• 제목/요약/키워드: 담론의 기능

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A Study on Medical Discourse of Oriental Medicine and Health Functional Foods - Focusing on the Consumption Discourse Analysis of Homegrown Agricultural Products - (한약과 건강기능식품의 의료담론 분석 - 농촌생산물의 소비담론을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Seong-O
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.465-479
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to explains consumers' medical discourse embedded in the consumption of oriental medicine and health functional foods. Despite the fact that both of oriental medicine and western medicine is legally accepted, people tend to recognize that accurate diagnosis is possible only in the latter. As the discourse that oriental medicine, compared with western medicine, has an auxiliary position is widely spreaded, the rivalry between herbal medicine and health functional foods come to be formed. And it led to a close correlation between the decrease of herbal medicine consumption and the growth of health supplement market. Herbal medicine is compared to red ginseng, one of the representative health supplement. Negative notion such as using an Asian herb from China and side effect of hepatotoxicity influences herbal medicine consumption. This study argues two conclusion. First, the correlation between the consumption of herbal medicine and that of health functional foods results from the discourse of scientific reconstruction, standardization, and commercialization all of which come from globalization discourse. Second, medical discourse embedded in these commodity, in the end, has impact on agricultural production.

Scandinavian Designs Based on the Anthropocene Discources (인류세 담론으로 본 스칸디나비아 디자인)

  • Park, Ji-Min;Moon, Jung-Yun;Lee, Joo-Eun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.138-150
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    • 2020
  • This study links the concept and implications of the anthropocene to the humanistic functionalism of Scandinavian design. Since the Industrial Revolution, the direction of modern design has been centered on the standardization of mechanical products and functionalism aimed at standardization. This is based on the human-centered dual idea of human and nature. But Scandinavian countries have developed humanistic functionalist designs, with exceptions emphasizing human organic relationships to nature instead of dual thinking. This is believed to be in line with the anthropocene discourse, which envisions the emergence of a new level of humanity and the regeneration of the natural environment under the banner of equality for all species on Earth. In this paper, the discussion was embodied in a way that combines the wide range of anthropocene discourses with the major issues of posthuman and postnature, which are the latest human and natural views. And we have selected and analyzed examples of modern Scandinavian designs focused on the circulatory potential of materials, and have sought the direction of trends suitable for the anthropocene era.

Policy and Discourse of Creative Economy and Creative City in Korea (한국의 창조경제와 창조도시에 관한 정책과 담론)

  • Choi, Byung-Doo
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.601-623
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    • 2014
  • This paper is to analyze critically policy and discourse of creative economy and creative city. Applying the concept of 'policy transfer' or 'policy mobility', It points out that it may be inevitable for a certain policy or discourse developed in Western society to change its contents and characteristics in its international diffusing process. And then, this paper describes political contexts and process in which the policy and discourse of creative city of a former mayor of Seoul, Oh, Se-Hoon, during the late part of the 2000s, and those of creative economy of the current president, Park, Geun-Hye, have been suggested and pursued, arguing that those policies and discourses, having been distorted and lack of concrete contents, have functioned as a key ruling tool or political rhetoric. In particular, this paper concludes that the policy and discourse of creative economy of the current government would have little positive effect due to excluding intentionally policy of economic democracy and ignoring unintentionally policy of creative city, which seem to have an inherent relationship with that of creative economy.

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A Study of Design Evaluation Factors to Improve Urban Landscape Media (도시경관미디어 개선을 위한 디자인 평가 요소에 관한 연구)

  • Han, In-Kyo;Kim, Gi-Jung;Kim, Ki-Uk;Park, Jae-Young;Lee, Jung-Bae
    • Proceedings of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute Conference
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    • 2010.04a
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    • pp.593-596
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    • 2010
  • 본 연구의 목적은 유비쿼터스 환경에서 디지털 미디어와 도시경관과 결합한 형태로 나타난 제3의 공간인 도시 경관 미디어의 디자인 방향성 제시와 분석틀을 제안하는데 있다. 디지털 미디어 기술의 다양성과 독창성은 도시 환경을 미학적으로 향상시킴과 동시에 문화컨텐츠의 중요성을 부각시킴으로써 도시의 정체성을 높이는 원동력이 될 것이다. 도시 경관은 도시 활동의 근원으로써 정보의 공급 역할, 공공의 장으로서 휴식과 나눔의 기능, 담론의 장으로서 커뮤니케이션 공간 기능을 담당해야 한다. 이를 위해 도시 경관 미디어 시설물 평가요소 도출과 디자인의 방향성을 제안하고자 한다.

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Analysis of the Problem of College Entrance System in Webtoon : in , (웹툰에서 재현하는 입시문제 : <공부하기 좋은 날>, <입시명문사립 정글고등학교>를 중심으로)

Institutional Ethnography on Organization of Case Management Practice at a Mental Health Center (정신보건센터 사례관리 실천의 조직화에 관한 제도적 문화기술지)

  • Ha, Ji Seoun
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.68 no.4
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    • pp.199-224
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    • 2016
  • This study is a research that investigated organization of case management practice at a mental health center. For organization research of case management practice, this study applied the research method of Institutional Ethnography, and analyzed 'work knowledge' and 'texts' data which were obtained through field work that lasted 3 months with 11 study participants. The analysis is not interpretation of the researcher, but it is work that assembles 'work knowledge' of field workers until they reach discovering institutions that organize case management practice. As a result of this study, case management practice of the mental health center was being standardized as 'a service that is biased towards symptom management without comprehensive and continual resources links' by new public management theory, bio-medicine discussion, 'standardization policy', 'treatment rate improvement policy', 'performance-based budget system', 'performance evaluation system' and 'continual linkage policy', mediating texts. This is a different outcome from usefulness of case management that is claimed to support politically.

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Interplays among Public Opinion, Public Policy and Discourse: Case Study about the Discursive Structure and Media Politics Surrounding the Fiscal Soundness Policy (재정건전성 담론 해체하기: 미디어담론에 내포된 프레임 구조와 변화를 중심으로)

  • Kang, Kuk-Jin;Kim, Sung-Hae
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.63
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    • pp.5-25
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    • 2013
  • Korean society suffers from severe divisions represented by bi-polarization and collapse of the middle class. Intensive demanding on expanding social welfare budget has emerged in accordance with such a dramatic shift. Social consensus moving toward well-financed welfare policy, however, happens to meet political opposition supported by the discourse of fiscal soundness. This paper thus pays particular attention to deciphering the discursive structure in way of understanding how discourses bring public policy into play. For this purpose, news articles about fiscal soundness collected from 8 national newspapers have been analyzed in terms of frame, attitude, perspective and world view. Research results show, first of all, that there exist persistent competition between two frames identified as 'reduced tax with fiscal discipline' and 'increased tax with welfare money.' While the 'reduced tax' frame favors in maintaining tax cut at the expense of welfare budjet, the frame of 'increased tax' supports such arguments as the flexible employment of fiscal soundness and prosperity of national community helped by widening tax revenues. Also did these frames include a number of sub-frames like welfare populism, partisan politics, trickle down effect, tax bonanza for the rich, universal welfare and market over-reactions in order to bolster its logical authority. Media's active taking a part in penetrating supportive frames in line with political stance was found as well. Taking into account both the discursive structure upheld by frames and politics materialized by the media, the authors argue that public policies should be considered more as discourse than fixed reality. Shedding additional light on understanding the interplay among public opinion, policies and media discourse is of another importance for further study.

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A Study On Changes in Cheong-gye-cheon & in Media Discourse: Based on Media Discoruse During 1960s, 1980s, and 2005 in Each Period (청계천 공간의 변화와 시기별 미디어 담론 변화에 대한 일 사례 고찰: 조선일보의 1960년대, 1980년대, 2005년 담론을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Byung-Wook;Eom, Jeong-Yoon;Kim, Seung-Hyun
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.51
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    • pp.26-46
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    • 2010
  • This study interprets Cheong-gye-cheon restoration as a process of space production during expansion of capitalism, and performs discourse analysis in order to find out that how media discourse has been related to the production of Cheong-gye-cheon space in each period of historical changes. This paper is particularly concentrating on discovering regulation in discourse which connects people's experiences and perception towards certain ways in the relationship between newly producted space and media discourse. This paper construes the period of 1960s as a process which pre-modern bodies and facilities were changed into modern and urban 'daily life' by practicing a space which splitted in a concept of time efficiency. In 1980s, media represented the facilities which had been constructed at the Cheong-gye-cheon space as a 'disqualified facilities for a center of the city'. This is because, tertiary industries were emerged at the 'Gang-nam' in this period which widen the gap of finance between 'Gang-nam' and 'Gang-Buk'. The government wanted to redevelop this space in order to function accumulating capital efficiently. Therefore shop owners nearby Cheong-gye-cheon were forced to move out. The discourse, 'disqualified facilities for a center of the city', implicates this process. The media discourse in the 2000s produced the 'myth' through the 'signifier' such as artificially flowing water, fine scenery, historical but artificial structure and etc.. However, people can experience symbols of the artificial structures which leads people to the luxurious restaurants, coffee shops, and etc.. Naturally, the spectacles produced by media direct people to the homogeneous pattern of consume. This phenomena can be explained as a process which people practice, intentionally or non-intentionally, the capitalistic mode of production which changed from a period of production to a period of consumption.

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A Discourse Analysis Related to the Media Reform -A Case Study of Chosun Ilbo and Hankyoreb Shinmun- (언론개혁에 관련된 담론 분석 : $\ll$조선일보$\gg$$\ll$한겨레신문$\gg$을 중심으로)

  • Chung, Jae-Chorl
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.17
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    • pp.112-144
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    • 2001
  • This study attempts to analyze how and why Chosun Ilbo and Hankyoreh Shinmun produce particular social discourses about the media reform in different ways. In doing so, this paper attempts to disclose the ideological nature of media reform discourses in social contexts. For the purpose, a content analysis method was applied to the analysis of straight news, while an interpretive discourse analysis was appled to analyze both editorials and columns in newspapers. As a theoretical framework, an articulation theory was applied to explain the relationships among social forces, ideological elements, discourse practices and subjects to produce the media reform discourses. In doing so, I attempted to understand the overall conjuncture of the media reform aspects in social contexts. The period for the analysis was limited from January 10th to August 10th this year. Newspaper articles related to the media reform were obtained from the database of newspaper articles, "KINDS," produced by Korean Press Foundation, in searching the key word, "media reform". Total articles to be analyzed were 765, 429 from Hankyoreh Sinmun and 236 from Chosun Ilbo. The research results, first of all, empirically show that both Chosun Ilbo and Hankure Synmun used straight news for their firms' interests and value judgement, in selecting and excluding events related to media reform or in exaggerating and reducing the meanings of the events, although there are differences in a greater or less degree between two newspaper companies. Accordingly, this paper argues that the monopoly of newspaper subscriber by three major newspapers in Korean society could result in the forming of one-sided social consensus about various social issues through the distorting and unequal reporting by them. Second, this paper's discourse analysis related to the media reform indicates that the discourse of ideology confrontation between the right and the left produced by Chosen Ilbo functioned as a mechanism to realize law enforcement of the right in articulating the request of media reform and the anti-communist ideology. It resulted in the discursive effect of suppressing the request of media reform by civic groups and scholars and made many people to consider the media reform as a ideological matter in Korean society.

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Analysis on Policy Discourse of Female Traditional Musician in Joseon Era (문화정책 관점에서의 조선시대 여악에 대한 담론 연구)

  • Kwon, Youngji;Hong, Kiwon
    • 지역과문화
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.29-53
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    • 2019
  • Korean traditional women artists are placed in dual suffering from unequal rights in terms of gender and misrecognition endowed by historical legacy. There has been no clear cut definition but interchangeable adoption of various terms such as Yeo-ak, Yeo-gi, and Gisaeng even in the study of music theory and history itself. Study on female musician has been mostly performed on the basis of music theory and history so that one sided discourse on female traditional artist has survived and aggravated its connotation during the colonial ages and modernization. Envisioning traditional female artist as instrumentalizing their body and status as artist resulted in crucifying victims of sexual harassment is one recent example. This study is an attempt to collect knowledge on the various layers of discourse about the status and role of female traditional artist. This is a first stage of analysis covering the period Joseon dynasty where original and official records regarding female traditional artists remains until today. The findings are that policy discourse are to be classified as politico-ideological layer, music theoretical layer, and socio-political layer. It is to be clarified in the future which layer has the most sustaining influence to the present and why.