• Title/Summary/Keyword: 디지털 변화

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Suggestions for the Independent Body in the era of Artificial Intelligence Choreography (인공지능 안무 시대의 주체적 몸을 위한 제언)

  • Yim, Sujin
    • Trans-
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    • v.12
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    • pp.1-19
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    • 2022
  • This study predicts and raises the changes that AI will bring to dance art when machine-based choreography began, and finds questions we can ask as human artists. Research suggests that one of the crises of dance in the era of machine creative arts is that artificial intelligence does not stay in the tool of human choreography but becomes the subject of choreography. It is based on the political discourse of choreography that artificial intelligence has the power to control and restrict human dancers. This comes from a sense of crisis that the AI takes over the area of choreography and the human choreographer remains an incompetent coordinator, and as a result, the dancer's dancing body can be reduced to a mechanical body controlled by AI. In order for these concerns not to become a reality, this study proposes three measures. First, choreographer and dancer should develop digital literacy to live in the age of AI art. Secondly, choreographer should acquire the ability to accurately distinguish the roles of human choreographer, dancer, and AI in creative work. Thirdly, various levels of discourse on AI dance should be formed by actively conducting mutual media research of dance and technology. Through these efforts, the human dancer will exist as a subject of art, not a passive agent in the new dance ecosystem brought by the innovation of artificial intelligence technology and will be able to face an era coexistence with artificial intelligence creativily and productively.

Influence of Transverse Reinforcement Elements for Flexural Strength of Lap Spliced Ultra-high-strength Reinforced Concrete Beams (겹침이음된 초고강도콘크리트 보의 휨강도에 횡방향보강 요소가 미치는 영향)

  • Bae, Baek-Il;Choi, Hyun-Ki
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.135-142
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    • 2022
  • In this study, lap spliced ultra-high strength reinforced concrete beams were tested and the code criteria for calculating the lap splice length which was affected by the transverse reinforcement and concrete covering performance were reviewed. The main variables for test were set as fiber volume fraction and transverse reinforcing bar arrangement to improve the confining performance of the concrete cover. The change of the confining performance of concrete cover according to the increase in the fiber mixing amount at 1% and 2% volume ratio was examined, and D10 stirrups with a spacing of 100 mm were placed in the lap spliced region. As a result of the test, the specimens confined by the stirrups showed a sudden drop of load bearing capacity with horizontal cracking at the position of tensile longitudinal reinforcement. However, horizontal cracks were not appeared at the location of longitudinal reinforcement for the specimens with steel fiber. And these specimens showed gradual decrease of load bearing capacity after experiencing peak load. In particular, it was found that the strain at the position of the tensile longitudinal reinforcements of the specimens to which the mixing ratio of 2% was applied exceeds the yield strain. As a result of measuring the strain on the concrete surface, it was found that the fiber was more effective in preventing damage to the concrete surface than the stirrups for short lap spliced region.

An Exploratory Study for the Application of Metaverse in Church Education (메타버스의 교회교육 적용을 위한 탐색적 연구)

  • Nam, Sunwoo
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.71
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    • pp.241-276
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    • 2022
  • Due to the 4th industrial revolution, which started with the Smart Revolution in the early 21st century, Hyper-Connectivity, Hyper-Convergence and Hyper-Intelligence of our society is accelerating. These changes induced formation of Metaverse as a fused new space that crosses the perimeter of the physical space and virtual(digital) spaces beyond time and place. The characteristics of Metaverse are continuously spread by engaging with the characteristics of the MZ generation, which collects both Millennial generation (M Generation) and Z Generation. With outburst of Covid-19 pandemic, a variety of attempts have been made to utilize Metaverse, even in church education when it was impossible to worship directly. In other words, the usefulness of the Metaverse was confirmed as a new community space of the education of the church. In addition, Metaverse may provide a substantial, experiential and evolving space for church education. However, in order for church education to further develop, the development in the method of education is also required to move beyond mere concept of space. In particular, when the learner-centered education method, one of the common characteristics of the Metaverse and MZ generation, it is thought that the church education in the Metaverse era will be able to go in a more evolving direction.

The Effects of Self-esteem, Shopping Motivations, and Shopping Tendencies on the Clothing Purchase Behavior of the MZ Generation (MZ세대의 자아존중감, 쇼핑동기 및 쇼핑성향이 의복구매행동에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Myeong-Jin;Lee, Min-Ji;Kim, Hye-Kyung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.9
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    • pp.308-321
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to understand how self-esteem, shopping motivations, and shopping tendencies affect the clothing purchase behavior of the so-called "MZ generation," a cohort that includes both millenials and Generation Z and exerts significant influence in various areas. The results of this study can be summarized as follows: First, it was found that extrinsic purchase motivations (purchased made due to the influence of other people), trend-seeking shopping tendencies, and pleasure-seeking shopping tendencies had a positive and significant effect on personal needs among the sub-factors of clothing purchase behavior of the MZ generation. Second, it was found that the MZ real purchase shopping motivations, trend-seeking shopping tendencies, pleasure-seeking shopping tendencies, and convenience-seeking shopping tendencies had a positive and significant effect on actual needs among the sub-factors of clothing purchase behavior among the MZ generation. Third, it was found that social self-esteem, extrinsic purchase motivations, and convenience-seeking shopping tendencies had a positive and significant effect on clothing marketing strategies among the sub-factors of clothing purchase behavior of the MZ generation. On the other hand, personal self-esteem was found to negatively affect the marketing strategies of clothing purchase behavior. In other words, the expectation that the MZ generation would buy clothes in accordance with their individual preferences and beliefs was not supported by the findings of this study. It would appear that the beliefs and behaviors of the digitally savvy MZ generation are changed by the fashion trend-related information they readily access when purchasing clothing. From the above research results, it can be concluded that there many variables that influence the clothing purchase behavior of the MZ generation and it is thus necessary to consider this cohort a new consumer segment and establish marketing strategies accordingly.

A Study on the Cultural Industrialization and Content Change Direction of Pyeongsari, a Novel 'Toji (Land )' Background Space (소설 『토지』 배경지 평사리의 문화산업화와 콘텐츠 변화 방향 연구)

  • Choi, You-Hee
    • Journal of Popular Narrative
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.221-247
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    • 2020
  • This paper examines the meaning of Pyeongsari, the main stage of the novel 'Toji (Land )' and the original experience space engraved in the lives of the characters and suggests the direction of Pyeongsari as a 'Toji (Land )' content platform. Pyeongsa-ri, an imaginary space in the novel, starts from the background of the original work and turns into a representative tourist space for Ha Dong-gun. However, it is necessary to provide cultural experience-type contents that visitors can experience in person. In the original work, Pyeongsari is an ideal community and a symbol of the Korean modern history of suffering and pioneering. Therefore, taking advantage of this meaning, it is necessary to prepare a cultural experience space that shows Confucian culture, women's labor culture, and shamanic culture to draw on visitors' experiences. In addition, the app should be developed in connection with transformed works that have been the driving force behind the reorganization of Pyeongsari, and education and experience spaces using augmented reality are provided on the web. This interaction between digital and reality makes the meaning of the original or transformed works contemporaneous, while contributing to the visitor's own experience. In addition, through this, Pyeongsari can evolve into a cultural experience content platform that reflects the meaning of Korean culture and life. This paper is significant in that it suggests the direction of Pyeongsari's space planning for the 'geography of meaningful places'. In addition, while showing how the imaginary space of the original literary work has reorganized the space of reality, there are implications for the media content of the literary work and the terrain of the culture and arts industry.

Musical Prior Knowledge, Audience Satisfaction and Word-of-Mouth: A Moderated-Mediation Analysis (뮤지컬 관람객의 사전지식이 관람만족 및 구전의향에 미치는 영향 - 트랜스포테이션의 조절된 매개효과를 중심으로 -)

  • Won, Jie Young;Jung, Chang Mo
    • Korean Association of Arts Management
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    • no.54
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    • pp.59-93
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    • 2020
  • The development of digital technology has made consumers more knowledgeable about products than ever before. In this regard, experts have defined consumers in the digital age as knowledge seekers and pointed out that they are proficient in acquiring and sharing product knowledge prior to purchase. For service goods such as musicals, product prior knowledge executes strong effect due to such characteristics as intangibility, inseparabilit y,and heterogeneity. Prior studies in the field of performing arts, including musicals, have revealed that the prior knowledge of the audience has a positive effect on the satisfaction of the audience and WOM(word-of-mouth) intention. However, studies in the marketing field argue that consumers' high prior knowledge may have a negative impact on customer satisfaction and product evaluation depending on conditions, as they are more likely to compare, review, and expect products more closely. Therefore, in this study, we tried to identify under what conditions the musical prior knowledge enhances audience satisfaction and WOM intention. According to the results of previous studies, a mediating effect model was established in which the musical prior knowledge enhances the WOM intention through the mediation of the audience satisfaction. Then, Transportation was introduced as a mediation variable and it was verified whether the level changed the audience satisfaction and WOM intention. The reason for the introduction of the transportation construct reflects the results of previous research that the story is important component of musical. The results showed that the musical prior knowledge has a significant effect on WOM intention through the mediation of audience satisfaction. The moderating effect of transport was also significant on the relationship between musical prior knowledge and audience satisfaction. Lastly, through moderated-mediation analysis, it was confirmed that transportation moderates the mediating effect that prior knowledge affects on the WOM intention through audience satisfaction. Based on the results, we demonstrated that a musical story is fairly important to satisfy audiences with high prior knowledge. This study could contribute to the related filed in that it introduced the transportation construct for the first time, thereby broadening the understanding of the musical audiences in the era of smart consumers.

Primary school teacher recognition for distance learning due to COVID-19 - Focusing on science classes - (COVID-19 상황에서 온라인 비대면 수업에 대한 초등교사의 인식 - 과학교과를 중심으로 -)

  • Kang, Eugene;Jeong, Dojun;Park, Jihun;Kim, Jina;Park, Jongseok;Nam, Jeonghee
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.460-479
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    • 2021
  • The crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic has caused significant changes in education systems worldwide, including in Korea. Due to COVID-19's social distancing policies, the education system was suddenly switched to distance learning, resulting in many problems in primary schools without preparation. The purpose of this study was to investigate a teacher's awareness of science education techniques, responses to issues in science classes, including inquiry activities, advantages and disadvantages, and roles after experiencing distance learning. Survey and focus interviews were conducted for primary school teachers who had previously participated in distance learning, such as online content classes and real-time interactive classes. The study findings showed three conclusions: 1) Primary school teachers conducted one-way and interactive lectures in online classes. It is vital to improve a teacher's digital literacy to improve other teaching methods such as investigation and discussion in online classes. 2) Primary school teachers acknowledged the challenges of field feedback, inquiry item preparations, and safety in inquiry activities of science classes, by providing individual experimental packages and videos and using online discussion and feedback among teacher - student and student - student interactions. 3) Primary school teachers recognized that various types of classes using IT devices and individualized learning were possible as advantages of distance learning. As for disadvantages, it was acknowledged that inquiry activities, cooperative learning, immediate feedback, and interaction among students were challenging. Furthermore, learning gaps were wider in distance learning.

Development of evaluation index for value creation of blockchain adoption in real estate electronic transaction system - Based on AHP analysis - (부동산 전자거래시스템 내 블록체인 도입의 가치창출 평가지표 개발 - AHP 분석 기법을 기반으로 -)

  • Lee, Sungmin;Kim, Heejoon;Lee, Myeonghun;Kim, Jaejun
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.74-82
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    • 2022
  • With the introduction of proptech, this study aims to find out the changes and necessity of introducing blockchain technology, one of the most popular technologies, in real estate electronic transactions. In addition, it is intended to develop evaluation indicators that classify newly created values within real estate electronic transactions and calculate the relative importance of each value area through technology application. To this end, the value that can be created when applying blockchain technology to real estate electronic transactions was classified according to the hierarchy, and considering that the evaluation criteria are complex and the importance can be measured differently depending on various factors, an analysis was conducted according to the AHP method for experts in practical and academic fields. As a result of the analysis, general value showed the highest importance in the first dimension, and digitalization of real estate information showed the highest importance in the second dimension.

A Study on the Application of Virtual Space Design Using the Blended Education Method - A La Carte Model Based on the Creation of Infographic - (블렌디드 교육방식을 활용한 가상공간 디자인 적용에 관한 연구 -알 라 카르테 모델 (A La Carte) 인포그래픽 가상공간 제작을 중심으로-)

  • Cho, Hyun Kyung
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.279-284
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    • 2022
  • As a study of the blended learning method on design education through the blended learning method, I would like to propose that more advanced learner-led customized design education is possible. Understanding in face-to-face classes and advantages in non-face-to-face classes can be supplemented in an appropriate way in remote classes. Advanced artificial intelligence and big data technology can provide personalized and subdivided learning materials and effective learning methods tailored to learners' levels and interests based on quantified data in design classes. In this paper, it was proposed to maximize the efficiency of the class by applying a method that exceeds the limitations of time and space through the proposal of the A La Carte model (A La Carte). It is a remote class that can be heard anytime, anywhere, and it is also possible to bridge the educational quality and educational gap provided to students living in underprivileged areas. As the goal of fostering creative convergence-type future talents, it is changing with a rapid technological development speed. It is necessary to adapt to the change in learning methods in line with this. An analysis of the infographic virtual space design and construction process through the A La Carte model (A La Carte) proposal was presented. Rather than simply acquiring knowledge, it is expected that knowledge can be sorted, distinguished, learned, and easily reborn with its own knowledge.

The Effects of Device Switching on Online Purchase: Focusing on the Moderation Effect of Switching Time and Internet Infrastructure (기기전환이 온라인 구매에 미치는 영향: 전환 시점과 인터넷 인프라의 조절 효과를 중심으로)

  • Jungwon Lee;Jaehyun You
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.289-305
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    • 2023
  • The rapid increase in the use of mobile devices is changing consumers' online shopping behavior. However, the difference in the effect on the conversion rate according to the time when consumers switch from a small screen to a large screen has not been sufficiently studied. In addition, the differences in the effect of device conversion on purchase performance according to the characteristics of each country's infrastructure have not been sufficiently studied. Against this background, this study aims to analyze whether the timing of switching from mobile devices to PC devices and the country's mobile Internet penetration rate are moderating the positive effect of device switching on purchase performance. For empirical analysis, Google Merchandise Store data was collected and 101,466 data from 130 countries were analyzed with a multilevel model. As a result of the analysis, consumers' device switching (i.e., mobile to PC) had a positive effect when it occurred in the middle of the consumer journey. However, it was analyzed that when device switching occurred at the later stage of the consumer journey, it had a negative effect on purchase performance. In addition, it was analyzed that the higher the mobile Internet penetration rate, the weaker the positive effect of consumer device conversion on purchase performance.