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A Missense Mutation in Exon 5 of the Bovine Growth Hormone Gene (소 성장호르몬 유전자의 Exon 5번에서의 새로운 다형성 연구)

  • Yoon, D. H.;Kim, T. H.;Lee, K. H.;Park, E. W.;Lee, H. K.;Cheong, I. C.;Hong, K. C.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.13-22
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    • 2003
  • Growth Hormone (GH) gene is a member of gene family through the evolutionary process from a small common ancestral gene by a series of gene duplications. The role of the GH in growth and performance controls has been extensively studied in human, mice and livestock. Many researchers have considered GH as a strong candidate gene for evaluation of genetic polymorphisms that could be associated with economic traits in cattle. We report here a novel missense mutation within the exon 5 of the bovine Growth Hormone (bGH) gene. We could amplified 522 bp fragments from eight unrelated Hanwoo cattle by PCR, then, subsequently cloned and sequenced. An Msp I RFLP corresponding to a C to T transition was observed at position 2258 nt. From this result, we could predict a missense mutation (Arg to Trp) at codon 166 in a highly conserved region among many mammals. Codominant Mendelian segregation of the two alleles, Msp I (+) and Msp I (-), was observed in two full-sib F2 families (n = 32, African taurine Bos taurus ${\times}$ African zebu Bos indicus) and eight half-sib Hanwoo families. For the availability of genetic marker, we have performed PCR-RFLP with a large number of individual animals from 15 different cattle breeds (European and Asian taurines, and African indicines). Consideration of breed frequencies of Msp I (-) allele in relation to breed type and their geographic origins, shows higher frequencies in humped breeds or Asian cattle breeds than in humpless or European breeds. This result indicates that the missense mutation can be contributed the functional significance such as the signal transduction through the receptor binding, also may be used as a marker for selection of the economic traits in Hanwoo.

Workcase based Very Large Scale Workflow System Architecture (워크케이스 기반의 초대형 워크플로우 시스템 아키텍쳐)

  • 심성수;김광훈
    • Proceedings of the Korea Database Society Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.403-416
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    • 2002
  • 워크플로우 관리 시스템은 정부나 기업과 같은 조직의 작업을 처리하기 위한 비즈니스 프로세스를 컴퓨터를 기반으로 자동화함으로서 작업의 효율을 높이고 비용을 절감한다. 현재에 이르러 이런 워크플로우 시스템을 사용하는 조직들이 점차 거대화되어 가고 네트워크의 발달과 인터넷의 출현으로 인하여 워크플로우 시스템이 처리하여야 하는 작업의 수와 고객과 작업자 수 등이 빠른 속도로 증가하는 추세이다. 이런 추세에서 워크플로우 시스템은 거대 조직 환경에 적합한 워크플로우 시스템 아키텍쳐를 필요하게 된다. 이에 본 논문은 거대 조직 환경을 관리할 수 있는 워크플로우 관리 시스템으로 워크케이스 기반의 초대형 워크플로우 시스템의 아키텍쳐를 설계 및 구현 하고자 한다. 그리고 워크플로우 시스템 아키텍쳐를 분류, 분석하여 장단점을 가려내어 이를 기반으로 워크플로우 시스템 아키텍쳐의 성능을 예측하여 워크케이스 기반 워크플로우 시스템 아키텍쳐가 본 논문에서 제안하는 초대형 워크플로우 시스템의 아키텍쳐라는 것을 예측하여 본다. 또한 초대형 워크플로우 시스템을 위하하부 구조로 EJB(Enterprise Java Beans)를 사용하고 사용 이유를 기술한다. 본 논문에서는 이런 워크케이스 기반의 초대형 워크플로우 시스템 아키텍쳐를 위하여 개념적인 단계와 설계 단계, 구현 단계로 나누어 설계 및 구현을 하며 개념적인 단계에서는 워크케이스 기반 워크플로우 시스템 아키텍쳐에 대하여 상세히 기술하고 설계단계에서는 전체적인 기능 정의와 초대형 워크플로우 시스템의 구조를 설계한다. 그리고 구현 단계에서는 워크케이스 기반의 초대형 워크플로우 시스템 아키텍쳐를 실제 구현하기 위한 환경을 선택하고 구현 단계의 문제점들과 해결책을 기술한다. 다 솔레노이드방식 감압건조장치로 건조한 표고버섯으로 품위에 대한 유의성 검증결과, 표고버섯의 경우 온도별로는 색택과 복원률, 건조실 내부 압력별로는 수축률, 복원률에서 유의차가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 라. 본 연구에서 구명된 감압건조특성을 기초로 하여 배치식 감압건조기를 설계 제작에 활용하고자 한다.ational banks. Several financial interchange standards which are involved in B2B business of e-procurement, e-placement, e-payment are also investigated.. monocytogenes, E. coli 및 S. enteritidis에 대한 키토산의 최소저해농도는 각각 0.1461 mg/mL, 0.2419 mg/mL, 0.0980 mg/mL 및 0.0490 mg/mL로 측정되었다. 또한 2%(v/v) 초산 자체의 최소저해농도를 측정한 결과, B. cereus, L. mosocytogenes, E. eoli에 대해서는 control과 비교시 유의적인 항균효과는 나타나지 않았다. 반면에 S. enteritidis의 경우는 배양시간 4시간까지는 항균활성을 나타내었지만, 8시간 이후부터는 S. enteritidis의 성장이 control 보다 높아져 배양시간 20시간에서는 control 보다 약 2배 이상 균주의 성장을 촉진시켰다.차에 따른 개별화 학습을 가능하게 할 뿐만 아니라 능동적인 참여를 유도하여 학습효율을 높일 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.향은 패션마케팅의 정의와 적용범위를 축소시킬 수 있는 위험을 내재한 것으로 보여진다. 그런가 하면, 많이 다루어진 주제라 할지라도 개념이나 용어가 통일되지 않고

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Antibacterial Activities of Caesalpinia sappan L. Extract and Structural Analysis of Its Related Brazilin (소목 추출물의 항균활성과 Brazilin의 구조분석)

  • Kwon, Hyun-Jung;Kim, Yong-Hyun;Nam, Kung-Woo;Kim, Sun-Ki;Bang, In-Soek;Han, Man-Deuk
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.105-111
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    • 2010
  • Caesalpinia sappan L. has long been commonly used in oriental folk medicines to treat diseases. To investigate the antibacterial effects from C. sappan L. heart wood, the MeOH soluble extract was successively fractionated by using hexane, $CHC1_3$, EtOAc, BuOH, MeOH, and $H_2O$. Among of these extracts, the EtOAc fraction which partitioned to 3.94% of the highest yields was to be the most active against all human pathogenic bacteria in this experiment. In addition, the antibacterial activities of the EtOAc fraction were more effective against Gram (+) bacteria compared to those against Gram (-) bacteria, which showed difference of the antibacterial activities against Gram (-) bacteria. To confirm the identity of the active substances, the EtOAc fraction was further separated by silica gel adsorption column, high performance liquid chromatography, and 98.48% purity of brazilin (1.67 mg)/EtOAc (10 mg) fraction was obtained from 300 g of C. sappan L. heart wood. The isolated active substance was a single compound of yellow crystalline, and was identified as brazilin ($C_{16}H_{14}O_5$) by MS, and $^lH$-NMR and $^{13}C$-NMR. These results suggest that the brazilin in the EtOAc fraction from MeOH extract of C. sappan L. has a potential as a natural therapeutic agent against human pathogenic Gram (+) bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus.

The Growth of $MgO:LiNbO_3$ Single Crystal by Czochralski Method and its Density Measurement (Czochralski법에 의한 $MgO:LiNbO_3$단결정 성장과 밀도 측정)

  • Kim, Il-Won;Park, Bong-Chan;Kim, Gap-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Crystallography
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.74-85
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    • 1993
  • Single crystals of LiNbO3 have found extensive application in electro-optic and nonlinear optic devices. However, laser-induced refartive index inhomogeneities, which have been labeled opical damage impose limits on device optical damage in LiNbO3 is imporved if more than 4.5 rml% MgO is added to the melt The laser damage thrueshold increased as much as 100 times better then that of undoped crystals. The MgO doped cystal has thus been urterlsiv81y studied since then. In the study, Mgo:LiNbOs(MLA) single crystals dopsd with 0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0 mol% MgO have been grown by the czocrualski technique. The metls were prepared in the platinum crluible and 15∼20mm diameter crystals were grown with a length of 20∼30mm in a resitance heater. The growth rate was 2.5mm/hr, the rotation speed 15rpn. Before sawing MLN single crystals were annealed for 24 hours under atmosphere at a temperature of 1080℃. After sawing, we have found an annual ring cross section of MNA crystals only in the direction of perpendicilar to the c-axis. Nonuniform dispusion of MgO was pointed out that the cuties of the state of oxide were strongly affected by oxygen partial pressure in.

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Progress in Composite Polymer Membrane for Application as Separator in Lithium Ion Battery (리튬 이온 전지의 분리막으로 사용하기 위한 복합 고분자 막의 동향)

  • Oh, Seok Hyeon;Patel, Rajkumar
    • Membrane Journal
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.228-241
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    • 2020
  • Separators, which produces physical layer between a cathode and anode, are getting enormous attention as the quality of the separator determines the performance of lithium ion batteries (LIBs). Porous membranes based on polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) are generally utilized as the separator of LIBs because of their high electrochemical stability and suitable mechanical strength. However, low thermal resistance and wettability of PE and PP membranes limited the potential of LIBs. Operating at the temperature exceeding the melting point of membranes, the separators change their structures which lead to short circuit of LIBs. Low wettability of the separators corresponds to low ionic conductivity which increases the cell resistance. To overcome these weaknesses of PE and PP separators, different types of separator were prepared by co-electrospinning, applying coating layer, forming core shell around membrane, and papermaking method. The synthesized separator greatly enhanced the heat resistance and wettability of separator and mechanical properties like flexibility and tensile strength. In this review different type of polymer membrane used as separator in lithium ion battery are discussed.

Study on Work-Efficiency in feild of PFB(POSCO E&C Fire Board) for High Sterength Concrete Spalling Control (고강도 콘크리트 폭렬제어를 위한 PFB(POSCO E&C Fire Board) 공법의 현장 시공성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Woo-Jae;Park, Dong-Cheol;Yang, Wan-Hee;Lee, Sea-Hyun
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2008.04a
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    • pp.961-964
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    • 2008
  • There are researches in progress on ensuring the safety of the high impact concrete in case of fire which is a current rising social problem and this research institute also developed PFB technology, the explosion preventing technology. PFB technology is to apply POSCO E&C Fire Board, a fireproof board, with an adhesive agent on the construction site, and this technology passed 3-hour fireproof test and this technology was proven from a previous research that the temperature of main root is maintained under $200^{\circ}C$. Therefore, tests on basic contents was performed in this research before the actual construction, with a full scale of wooden prototype to apply PFB technology to actual construction sites and the tests were done on the workability of fireproof board, the adhesive power, the resistance against imprint of wooden nail, the heat conductivity and etc. As the results of these tests, PFB technology was proven to have an excellent workability at a construction site and to be easy for processing and also, this technology was proven to have a great resisting power against imprint of wooden nail. Therefore, this research has confirmed that PFB technology has no problem to be applied on a construction site.

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An Overlapping Types Model and the Pure Medium of Exchange Role of Fiat Money (중복유형모형(重複類型模型)과 화폐(貨幣)의 순수교환기능(純粹交換機能))

  • Park, Woo-kyu
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.189-203
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    • 1992
  • Any money model should address the most important phenomenon of a monetary economy, which is the phenomenon of the rate of return dominance. Even if the holding returns on financial or nonfinancial assets are higher than the rate of return on fiat money holding, which is typically zero, people still hold and use money. In a period of accelerating inflation, number of dominating assets increases continuously, yet people continue to hold and use money. Wallace's (1980) overlapping generations model cannot address the rate of return dominance phenomenon. His model does not capture the mediun of exchange role of fiat money. In this paper, an overlapping types model of fiat money is constructed, in which different types of consumers have different preferences on different types of goods, are endowed with different types of goods, are located at seperated regions, and live for only two periods. In this model, people hold and use money despite the dominating assets, even if inflation accelates. Money in this case serves as a pure medium of exchange, whereas in Wallace's model, money serves as a pure store of value, and money disappears if a dominating asset exists. An interesting feature of the overlapping types model presented in this paper is that money does not provide a cheap approximation to an idealized and efficient real allocation. A monetary economy is always superior to a nonmonetary economy, because money helps overcome the incompleteness of the overlapping types friction. In a monetary economy, however, a pareto optimal allocation cannot always be achieved, because money cannot always overcome the overlapping types friction itself. Therefore, with the criterion of optimality of real allocations, the monetary economy is more optimal than a nonmonetary economy but less optimal than a complete Arrow-Debreu economy. This feature has important implications on macro modelling. Because of the difficulty in introducing money into a macro model in an essential and endogenous manner as in the overlapping types model of this paper, a macro model typically ignores money and studies real allocations without the money factor. The possible inefficiencies of a monetary economy, relative to a complete real Arrow-Debreu economy, may indicate differences in real allocations between the two models.

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Efficient Spent Sulfidic Caustic wastewater treatment using Adsorption Photocatalysis System (흡착광산화 시스템을 이용한 효과적인 SSC 페수처리)

  • Kim, Jong Kyu;Lee, Min Hee;Jung, Yong Wook;Joo, Jin Chul
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2016.05a
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    • pp.520-520
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    • 2016
  • 석유 화학공장에서 발생하는 spent sulfidic caustic (SSC) 폐수는 액화석유가스(LPG)나 천연가스(NG)의 정제과정에서 발생되는 것으로 고농도의 sulfide와 cresylic, phenolic 그리고 mercaptan 등이 포함된 독성과 냄새를 유발하는 물질이다. 이러한 물질들은 LPG나 NG의 정제과정에서 높은 산도를 가진 휘발성 황화합 물질들을 제거하기 위해 사용된 NaOH가 $H_2S$와 반응하여 발생하는 것이다. 진한 갈색 또는 검은색을 띄는 SSC 폐수는 12 이상의 높은 pH를 가지고 있으며 5~12 wt%의 높은 염분도를 가지고 있다. 또한 강한 부식성과 독성을 가진 황화합물의 농도가 1~4 wt%이며, 방향족 탄화수소 물질 (i.e. methanethiol, benzene, tolune and phenol)들도 다량 함유되어 있다. 따라서 이러한 유해 물질들은 기존의 하수처리 공정으로 방류하기 전에 완벽하게 처리해야만 하수처리 공정의 오염 부하량을 줄일 수 있다. 습식산화공정은 SSC 폐수를 처리하기 위해 흔히 사용되고 있는 물리-화학적 처리 공정이지만 고비용, 고에너지가 필요하며, 고온 및 고압에서만 작동되어 안전상의 문제점을 갖고 있다. 또한 습식산화공정을 거친 폐수는 배출허용기준을 만족하기 위해 생물학적 2차 처리가 반드시 필요하다. 철-과산화수소를 이용하는 펜톤산화 공정, 그리고 sulfide를 sulfate로 전환시키는 생물학적 처리 공정은 황화합물의 완전한 무기물화가 힘들며, 현장 적용 시 기술적 경제적 부담이 크다. 이러한 단점을 극복하고, SSC 폐수를 효과적으로 처리하기 위해 본 연구는, 높은 흡착력과 광산화력을 가진 흡착광산화 반응 시스템(Adsorption Photocatalysis System, APS)을 개발하였다. APS는 SSC 폐수를 시스템 내부로 유입하여 수중의 오염물질을 흡착광산화제로 구성된 반응구조체가 흡착하고, 흡착된 오염물질을 UV에너지와 이산화티타늄 광촉매의 광화학반응에 의해 최종적으로 무해한 물질로 환원시키는 폐수처리시스템이다. APS의 반응구조체는 태양에너지 및 인공에너지원에 의해 활용 가능하며, 난분해성 유기화합물질을 물과 이산화탄소로 분해할 수 있는 친환경적이고 경제적인 소재로서 널리 쓰이고 있는 이산화티타늄 광촉매와 화력발전소의 높은 소성온도에 의해 연소된 후 발생되는 bottom ash를 이산화티타늄의 지지체로 사용하여 높은 흡착력과 광촉매 산화력을 가진 복합물이다. 개발된 APS에 의해 SSC 폐수를 처리한 결과, COD 86.1%, 탁도 98.4%, sulfide 99.9%의 높은 처리효율을 보여주고 있다. 따라서 본 연구를 통해 개발된 APS는 강한 부식성과 독성 그리고 높은 농도를 가지고 있는 SSC 폐수를 효과적으로 처리할 수 있다.

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Photocatalytic Decomposition of Rhodamine B over BiVO4 Doped with Samarium Ion (Sm 이온이 도핑된 BiVO4에서 로다민 B의 광촉매 분해 반응)

  • Hong, Seong-Soo
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.146-151
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    • 2021
  • Pure and Sm ion doped BiVO4 catalysts were synthesized using a conventional hydrothermal method and characterized by XRD, DRS, SEM, and PL. We also examined the activity of these materials on the photocatalytic decomposition of rhodamine B under visible light irradiation. The doping of Sm ion into BiVO4 catalyst changed the ms-BiVO4 crystal structure into the tz-BiVO4 crystal structure in the low synthesis temperature. Light absorption analysis using DRS showed that all the catalysts displayed strong absorption in the visible range of the electromagnetic spectrum regardless of Sm ion doping. In addition, an amorphous morphology was shown in the pure BiVO4 catalyst, but the morphology of the BiVO4 catalyst doped with Sm ion was changed into an ellipse shape and also the particle size decreased. In the photocatalytic decomposition of rhodamine B, Sm ion doped BiVO4 catalyst showed higher photocatalytic activity than the pure BiVO4 catalyst. In addition, the Sm3-BVO catalyst doped with 3% Sm ion showed the highest photocatalytic activity, as well as the highest formation rate of OH radicals (•OH) and the highest PL peak. This result suggests that the formation rate of OH radicals produced in the interface between the photocatalyst and water is well correlated with the photocatalytic activity.

Numerical Analysis of Wave Transformation of Bore in 2-Dimensional Water Channel and Resultant Wave Loads Acting on 2-Dimensional Vertical Structure (2차원수조내에서 단파의 변형과 구조물에 작용하는 단파파력에 관한 수치해석)

  • Lee, Kwang Ho;Kim, Chang Hoon;Kim, Do Sam;Hwang, Young Tae
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.29 no.5B
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    • pp.473-482
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    • 2009
  • This study numerically discusses wave forces acting on a vertical wall such as breakwaters or revetments, subjected to incident undular or turbulent bores. Due to the complex hydrodynamics of bore, its wave forces have been predicted, mainly through laboratory experiments. Numerical simulations in this paper were carried out by CADMAS-SURF(CDIT, 2001), which is based on Navier-Stokes momentum equations and VOF method (Hirt and Nichols, 1981) for tracking free water surface. Its original source code was also partly revised to generate bore in the numerical water channel. Numerical raw data computed by CADMAS-SURF included great strong spike phenomena that show the abrupt jumps of wave loads. To resolve this undesired noise of raw data, the band-pass filter with the frequency of 5Hz was utilized. The filtered results showed reasonable agreements with the experimental results performed by Matsutomi (1991) and Ramsden (1996). It was confirmed that CADMASSURF can be applied to the design of coastal structures against tsunami bores. In addition, the transformation process and propagation speed of bores in the same 2-d water channel were discussed by the variations of water level for time and space. The numerical results indicated that the propagation speed of bore was changed due to the nonlinear interactions between negative and reflected waves.