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Classification of Single-interface Surface Plasmons by Using Complex Differential Diagram (복소차분도표를 이용한 단일경계 표면플라즈몬 모드 이해)

  • Lee, Dong-Jin;Lee, Seung-Gol;O, Beom-Hoan
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.108-113
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, we propose the complex differential diagram to classify surface plasmon waveguide modes with single interface. To date, surface plasmon waveguide modes are classified using the sign change of the group velocity in the dispersion relation that describes the interrelations between the real wavenumber of the propagation direction and the photon energy. The surface plasmon waveguide modes have the wavenumbers of the direction perpendicular to that in which the wave propagates as well as of the propagation direction, so it is necessary to classify the modes using all of these wavenumbers. The complex differential diagram is a graphical representation with variables of the difference between the real component and the imaginary component of the wavenumber. Using this diagram, the specific mode classification is possible, and it is easy to comprehensively analyze the wavenumber as the function of the photon energy.

Analysis of stage III proximal colon cancer using the Cox proportional hazards model (Cox 비례위험모형을 이용한 우측 대장암 3기 자료 분석)

  • Lee, Taeseob;Lee, Minjung
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.349-359
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    • 2017
  • In this paper, we conducted survival analyses by fitting the Cox proportional hazards model to stage III proximal colon cancer data obtained from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results program of the National Cancer Institute. We investigated the effect of covariates on the hazard function for death from proximal colon cancer in stage III with surgery performed and estimated the survival probability for a patient with specific covariates. We showed that the proportional hazards assumption is satisfied for covariates that were used to analyses, using a test based on the Schoenfeld residuals and plots of the Schoenfeld residuals and $log[-log\{{\hat{S}}(t)\}]$. We evaluated the model calibration and discriminatory accuracy by calibration plot and time-dependent area under the ROC curve, which were calculated using 10-fold cross validation.

Development of design charts for concrete lining in a circular shaft (원형수직구 콘크리트라이닝 단면설계도표 개발)

  • Shin, Young-Wan;Kim, Sung-Soo;Kim, Young-Jin
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.165-175
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    • 2010
  • Recently, requirement of a long subsea tunnel has increased due to political, economical and social demands such as saving of distribution costs, improvement of traffic convenience, and regional development. Road and railroad tunnel need a shaft for construction and ventilation because of increase of tunnel length. Shaft diameter, lining sectional thickness and rebar quantity have to be determined for design of concrete lining in the shaft. A lot of structural analyses are needed for optimal design of concrete lining considering shaft diameter, load conditions and ground conditions. Design charts are proposed by structural analyses for various conditions in this study. A sectional thickness and rebar quantity can be easily determined using the proposed design charts.

Evaluation for Rock Cleavage Using Distribution of Microcrack Lengths and Spacings (3) (미세균열의 길이 및 간격 분포를 이용한 결의 평가(3))

  • Park, Deok-Won;Park, Eui-Seob;Jung, Yong-Bok;Lee, Tae-Jong;Song, Yoon-Ho
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2019
  • The characteristics of the rock cleavage of Jurassic Geochang granite were analysed using the parameters from the length and spacing-cumulative frequency diagrams. The evaluation for three planes and three rock cleavages was performed using the 25 parameters such as (1~2) slope angle(${\alpha}^{\circ}$and ${\beta}^{\circ}$), (3) intersection angle(${\alpha}-{\beta}^{\circ}$), (4) exponent difference(${\lambda}_S-{\lambda}_L$), (5~12) length of line(oa, ob, ol, os, ss', ll' and sl') and (13~15) length ratio(ol/os, ss'/ll' and ll'/sl'), (16) mean length((ss'+ll')/2), (17~23) area (${\Delta}oaa^{\prime}$, ${\Delta}obb^{\prime}$, ${\Delta}obb^{\prime}$, ${\Delta}oaa_a^{\prime}$, ${\Delta}obb_a^{\prime}$, ${\Delta}ll^{\prime}s^{\prime}$, ${\Delta}ss^{\prime}l^{\prime}$ and ⏢$ll^{\prime}ss^{\prime}$) and (24~25) area difference(${\Delta}obb^{\prime}-{\Delta}oaa^{\prime}$ and ${\Delta}obb_a^{\prime}-{\Delta}oaa_a^{\prime}$). Firstly, the values of the 11 parameters(group I: No. 1, 3~4, 7, 9~10, 13, 15~16, 20 and 25), the 3 parameters(group II: No. 5, 8 and 17) and the 2 parameters(group III: No. 12 and 22) are in orders of H(hardway) < G(grain) < R(rift), R < G < H and G < H < R, respectively. On the contrary, the values of parameters belonging to the above three groups show reverse orders for three planes. Secondly, the generalized chart for three planes and three rock cleavages were made. From the related chart, the distribution types formed by the two diagrams related to lengths and spacings were derived. The diagrams related to spacings show upward curvature in the chart of rift plane(G1 & H1, R') and hardway(H1 & H2, H). On the contrary, the diagrams related to lengths show downward curvature. These two diagrams take the form of a convex lens in the upper section. Besides, the two diagrams cross each other in the lower section. The overall shape formed by the above two diagrams between three planes($H^{\prime}{\rightarrow}G^{\prime}{\rightarrow}R^{\prime}$) and three rock cleavages($R{\rightarrow}G{\rightarrow}H$) display in reverse order. Lastly, these types of correlation analysis is useful for discriminating three quarrying planes.

Effect of Structural Geometry of Jointed Concrete Pavement on Backcalculation using AREA Method (줄눈콘크리트 포장의 구조적 형상이 AREA법을 이용한 역해석에 미치는 영향)

  • Yoo, Tae-Seok;Sim, Jong-Sung
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.9 no.1 s.31
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    • pp.39-46
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    • 2007
  • Different backcalculation results for the same material properties are caused by different structural geometry. In this paper, based on real simulation results for typical pavement systems using 3-dimensional FE models, modified AREA graphs are proposed to graphically backcalculate modulus of elasticity of slab and subgrade based on center deflection and AREA. In modified graph for single infinity slab models, deflection and AREA are increased in deeper depth to bedrock. But, effects of depth to bedrock more than 4.0 meters on backcalculation results are negligible. And, center deflection and AREA generated from multifinite slab models are larger than those of single infinity slab models with same depth to bedrock.

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Question and Answering System through Search Result Summarization of Q&A Documents (Q&A 문서의 검색 결과 요약을 활용한 질의응답 시스템)

  • Yoo, Dong Hyun;Lee, Hyun Ah
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.149-154
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    • 2014
  • A user should pick up relevant answers by himself from various search results when using user participation question answering community like Knowledge-iN. If refined answers are automatically provided, usability of question answering community must be improved. This paper divides questions in Q&A documents into 4 types(word, list, graph and text), then proposes summarizing methods for each question type using document statistics. Summarized answers for word, list and text type are obtained by question clustering and calculating scores for words using frequency, proximity and confidence of answers. Answers for graph type is shown by extracting user opinion from answers.

The Weld Strength and Design Tables for the Unstiffened Seated Connections (비보강받침접합의 용접강도와 설계도표)

  • Choi, Sun-Kyu;Yoo, Jung-Han;Lee, Kang-Min;Park, Jai-Woo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.199-206
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    • 2012
  • Unstiffened seated connections (USC) ensure easy installation and safety during erection, thereby making the process more economical. USCs consist of a seat angle for carrying the beam's reactions and a top angle to provide beam stability. These angles are bolted or welded to the beam and supporting member. This paper sought to propose a design table for the weld strength of such connections obtained from the elastic vector method (EVM) and the instantaneous center-of-rotation method (ICM) in terms of calculating the eccentricity. Also, the proposed design table is compared with both AISC and KBC specifications.

Stability Analysis of Toppling Failure in Rock Slopes (암반사면의 전도파괴에 대한 안정해석)

  • 이명재;이인모
    • Geotechnical Engineering
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.55-66
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this paper is to formulate and apply the stability analysis of toppling failure by considering the variation of discontinuity characteristics, slope geometry, and loading conditions. The stability condition on toppling failure of rock slope is mainly iuluenced by the dip angle $\alpha_B$ and H/t ratio. In order to check toppling failures in design, the stability charts composed of dip angle $\alpha_B$ versus H/t ratio have been constructed in the paper. In general, smaller dip angle $\alpha_B$ and smaller dip angle $\alpha_B$ and smaller H/T ratio give safer condition. The suggested curves change rapidly at the chitical point around the sone, H/t=4~6. The stable zone in stability charles becomes smaller due to step angle $\data$.

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An Analysis of High School Common Science Textbook on the Concept of Greenhouse Effect (온실효과에 대한 고등학교 공통과학교과서 분석)

  • Kook, Dong-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.455-460
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the sixth curriculum textbooks of high school science courses in relation to the greenhouse effect concept and find the incorrect descriptions of that concept and then suggest some improved schemes. Some incorrect descriptions, pictures and tables on the greenhouse effect concept were found in texts. They might contribute to forming and/or reinforcing misconceptions about that concept: the important greenhouse gases, the changes caused by the greenhouse effect, global warming, energy sources, greenhouse experiments and physical processes. Therefore some improved schemes were suggested

A Study on Development of Design Chart for Geotextile-reinorced Embankments on Soft Foundations (연약지반상의 토목섬유보강제방의 설계도표개발에 관한 연구)

  • 서인식;허노영
    • Geotechnical Engineering
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.173-180
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    • 1998
  • This paper presents the design chart to evaluate the two-demensional stability of geoteztilereinforcement embankments on soft foundations. The potential failure surface in this study is assumed as the logarithmic spiral curves refracted at the boundary of layers. To facilitate the iterative calculations, a program that determines the geoteztile tensile force for geotextilereinforcement embankments was developed. This program can be used for situations with a variety of soil layers and soil types. And it can be also used for a static or seismic condition. A series of calculations has been made for a schematised situation. The results of these computation are shown in design charts. Considering static or seismic load strate, these charts in the preliminary stage of the design provide a reasonable estimate of geoteztile tensile force for geotextile-reinforcement embankments on softs foundations. In the final swage a more detailed calculation can be made by developed programs.

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