• 제목/요약/키워드: 도로 모니터링

검색결과 1,491건 처리시간 0.033초

Scheme on Environmental Risk Assessment and Management for Carbon Dioxide Sequestration in Sub-seabed Geological Structures in Korea (이산화탄소 해양 지중저장사업의 환경위해성평가관리 방안)

  • Choi, Tae-Seob;Lee, Jung-Suk;Lee, Kyu-Tae;Park, Young-Gyu;Hwang, Jin-Hwan;Kang, Seong-Gil
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • 제12권4호
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    • pp.307-319
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    • 2009
  • Carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) technology has been regarded as one of the most possible and practical option to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide ($CO_2$) and consequently to mitigate the climate change. Korean government also have started a 10-year R&D project on $CO_2$ storage in sea-bed geological structure including gas field and deep saline aquifer since 2005. Various relevant researches are carried out to cover the initial survey of suitable geological structure storage site, monitoring of the stored $CO_2$ behavior, basic design of $CO_2$ transport and storage process and the risk assessment and management related to $CO_2$ leakage from engineered and geological processes. Leakage of $CO_2$ to the marine environment can change the chemistry of seawater including the pH and carbonate composition and also influence adversely on the diverse living organisms in ecosystems. Recently, IMO (International Maritime Organization) have developed the risk assessment and management framework for the $CO_2$ sequestration in sub-seabed geological structures (CS-SSGS) and considered the sequestration as a waste management option to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. This framework for CS-SSGS aims to provide generic guidance to the Contracting Parties to the London Convention and Protocol, in order to characterize the risks to the marine environment from CS-SSGS on a site-specific basis and also to collect the necessary information to develop a management strategy to address uncertainties and any residual risks. The environmental risk assessment (ERA) plan for $CO_2$ storage work should include site selection and characterization, exposure assessment with probable leak scenario, risk assessment from direct and in-direct impact to the living organisms and risk management strategy. Domestic trial of the $CO_2$ capture and sequestration in to the marine geologic formation also should be accomplished through risk management with specified ERA approaches based on the IMO framework. The risk assessment procedure for $CO_2$ marine storage should contain the following components; 1) prediction of leakage probabilities with the reliable leakage scenarios from both engineered and geological part, 2) understanding on physio-chemical fate of $CO_2$ in marine environment especially for the candidate sites, 3) exposure assessment methods for various receptors in marine environments, 4) database production on the toxic effect of $CO_2$ to the ecologically and economically important species, and finally 5) development of surveillance procedures on the environmental changes with adequate monitoring techniques.

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Radiation Exposure of Hands and Feet from $^{18}F$-FDG in Radio-technologists (방사선 작업 종사자의 작업화 및 작업복의 방사선 오염 분석)

  • Lee, Seung-Jae;Jeong, Seok;Seo, Soo-Hyun;Park, Yong-Sung;Park, Hoon-Hee;Oh, Shin-Hyun;Lim, Han-Sang;Kim, Jae-Sam;Lee, Chang-Ho
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • 제15권2호
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    • pp.94-98
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: The radiation exposure from radioisotope at the hands and foots of radiation workers who works in PET/CT part at the department of nuclear medicine was investigated in this study. Materials and Methods: From 4th August 2010 to 14th January 2011, 6 radio-technologists' radiation on hands and feet were measured. All radio-technologist have been examined around 8; morning, 12; afternoon, and 16 o'clock; evening, respectively. SPSS version 17 was used for statistical analysis. Results: The statistical significances were calculated in several ways. The radiation from both hands and feet in the Morning was lower than Afternoon and Evening. In some cases, the detected radiation showed extremely high values in data. In order to find the effect of the ${\gamma}$-ray on the hand, the estimated doses were presumably calculated, however, the exposure dose on feet were unmeasured. Conclusion: Even if the radiation exposure from the radioisotope at the hands and feet were under the limitations, it is definitely needs to prevent the radiation-contamination. Therefore, the radio-technologists need to have a proper radiation-dealing-procedure of their own, and must try to prevent a radiation exposure by themselves.

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Changes of Nitrifying Bacteria Depending on the Presence and Absence of Organic Pollutant in Nak-Dong River (낙동강에서의 유기성 오염 유무에 따른 질화세균의 변화)

  • Jin, Seon-Yeong;Lee, Young-Ok
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • 제49권2호
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    • pp.137-145
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    • 2013
  • This study was performed at 2 sites of Nak-Dong River to investigate the changes of nitrifiers depending on the presence and absence of organic pollutants (due to the effluents of domestic wastewater treatment plant, WWTP). Conventional chemical parameters such as T-N, $NH_4$-N, $NO_2$-N, $NO_3$-N were measured and the quantitative nitrifiers at the 2 sites were analyzed comparatively by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) with NSO190 and NIT3, after checking the presence of gene amoA of ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and 16S rDNA signature sequence for Nitrobacter sp. that belongs to nitrite oxidizing bacteria (NOB). Also ${\alpha}{\cdot}{\beta}{\cdot}{\gamma}$-Proteobacteria were detected using FISH to get a glimpse of the general bacterial community structure of the sites. Based on the distribution structure of the ${\alpha}{\cdot}{\beta}{\cdot}{\gamma}$-Proteobacteria and the measurement of nitrogen in different phases, it could be said that the site 2 was more polluted with organics than site 1. Corresponding to the above conclusion, the average numbers of AOB and NOB detected by NSO160 and NIT3, respectively, at site 2 [AOB, $9.3{\times}10^5$; NOB, $1.6{\times}10^6$ (cells/ml)] was more than those at site 1 [AOB, $7.8{\times}10^5$; NOB, $0.8{\times}10^6$ (cells/ml)] and also their ratios to total counts were higher at site 2 (AOB, 27%; NOB, 34%) than those at site 1 (AOB, 18%; NOB, 23%). Thus, it could be concluded that the nitrification at site 2 was more active due to continuous loading of organics from the effluents of domestic WWTP, compared to site 1 located closed to raw drinking water supply and subsequently less polluted with organics.

The 2009-based detailed distribution pattern and area of Phragmites communis-dominant and Suaeda japonica-dominant communities on the Suncheon-bay and Beolgyo estuarine wetlands (순천만과 벌교 하구 연안습지의 2009년 기준 갈대 및 칠면초 우세 군집 분포양상과 면적 제시)

  • Hong, Seok Hwi;Chun, Seung Soo;Eom, Jin Ah
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • 제17권1호
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    • pp.26-37
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    • 2015
  • Halophyte distribution pattern and area in the Suncheon-bay and Beolgyo estuary coastal wetlands were analyzed using KOMPSAT-2 landsat images were taken in 2008 and 2009, and field investigations were fulfilled for confirming the precise boundaries of individual halophyte areas. The salt-marsh vegetation in those areas can be classified mainly into two dominant communities: Suaeda japonica-dominant and Phragmites communis-dominant communities. In order to identify sedimentary characteristics, tidal-flat surface leveling and sedimentary facies analysis had been conducted. The sedimentary facies of marsh area are mostly silty clayey and clay facies with a little seasonal change and its slope is very gentle (0.0007~0.002 in gradient). Phragmites communis and Suaeda japonica communities were distributed in the mud-flat zone between 0.7 m and 1.8 m higher than MSL (mean sea level): zone of 1.1~1.8 m in the former and zone of 0.7~1.3 m in the latter. In the Suncheon-bay estuarine wetland, on the basis of 2009 distribution, Phragmites communis-dominant and Suaeda japonica-dominant communities are about $0.79km^2$ and $0.22km^2$ in distribution area, respectively. On the other hand, Bulgyo estuarine marsh shows that the distribution areas of Phragmites communis-dominant and Suaeda japonica-dominant communities are about $0.31km^2$ and 0.031km2 in distribution area, respectively. Individual 105 and 60 dominant community areas and their distribution patterns can be well defined and indicated in the Suncheon-bay and Bulgyo estuarine marshes, respectively. The distribution pattern and area of hylophyte communities analyzed in this study based on 2008/2009 satellite images would be valuable as a base of future monitoring of salt-marsh related studies in the study area which is the most important salt-marsh research site in Korea.

Fate Analysis and Impact Assessment for Vehicle Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) Emitted from Metropolitan City Using Multimedia Fugacity Model (다매체거동모델을 이용한 대도시 자동차 배출 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) 거동 해석 및 영향평가)

  • Rhee, Gahee;Hwangbo, Soonho;Yoo, ChangKyoo
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • 제56권4호
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    • pp.479-495
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    • 2018
  • This study was carried out to research the multimedia fate modeling, concentration distribution and impact assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) emitted from automobiles, which are known as carcinogenic and mutation chemicals. The amount of emissions of PAHs was determined based on the census data of automobiles at a target S-city and emission factors of PAHs, where multimedia fugacity modeling was conducted by the restriction of PAHs transfer between air-soil at the impervious area. PAHs' Concentrations and their distributions at several environmental media were predicted by multimedia fugacity model (level III). The residual amounts and the distributions of PAHs through mass transfer of PAHs between environment media were used to assess the health risk of PAHs at unsteady state (level IV), where the sensitivity analyses of the model parameter of each variable were conducted based on Monte Carlo simulation. The experimental result at S-city showed that Fluoranthene among PAHs substances are the highest residual concentrations (60%, 53%, 32% and 34%) at all mediums (atmospheric, water, soil, sediment), respectively, where most of the PAHs were highly accumulated in the sediment media (more than 80%). A result of PAHs concentration changes in S-city over the past 34 years identified that PAHs emissions from all environmental media increased from 1983 to 2005 and decreased until 2016, where the emission of heavy-duty vehicle including truck revealed the largest contribution to the automotive emissions of PAHs at all environment media. The PAHs concentrations in soil and water for the last 34 years showed the less value than the legal standards of PAHs, but the PAHs in air exceeded the air quality standards from 1996 to 2016. The result of this study is expected to contribute the effective management and monitoring of toxic chemicals of PAHs at various environment media of Metropolitan city.

Population Size and Home Range Estimates of Domestic Cats (Felis catus) on Mara Islet, Jeju, in the Republic of Korea (제주 마라도에 서식하는 고양이(Felis catus)의 개체군 크기 및 행동권 추정)

  • Kim, Yujin;Lee, Woo-Shin;Choi, Chang-Yong
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • 제34권1호
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    • pp.9-17
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    • 2020
  • Domestic cats (Felis catus) introduced to insular environments can be invasive predators that often threaten endemic species and cause biodiversity loss or local extinction on the island. This study was conducted from March to July 2018 to understand the population size, home range, and spatial use of cats introduced to Mara Islet (N 33° 07', E 126° 16') in Jeju Special Governing Province, the Republic of Korea. Observation records based on their natural marks revealed that there were 20 adult cats on Mara Islet. A capture-recapture method also estimated 20 adult individuals (95% confidence interval: 20-24 individuals). According to our telemetry study on ten adults deployed with GPS-based telemetry units, the home range size was 12.05±6.99 ha (95% KDE: kernel density estimation), and the core habitat size was 1.60±0.77 ha (50% KDE). There were no significant differences in the home range and core habitat sizes by sex. The home range of domestic cats overlapped with the human residential area, where they might secure easy foods. Five of ten tracked cats were active at potential breeding colonies for the Crested Murrlet (Synthliboramphus wumizusume), and six approached potential breeding areas of the Styan's Grasshopper Warbler (Locustella pleskei), suggesting the predation risk of the two endangered species by cats. This study provides novel information on the population size and home range of introduced cats on Mara Islet which is an important stopover site of migratory birds as well as a breeding habitat of the two endangered avian species. Reducing the potential negative impacts of the introduced cats on migratory birds and the endangered species on Mara Islet requires monitoring of the predation rate of birds by cats, the population trends of cats and endangered breeding birds as well as the effective cat population control and management.

Seasonal Sedimentary Characteristics and Depositional Environments after the Construction of seawall on the Iwon Macrotidal Flat (방조제 건설 후 이원 대조차 조간대의 계절별 퇴적학적 특성 및 퇴적환경)

  • Kum, Byung-Cheol;Park, Eun-Young;Lee, Hi-Il;Oh, Jae-Kyung;Shin, Dong-Hyeok
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • 제25권7호
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    • pp.615-628
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    • 2004
  • In order to elucidate seasonal sedimentary characteristics and depositional environment after construction of seawall on macrotidal flat, a seasonal observations of surface sediments (total 450) and sedimentation rates on 4 transects have been investigated for 2 years. The eastern area of Iwon tidal flat, has been changed from semi-closed coast to open coast by construction of seawall, shows general seasonal changes similar to characteristics of open coast type, which represented both fining and bad sorted distribution due to deposition of fine sediments under low energy condition in the summer, and relatively coarser and better sorted distribution because of erosion of fine sediments in the winter. In considering angles of transects, distribution patterns of surface sediments, the northern and southern parts of eastern tidal flat are dominantly influenced by wave and tidal effects, respectively. As time goes by, the eastern tidal flat shows coarsening-trend of surface sediments caused by direct effect of tidal current, were and typhoon. Meanwhile the western area of seawall, which has been re-formed by construction seawall, is sheltered from northwesterly seasonal wind. The seasonal change pattern of western area of seawall is slightly different from that of eastern tidal flat. Mean grain size and sorting of surface sediments during spring is finer and worse than those during summer. This seasonal change pattern maybe influenced by topographic effects caused from the construction of seawall. In consideration of all result, the transport of fine sediments in the study area, which is supplied to limited sediments, shows clockwise circulation pattern that fine sediments are transported from the eastern tidal flat to the western area of seawall because of blocking of seawall in the winter and are transported reversed direction the summer. As a result, many changes have been observed in the study area after construction of seawall; however, this change is still in progress and is expected to need continuous monitoring.

Study on the Community Structure of Meiofauna in Marian Cove, King George Island, Antarctica (남극 King George Islands, Marian Cove의 중형저서생물 군집 구조에 관한 연구)

  • Bang Hyun Woo;Kang Sung-Ho;Lee Wonchoel
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • 제23권2호
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    • pp.191-199
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    • 2005
  • The community structure, vertical distribution and harpacticoids composition of the meiofauna community were observed from five stations in Marian Cove, King George Island and one station on the northeastern side of Nelson Island. Sample was taken by a free-fall corer in December 2002. Generally, 11 taxa of meiofauna were found, and meiofauna abundance ranged from 322 to 1575 indiv. $10cm^{-2}$ (mean 781 indiv. $10cm^{-2}$). Nematodes were the most dominant group, making up $89\%$ of total meiofauna, followed by harpacticoids $(6.8\%)$. Benthic harpacticoids appeared 19 species of nine families at all the stations, and most various taxa appeared at station B (13 species of seven families). For vertical distribution, more than $70\%$ of meiofauna was concentrated in the upper $0\~2cm$ sediment layers, and the density abruptly decreased with depth in all the stations. Total biomass of meiofauna varied between 41 and $360{\mu}gC\;10cm^{-2}$, and overall mean biomass was $205{\mu}gC\;10cm^{-2}$. Also nematodes had the highest percentage of total maiofauna biomass $(62.4\%)$. The analysis results of Canonical Correspondence Analysis between meiofauna community and sediment grain size showed that polychaets, oligochaets and cumaceans were influenced by silt&cray, and sand, granule and pebble had a influence on harpacticoids, kinorhynchs and ostracods respectively. But nematodes were not affected by sediment grain size.

A Comparative Analysis between Photogrammetric and Auto Tracking Total Station Techniques for Determining UAV Positions (무인항공기의 위치 결정을 위한 사진 측량 기법과 오토 트래킹 토탈스테이션 기법의 비교 분석)

  • Kim, Won Jin;Kim, Chang Jae;Cho, Yeon Ju;Kim, Ji Sun;Kim, Hee Jeong;Lee, Dong Hoon;Lee, On Yu;Meng, Ju Pil
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • 제35권6호
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    • pp.553-562
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    • 2017
  • GPS (Global Positioning System) receiver among various sensors mounted on UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) helps to perform various functions such as hovering flight and waypoint flight based on GPS signals. GPS receiver can be used in an environment where GPS signals are smoothly received. However, recently, the use of UAV has been diversifying into various fields such as facility monitoring, delivery service and leisure as UAV's application field has been expended. For this reason, GPS signals may be interrupted by UAV's flight in a shadow area where the GPS signal is limited. Multipath can also include various noises in the signal, while flying in dense areas such as high-rise buildings. In this study, we used analytical photogrammetry and auto tracking total station technique for 3D positioning of UAV. The analytical photogrammetry is based on the bundle adjustment using the collinearity equations, which is the geometric principle of the center projection. The auto tracking total station technique is based on the principle of tracking the 360 degree prism target in units of seconds or less. In both techniques, the target used for positioning the UAV is mounted on top of the UAV and there is a geometric separation in the x, y and z directions between the targets. Data were acquired at different speeds of 0.86m/s, 1.5m/s and 2.4m/s to verify the flight speed of the UAV. Accuracy was evaluated by geometric separation of the target. As a result, there was an error from 1mm to 12.9cm in the x and y directions of the UAV flight. In the z direction with relatively small movement, approximately 7cm error occurred regardless of the flight speed.

Marine Environments and Ecological Characteristics of Phytoplankton in Southern Coastal Waters During June to October in 2004-2006 (2004-2006년 6-10월 동안의 남해중부연안 해역특성 및 식물플랑크톤의 군집생태)

  • Cho, Eun-Seob;Lee, Sang-Yong;Kim, Sang-Soo;Choi, Yoon-Seok
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • 제16권8호
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    • pp.941-957
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    • 2007
  • This study monitored marine environments and ecological characteristics of phytoplankton in southern coastal waters during June to October in 2004-2006 and provided an information to how Cochlodinium blooms have occurred. A total of sampling sites was 16 (Dukyang bay, Goheung, Yeoja bay, Gamak bay, Gwangyang bay, Yeosu, and Namhae). Temperature ranged from $19^{\circ}C\;to\;29^{\circ}C$, which all of sampling in Yeoja bay was the highest temperature of $27^{\circ}C\;and\;29^{\circ}C$ during summer. On June, July, September, and October did not show a remarkable difference regardless of sampling sites. Yeoja and Gwangyang bays had 25-27 in salinity that was lower approximately 5-6 compared with other sampling sites. Chlorophyll had considerable fluctuations depending on sampling sites on July and October, in particular, Gwangyang bay was the highest value of $15{\mu}gl^{-1}$ that had five times as much as. Unlikely to temperature, salinity, and chlorophyll, transparency ranged from 2 m to 5 m regardless of sampling sites. Gwangyang bay was the highest DIN (Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen) of $0.53mgl^{-1}$ on July and August that had ten times as much as, whereas DIP (Dissolved Inorganic Phosphorus) did not show a significant difference between sampling sites. On July, the correlation of DIN and chlorophyll was a negative that should extremely require DIN to grow phytoplankton, but was a positive liner on August. Mean cell number of phytoplankton reached to encounter a peak of 500 cells $ml^{-1}$ in July and August, which diatoms were dominant species and attained an abundance of >60% regardless of months. In August, the occurrence of dinoflagellates ranged from 20% to 30%. Skeletonema costatum, one of dominant speicies, was the highest occurrence to throughout sampling sites during 2004 to 2006. On the basis of cluster analysis for phytoplankton, they were distributed in all of sampling sites. Consequently, significant fluctuations of marine environments were shown in summer and S. costatum was regarded as the representive phytoplankton in southern coastal waters. In particular, the outbreaks of Cochlodinium polykrikoides have occurred in Dukyang bay, Gamak bay, Goheung, Yeosu, and Namhae, but Yeoja and Gwangyang bays did not occur. The distinguish characteristics of occurring sampling sites and non-occurring in Cochlodinium blooms based on this study was DIN that was enough to persistently grow and maintain them even a litter dissolved in water. This suggests that Cochlodinium red tide seems to be occur in off waters.