• Title/Summary/Keyword: 도형자료

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A Study of establishing River Space Database Using A Geographic Information System (GIS를 이용한 하천공간 데이타베이스 구축에 관한 연구)

  • 이태식;구지희
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.93-101
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    • 1994
  • A river space means the river related environments such as rIver and floodplain. Because river space data include two-dimensional and three¬dimensional characters. geographic informat ion system is an effect ive tool to manage the data. The objective of this study is to construct the pilot system called RSDB '93 and to simulate the system in practical aspects. The local area for the study was limited about 12km from Jamsil cheolgyo to Dongjak daegyo of the Han River. PC ARC/INFO was selected which can be used on PC 386DX. The Graphic data in an establ ished database contain river layer. floodplain layer. road layer. profile site and hydraulic structure site8 layer. Attributes include water prof i Ie. ut i I i ty status. ecological data. landmark data. hyd¬rology data. water quality data. aerial photo and other photos. RSDB '93 is a system presenting the potentials for the effective river space management which can be applied to all the domestic rivers.

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An Application Method of Curvilinear Coordinate System for Spatial Information based on River Network (하천 네트워크 기반 공간정보의 곡선좌표계 부여 방법)

  • You, Ho Jun;Kim, Dong Su
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2019.05a
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    • pp.195-195
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    • 2019
  • 최근 센싱 기술과 정보화의 영향으로 하천에서 발생하는 다양한 정보들이 디지털화되어 저장되고 있으며, 이를 효율적으로 저장하고 관리하고자 하는 연구가 수행되고 있다. 특히, 과거에는 점, 선, 면으로 구성된 자료 위주로 구성되어 있어 수집된 자료를 주제별로 관리하는 레이어 형식으로 저장하여 자료를 표출하기 위한 목적으로 설계되었지만, 최근에는 영상자료, 시계열자료 등 기존의 자료와 다른 비구조적 형태의 자료가 발생함에 따라 하천 네트워크를 기반으로 한 하천공간정보를 관계형 구조로 설계하고 있다. 하천의 경우, 각 하천공간정보가 가지는 고유의 값을 활용하여 인접한 하천 네트워크를 구성하는 하천의 중심선 혹은 최심선을 기준으로 하천공간정보들을 관계성을 부여한다. 하지만 이러한 관계성은 자료의 저장, 관리, 제공에는 유리한 측면이 있지만 기하학적인 고려가 없기 때문에 공간정보로서 활용하기에는 한계가 존재한다. 쉽게 설명하면, 1차원 점에 해당하는 공간좌표는 가장 가까운 하천 네트워크를 대상으로 관계성 부여가 가능하지만, 2차원 선과 3차원 면에 해당하는 도형을 대표하는 위치가 공간적으로 많기 때문이다. 본 연구에서는 하천 네트워크 기반 공간정보가 관계성을 부여하되 하천공간정보가 가지는 기하하적 구조를 반영하기 위해 하천 네트워크를 중심으로 한 곡선좌표계 부여 방법을 제시하고자 한다. 하천은 실제로 연속적으로 변화하며, 곡선으로 이루어져 있기 때문에 공간적으로 직교좌표계를 활용하기 보다는 곡선좌표계를 활용하는 것이 더 적합한 것으로 알려져 있다. 실제로 많은 수치해석 모형에서는 곡선좌표계를 고려하여 수치해석을 수행하고 있으며, 도로나 교통 분야의 공간정보에서도 공간적 고려를 위해 곡선좌표계를 활용하는 것으로 알려져 있다. 본 연구에서는 하천 중심선 혹은 최심선을 기준으로 흐름방향 거리를 S, 횡방향 거리를 N으로 설정하여 곡선좌표계를 정의하였으며, 직교좌표계와 곡선좌표계간의 좌표변환을 위해 이차원 변환방법인 투영변환을 활용하였다. 본 연구에서 제시된 방법을 활용할 경우, 하천 네트워크 기반 공간정보가 자료 간의 관계성을 유지하며, 기하하적 고려가 될 것으로 사료된다.

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A Study on Data Modeling Techniques for Control Requirements of SPICE Reference Model (SPICE 참조모델 요구사항을 지원하는 데이터 모델링 기법에 관한 연구)

  • Chung Kyu-Jang
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2004
  • there needs a new Geographic information system development Technology of the abstraction, encapsulation, modulation and hierarchy using Graphic representation of object modeling Technique. The method is based on composite object of Graphic data with the hierarchy concepts and abstraction of Graphic information in order to improve data abstraction of the graphic data file and described concept of multiple inheritance and classification that supports a wide variety of graphic class such as mesh unit, layer. segment and so on. in simple case of software development using SPICE model and object modeling techniques. this thesis suggested object representation of Graphic data which can reduce software development life cycle and the cost of software maintenance.

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Development of Gifted Educational Materials Using Tangram asInstructional Media (교수매체로써 칠교판을 활용한 영재교육 자료 개발)

  • Shim, Sang-Kil
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.39-51
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this article is to study characteristics of tangram as instructional media in combinatorialgeometric point of view, and to present basic materials and direction for efficient tangram activities in gifted education upon systematical analysis of methods of finding solutions. We can apply x=a+2b+4c to find all possible combination of solutions in tangram activities not as trial-and-error method but as analytical method. Through teacher's questions and problem posing in activities using tangram, we systematically came up with most solution and case of all possible combinations be solution in classifying properties of pieces and combining selected pieces.

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A Study on the Web-Based Representation of Thematic Maps Using GeoWeb Platform (GIS와 지오웹 플랫폼을 활용한 웹기반 주제도 표현에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Nam-Shin;Jin, Shizhu
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.107-117
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    • 2011
  • This study aimed to inquire into possibilities of the web-based representation of thematic maps by geo-information mashup in the geoweb platform. In the Web2.0, Google platform leads the geoweb by offering effective mashup functions for geo-information. Geo-information mashup is opening a new horizon of map applications in fusion with a great of data in the Internet. Geo-information mashup by the available data method can be classified as two type; one is linkage of sources of platform itself(satellite images) and external data, the other is linkage of platform itself and user created contents. This study made heatmap, proportional map, and choropleth map based on Google satellite images by the linkage of platform itself and external data. As a result, thematic map of Google mashup expected to give us to a flexibility for difference interpretations of geographical distribution by representing overlap with satellite images.

Statistical methods for modelling functional neuro-connectivity (뇌기능 연결성 모델링을 위한 통계적 방법)

  • Kim, Sung-Ho;Park, Chang-Hyun
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.1129-1145
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    • 2016
  • Functional neuro-connectivity is one of the main issues in brain science in the sense that it is closely related to neurodynamics in the brain. In the paper, we choose fMRI as a main form of response data to brain activity due to its high resolution. We review methods for analyzing functional neuro-connectivity assuming that measurements are made on physiological responses to neuron activation. This means that we deal with a state-space and measurement model, where the state-space model is assumed to represent neurodynamics. Analysis methods and their interpretation should vary subject to what was measured. We included analysis results of real fMRI data by applying a high-dimensional autoregressive model, which indicated that different neurodynamics were required for solving different types of geometric problems.

The Design and Implementation of GIS Data Processing using 3-Tiers Architecture for selecting Route (3계층 구조를 이용한 GIS 자료처리 설계 및 구현 -도로의 노선선정을 중심으로-)

  • 이형석;배상호
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.23-29
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    • 2002
  • The design of data processing of GIS requires efficient method with analysis procedure. This system is easy to be used and managed for presenting route according to conditions as a graphic user interface environmental window system by applying three tiers based object-oriented method. The tier of data is in charge of a class for the exchange, extraction and conservation of data between GeoMedia and application tiers. A route selection algorithm was applied to application tiers, considering all conditions which are necessary for the route selection between a beginning point and an end point, and it was added by module such as data handing, road condition, buffering, clothoid and AHP to select the alternative route followed by new condition. The user tier can express the data acquired by an application tier. Thus three tiers based architecture was presented by implementing design of GIB data processing for its efficiency.

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Case Study on the Development of STEAM Instruction Material for Mathematics Subject-Based Advanced Technology and ICT Teaching Tools (초등수학 교과 기반 첨단 기술 및 ICT 교구 활용형 융합교육 자료 개발에 대한 사례 연구)

  • Lee, Jong-hak
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.333-352
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    • 2022
  • This study is aimed at developing the STEAM instruction materials for mathematics subject-based advanced technology and ICT teaching tools. In order to develop the STEAM materials, a PDI model in which the implementation and evaluation steps were simplified to Improvement was used. The developed STEAM materials were revised and supplemented by a group of experts. The subject of the STEAM class material developed in this study is 『Graph! The bridge that connects the past, present and future』 , 『You are the same but different!』 , 『Creating a virtual reality three-dimensional space together』 , 『And making interesting figures』 and 『Cover the roof of the turtle ship!』 . As a suggestion based on the results of this development study, various STEAM education materials should be developed and shared so that STEAM education can be performed in the elementary education field. And for the spread and settlement of STEAM education, the cultivation and expansion of STEAM education capabilities of on-site elementary school teachers or pre-service teachers will be an absolute prerequisite. And this suggests the need for a continuous and long-term approach to follow-up research on STEAM education.

Statistical Consideration on the Resources of the Countries in the World (세계 각국의 자원에 대한 통계적 고찰)

  • Huh, Moon-Yul;Choi, Byong-Su;Lee, Seung-Chun
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.41-57
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    • 2009
  • The paper investigates the resources of the 232 countries based on the 39 resources of these countries. The data used in this work is from various sources like UN, CIA, World bank, OECD reports and the home pages of each country. The purpose of the study is to evaluate what resources are most influential to the wealth of a country, to the well-bring of the country, or the status of the country's development. For this, data visualization method is applied. Data visualization technique, although powerful for exploratory purposes, is dependent upon the users expertize and the interpretation is also dependent on the of the users. For objective methods of investigation, mutual information based on the Shanon's entropy theory is applied here. All the statistical methods employed in this paper are processed with DAVIS (Huh and Song, 2002)

Development of teaching and learning materials by using GeoGebra and it's application effects for high school mathematically gifted students (GeoGebra를 활용한 교수.학습이 과학고등학교 수학영재들의 인지적 측면에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Mu Jin;Lee, Jong Hak;Kim, Wonkyung
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.359-384
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is inquire the reaction and adaptability of the mathematically gifted student, in the case of introduce learning materials based on GeoGebra in real class. The study program using GeoGebra consist of 'construction of fundamental figures', 'making animation with using slider tools' (graph of a function, trace of a figure, definite integral, fixed point, and draw a parametric curve), make up the group report after class. In detail, 1st to 15th classes are mainly problem-solving, and topic-exploring classes. To analyze the application effects of developed learning materials, divide students in four groups and lead them to make out their own creative products. In detail, guide students to make out their own report about mathematical themes that based on given learning materials. Concretely, build up the program to make up group report about their own topics in six weeks, after learning on various topics. Expert panel concluded that developed learning materials are successfully stimulate student's creativity in various way, after analyze of the student's activities. Moreover, those learning programs also contributed to the develop of the mathematical ability to thinking that necessary to writing a report. As well, four creative products are assessed as connote mathematically gifted student's creative thinking and meaningful elements in mathematical aspects.

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