch analysis to the goodness fit of person and item, item difficulty, rating scale, and separation reliability of SSP-2. Results : 7 persons in sensory processing area and 8 persons in behavioral response area were inappropriate criteria and excluded from the analysis. Item goodness-of-fit analysis determined that the If the Mnsq value is between 0.6 and 1.4 and the Z value is outside the ±2 range for nonconformity. this study All items in the instrument were found to have appropriate criteria. Item difficulty analysis in sensory processing area was high in item 13 (.48 logit) and low in item 10 (-.54 logit). In the behavioral response area, item 25 (1.58 logit) was high and item 30 (-.68 logit) was low. In the rating scale analysis, it was found that the 3-point scale is more appropriate than the 5-point scale. The separation reliability of sensory processing area was .90 and the behavioral response area was .95. Conclusion : This study verified the construct validity of SSP-2 and expected to be applied as a useful evaluation tool for children with ASD.