• Title/Summary/Keyword: 다학제적 접근

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국내외 디자인-공학 융합설계 교육 사례

  • Ji, Hae-Seong
    • Journal of the KSME
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    • v.53 no.3
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    • pp.56-60
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    • 2013
  • 산업 환경이나 디자인 산업의 변화에 영향받아 최근의 설계 교육 프로그램 및 커리큘럼은 다학제적 접근을 통한 융 복합적 방향으로 모색되고 있다. 이 글에서는 국외 및 국내 대학에서의 융합설계교육 진행사항에 대하여 뮨헨공과대학(TUM: Technische Universit$\ddot{a}$t M$\ddot{u}$nchen)과 홍익대학교의 사례를 소개하고자 한다.

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A Strategic Approach to Enhancing University Management in the Era of Industry Revolution 4.0 - Application of Service Operations Management Theory - (4차산업혁명 시대, 대학경영의 효율적 제고를 위한 전략적 접근 - 서비스 경영이론의 적용을 중심으로 -)

  • Sangcheol Jung;Segu Oh
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.21-41
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    • 2020
  • As the 4th Industrial Revolution unfolds rapidly, it is important to re-light the intrinsic mission given to universities from a system theory perspective as a condition for the university to survive. In this study, the university was prescribed as a fifth service industry that creates high value-added through higher education services, and attempted to provide a new and novel perspective to various university officials for the scientific rationalization of university management by re-describing it based on the Multidisciplinary perspective based on business administration, but in particular on the theory of service operation management. To this end, the primary purpose of this study is to classify the nature of educational organizations, research organizations, service organizations, and support organizations to properly perform the university's essential mission of education, research, and service, and to explore concepts and techniques for performing management activities that are appropriate to them. In addition, after identifying the university from an academic and practical point of view as a fifth service industry that creates high value-added through higher education services, but more specifically, to provide a new perspective and means for the scientific rationalization of university management by re-identifying university administration based on the business administration theory, in particular the theory of service operation management, and further reflecting a recent trend to view the university president from the CEO's point of view, the specific purpose of this study is to look at this academic system. Through this, we sought the ideal form of a systematic and scientific university management organization that can respond to new environmental changes.

Cross-Validation method for Science and Technology Research Paper considering Interdisciplinary Approach (다학제적 접근을 고려한 과학기술논문 상호검증 방법)

  • Han, Young-shin
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.3-10
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    • 2015
  • Researchers in science and technology has broadened the scope of research in order to solve complex problems, academic exchange has also been actively carried out. If the paper which is a mean of interdisciplinary approach has a limited term and the formula, it can act as barriers to access for many researchers in various fields. This paper proposes a cross-validation method for eliminating documentary barriers based on discrete event system formalism. We expect that our proposed method will improve a cross-validation considering researchers in another fields.

Multidisciplinary Approach to Low Fertility Issue in Korea (저출산 대책에 대한 다학제적 접근)

  • Park, Jung Han
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.233-239
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    • 2018
  • A rapid decrease of total fertility rate to 1.08 in 2005 prompted the Korean government to plan and implement a '5-year plan for ageing society and population policy' starting from 2006. The 1st and 2nd 5-year plans had not shown any discernible impact on the fertility and the 3rd 5-year plan was launched in 2016. However, the fertility rate is going down further. The author reviewed the contents and assessment reports of the fertility promotion plan to suggest ideas for complementing the shortcomings of it. Author defined the major determinants of marriage and child birth as philosophy, politics, sense of value, social norm, culture, healthcare, and education. The plan was examined in view of these determinants. Transformation of Korea from an agricultural society to an industrialized society in a short period of time had brought about changes in most of the determinants of marriage and child birth; in particular philosophy and sense of value. These aspects were not put into consideration in the plan. Author suggested to launch a social education program for the general public to establish a sound philosophy of life, reform the sense of value on family, child birth and education, and cultivate the skill to draw a consensus through discussions on the social issues. A special program to promote marriage of women at the optimum age for child birth was proposed. The government should implement well balanced policy for economic development and labor. Multidisciplinary approach was recommended for these tasks.

A study on applicability of the digit frequency analysis to Hydrological Data (수문학적 데이터의 자릿수 빈도 분석 적용가능성 연구)

  • Jung Eun Park;Seung Jin Maeng;Kwang Suop Lim
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2023.05a
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    • pp.102-102
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    • 2023
  • 벤포드 법칙(Benford's Law)은 실생활에서 관찰되는 수치 데이터를 첫 자리 숫자에 따라 분류할 때 첫 자리의 숫자가 커질수록 그 분포가 점차 감소되는 현상을 말한다. 이러한 벤포드 법칙은 일반식으로 도출하여 다양한 자릿수로 확장하여 적용할 수 있는 연구결과가 제시되었으며, 회계학, 사회과학, 물리학, 컴퓨터과학, 생물학 등 다방면의 수치 자료에서 그 유효성이 확인되고 있다. 자릿수의 관찰빈도를 분석하는 것만으로 많은 양의 실생활 데이터에서 빠르고 쉽게 데이터 조작여부를 탐지하거나 1차적인 데이터 품질검사에 효과적으로 활용되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 다학제적 연구의 측면에서 수학·물리적 법칙인 벤포드 법칙을 일유량 등 다양한 수문학 측정자료에 적용하여 그 적용가능성을 확인하고 자료의 불균질성과 신뢰성을 빠르게 탐지할 수 있는 방법론을 제시하고자 한다. 수문자료는 공인심의를 통해 자료의 신뢰도를 확보하고 있으나 확정·배포까지 약 2년이 소요되어 활용기간 단축에 대한 사용자 요구가 지속되고 있는 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 분석대상 데이터의 자릿수 관찰빈도가 벤포드 법칙에 의한 예상자릿수 빈도를 따르는지 여부에 대한 가설을 설정하고 카이제곱 검정 또는 Kolmogorov-Smirnov(K-S) 검정 등을 통해 적합도에 대한 통계적 유의미함을 분석함으로써 대략적으로나마 빠르고 쉽게 측정자료의 신뢰성을 판단할 수 있다. 본 연구는 다양한 학문과의 결합을 통한 새로운 접근을 시도함으로써 빅데이터 시대에 효과적으로 수자원의 개발, 관리 및 운영의 의사결정을 하는데 도움이 될 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.

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Superficial Esophageal Cancer Treated with Multidisciplinary Care: A Case Report (다학제 접근을 통해 치료에 성공한 표재성 식도암 1례)

  • Oh, Gyu Man;Park, Moo In;Jung, Kyoung Won;Kang, Sung Min;Son, Min Young;Kim, Jae Hyun;Moon, Won;Park, Seun Ja
    • Journal of Digestive Cancer Research
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.71-75
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    • 2020
  • Esophageal cancer is easy to infiltrate and metastasize because esophagus does not have serosa, and is difficult to remove it because esophagus is in the middle of the chest. Because of this, treatments of esophageal cancer do not always follow the guideline. In this situation, efforts to increase treatment efficiency and improve survival rate through multidisciplinary treatment are increasing. In this case, we report the patient with three superficial esophageal cancers (one in cervical esophagus and two in thoracic esophagus). The patient was treated with concurrent chemoradiotherapy instead of surgery through multidisciplinary discussion. The patient reached a complete remission through this discussion. This case is intended to inform the usefulness of multidisciplinary treatment in patients with esophageal cancer.

Deciphering the Genetic Code in the RNA Tie Club: Observations on Multidisciplinary Research and a Common Research Agenda (RNA 타이 클럽의 유전암호 해독 연구: 다학제 협동연구와 공동의 연구의제에 관한 고찰)

  • Kim, Bong-kook
    • Journal of Science and Technology Studies
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.71-115
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    • 2017
  • In 1953, theoretical physicist George Gamow attempted to explain the process of protein synthesis by hypothesizing that the base sequence of DNA encodes a protein's amino acid sequence and, in response, proposed the nucleic acid-protein information transfer model, which he dubbed the "diamond code." After expressing interest in discussing the daring hypothesis, contemporary biologists, including James Watson, Francis Crick, Sydney Brenner, and Gunther Stent, were soon invited to join the RNA Tie Club, an informal research group that would also count biologists and various researchers in physics, mathematics, and computer engineering among its members. In examining the club's formation, growth, and decline in multidisciplinary research on deciphering the genetic code in the 1950s, this paper first investigates whether Gamow's idiosyncratic approach could be adopted as a collaborative research forum among contemporary biologists. Second, it explores how the RNA Tie Club's research agenda could have been expanded to other relevant research topics needing multidisciplinary approach? Third, it asks why and how the RNA Tie Club dissolved in the late 1950s. In answering those questions, this paper shows that analyses on the intersymbol correlation of the overlapping code functioned to integrate diverse approaches, including sequence decoding and statistical analysis, in research on the genetic code. As those analyses reveal, the peculiar approaches of the RNA Tie Club could be regarded as a useful method for biological research. The paper also concludes that the RNA Tie Club dissolved in the late 1950s due to the disappearance of the collaborative research agenda when the overlapping code hypothesis was abandoned.

A Reinforced Laboratory Work Program in the Mechanical Engineering Education - School of Mechanical Engineering in Pusan National University (기계공학 실험실습교육 강화 - 부산대 기계공학부)

  • Lee Shi-Bok;Hwang Sang-Moon
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.73-83
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    • 2000
  • Laboratory work is so much important in the engineering education. But laboratory work program at most domestic engineering education institutes is still poor and could not have been actively improved and reinforced due to the difficulty in preparing the necessary fund, facilities, professional personnel and so on. The school of mechanical engineering in Pusan National University, sponsored by the national special engineering education project, has poured intensive and strong efforts into improving and strengthening laboratory work program in the courses of education. In this paper, the brief content of the improved laboratory work program and the established system for putting through the program effectively are introduced around the topics such as the integrating laboratory work of mechanical/electronic/computer engineerings, systematic managing and progressive deepening of the laboratory level through the classification of the laboratory works, education system for putting through efficiently the program for a large mass of students and program for encouraging the creativity.

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Primary Study on the Development of Training Program Content to Cultivate Professional Workers of Support Organizations for Sexual Violence Survivors (성폭력피해자 지원기관 전문인력 양성 교육 콘텐츠 개발을 위한 기초 연구)

  • Song, In Han;Kim, Ji Eun;Shin, Soo Min;Lee, Sang Hyuk
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.9
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    • pp.349-361
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    • 2016
  • Considering the recent increase in the number of sexual violence survivors, there is an urgent need to develop content for the training of professional workers to support victims. The purposes of this research are: (1) to investigate the status of existing training programs designed to produce workers to support sexual violence victims; (2) to conduct focus group interviews with 19 workers regarding their training needs; (3) to conduct a national-wide survey with 800 workers; and (4) to carry out a delphi study with 20 sexual violence professionals in regard to the topics and methods of training. According to the survey of practice workers, the areas of greatest need include the understanding of client characteristics, multidisciplinary approaches in training, and strengthening of basic training. The delphi study of professionals revealed the need for counseling skills, understanding the psychology of sexual violence victims, and skills to provide emotional support for victims. Based on these findings, this research suggests training content designed to provide support services customized to the types and characteristics of individual survivors.

A Converged Study on the Influence on the Quality of Life for Early and Late Middle-aged Men (전후기 중년 남성의 삶의 질 영향 요인에 대한 융합적 연구)

  • Kim, Hyang-Soo;Kim, Song-Soon;Park, Mi-Hyeon
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.133-145
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    • 2018
  • This is a descriptive study on what factors influence the quality of life of early and late middle-aged men. This research is the secondary analysis which was conducted with the data of 170 people and the primary data from 2017 by using SPSS/WIN program. The results show that the main factor is depression in early middle-aged men and social support for late middle-aged men, whose overall ability to explain was 77.8% and 64.7%, respectively. Therefore, this research suggests that multidisciplinary and converged approaches-developing nursing intervention programs based on the factors shown in this paper, creating social environment, strengthening social supportive system and making policies-be required for the enhancement of middle-aged men's quality of life.