• Title/Summary/Keyword: 대화적 구조

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Scaffolding and Practical Application on Narrative Therapy (이야기치료에서 비계설정과 실제적 적용)

  • Kim, Young-Hwan
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.229-242
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is an empirical case study that focuses on bring about changes in clients through narrative therapy using scaffolding. Through this, the purpose was to find the preferred values and hopes of the future among the stories that the client's has lived in. As the research method, we proceed through unstructured interview and loose structures in qualitative research. On this premise, the counselor did not diagnose or explain the 'decentralized but influential' attitudes and problem. And there was no order in the conversation, and I didn't decide in advance how to react to it before the client made any expressions. This study has the following significance on a practical and academic level: First of all, counseling through scaffolding further enrich the curiosity, temperament, and wishes of the client. Second, the scaffolding provides a concrete picture of the relationship between a counselor and a client in narrative therapy. Third, the scaffolding made in therapeutic dialogue presents a 'learning tasks'. Fourth, counseling through scaffolding has an active meaning that it can develop the higher mental function of clients in charge. Finally, we presented an application of narrative therapy in Vygotsky's theory through analysis of empirical cases. Based on this information, this study did not simply intend to position the client as a research object in narrative therapy. It is meaningful that they have identified the factors necessary to become the subject of narrative therapy and the role of the counselor in the process. In addition, this study has implications in that it contributed to the expansion and substantialization of the research scope of narrative therapy in that it utilized the concept of scaffolding, which has not received much attention in the domestic research.

Performance Experiment of Upstream Digital Signal Transmission over Cable TV Networks in Korea (국내 케이블 TV 전송망의 상향 디지털신호 전송 성능실험)

  • 김형준;노상영;최규태;신민영;박종헌;박승권
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.182-193
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    • 1997
  • In this paper, we propose technical and structural solutions for various problems in two-way digital communication services in CATV networks by actual field tests. The two-way digital communication services include VOD, video conferencing, distance learning, interactive game and internet service. We investigate the quality of T -1 level 0.544 Mbps) upstream digital signal while varying the number of subscribers in three different cells in accordance with ITU-T G.821. Based on this investigation, several ways to cope with the problems identified are suggested.

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A Study on the Electrical Characteristics of Low Temperature Polycrystalline Thin Film Transistor(TFT) using Silicide Mediated Crystallization(SMC) (금속유도 결정화를 이용한 저온 다결정 실리콘 TFT 특성에 관한 연구)

  • 김강석;남영민;손송호;정영균;주상민;박원규;김동환
    • Proceedings of the Materials Research Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2003.03a
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    • pp.129-129
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    • 2003
  • 최근에 능동 영역 액정 표시 소자(Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Display, AMLCD)에서 고해상도와 빠른 응답속도를 요구하게 되면서부터 다결정 실리콘(poly-Si) 박막 트랜지스터(Thin Film Transistor, TFT)가 쓰이게 되었다. 그리고 일반적으로 디스플레이의 기판을 상대적으로 저가의 유리를 사용하기 때문에 저온 공정이 필수적이다. 따라서 새로운 저온 결정화 방법과 부가적으로 최근 디스플레이 개발 동향 중 하나인 대화면에 적용 가능한 공정인 금속유도 결정화 (Silicide Mediated Crystallization, SMC)가 연구되고 있다. 이 소자는 top-gated coplanar구조로 설계되었다. (그림 1)(100) 실리콘 웨이퍼위에 3000$\AA$의 열산화막을 올리고, LPCVD로 55$0^{\circ}C$에서 비정질 실리콘(a-Si:H) 박막을 550$\AA$ 증착 시켰다. 그리고 시편은 SMC 방법으로 결정화 시켜 TEM(Transmission Electron Microscopy)으로 SMC 다결정 실리콘을 분석하였다. 그 위에 TFT의 게이트 산화막을 열산화막 만큼 우수한 TEOS(Tetraethoxysilane)소스로 사용하여 실리콘 산화막을 1000$\AA$ 형성하였고 게이트는 3000$\AA$ 두께로 몰리브덴을 스퍼터링을 통하여 형성하였다. 이 다결정 실리콘은 3$\times$10^15 cm^-2의 보론(B)을 도핑시켰다. 채널, 소스, 드래인을 정의하기 위해 플라즈마 식각이 이루어 졌으며, 실리콘 산화막과 실리콘 질화막으로 passivation하고, 알루미늄으로 전극을 형성하였다 그리고 마지막에 TFT의 출력특성과 전이특성을 측정함으로써 threshold voltage, the subthreshold slope 와 the field effect mobility를 계산하였다.

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Analysis of Interaction Pattern of the Students in Online Discussion of Physics Investigation (온라인 물리탐구토론에 나타난 학생들의 상호작용 유형 분석)

  • Lee, Bong-Woo;Lee, Sung-Muk
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.638-645
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    • 2004
  • In this study, the on-line discussion learning system of physics investigation was developed for developing the creativity in the problem solving and critical thinking. And with the number of participants of a topic unit, the formation of multiple discussion field and a turn-taking, we found that the interaction patterns of the students were composed of interpersonal interaction pattern, interaction pattern of one to one participation, interaction pattern of one to many participation and interaction pattern of many to many participation. These interaction patterns could make us understand the participation structure and the aspect of interaction of the students in the cyber space.

Design of Messaging System′s Architecture and QoS Engineering Model for Global Community Services (광역 커뮤니티서비스를 위한 메시징 시스템의 구조 및 QoS엔지니어링 모델의 설계)

  • 궁상환
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.380-386
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    • 2003
  • As Internet is spreaded widely, the virtual communities among people with the same interest and hobby are dynamically created. The exchange of fruitful opinion and information makes them to be closed, not only with the help of the messaging system but also wireless terminals. The messaging system is a core technology supporting the global community services like chatting, messenger, short message services, and file sharing services. The paper focus on the design of software architecture for messaging system and the engineering model for QoS support.

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The Study of Satire Shown in Animation -Focusing on and (애니메이션에 나타난 풍자성 연구 -<대화의 차원>과 <이웃>을 중심으로)

  • Choi, Don-Ill
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.44
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    • pp.143-161
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    • 2016
  • This study was conducted focusing on the role of auteurism animation. The purpose of auteurism animation is to criticize irregularities of a society in witty and fierce way through satires from the sharp perspectives of a animator that is not bound by tastes of people or the interests or standpoints of specific groups, and thus to induce positive changes in a society as a purifier. In the context, this study investigated satires shown in by Jan Svankmajer and by Norman Mclaren among the animators who utilize animation as a tool to produce social meaning. As a result, the following characteristics and meanings were found. First, Dimensions of Dialogue is an animation that satires absurdity and irregularities of a human society in symbolic and exceptional way through directing by segmentations of images and omnibus structures. The satire carries the lesson of improvement in the hidden part of cynical attack to history, society, and human beings. It also maximizes absolute reality and engagement of images of Jan Svankmajer through unique and grotesque images of the animator such as alienated world, confusing shapes, and amusement of irregularities. Second, the movie, is an exemplary animation that applied core concept of animation through pixilation techniques based on an event story structure by causal relationship. It satires the changing process of a good man to violent madness through confrontation and conflicts for material desires, with exaggerated slipstick movements and humors as a black comedy. The satire methods of both animation works are delivered through unique image styles and symbolic wordage of the animators who triggered ironical laughter in attacking humanism and moral insensitivity that might be felt seriously otherwise. That is, the animators try to show the positive will for changing the society to a sound one through the form of negativity in terms of moral perspective in animation rather than destruction against the target. As such, the satires in both works worked as an auteurism allegory that maximizes social functions and artistic influence of animation.

The Case Study of Geography Classes Taught by Non-Majored Teacher in the Middle School (비전공 교사에 의한 지리 수업 운영의 특성과 문제점에 관한 연구)

  • Park Sun-Mee
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.620-632
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    • 2004
  • This paper tries to examine differences between geography classes taught by majored and non-majored teacher and to find problems in the latter case, tv observing four middle school geography classes in Seoul, from April to May 2003. The observation was fecund on (1) organization of a class (2) dialogue between teacher and students (3) strategy of explanation. In addition, the author conducted personal interviews with social studies teachers in the schools where the observations were made. The analyses of the observed classes were made by micro-ethnographic research method. Major findings of the observation and analysis are as follows. First, the transition from one topic to another topic was not smooth in the case of non-majored teacher class. Second, the questions that the non-majored teacher posed in the classroom played less significant role in keeping up the class in an organized fashion than those that the majored teacher posed. Third, the non-majored teacher focused on the concepts, terms and contents appeared in the textbook and simply tried to explain them, whereas the majored teacher demonstrated teaching methods such as comparing and contrasting cases to provide students with a more dynamic and comprehensive understanding on the topic they teamed. Fourth, the non-majored teacher used maps less frequently and less actively than the majored teacher. In addition, although the non-majored teachers are well aware of their problems in the class as a non-majored teacher, they think that the problems are inevitable in a given curriculum structure of social studies in Korea.

The Design Group Communications Management for Groupware Environment (공동작업환경을위한 그룹통신관리방식 설계)

  • Gung, Sang-Hwan;Gu, Yeon-Seol
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.127-143
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    • 1996
  • Advanced countries are very active in deploying the National Information I infrastructure which provides universal service to promise fruitful quality of futuree life. Even in the distributed environment, we can closely converse, work together, and share information in a very convenient way. This is actually enabled with the help of groupware technology, which are currently focused and researched in a larger popularity. The aim of this study is to design a portable pack for group communications management to support the development of groupware application. In the paper we begin with technical survey, continue to build our own model for group communications man agement, and design its architecture and procedure. We also suggest group addressing mechanism under Internet environment such as how to create IP multicast address and IP port number dynamically and as a globally unique value for the communication session, with the help of the hierarchical and distributed address managers. We also indicate the reliable data transmission services to remedy the unreliable feature of the UDP multicast services, and finally the architecture/ applied to support the practical applications is briefly discussed for verification of the designed concept.

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The Experience of Exile of Yu, Eui-yang, and the Methods of its Presentation (유의양(柳義養)의 유배체험과 그 제시 방식)

  • Lee, Seung-bok
    • Journal of Korean Classical Literature and Education
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    • no.37
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    • pp.75-109
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    • 2018
  • This paper explains how the exile experience and the writer's consciousness were presented in Namhaemungyeonrok and Bukgwannojeongrok, both written by Yu, Eui-yang in the 18th century. He was banished to Namhae island and Jongseong because of the King Yeongjo's anger. The author composed his writings by presenting historic events and tales related to the places he was passing, and by presenting poems as well. It means that the author tried to understand these places through history and literary works. Moreover he presented in detail, the lives of people living in the places of his exile. It shows how he tried to understand and recognize their lives as they themselves did. In addition, focusing on the relationships and conversations with the people from each place, the author described his life in exile. There are some reasons he presented his exile experience in the ways mentioned above. First, he was a government official and a writer. Second, as the reason for his banishment was not very significant, he felt relaxed more or less. Last, by focusing on his journey and the place of his exile, he was able to forget the agony he was facing to some degree.

The aesthetics of index and the affect of gestures revealed in Aftersun (<애프터썬>에 드러난 인덱스의 미학과 몸짓의 정동)

  • Eunsun Kwon
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.431-436
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    • 2023
  • The film Aftersun(2022) is Scottish director Charlotte Wells' feature debut and is one of the films that received the most attention in the international art film scene that year. The overall structure of the film is a look back at a certain summer vacation that Sophie, now an adult, went to Turkey with Calum, a 30-year-old 'young dad', whom she lived apart after divorcing her mother when she was 11 years old. In fact, it can be said to be a reconstruction of memory, and Aftersun not only describes the contents remembered, but also reveals the process of reconstructing memories, making the film a process of post-action memory work. In this process, Aftersun proves Lev Manovich's words that cinema is an indexic art. Going back and forth between home video and cinematic diegesis, After Sun unleashes a new imaginary temporality through a two-hour conversation, traces of indexical signs engraved on home video and present times. The film urges involuntary memories in the chaotic time to the present, and makes meaning through traces and signs of intense gestures in the dialogue between media and media, past and present. The We think about the meaning through the time when the story is stopped and the implications of the gestures.